ay - fat DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1903. ?r- z S ? I J It Will Make You Feel Good when you get jnto one of the collars laundered at this es tablishnenl if you have been having your linen done up by an inferior method Shirts, collars amd cuffs laundered here is the acme of fine work and we send them home with a color and finish that is be yond competition. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor. West Alta and LMith Sts. S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHARGE OF THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, AND WOULD BE PLEASED TO CARE FOR YOUR HORSES. PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR RALS FOR LOOSE HORSES AND CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR ! BOYCOTT IN FORCE UNION MEN FINE MEM BERS KEEPING 'PHONES. Manager Says "Nothing to Arbitrate" Eight Hundred 'Phones Ordered Out In One Batch The Maximum Wages $45 Per Month. The boycott of the trades council upon the Pacific States Telephone & Telegraph Company went Into effect today, says the Spokane Press. A committee consisting of Messrs. Heskett and Taylor of the trades council and Hlnneman of the building trades waited upon District Manager Bush of the Pacific States Telephone fc Telegraph Company this morning and presented S00 removal orders, ! the balance being withheld for the I present Mr. Bush stated he would i telegraph the matter to President Sa wn of the company in San l-Tancisco and that he would meet with the com- TnHfno nimln nt K nVlnnlr this lifter- ! noon to "further discuss the matter. The steam engineers of the city I have placed a fine of $25 on any mem ! ber of their union who keeps a tele i phone In his residence until after the I strike Is settled. j At the meeting of the trades coun- Court and Thompson Streets. cil last night resolutions in condem N' itfltinTi nf th, Pnmfic Stilt; T I uorsing the Doerr-Mltchell Coniparo : in their application to the city coun til tor a telephone franchise were passed. i When asked by a Press reporter ! arbitration would be considered, G ! B. Bush, district manager of the Pa i cific States Telephone Telegraph ! Company replied that so far as the company was concerned there was nothing to arbitrate. "All the positions made vacant have been filled," said Mr. Bush, "The facl of the matter Is, the com pany can not afford to pay any larger wages than they do at present, as this office is not a paying institution but Is losing money." The announcement that the tele phone company is derating at a loss in this city is a startling one. but Mr. Bush stated it was a fact. He continued: "The wages being paid by us is In part to the more careful reporting of births. The number of births for the year will possibly number between 97,000 nnd 100,000. The death rate for the first six months of 1902 was 19.54 per 1,000. Deafness Can Not Be Cured Ity local application r tlicy can not reach the illscnBed portions of the ear. There Is only one war to cure deatnees. and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness l caused h n Inilnmed condition of the mucous lining of the KuMaclilan tube. When tbli tube Is Inflamed yon have n rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It I" entirely cloned, deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing wll be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten An caused bv Catarrh, which Is nothng but an In named condition of the mucous surfaces. We will slve One Hundred Dollars for any case of ileafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Halls Cntarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. P J. CHKXKY CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druscats, 75c. Hall's Family nils arc the best BENITO JAUREZ. prlate memorial rxerclses wero hold In the. ccmotory of San Fernando. A long procession marched to the ceme tery wherein He the remains of the Il lustrious soldier, who led the success ful struggles against the Maximilian empire Tho procession Included worklngmen1 societies, members of the federal, district and city govern ments scientific societies, officers of the garrison, members of congress nnd members of the liberal patriotic committees. Orations wero delivered bv prominent public men nnd at tho conclusion or the exercises the tomb was almost burled beneath the Itorai offerings or the different societies and Masonic lodges. We sell the greatest of blood puri fiers. Acker's Blood Elixir, under n positive guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other blood poisons. If you have eruptions or sores on your body, or are pale, weak or run down, It Is just what you need. We refund monev If you are not satisfied. 50 oents and S1.00 F. W. Schmidt ft Co., druggists. For Sale. T-n.,."!v head of rood work marcs, so;:.. l.at mule colts by their sides. honor of his memory appro- Inquire nt Swearingen Bros, Schlitz Mean, The best materials - the best that moae, A brewery as clean as your kitchen; th"' n 0S Bfe m filtered air, a a phto ". The beer aged for months, until thn ,7 it will not cause billonsne KB7 ' Birthday of the Conqueror of Maxi milian. City of Mexico. July IS. This war the birthday anniversary of the liber al party president. Benito Jaurei: and in The beer filtered, then sterilired in the bottl. on re always welcome to the breve i .' proud of It. Phons 8s:' tj And the sire of It proves that HSto- people know the worth of 507 Ml"n St!, fcjj I The Woman Who Knows how to provide for the pantry always keeps the essentials on hand. Economy Brand Evaporated Cream i an esse-'tiai to those who have tried it. Compare the other brands with those bearing our cap label and you will find that they look watery in comparison. Economy Brand runs smoothly from the can. is uniform in appearance and is the purest and most pleasant tasting. Ask your dealer for the kind that has the cap label. HELVETIA MILK CONDENSING COMPANY, fTir,m.4M). ILLINOIS. ft It The Beer That Made MhwmfreeFajJ PHYSIC i (cn;- pat In JSiV 130 I 5'- 161 GT win? OH-'' ::3 G la SALE. TION. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC- 1 about the highest in the United States 'PHONE MAIN 1331. 'Just trv a Parrot Cigar 5c" for a city ot this size. Here we pay $20 for tne first month and raise the girls every three months. The aver age wages we pay is S31.Su per month." The girl operators now out on strike say they worked the first two weeks for nothing and the next two for $10. After a month at the busi ness they received J20 and a raise of S2.50 every three months until $45 is reached. It requires about three years of service to reach the maxi mum wage. - - t "The I I? RESCUED FROM CREVASSE. The Parrot Cigar is the new 5o cigir so much talked about. Its good qualities are astonishing ,,,, n , M I TRANSFER TRUCKING STORAGE CR OWNER BROS Telephone Main 4 Gray's Harbor Commercial Co. We IWt Keep Everything But we do kep a good big stock of nice dry Flooring, Celling, Rustic and Finish, in all grade. Als all kind of Dimenm Lumber, in eluESing lt- and It n in glm. Our ttoek cf Door, Win dows, MouM.13. luilding and Tar Paper and Apple Boxes if complete, and any one in need of Lumber twill not be wrong in placing their order with the : : Gray's Harbor Com. Co. Opp. W; & C. R. Depot Mrs. Johns Saved From Death in Yosemite Canyon. I Yosemite, Cal.. July IS. Mrs. A. A. Johns, of New York, who lost her way ! while on a walk Monday evening and j fell down a crevasse In the Sentinel Fissures, was rescued yesterday ! from the two-foot ledge on which she had lodged and will recover 1 When the rescue party found Mrs. j Johns she was on a narrow ledge 3ut feet from the rim of the crevasse walls She had partially broken her ! tall by catching at juniper bushes i and scrub cedar trees through whose ' branches she had plunged ' When the rope had been lowered Clerk Potter of the hotel descended to examine the ground and determine the best course to pursue in gett'ng Mrs Johns from her perilous posi tion. She was weak from exhaustion ard lack of food and benumbed by , the frosty chill of the night With ! dlfhVulty the rope was tied around Mrs. Johns' waist and an effort made , to hoist ber to the rim above Tl .t ; proved futile because of her weight. By leaning over the precipice Mr I Potter could discern anothei and larger ledge a hundred f"et below He determined to try' this plan of rtxi-jue. Giving the order to those above to lower th' roie. M r. Pottur ' swung the inanimate form or Mrs. Johns out over the tiny strip m ro-k upon which sh had been fui 15 hours l After much work Mr Potter was ; able to lodge the body of Mrs Johns ' on the larger ledge and then des'-end-; ed himself. Calling to one of the ! mountain guides above, Potter had him descend the rope to the ledge upon which all three were nor rest ing Then the two picked up Mrs. : Johns and together they made their difficult way around dangerous ledges and over yawning preolpk es. until, i finally worn out-and exhausted, they! reached tne rim above once more. i Mrs. Johns is suffering from nerv- j ous shock, but as no bones were frsc-! tured she will recover. Breakers 39 Where to Stop at North Beach. The Breakers Hotel is conducted to attract the best patronage, anu is a summer hotel that is unsurpassed on the Pacific Coast north of the famous California beach resorts. The building has an ocean front of 100 feot, is 7C feot wide and four stories high, or "3 feet from the ground floor to the top of the observatory. It has handsomely furnished rooms, single or en suite, for 25" guests, each room being carpeted. The house is lighted by electricity with electric lights and elec tric call bells in every room, and these lights make it one of the most brilliant beacons on the entire coast. The entire lower floor Is thrown open to the public, and, being beautifully carpeted, the spacious reception room and large airy halls always form favorite gathering places for guests. The billiard and pool room is also quite popular fur merry gatherings. An Aeolian anu Pianola in the commodious parlor furnishes delightful music at all times, and musicals are pleasant features during the entire season. The Breakers has a regular orchestra which furnishes music for informal dances ana balls, and the large dining room, with its smooth, hard floor, makes an ideal hall for regular dancing parties. An abundance of fresh and salt water fish, clams, oysters, crabs and other sea food Is always on our menu; our entire supply of milk, butter and cream comes from our own herd of Jersey cows, and poultry and eggs are supplied from the hotel farm adjoining the grounds. There are hot and cold, fresh and salt water bathes In the house, with private bathe and tonetB. The waves of the ocean at high tidn roll within 200 fwfcl of the hotel, and the beach in front i superb for surf bathing. On the grounds are bowling alleys, golf links, tennis courts and croquet sets; on the lakes, just bark of the hotel, is a fleet of sail and ro boats, and on Shoal water Bay, just east of the lakes. Is a gasolir - launch for parties of fishermen, picnickers or others who prefer he warm, still-water be thing to the tumbling of tne surf. AT trains atop at the railroad station In the hotel grounds, and no rrr ding into hotel omnibuses or walking In aand Is necessary, since e hotel ground is a per oct velvety lawn, where the guests are pr r-t!cally landed at the hotel door. TtK Breakers Hotel is located at Breakers Station, a regular ticket office, where all trains stop. It is one and a half miles north of Long Beach Station. In purchasing tickets see that they read to Breakers, Wash., and hr.ve baggage checked through to that point. T .egraph and telephone onnections in the hotel. THE BEAUTIFUL SEASIDE RESORT OF CLATSOP COUW IS UPfclX l-UK I nt bUMMbK btASUN UNDER THE MUIJ MENT OF P. H. SHULDERMANN. Special attention Is given to the dinitig room this summer the cuunary department is under the management of an c;J chef. Nothing Is left undone that adds to the comfort and t:J ment of the hotel's guests. The tennis courts and golf grounds are In splendid conditio! For further information write R H SMULDEMffll CEARHEART PARK 0F.EWI ii !i Locksley Hall t ,,-n i. ...ii.. i... ., ,-rt f of Dinef wfcia I tbrr;- hundred feet of old ocean, is an idai I are toBpenaue- Mr. I. A. fXlA i i ... - i ..... .m,. i..,rini. and in aaoiJiK"! the numerous rooms that wure nlieady a portion of en"""' A new ones havo been added and nicely finished a! fu8,, . .. . ... ... .i i,,.... thi house anu tt I anu com water nave ueen aaueu inw' J h.steail pletf- system of sewerage has been put in A prw"" j ' B 1 gaged for tho season who will have cnarge ti -.: -- kitchen, and guests will have every atfnn.m Pf .!!., bake for the gucsU ot Locksley Hall na "'"""tie ntt RBtur.ln,. i,l.l,t A -nn.l r.ri" h at r will bt !.&'! u .nog yea' on tie Wl NO RACE SUICIDE. New! Large Increase in Birthrate In York City. New York, July 18. The vital sta tistics (or the first half or the year have just been published and a glimpse at the figures shows thai there Is no danger of race suicide In New York. On the contrary, a mark ad in Tease is shown in the btrthrat. The births reported numbered -iC.-ilKl J agalBst 40,392 for the first half ofi last year. This increase was duel Oh'p Qui ifol& Coupon Write the name of h I.t'v rlerk vou wish s nt by the East Okkgonian to the Hotel Breakers, on two wteks vocation, in blank space below. 1 vote for. Employed at X. B. Bring Coujions to the JJabt'Oregonlau otlb e summer Alttiougb the House is open m- - - ' . At flay of June a formal opening is baa " - ,, nll mrtl tb.- front veranda. A pleasant place is ' will doubtless spend a happy vacation ai u " Carriages meet all trains. Special rates to families. , , ,lf Ba5s! ' Address, for further Information, mr- - LOCKSLEY HALL Seaside Oregon. Price $1.00 per bar at tlic r?t in the ffice ilefal nEND.1 nt. ,1 ' . i JUVj-v, r -- - , . f" -X'-' '