East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 18, 1903, Image 7

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    eat July Skirt Sale
I .... 110 SKIRTS left that must be closed r,,,
A v . . . . . t VIUUC
.rtomac ' " c " " "iicibiccK soon
C w 1 r Hn nnt want tn ram i .
'.aaii w j a Miii'm c l i r i
sl"1' . nnrp on them that will make thrm mn in...
nut . , T lldl
,u . .i ." ...-.ni iipm nelow and then art n
Mlouri.voo Skirts go at $10 00
12.00 .. m 9,50
'I 1( io.oo m . 8.00
" 9-00 7.25
' (1 Soo t n 6.40
" 7 00 " " 5.50
b oo ,, ,, ., 4,75
, 5 0 ' 3.90
' 4- ' 2.95
3 50 2.75
, 3- " 2.10
., 2 so 1.90
, 2 oo . 1,45
;ale will last just 10 Days from Thursday, JULY 16th,
to Saturday night, JULY 25th.
Cor. Main and Alta Streets.
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
THE. IU'" w "
nictrirt Will Be Con- I
into a Public Park New
-i -u..,... will Re Rullt on 1
Potvrlnc who has recently i
Heppncr in the Interests of :
- as to what the city Is doing i
reDlllJumg un uieiraiuum
j inil liv tllO flood. !
he ''ans for the new church
I IR'-JU llillUC .inn lilt iv u,,.
ci ri m' thp movement are
t.n- I'unrlo fur ll a .rn.
h,; cd fir- But the- new ,
- w no' be on the site of j
!:' ir "tc sentiment of the i
'.at a.' of the land In the I
rn" 'u park In order to Insure j
sa's'v if the towu. i
: hues the east bluff as it ;
a ' nf lesldence portion
n wa- ' uilt along the creel;
ii e ic The back yards of
as u1 he flood came all
h.-usrs were In the path of
and dammed the water up,
intc the business part of
' It is now the Intention of
tmv aP of that strip swept
bare by the water and convert it In
to a public park. This will comprise
a strip about a quarter of a mile
long and 150 yards wide along the
bank of the stream. This will be set
in shrubbery and seeded to lawn so
that It will be an ornament to the
place and a place of recreation for the
people, and not only that, but in case
another flood should come there will
be an open place down which the
water can find a passage without be
ing forced into the business part of
the city and working damage there.
The houses formerly occupying the
site of the park will be rebuilt on the
bench on the east side of the creel
and will thus be out of the way of
any future cloudburst. The Episco
pal church will also be built there,
and will be begun In the near future.
on- j ju- h ir it don't wake
That s the guarantee we
ir goou gold watch out in tne
tew We can sell you a re-
'imeKeper m cheap case just
iou can t afford to neglect
'-lectors and goggles.
jour watch need rena ring ;
r.WPI ED nuTin i w
aim ur I Iwlrili
Marriage Wednesday Evening of
Popular Young People.
Wednesday, July 15, at o o'clock
p. m.. at the residence of the bride's
mother. Mrs. Will McGregor. Rev.
J Edwards, of the Congregational
church united in the holy bonds of
matrimony, Mr. Raphael Barck and
Miss Emma Haigb.
The bride Is well known here, and
dearly beloved by her many friends,
and the groom is one of Pendleton's
highly lespected and trusted young
The bride was dressed in a beauti
ful white dress, wearing white carna
tions. Mr. Fred Book supported the
groom, while -Miss Willa McGregor
was bridesmaid.
After congratulations a delicious
lunch was served. The bride's cake
was beautifully decorated with a
wedding bell.
the guests piesent were Ilev. J.
Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. K. Van Dran
ot the Hotel I'endleton; Adjutant
Howell and wife and daughter, of the
Salvation Army: Mrs. Ileddow. Miss
Colliton. Mr. Fled Book, and Miss
Emma Green, of Walla Walla. Illness
prevented her siBter. Mrs. Love, from
attending. , ,
Many beautiful and useful presents
were received. Tney win iumiru.an.
ly begin housekeeping and the r many
friend wish thorn a long and happy
Two Hundred Eight Dollars Is In
A bult was filed this morning by the
Kleckensteln Moyer company
through Its attorneys Jfms A. lee
ami u. j oittiv. "" .
i It is an action brought to recover
lns.SO th interest at 6 PO ""1
from February 23. 1903 to date, to
Lethor with costs of tho action. It
fs he balance due on an account of
i" 38 W owed the plaintiff hy the do
endant for goods dellvewl.
Walter Is a saloonkeepei at es
-CI 8 aKin Xnan Ir
1 V . Ill am r.
. UJ
-'scull (or ibutlty
1 if, PtiVlntMad
'omir.. .
P&Ckltee. ner nnitnrl
"P Bark 'or 'tinnvlng dlrl
Sewing Machine Oil perm' oil Qg
Root Beer ftiSlffttliopir -c
detlclo -, per gl 'Ov
ith Vut preilui'
Ice Cream Siv lie ctm Qc
aperlorar'lcle lor
. on (or remo""1
Brown 8 Tree Soap jCti o(
5 htep from Main Mreet towm-d tn t.url
Castle's for fresh fisli.
Fresh fruits at Kemlcr'a.
$50 given away. See page 4.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
Best i-hoe work at Teutsch'a.
See Sharp for paper hanging.
Fresh fruit daily at Martin's.
Delicious Ice cream, The Delta.
Fresh ranch eggs at Kcmler's.
Smokers' supplies at Neuman's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Cattle, horses and sheep. Wade.
Dining tables $5 and up. Rader's
For tho best bread, get Rohrman's.
Blackberries hy the crate at Kenv
"Flinch," the new game, at Fra
New books just arrived at Fra
Ironers wanted at the Domestic
No extra charge for tabulator on
the underwood.
Raspberries, fresh, firm and dell
cious at Oliver's.
tor Kent Mcely furnished room,
b'M Thompson street.
Wanted Machinist and moulder at
Rlgby-CIove Foundry.
Currants from the Palouse, best in
the market, at Oliver's.
Don't fail to read the Underwood
typewriter ad iu this issue.
Ixiok up the offer in tho St. Joe
Store's ad. It will pay you.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits.
U C Under about that J50 worth of
furniture he Is giving away.
$S50 buys business. $150 net pmtit
per month. Wade & Bryson,
Received dally, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Forty different styles ot extension
tables from $5 to $30. Rader's.
Frank Robinson lias just received
a lot of new music from 'Frisco,
Best stock ranches in Camas Pra
irie. 1C0 to 1,000 acres. Wade.
MI Preferida, the best cigar made,
at Rees' cigar store. Court street.
We are now offering the regular
12Uc toilet paper 3 for 25e. N'olt's.
The St. Joe Store Is making a spe
cial offer. See their advertisement.
Good business chances on Main
and Court streets. Low rents. Wade.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
Don't let cigars get the best of you
get the best of cigars. Hanlon's.
We have fruit Jars and fruit jar
extras, rubbers, covers, etc. It. Rohr
man. See Charles Lane about jour paint
ing and paper hanging; SO" Vincent
Our unique method of selling might
interest you. Therkelsen's Piano
At and bolow cost all suminor. mil
linery, especially patterns. Mrs.
If you want vacant lots, come and
see us. We never quit till wo suit
you. Wade.
Good house. 5 rooms. 2 lots, shade
trees, lawn, east front, good location,
J1.600. Wade.
A very plcasaut evening can lit
spent at Therkelsen's Piano House,
listening to the Apollo,
Good news comos to those who In
vestigate our easy payment plan.
1 Theikelsen's Piano House.
! Vnr S:iln Hlienn eood chainlesb
Columbia blcyclo and one fine snare
drum. Inquire of W. E. Garretsoti,
Those knowing themselves In debt
to P. I'. Collier & Co., will pleaso
settle up by the first day of August
Estimates given on short notice on
painting and paper hanglug. Charles
Lane, the pioneer painter, SO" Vin
cent street.
Good meat In summer must he
taken earn of. That's the kind you
get at Houser's, Alta street, opposite
Savings Hank.
Throe months' Instruction given
absolutely freo with every piano wo
sell. Inland Empito Piano Houso,
001 Main street.
rvnnsi look I im cood makes every
thing elso good, for tho time being,
but our pianos are always good. Ther
h iten's Piano Mouse.
Lost On Johnson micoi, nem
Water, or on Water uieet, last even
ing, a pockctbook. Itaiu-n to ha-u
Oregonian office and receive reward.
We have three quarter sections of
land in tho best wheat belt In the
county. It is high priced. It is the
liett. Price Is low. Wado & Uryson.
Purity, sweetness, richness, pow
er singing quality and evenness are
the essential qualities of a perfect
tone The Kimball piano possesses
them all in the fullest degree. Inland
Empire Piano House, 601 Main street.
At Shield's Park.
Ni- i.Mivnid Shields, of Portland
cbr-nrral the larKe tent on the
rti,,,.,i and will onen on noxt Wednes
day a high class show, iieaded by the
great cockatoo circus, Theso won
derful birds display almost human in
telligence. It will be tho greatest show
Q..or nrehented to a renuieiun uum
. ...Ill
i ence. The enionuiuiueni win
i strictly refined and moral.
Short Lines of
Odds and Ends, Broken Sites and
Left, just as good as the first pair sold but the prices on
these last pairs are radically different
, n on n
xfftoird Ties
)MmmiM(gr Shm
Men's Canvas Shoes, and
Low Shoes in Patent Colt,
Velour Colt and Vici Kid
All new stylish seasonable goods. WE WILL MAKE THE
PRICES RIGHT. Come and see
The Peoples Warehouse
Outfitters for flen and Women
very pleasant concert to u crowded
house this ufloriiixm between the
houra of 1:30 and 3:30, at tho Ther
kelseu Piano House A number of
inilHlc lovcra of tho city wore present
' ami all enjoyed tin- playing of tho
, dub. which wiib of a high order of ex
cellent e
H. O, Miller, of Hollwood, who wa
on tho Portland car which was rob
bed Tuesdny night, throw away a
handful of coin when ho saw tho car
wiib being held up, After tho holdup
bo wont back and found most of tho
nionoy In tho dust beside tho track.
Peaches Come High,
, . , . ,.. Snako river peaches are on the lo-
Will Be Occupied by an Immense mM nt (w() fm.
Stock of Implements and Vehicles ,,1,, (1V)) for ,m(.. At thl
and by a Wholesale Grocery House rnt(1 walla Walla citizens mo eating
Will Open for Business Monday j seeds anil all
The work on the Ferguson-Maloney
iMiHiliiiii is ratildly Hearing comple
tion and will be occupied In a fow 1
dayB. In fact, tho stock of tho Kun
klo Implement House will he removed
fiom tho present placo on Cottonwood J
street on Monday next, and the new
place will bo opened as soon as things i
can Ik; straightened aiound.
Mr Kunklo has leased the wliolo I
building ami has sub leased half of j
the basement and the store room on
tho north side of the building to tho
DoHpain Wliolesalo Grocery linn. All
tho rest of tho building will ho used 1
hy the Implement house, and then
there will not be room enough fori
the easy handling of the slock. At
the present time the whole of the top ,
lloor Is filled with new iimkkiuh.
three carloads being sloreii mum
awaiting sale. This will, perhaps, be
tho largest slock or any renin
In the state. The wholewilo nnd re
tail houses in Portland carry a larger
stock of course, but tor a stilctly re-1
tall hotiee. it Is the biggest.
Tho basomeiit Is now full of wagons
and larni Implements packed away
as light its sardines In u hox. In one
half or the basement there aie two
carloads of wagons stored. The main 1
Hour will bo used ab the umpmy wmi,
and the iilacn wheie the extras are
kent. It wll bo fitted up In good slyl
,i thi.rn tlin niircliaser can see
.,.,!.. r nnvthliiL' in the Hue that
he wants to buy. The store will he
open in tho new lioupe on Monday H
tho plans of the proprietor are car
lied out as thoy now stand.
Concert at Therkelsen's.
The Chicago Mandolin Club gave a
to get their moneys
worth, A few more warm days, how
ever will soon see tho maiket glut
ted with this particularly luscious
fruit - Walla Walla Statesman.
A Mistake
Pairs of New
In shipping our order recently
from a largo Kastern tollot paper fac
tory, an error was mailo and a much
higher guide paper waa sent -a find
tissue worth 1814c a roll. Rather then
lecall the shipment thu factory turn
ed over tho entire shipment lo us at
tho price of a cheupur grade.
Nothing lllto It has over been sold
In thlH city.
(HO nr.. of Medicated Paper.)
1 1 1 1 "; ;
i Insurance at Cost;!
E Do you want to see them?,!
Glad to show them ;
Boston Store
Of liimirunco In forco
RICE, Freowator,
Umatilla County.
J. P. WALKER, city agent for