East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 20, 1903, Image 2

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I t 1 1 M I H I M i t II 1 H
July Bargains
Straw Hat? at half price. .
liovs Clothing twentj- per cent diecouut.
f Mens Summer Clothing at a saving of from t
$2 00 to 3.50 per suit, '
J Summer Underwear 25c, 50c and 75c per
garment. t
J Workine Shirts 50c and 75c.
Gloves 'Joe to $1 50. t
Mens W.irkinc Shoes $1 50 to $3 00. ?
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Halters
II 11 H-H-l I 1 1 -HI I 1 I I I I I ! MM I I '!"! I I III I H-fr'M I 1 1 .H-I-H-
The Reliance won the trial yacht
race Saturday last, coming out over a
mile ahead.
E. B. Zeicler will attempt to reach
the North Pole with dog teams. He
will outfit at Vancouver.
Infected water in the Taste river
is the origin of the present cholera
epidemic at .Manila. Only natives
are affected.
During the year just ended. 41 steel
freight steamers were built on the
Great Lakes, comared with 52 in the
year previous. I
The Santa Fe shopmen at La Junta !
are on a strike, and the shopmen at '
Topeka. where 3.000 are employed. ,
may co out in sympathy. j
Scoxetary of War Root has notified
Governor Ohatterton. of Wyoming,
that there will not be any army ma-1
neuvers In Wyoming this year. j
Ac explosion of sewer gas in Chi- j
cago seriously injured four men. j
city employes. The noise of the ex- j
plosion was heard a long distance.
The fire losses in the United State J
and Canada for the month of June j
last, amounted to $14.6S4.350. or 4.- j
000. i "00 more than daring the corres-'
ponding month a year a no. ,
During the year which closed June 1
30. 1.53a vessels, of 456,076 groas ,
ton, were built in the United States, j
as acainst 1.657 vessels of 473.1S1 ;
gross tons during the preceding .
Daring the year ending June 30. '
last. IS ocean steel steamers with a .
gross tonnage of 101.471 tons, were
built on the American-Atlantic sea- .
board, which uroke the record for any
one year. t
An analysis by John Marthol shows '
the net earnings of the United State
Steel Corporation for the past year
to be $61.56&.2S6. This Mim is equiv
alent to six per cent interest on the
total bund issue of the company for
five veers.
Expert inspection of the books of
the auditor of the District of Colum
bia, reveals that there has never
been any check upon any superior of
ficial who wished to steal, by revision,
checking up or proving. J. M. A.
WaUMm. who was a clerk for years,
is short $73,397.
Trinidad. Col., was visited by a de-.'
struct! ve hailstorm and cloudburst.
s.mHnv ;
T. J. Iluer. a well-known grocer
of Garfield. Wash., is missing from
bis home.
Twenty-four of 30 bakeries in Se-!
attle were found to be rioltlnr the
pure food law, Saturday. i
The differences between the typo-'
graphical union of Spokane and the
Review are still unsettled. i
Twenty combined hi-ien. start-:
ed to work in the iti PoUarb coun-.
try. Idaho. Monday morning
LewlMon. Idaho, is to have a Car
negie library, the building for which
is to be erected this season.
The Nez Perce County (Idaho Plo-'.
neer Association, will bold a reunion ;
at Lewlston Wednesday, July !!.
E. C. Crow ell. under arrest at Seat
tle for being implicated in the poison
ing of Mrs. Mull, has been released. ,
An electric road costing SS.ooo.ooo.
is nroiiosed between Butte and Sal
mon river. Idaho, a distance of 1ST ,
. ..
t Republic.
The telephone girls
.... ... e-;-- away irora the neat, noise and worry,
aud repair w res on account of the of Cty life. The 15 natural hot
strike of the linemen. ; springs are wonderful for their me-
Mrw. Asa Sturgess. of Vancouver, dlciual properties. Hotel nccommo
Wash., was fatally injured Saturday ' datlons are first-class, 'plione counec-1
uy tailing irom a ioaa or nay and ; iioiib, trc camping ground, 5 prl
striking upon a pitchfork. ' vat cottages, largo swimming pool,
William H Taft, a civil ens.neer baths, golf, tennis, hunting aud flab
of Olympia Wash., will be taken back ! ,nR For further particulars, address
to Manila for trial, on alleaou crook-. c- R- D""on. Ihman Springs, Or.
edness In govei anient serrlte
William Martin, a Missoula. Mont.. ' hcnk.e' nuin.rnpS8lt!Ve!,ycCUrC,S
nlnn.r died Sundav of i , ronlc Blood Poisoning and all Srrof-
aged SC. He wns sheriff of Kootanal
county, Idaho, for three terms.
The largost cattle deal reported
from any point in the West, this year,
was made at Salmon City, Idaho, Sat
urday. Senator Shoup sold 1,000
head of stock cattle at $25 per head.
1 1 1 I 1 1 III II IIH f f I1IIIH
Hotel Pendleton.
Frank H. Moora. San Francisco.
J. Woods Smith. Portland
F. W. Smith. Portland.
A. NVlander. Portland.
W. J. Clarke, city
L. W. 'White. San Francisco
Mrs. A. D Burrell. Chico
Georce Lonceissean San Francisco
Mrs. W. It. Munkers. San Francisco
Mrs. R. Stovall. San Francisco.
Thomas Xestor San Francisco
H R Strong. Walla Walla
J. H. Koeskner. Spokane
Noah R. Clem. Spokane
A. H. Takner. SKkam
W. R. Shrapnel.
C. Epplncer. cltv
W. H. Holley. city.
William .Matlock and wife. city.
Ernest Younger, city.
Ed Blackburn, Baker City
J. H. OW'eil. Portland.
Golden Rule Hotel.
T. M. Ward. Caldwell.
Mrs. 7.. W. Lockwood. Helix
May Lockwood. Helix.
J. B. Grieble, Cold Springs.
E. E. Wlllard. La Grande
H. P. Kimball, La Grande.
Frank Martin. Sacramento.
A. B. Snyder. San Francisco.
Miss Eastman. Athena.
H. T. Bernard. Portland.
T. H. O'Xelll. Portland.
Mrs H. M. Coulter. Portland
S. C. Coulter. Portland.
F. L. Coulter. Portland.
Leon Goodman. Walla Walla.
F. J. Gardner. Portland.
H. H. Strickland. Portland.
R. R. Bell. Spokane.
N. Harson. Portland.
A. C. Chandler. McMlnuvilie.
T. J. Kirk. Athena.
Mrs. S. Benjamin and daughter.
W. Springstead. Broadhead.
W. a. Chamberlain. Walla Walla.
J. Walker. Helix.
F. W. Ollnger. Omaha.
E. Sullivan. Sutnpter.
Mrs. L. F. loosing. Sutnpter.
P. M. Soreuson and wife. Omaha.
Georxe MtMannon, WaUa Walla
J. A. Lamar. Walla Walla.
Charles McGuire. Spokane.
E. Johnson. Joseph
A. Lineerly. Joseph.
J. Rawley, Denver
Frank Martin, city
U. T. Grlder, Keuuewiek.
W. B. Shuriey. New York
M. Morgan and daughter. HeoDner.
George W ProbsteI and wife.
, ,,,17,1
T. H. Beatbe and wife, Weston.
Don G. Ferguson. Dayton.
G. D. Galley. Portland.
W. R. McRoberts, Spokane.
H. B. Joue. Spokane.
H. G. Schroeder, Dixon.
W. H. Mevins. Dixon.
G. W Wilson and wife. city.
Roy Lelvmer. Ridae.
W. A. Chamberlain. Walla Walia
A C. Chandler. McMlnuvile
E. A. Mallory. city.
Ed Welch, city.
E. A. Edner. city
Hasel Gantry, Colfax.
E. M. Mercer, Colfax.
B. F. Sbufey. Colfax.
Ruby Sberfey. Colfax.
E. W Cuff and wife. Omal.a
L Cunningham. Portlanc.
Home from vacation, feeling good
strong and healthy, would be the case
after an outing at the most beautiful
of Blue mountain resorts Lehman
Springs. There isn't a nlace in all
! the West where you can find a more
eonrenlent and delightful spot to '
Biinl n fo,.- .lo.- , !., .
iiliiu o tT fwf inno A t nil n nK
les system tonic and purifier. Money
refunded If you are dissatisfied Fif
ty cents and J1.00. F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
Have your
shoes repaired at
Five Hundred Fifty.Five Indians Will
,-, . , ... . . , i
First Receive Eighty Acres of Land
Each No Action Till After Allot-
Washington. July 20. It is expect
ed that under the contract recently
authorized the survey of the lands of
the Spokane Indian reservation In
Eastern Washington will he complet
ed earlv in the summer of I'.mt and
ns scmiii thereafter n imia siiilc nllot -
ments of in acres t-nch will be made
to eery Indian man. woman and
child properly on the reservation
Tne balance aside from n small area
reserved for schools, grazing, etc
w ill he opened to exploration, loca
tion, occupation and purchase under
the miu. tig laws, as provided in the
last Indian appropriation act.
The SKkan- reservation contain
approximately lf.3.000 acres, and ac
cording to the last census, takeu by
the school authorities, the population
is 555. of which number 371 are Low-
j er SiKikanes. and 1S4 are Upper and
.Middle bHikanes. Each of these In
lians will I..- entitled to Si
acres of
agnciiltrrai land on the reservation
which Is equivalent to a total allot
ment of about 44.400 acres Allowing
S.ooo acres for schools, grazinc lands
and other pubuic purposes, ther- will
in round numbers, be about 1'"' one
acres of the reservation to be opened
by presidential proclamation.
It will be recalled that ImmeduiK i
! after the passage of the Indian appro
priation act in the first session of th
past congress, a number of prospc '
or rushed onto the Spokane rcser
vation and attempted to acquire lanus
nnder the mineral laws Tn Ias
after the act was signed, a subse
quent resolution was passed annih1 ng
the opening feature of the law as ap
piled to the Siiokane reservation uii
til after allotments were made The
original act had been passed on the
assumption that allotments had liem
made which was no: true The si.c
posed rights of those who ent-. d
tne reservation in the two days ;.
or to the passage or the atnemlar..r.
resolution will not hold pood m
those same parties renew their a;.;,
cations after the issuance oi the pr. r
ideutial proclamation next snmni :
Pistol Accidentally Discharged -y
Falling From Wagon to the Ground.
The 5-year-old daughter m Mr m,i
Mrs. Warren was shot accidental
Saturday evening near Sutnpter ami
died a lew hours later The mem
bers of the family were en route fron
the Pa louse country to Rogue Rum
valley and were preparing to cam;.
In lifting the bedding out i the wi.
non a revolver was thrown onto the
tonsue and exploded, the bullet pa.--Ing
through the little one's body Tb
father is a member or the Knights o!
Pythias and Odd FeIlowh lodges Th
funeral was held yesterday und. r m
auspice of these lodges
Kamela News Notes.
Kamela. July li Al Rum. was
called to Nebraska Friday to H. at tin
bedside of a sister who is noi exiie-1
ed to live.
Mr. and Mrs J. A Carlson w.l'
leave for the coast in a few dats to
spend the hot sea miu.
Everybody is rushiue their w Md
to market as fast as possible before
the wheat harvest causes a scarcity
of cars.
Engineer Jacobsou has a pair of
thoroughbred stag hounds which he
purchased In New York.
Huckleberries are now turning
slightly ripe and will be in season in
about 10 days.
. uuiming and equipment. New man
Stock Farm for Sale. , aseoient. and a faculty or experlenc- j
The Ogle stock farm, consisting of od teachers. Special arrangement '
3000 acres, about 250 head of cattle. ,or niurtc students and for ttie care-'
plenty of vater. grass and timber. rul oversight of all students from out '
uange has never been sheeped off.
All under fenr-c Will grow all hay re-
quired CaH on or write to Bentlev
a: nanmoti t-enuieton Oregon
Dutroy tht au, you rcmsve
tht effect
Kill the Dandruff , Germ
ine oniy preparation tht B
For Sale by ll DrujiiiU: I
PRICE 51.00. I
How to Join and Get Quick Result
at Small Cost.
Why not Join our union or piano
purchasers and save a nunurcu mil
iar? You can ilo It and we ran help
vou. This Is how It Is done: Wo can
well afford to sell ten or more pianos
, heaer than one so have organized
a union of ten members Vou Join
and lav $10.00 down and tlO.OO n
, ,. ,,., Is y0Iir, Now hero
is the best imrt of It. Kvery time a
new member joins the price of your
instrument depreciates in price iu.
in other words, when the union Is fill
ed every monitor gets his Instru
ment Sioo less than rogular price.
For example, a regular $300.00 In
strument ran be had for $200.00 by
, lolnlnc the union
Don t delay tan-
' ine advantace of this groat opportu
nlty. as It will only last n few weeks
oi the dull soason This, comhlncd
with our easy payment plan and ax
change contract makes it possible
for everyone to have an Instrument.
Therkelsen's I'lnno House. 315 E.
Court street. Everything musical.
Gallery Will Be Open.
During my absence the gallery will
lie in charge of Mr VaUgn a photog
rapher of 15 years exiK-rience. Ir.
Vaughn is thoroughly comiwtent to
do all kinds or photographic work.
Amateurs wanting developing or
printing done will find Mr. Vaughn
oviwrt in this class of work.
ftest boe wntk at Teutsch's
Our Iced Drinks are good
enough for the Angels and we
feel certain they will refresh
and please all ordinary human
beings. On these very warm
days and evenings, there are no
more popular bevrages than
Egg Drinks
Root Beer
Raszle Dazzle
Pecan Sundae
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Drutrgisi
r. o- ..'
eXUIl .li.
catalogue for the tuning ear. New.
' ,ow" All grades or jiublic school 1
work thoroughly done. Our college ,
preparatory work is accented i.v the
nest colleges Kast and West. .Monti
at.l social advantages the very best '
Term liegms September 14, llios.
"egon Portliintl
Saint Helen's Hall
H'imt and Day School for
giri.s oi all ages Academic
aim College Preparatory course
a- well as thorough Primary
insi ruction Itleal Hituatlon on
'he outskirts of city of Port
land Basket ball. tennis
horseback riding. Year book
sent on application.
Menlo Park, Sun Mateo Co., California
Thorough mental, moral and physi
cal training for boys. Home influ
ewes, beautiful surroundings, excel
ent climate; careful supervision
limited numbers; prepares for any
university or for business. Fall term
begins August 11. Send for illustrat
ed catalogue.
IRA G. HOITT, Ph. D., President.
Jou r nal
of Health
"A brand thot from Its sterling ex
cellence commands our most favora
ble attention Is the Crescent Baking
Powder, offered by the Crescent I
Manufacturing Company, of Seattle
it has been under our most careful
scrutiny, and wo have placed us
merits beyond dispute its conitiosT. i
lion includes nothing hut the purest1
and most harmless constituents. .
mixed with exiiert understanding oi
how to produce the most effective re
suit. It Is economical because It wiiii
go far as a leavener, and from each
standpoint from which the hygen.st
can consider an article of its class. J
the crescent Baking Powder deserves.
unqualified praise.
How can the table bo supplied with
certain of the most Indispensable ar
tides of dally food, or with the lux
cries commonly regarded as being
next to the necessaries, unless wc
have at hand baking powder which
can confidently t relied on? Wc
urillld then flml nurcolvnc di.t...t.....i
of what It Is Impossible for us t0 go, ' Bu)"P0Ca
without good nnd wholesome bread, i tl
Tin. Iwintl r.f a llinrni.nl.li- ...ii.i.i.. PriCe
- ... ........ w, . nuf,,!,; It-liaUlt
baking powder like the Crescent can ,
be rully appreciated, for you should
use none but the most superior, and
Crescent is Indeed worthy of being
iassed nmong these.
Is the
World's Best.
Sold Everywhere with a
of :
Pendleton, Oregoo
Collections a Specialty
Credit Rating
Special Credit Reports to
Office in Dispan lminitn, : a r I
The new high grade roof
ing for low cost work. On
fhedi, fai-.ories, warehouses,
barns, depots, wharves. All
buildings of large roof sur
face that require protection
from the elements. A better
roofing at the same price has
never been produced.
&R4 lor eklt.
The Paraffine Paint Co.
San Francisco, battle,
Portland, Los Anjelts
Denver, Colorado.
tnet un-ii i. . I
wall wiTJft I
you what h
hoi ho,t
E. J.M,
HI Coat (
Place your order
Fir, Tan
B) the Fitt b
piaies we n,i
companies s
Hartford Mre lust
Alliituee Asannctft
London & Li3d.-hhl
Inurance Oo
Korth British 4 Ms
Royal Insuraoff C
Is i .- q-
hate i n
n ' .nif to -mush
rou cai
erc The tiii
it or the kit
Da- if v-
c ct in ntnsl
..s Just nll
Syrup-the IW
3U want 1 o- 'l
Toffef the 1
aid Ic Pew
THPRE is a'
Punned fruit i
u tostdilf t-
i,0!.il the Ires'"
t rnitort
I lDi.bilt?aSc1
I guca
T. C. TAYLOR, Agent