SALE connection with oar greater MID-SUMMER SALE AMONG LOST MCI (COLORADO MAN GOES TO FIND BURIED CITY. n 1 Read Read ,n L, TOlt"S and Al,e" ti e Fed for Exploratlon-HIgh Civilization Destroyed by Northern Hordes. t -1 1 f - . 1 i. .. - - ...... WP U'l I . 1 I - nr A.' inn ' " Our pecial introductory price per 79c! other pieces of silk to be sold. Look at window. n a m a i -. ALtAANUtK 5 DEPARTMENT STORE t PIIIDEOF B1ATIUA enjut a uuwu omurL ( i ry penaieton Boquet and Pride ,. -- nnuuh Mil.. ........... ,..... ' AT 1 1 K 1 - T T Is truly its proper name, for n i rifle was ever made to equal a Savage. Simplicity in con rtructlon and operation, and great accuracy make tnem sel ilcm equalled and never sur passed. The new 22-calibre Savage Is a marvel for a small gin We have just got a few right from the factory and would like to have you see them. linn a & i . I I W m mm I 1 M I mm B . - ill I n n w wt a n I II IS I 1 IIHMU II Mill I. II. ...... r-i-i-TTI l I'l'TTTTI'yWII I 1 ! '1 I 1 1 I'TI I'i"!"!' I 1"1 I' i- eases the Taste" t ;i . ? j Along the Dolores river in South t W,c"' Colorado there u a budeV t el 1 J!."" . a". Major 15. H. -Ti , ' B Ulm "welters' Man,' 111 leave tonight for a careful in- pie. says the Denver Post I lm" "11 s.umm-r- when 1 was pursu r mJ investigations Into the his orj of the ancient peoples. 1 stum bled over this hurled cltv." Mvs Jin- lZ.lCr' "a"ll 1 11 t nd wrn I r nC,Vem1 ovcr tno ),arta at tl,n.,Sl,ble Un.,il this s"mmer when I should have time to explore It fullv "hat I shall find 1 have not the wilderness and only traces of walls ve e visible, i ,,, somP oxnloratloriS last summer ami fnun,t thm iv,., .-n went down Into the earth and 1 could trace them for some distance. In the vicinity I found similar evi dences of a hurled city and I am fully convinced that a thorough ex ploration will bring out some inter csting facts relating to the earlv peo- i. ui mis cununeni In Utah and Arizona. 'There are evidences oi hurled cities in Utah and Arizona and as soon as 1 have made satisfactory pro gress in the elty along the Dolores river. 1 shall go to Utah and Arizona to continue my investigations I can not proceed far, as I must go to New lork City for a course of lectures in the public schools covering five days a week for in weeks, nr r.o w turns Major Cooper has iust return. .1 from a three months' lecture tour at the East on the cliff dwellings mid dwellers and ancient peoples of this country. On this subject he lias spent 30 years and fSO.noO and ill clares that he is In the A. 11. C s of it "In all probability these burled titles are the homes of that mysteri ous people commonly designated as the cliff dwellers," said Major Coop er. "They were as indigenous to this country as the peoples are to any country They were far advanced for their time In the arts and sciences growing grain, having Irrigating sys tems, raising cotton and making cloth. However, they knew nothing of metals, as we find no metal what ever among their ruins. "The Toltecs and Aztecs and prob ably the ancient Peruvians were off- j shoots of these people, but the Indl ans were not. The Moqul Indians j may possibly be the descendants, j The Toilet's reached the apex of civ- 1 Ilizat Ion or their time. Their tern-' pies show this. Mysteriously they dsappearcd and then came In old Mixlf-o of today the warlike Aztecs mat nan a nign degree of civilization ,j. in the time of Montezuma, when Cor v Minqii'-red them. J Driven From the Plalnr. Why Pay as Much for in inferior beer f Schlitz beer cosu twice whit common beer costi in tlic brewing. One-hilf pays for the product; the other half for its purity. One-half is spent in cleanliness, in filtering even the air thit touches it, in filtering the beer, in ster ilizing every bottle. And it pays the cost of aging the beer fcr months before we deliver it. If you ask for Schlitz you get purity and age, you pay no more than beer costs without them. Alkcr tht Bitwtty Bulling, Phone 51 Main, II. Kopittke, 507 Main St., Pendleton Special Clearance Sale All Summer Goods must bo closed out ami cur PRICES nro tlu means wo aro using to accomplish this end If you want ANYTHING call on us THE FAIR j .... ... Keeley INSTITUTE PORTLAND OREGON FIRST AND MONTGOMERY STREETS. 'PHONE MAIN 391 ill - er- i.-' him l4i4i w1 . tmm$ WE CURE the Liquor, Opium, Month Ino and Tobacco Habits as surely as quinine cures a cold. Our trcntmci mi clarifies and builds up the system. One of our patients recently said: ' I novor felt so well In my life; I am a wonder to myself!" ij'cnd to us for booklet. I j Have Your Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once S3 Th Oregon Dally Journal can be founa on sale at Frazler's book store. Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed b BECK, the Reliable Plumber. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel ! t i t 1 i ' 1 ! I .1 Once Used ALWAYS USED RICO COFFEE in one nonnd Patkaires & MOCHA COFFEE in one pound packages ror saie oy all up-tc iat nx.r- Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder Nil p.ncccc jg, cdioc n UtTI.AXI) hi:in Tin- Toltet-s and the Aztecs came, down from the north. They were the'! . . . .... f offsnoots ot me people we can tne,.t.; j cliff dwellers forced to migrate hyl; Jjainng tribes that Invaded their 1 country in what today Is Southwest-' T I cm Colorado The mound-builders are ! J I another offshoot. ! T 1 Originally the cliff dwellers were t T I a ilains people. They built their tides raised grain and cotton and'; 4. T I were an agricultural and progressive J , people Then the ancestors of the . !xaajips came In from the north. seeking a warmer climate and even- j Jjtiially drove them to refuge In the,j,X 1 4 Hffr- As time passed they mlgrat- 4. ,. ,,l .i,.H-r-H"l"l"l'-H-H"fr? i HJ 1,11,1 "om th-'m con"' thR To"eos;T-j. 1 HM-i-i- iiMJUim-iJiuiiit;! a aim iiuijawi.t i .t AAA A A A A A 1111111111111111 1 A 11 AAA A A A AAA . nthcrs I V r- I mmm TheM- ancient peonies, ages ago ij. 'Icit thcii plains homes and time has com red these cities over and these arc tiie fines 1 nuw prupuBij iu iini-rs- t tlgaie That the tribes that caused! this exodus came, from the north Is I legend, and among the .Vavajous Is a ( . tradition that their ancestors crossec. u Imdy of water. Originally tliey i-aiik' fioni thf Japanese race of to ) day. ! f i If money was spent as it should 1 .f be. in Southwestern Colorado would be found ancient remains as remark- ! aiiif as any -ver lounci 111 n , Africa." .Major Cooler will lettirn to Den ier In 1 be tall. H-H-r-r-H - -a ml m ' 11L1 7. I I L I I 3k. I mT IT rr".I,.r liave a larcru tniL- nf nnctiir u.1f'llitl(. I ! - . . . .... r uij, a.tu iirousOi ooJiipuuuu in aiiu II I'KP 5. llP.t tllV IintlKb U- pre buyinc; your harvest supplv. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man i ! : ; w j CONFEDERATE ROSTER. 74: Main Street cum TTTTVVrY'rTyTTTTTTYTyTTTYTTTTTTTTTyTTr iit.mnl 1n net a Comolete Roll of Privates and Officers. Atlanta fla., July 20 The officers de;Kiia'i-d by the governor of South ern tati-8 to eo-opertto with General Ainsworth. chief of record and pn- ! fcitin iiftix- in securinK complete ros- leiv ot officers and enlisted men or tin- Tnion and Confederate armies in tin- vil war began a conference here todav to aisree upon a uniform plan of procedure In the prosecution of their work ELATPRITr I M.Mitra! Ruhbe' Hotep "i iLuTxg ' " ,.v EiTerite roofing t El H,'c,Ulnates, Reasonable in rest Sold on merit Ouaran- ask for prices and .nfermatlon "a. THE ELATEHIT E ROOFING CO. Portland. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thini that oier was mado is Dr. King's New Ufe Pills. These pills change weakness Into strength, llst lensness Into enericy, brainfag Into mental power. They're Mondorful in building up the health. Only 25c re lox. Sold by Tailman i Co, Ladies' half soles 40c. Teutscb. ! V ! VI i 1 1 !! v . ! ft ;t I 4. LASS VAUDEVILLE Performance every evening, beginning Monday Evening, July 20th Strictly high class moral performance. Nothing offensive permitted. The best of order muntained. The new Vaudeville park Will be opened on Main street, near O. R. & N. depot to be opened Monday evening with a prog-am of music, acting, dancing, monologues, cinnegraph and moving pictures, illustrated songs, etc. The best talent has been engaged and all will find it a pleasant place to spend their evenings. Performances in the open air. Program changes on Mondays and Thursdays Entertainment starts at 8 o'clock Admission, 10 and 15 cents The management Jack Thompson and W. 0. Fecliter assure the public a creditable and pleasant evening when they attend the Summer Vaudeville Park. :? t. t. I. t. if T. i I