TnMlsbrd rrcrr afternoon (except Sunday) at Vemlleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tlione. ilaln 11 srnscitiiTiox ilatks lailT. one year by mall OallT. six uiontlm by mall Dallr three months by mall Dally, one month by mall Dally, per month by carrier Weekly, one year by mall 'Weekly, mi month by mall TTeekl'v. four months by mall . . . Seml-lYeekly, one year by mall . Semi Weekly, six months by mall Semi Weekly, three months by mail .$3.00 :.-.o i j !! 1 1P .50 2.00 1.0" .50 The East Oresonlan Is on sale at K. 15. ! Klib's Ncs Stands at Ilotel Portland and , Ilotel l'erklns. I'ortlaud. Oregon. Memtw tion. Serlpps Mcllae News Aasocla San Francisco Ilureau. 40S Tourth St. Chlcaso Bureau, Win Security Building. Washtncton. D C I'.urean. 501 14th St.. Entered at Pendleton po'tofrlce a second class matter. WEAVING. A somber web Is laid ujion my loom. Where, for a little space my hands must weave Whatever pattern passing fate may leave Upon the threshold of my dark ened room. No roses 'neath my trembling fingers bloom. Loose threads and errors I cannot retrieve: And ever with a sore despair I grieve. For stars have never broken on my gloom. When, at the last, my tears have ceased to flow. When life-tides wait forever at the ebb. And master hands my tap estries unroll. From pleading Hps the cry will come. 1 know: "Dear God. torsive" In that uneven web There lies enmeshed a lov ing woman's soul:" Myrtle Reed, in Smart St. - ! j FATE OF "MODEL CITIES." George Vanderbilt Is going to buIW ! tor the bix months endlnit June 30. '. caldine pain in pavimt; it. ami ier j . .. . . ,. . . . , ..- . . ... I comes that unpleasant necessiH it lieuiR "model city." established upon Ms , were JCl.u6S.23u. or about 4 per pojjed to ro often throujli the day. private idea and estimate of such, at ! some place in South Carolina. j He has the money to build a city of i this lect kind He has the power to se- j an ideal site, financial mean j with which to adorn it to the queen's i taste, and can people It wltn any class his heart may desire. 1 But the model city of this age it j built ujion a supremely selfish plan, and George Vanderbilt, being only an i ordinary man of very limited mental t capacity, and no possible claim to ' prominence, before the country, ex- eept a little wealth, he didnt earn. , x ill miserably fail. j The model city he proposes to build ! is to be a manufacturing town, on ' til i-uuiuiuii i iiinu. lit uuj ina- Bible difference between it and any other ordinary manufacturing town U1 be that Vanderbilt will own the eatlre proposition no other property owner will share honors with the i lDUniler- He proposes to build cottages and prepare amusements for his em-; ployes but none of them can own a j home or have other income than the ' wages Vanderbilt pays. He tblnns it wiU conduce to the perfection of hU settlement to allow j his employes free use of his prome- J cades, parka, fountains, libraries, shaded paths and ....l,ll I...II12 fnr public halls for, meetings. His ideal Is empty. The very item in wnich his em-' pioyeri would most desire to share, and tbe sharing of which would per feet his city, he denies them. The profits all belong to Vanderbilt, ex-' cluslvely. The possibility of making a model i UI l.. .( city out of It, is forbidden bi this arrangement. The people may be Belgium. Prussia and Holland con veil paid for their services and al-; verge, and the Morsenetlans declining wavs be sure or work. They may have! temptations to belong to other na ... i. i 1 1 (ins. It remains self-governing and a comfortable homes, if rented cottages , u(W)fu', uufft.r satisfy the irrepressible longing for Sall jtarino is one or the most an such; they may lie healthy, and at'Hent states in Europe. It consists liberty to enjov the charities spread ' r a craggy mountain in Italy, and .. .. . .. .... I It has an area or 28 square miles. man's will is to be supreme In the e'.-'jiiomy ol the iwn tliv inwn and come - nuently It la a foregone failure. Such a town may exist In places on ; the earth. There are some such In Ireland. England claims a few such plague sjiots of human slavery. But In these "model towns" the lamp of liberty Is snuffed out Jlanbood and ownership are dead letters. Pro- I J gross and Independence are sleeping : there In the chrysalis state. As an example ot such a town j j among free-born men and women. It. is only necessary to recall Pullman, J 111. George M. Pullman started to ! i.mIM n mlii ntv mi the nlnn that Pullman would he the model and the city would hand over the profits ' nnrt luxuries to him. Within ten years from Its founda- tion Its glory departed in one of the most oisastrous labor revolts in thejyou ar0 ,aicn to earth? Well, well iiUinrv nr thp rountrv. and Pullman what's tnat? .ii -.i..i .i.v. iiieti inner! uiiw mi'.'ihivu .. .tu ..... . .. , , . failure of his narrow Ideal. There can he no permanent perfee-i tion where fullest liberty is not. j The Milton Eagle, commenting uif on the assessment of Umatilla coun ty, this year, pertinently remnrks: "Even- taxpayer should read careful- - the figures published In the East j Oregonlan regarding the assessment of Umatilla county property. More or less dissatisfaction was expressed . I while the assessment just completed ! was being made, owing to the fact that In some instances property was ; assessed at a higher value than for- . ! morly. This raising and equalizing ; the assessed value of projierty must ! ! Inevitably lower the rate of the levy i and taxes will lie no more than form- ! I i.. ..... ...... I. ..en. wtiai timiwrtv I CI I CWlll I. IMPVC .....V ...... , j has been assessed at too low a valua- I tion. Many projierty owners did not i understand this and hence were dis ! satisfied with their assessment." The Union Republican tells n j volume of truth In the following terse ! comment on the negro question: j "They are still burning an occasional i negro in the South for some atrocious j crime, and it Is in accord with the ! unwritten law of the country j Frightful as the burning may swim, i the crime for which the negro pays , the penalty generally calls for just . I such measures as are taken to stamp I out that sort of work. Only those . - who have lived in the South can ap preciate the enormity of the crimes ' often committed by the negro, and it ' I a safe proposition to allow the ' Southern people to deal with all such cases. wad negroes, like nena mm-, a us will "be rood.' " i j The net earnings ot the uteel trust I cent (!) per cent per annum I on the entire capitalization of the trust. watered and all. Tills mean a 50 per cent rale an the actual value of the concern. The farmers who have paid high prices and the laborers who have taken the crusts to make ibis pro'-; perity. ar.' invited to rice up and ' cheer. Friendship for Kusaia does not give her liceuse to alap tbe presi dent of the United State in the face, with an insulting notice that the mur-! der of Jews by that country Is none of our buxinefs. Letts provocation than this turned the dog of war ' loose upon haughty Spain. Murder 1 is murder, wherever found, and i . should lie suppressed, although every throne in Christendom be swept away. it will be ri-.her ze it oil Hawai' I to deny httr .jnviieg.. ct exhibit-! Ing the hula hula dauce. at St. Louis, I . anwK ner olner natural wondors. SL j t shouldn't bar the hula hula J ctrllj aud aamii the broncho buster and the fortune teller. J I SMALLEST REPUBLICS. , 4 Tn; ,,!),,, of a)) repnijiies is that t of Tavalora. etitablished In the island J of that name off the coast of Sardinia. I . " l lMU dliuil l It-wtl 11IU11 UU, - - r ..,.,,,, ,, ., '"""""'fc ll.v.uvu, -w" , I grest. of six. Originally the island , was owned by the Ilartoleoni family. the head of w hlrh ruled as King Paul I. from 1S3C to 1882. In bis will he made over tbe island to his people. who were to proclaim a republic for- ever. Morsenet Is a republic with 2.000 residents, but its territory consists i.W Til n,..i.a 11 -nnpL-a 1 1. 'l Villi t" l. Ill u I IV n .... .- a))Ie )am, B, w,)1(.n th(1 unaarieg r The tuimilnlinii in nlinnt OflO The I inhabitants of this mountain republic , have maintained their independence I since the tenth century. The, vnnulillr. rt f!nllBt frinnlRtd if ' con archers perched away up in the Pyrenees, where 140 free, independ ent republicans glory In their immu nity from liability to any other race. Andorra is a republic on the bor ders of France and Spain. It has an nrpfl nf 17K finuare miles and a nonu- lation of 0,000. Chicago News. HOW DID YOU DIET Did youtackto Mint trouble that camr rySOlHtu heart and cheerful?, 0r ,(je j.our fftce from the light of day. . .... i ........ n .1 fnnrfill n a cukuii ...... O. a irouuies a tun i'"""11" nn ntince. . . . l .. Or a trouble is what you make it. But It Isn't the fact that you're hurt, that counts. Hut only, how did you take it? Pihiu. mi with a smiling face. --- , , It's nottilng against you to fall down nat ,,, to lie there that's discrace. The harder you're thrown, the higher you bounce. He proud of your blackened eye; It isn't the fact tnat you re iickcu that counts. It's how did you light, and why? And though you may be done to death, what then? If you battled the best you could. If vim played your part In tho world of men. Why. the critic will call It good. Heath comes with a crawl or comes with a pounce. And whether he's slow or spry. It Isn't the fact that you're dead that counts. Hut it's only. "How did you die?" Edmund Vance Cooke, in Ught of Truth Forest fires are raging in some parts of Alaska. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There i . disease prevailing in this couutrv most dancer iun because olectrj- liu . .Manv stukleu leath arc caused t 1" it heart ili- ease, iiiieiinuiiiiit, X heart fnilure or VI r- aiKiplexv are oltcu the result of kid iic diseiisc. If l.ulnex tronble is alltiwedtoodvatice the kidney-poisoned blotxl will at tack the ital organs, . auMtig catarrh of the bladder, or the knliies themselves break down and waste awuv cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kulnejs and a cure is obtained quickest by a proiier I lf I ll- l.-1.1TIVS It m are feel ; iji,. ,.,, .. ,i ,, ,,w,ni... i,v ukinc Dr.' Kilmer s 5wamp-Root, the great ladney. liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inahilin t bold urine and and to get up uuc time during the night Tbe mild and the extraordinary effect of .Swouiji-RiKil is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of tile mot distressing cases. Swamp-Koot is pleasant to take and is sold bv all druggists in fifty-cent and linc-UOilar S12C IMi.UC!. 1 tiu lllttl imvv a sample li'Wtle of this wonderful new dis ery and a Ixiok tliat tell ail aliont it. '.itliseut free bv mail. Addles. Ir. Kil :itr tc C".. BingUaniton. N. '. When witing mention reading this generous ider in this paper. Don't uiukt- nti mistake but remember the name ,S ami -Kol. Dr. Kilmer's ?wamp-Riot. aii'i tht aldre Bingliatuton. N. Y., on ecrj iKlttb Wait for SHIELDS PARK, Wednesday Evening, High Class i ' , I J t Prof. Montague's Great Circus The Kobers Great Ariel North, South and the singing dog, Dixie Irene, the world's child Illustrated songs . ; i . . Every Evening Except Sunday Admission 20c. Children 10c. t t ! I i Married Women , .v the use of Mother's Friend before baby comes, as this h0Wr. nt aUvav T prepare the body for the strain upon it, and great l'n'mcn1. 0PfZr fornl, Mother's Friend overcomes all the """.. , ...u. nun. S-gr;dT-f the tltr of this womieriui Moth rcmedv. sold by all druggists at $l.ooper bottle. Our little book, telling all about this liniment, will b sent free. Tk Bntileld Regulator Co., Atlanta, 6a, $50.00 Given Away To the first one handing us the nearest correct solution or th- iJ following rebuses, we will give $25.00 worth of furniture or other goods ot your choice from our immense stock. $15.00 worth to the second, and $10.00 worth to the third. The question Is. how many dlffereut ways can the word "Furniture." and how many the word "Rader" be sjielled In the following squares by spelling to the right, or down ward, or any combination of down and right, or right and down, but always uslug con tiguous letters but no two times, using exactly the same numerical letters, yet all spell the words "Rader" and "Furniture" correctly. For illustration, the word "Under" maj be spelled by using letters nnmliered 1, 2, 11. 12. 1. or 33. etc. The solution to be handed in sealed, giving only the number of combinations that can be made of each word, with no name attached, In order that the committee awarding the prizes will not I 2 3 4 5 C 7 i , 1" F.U.R Njl T U R,E!F II . 12 13 14 Hi 10 17 , lb , 11 20 U , R , N , I T U , R , E F , U 21 22 23 2l 25 20 , 27 2b ' 2!) 30 R , N I ', T ' U R E F U,R 31 j 32 , 33 34 35 j 30 37 3b S'J 40 NilT U!R!EjF,U.R'N U 42 43 44 ; 45 4G 47 , 4b 49 50 I ,T , U,R E F ,Uj R, N I 61 52 , 53 i 54 56 50 , 67 , 58 ' 5J , 00 T'U R E F UR N I T ui ol 3 i5 1 5c ol os uy to- U R E j F U i R N I , T j U 71 , 72 j 73 74 75 70 77 7b , 7S bO REF(UR N I T U R Ft bl b3 M 5?i bii b7 bT WJ E F U R N I T UK E HI , U2 V2 51 5 ; !t. !7 lib tiii f u:r N I T i UR E the Grand In the Big Tent on Ralcj Island. Vaudeville Show, Strictly Cockatoo Artist wonderful artist We have parks Titeoina, Spokane Walla. Wash., also and Salem, Oregon, will soon be a part circuit. Every woman covcte a shapely, pretty figure, and many of them deplore the loss of their girlish forms after marriage. The bearing of children is often destructive to the mother's shapeliness. All of this can be avoided, It is woman greaicn mensinc. benefit and relief derived from the . 1 2 3 I i l 5 i C 7 8 , P R A DiERlA1DjER "Hi Jl , 12 ; 13 , 14 Ifi , 10 , 1? lb A D'ERA,DE,RA , 20 21 22 23 21 2& , 20 , 2? D E R A D E R A D US 2t 3U 31 i 32 : 33 , 34 , 35 3G E R A D E R A Dj E , 3) , 3 40 , 41 , 42 ; 43 44 , 45 R ' A DERADjER i 47 , lb ; 4 50 ; 51 , 52 i 53 54 A D E R I A I D E R A "55 5ti 57 -&!i 5y , 00 ! 01 02 j 03 D,EiRADERAD 01 05 00 7(0!! ; 0'.' i "0 I 71 72 e;ra;dieRADE Til U 75 , 7t. i 77 i 7b I 7H ) i0 !1 r;a d;eR'aDEr 13. 22. 23. 24, Know who Is In the contest. (But If requested, each winner j must be able to write, numer Ically, each of the various ways the number of times they claim. In order to iden tify all solutions we simply number each envelope con italnlng an answer and keep a memorandum of each No me will be allowed more than one answer. Prizes awarded July 25, 1903. There 8 iio sure thing that tbe first solutions will be correct. So If you decide you want to change your solution after handing it In you can do so jy placiug your second in uie numerical order we receive ;he latter. No one connected with the establishment will fee allowed to contest. M. A. RADER Main aiid Webb Streets Opening RASMUS & NELSON Managers July 22. Moral and Refined The polliscope with beautiful moving pictures, and many other features in Seattle, and Walla in Portland Pendleton of thits great m We have the .t, 1 11 Un.l Ts . " "cai estate. re "e nice homes H be "M- Choice Bui) Alfalfa Undf -acre to 160. Wr, eat tracts from ' 12,000. Rihora & Swa Room I0 over Tijlcf, Hardware Store. I A All LUUIV A Pendleton Real Eslatt f O-rooln iIwpIHtk. .1.1.1. ... ioi auu i iois I1.0M . Groom dwelling anj Uo lea, ........ i-ununi iaHDf nnJy 14-room boarding house ui cenirauy located-t'yio I 5 room dwelling with two ta I siue ti,.tv A ntlniKAr nf Int. l.. . I J123 to JlSn Mif-h j 1 lot on flat five UocU ha i .-... f-n, uiutr IQU ci I earn. I Much other very deslnbk I ty for sale AH sold on east 1 i ome ana uuy , To find just what yoa tu'. ' right price see , U. U. BUYU. Ill Court HI T r. S T f 1H M HMI will i Milium I1UI UIMUI I V iii i iiiiiiii 1 1 Tl ' 11 U KS fl i i ii Mnnn nm nun llllllll. l I 1 UU II I WUI MY ib .-.fa .iit.w v "rrt anv ehanats. if it ii x- it at ail, it Is well to eiti m.j .-nih.r machine . s CmltK.PfmirT DC3 I. a ii.. - i postal. DUNPHY i DICKER" n r..u c Part i"! I - It'UDIvt l t -c has far to SHI 'll l'l-IEIfM s-1 rl cr,mi ar 1 can get anyway. - j , .. i. rheaner In toe . 1,111 irct t "... . Vfhrte or Stan- ihe Briif Near S-" il nf if- fnffl ,1 ;i. 's,'. ni i lw i r i n i. i f i 5,5 CaBh paid for 1 1 T Pendleton,