BAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREOON. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1903. - reat 4 is. imrmv ncuiniu inrrn m ni l Mi ii in ill in. r 4 M I ! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ; 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Cold Pare Preservative Pure Ice Cold Storage The new ice Lctory Is now completed and we are prepared to supply oar patrons with HARD CRYSTAL ICE made from water that has been boiled and distilled. The only ice that is pore. fi i ROSS ICE and GOLD STORAGE Co. Phone MAIN 17S1 514 Main Street f ; ? fr'fc A A a. A A . A A1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA New York, July IS. Flower-seontod t gowns are not a fad of the moment in Gotham, but a permanent fashion. T Delicate linens, moussellnes and va- porlnes besprinkled with marguerites, roses, carnations, heliotropes and for- got-me-nots are scented with corres- IKinding sachets and so adorned my .j. lady w'hlztes by leaving behind a del- icate fragrance that delights the sense of mere man and oxcltes the envy of .j. ever-lovely woman. I A cream white moussellne has me- ' dullious diamond-shaped set around the bottom of the skirt above which arc croups of tucks, then nnothcr row of medallions and so on until the hip yoke is reached. The yoke has .5. a paddetl interlining filled with violet sachet since the ground work of the i moussellne is cream, covered with ! violets Secreted here and there in the lace trimmed bodice tie sachets of the powder just u lone enough whiff fume to create a desire for more. This is a season when womau al most intuitively economizes. It is. therefore, not surprising to know that mauy leaders of fashion, in order to save a pretty penny ami at the same time have their sachets of highest ex cellence, compound their own fra grant jiowders. A delightful and last ing odor is made from 10 ounces of powdered lavender flowers (powder ed) mixed with three ounces of pow dered benzoin, six ounces of Cyprus jiowder and one and a half drams of oil of lavender. The- carnation embroidered linous appeal especially to women who like Every Saving Count One will find it a pleasure to make a trip throne j luiiuiuiw otuii niw iMiivii 10 iirww nunc UlnCr Whaik fi? vnn hnvp Jin pntirp hnuse to fit nut. nr .net a d i. . ? i j ' w ' w igie pierp J I- - - -. : l. ....II nrttt nnn r r n r m rk nntn nr. . UUV, 11 win iay yvu iu tunic unc, as uuvvnere eiSfi fin t believe will be seen such excellent variety, beauty of rW "l1: ": 1 1 nn Qiirli minlitv at fhe nrice. Indeed vnnr fumu. ' wiucii auoru 1 t -- 1 " - - ' 1 jvrni 1 4. II 1 1 Ll Mllf! of the per 14. . ... , Annlnc.4 nlancinrrlv , .. UJl 4. Mlfc "ill lW mu'i piwug.ii,.; UIIU VtUIlUlllltUlly flt ill K;AOv fOLSOM store. No furniture too elaborate fnrn i and then we have so many nice, pretty pieces of furnitun I that will tit in here and there and add much to the ! 1 r l e 2.x- . j . r T pearance anu cuiniuri 01 ine room, nor expensive either you would be surprised. ItfW i.iiipp1 4 Oils and Asde Grease I have a large stock of castor machine, black and cylinder oils, graphite, Taylor and caster oil, axle grease, compound in bulk and buckets. Get my pricefe be fore buying your harvest supply. 1 I VTTTTTTTYTTTTTYTYYYYYTYYYTTT VYYYYTYYYYYYYTYYY YYYYYT" T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 741 Main Street Keeley INSTITUTE PORTLAND OREGON FIRST AND MONTGOMERY STREETS, 'PHONE MAIN 391. r-?. ; 1 j" (Ttam tact- threaded here and there '''"-' -- j with i nmaoti aUk. Above the flounce j is a uauu 01 emuroiat'ren carnacious. fini.shHd with a strip of Inpertion matching the lace flounce. The full-ih'hi- about the hips is taken In with ;iti tucks extendinc all the way around the figure from either side of J I the front width. i n- notnee mount's over a girdle of liberty satin embroidered in carna tions enmeshed In medallions of lace. The yoke is a transparent affair In tucked moussellne and lace Couilue down over the shoulder seams to the caps of the sleeves are rather mili tary looking straps that are robbed of their severity, however, by being; carried out in the emuroidered lace. The collar Is a band of embroider- ap pllqued with lace and finished very simply at the hack with a Jewelled stock pin. Fascinating, Diaphanous Plaids. Some of the diaphanous plaids are nothing less than fascinating. A de cidedly French effect is in white silk with a tiny ween Dlaid in It. The bodice hooks up at the hack invisibly and is tight fitting, while it blouses somewhat in front, belnp all in tiny au ks Across the front, coming to a lioinf is a design in cherries and leaves embroidered in stlk over it. This design is on the cuffs and forms the collar around the throat. Mauy of the smartest gowns are scantily sup plied with neckbands, the narrowest stnjib of lace or embroidery being em ployed for the collar. The fashion it cool and besides affords an opjiortuni ty of wearing off the ten-tale dark ring that high stocks invariably leave on the throat. Coming to a point in the front of tue bodice Is a crushed girdle. The sleeves are tucked above and have wide lace insertions caught together to form the lower part, coming into the cuffs quite full. The skirt is close fitting above, hav ing a corded yoke coming round the hips and then down the front panel, sloping toward the feet. From this paii'l comes the lace about 14 Inches deep and then sloped around, below which the skirt flares very much at the bottom, having a few applied tuiks to finish it. Completing the gown is a pinkish white straw turning up at the side and front a trifle, with a large satin bow under the brim, while the top is massed with blush roses. Mention has been made before of 1 be new silk grenadines which are 1 constantly growing In favor. They are I as sheer as gaute and have a fine silky finish. Whito grenadine with a I pattern of strewn roses forms the material of a lovely summer gown. ! The design is elaborately trimmed I with squares of tuckings and lace out 1 lined with entre deux. This trim , ming runs dircetly down the center ! of the front of the skirt and has nar row pink ribbon run through it. it 1 also extends around the top of the , cirm'ar flounce which finishes it at tlic i'jttom and falls full and long ' ci the feet. with a slight 'Hi n the back. The upper part flu 1 Wbelj over the lilp and is plain in li.e back The bodice has a deep yoke formed I of these squares run In with pale pink I ribbon. The yoke comes down quite ; long over the shoulders and con tinues down the center of the front. , It is hooked invisibly at the back and mouses in rront. having a long pink ribbon sasb tied In a tiny bow in the back, with the ends falling over the skirt. Black and White Contrasts. No wardrobe Is complete with a black hat and a black gown. The lat ter may be carried out either In lawn, mull, net or point d'esprit, but the fa bric par excellence for a black hat this summer Is tulle, the very finest obtainable and shirred from rib to ctown. A very pretty idea Is to Our carpets are our pride and we do not brag when J appeal especially to women who like 4. -i 11 t 1 jj j , ,. I crimson efft.. The skin of a charm-n say it is the best assorted and most uptosdate in tmvnl lag model has a deep flounce of heavy 111 WMI 7 ranging irom l ov 6 piy ingrain to me neay Wiltons i i i r i a j f j t Doay orusseis. many uesigns 01 art squares, rugs, mattio? i and linoleumaIl fresh and nevat unmatched nri k . , vo 1U( matchless goods. ollk er & Folsom NEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE lleioi e dei where m hool examine a Pendleton Academy 3rC.TS ,VE CURE the Liquor. Opium, Morphine and Tobacco Habits as surely as quinine cures a com. uur treatment clarifies and builds up the system. One of our patients recently said: I never felt so well In my life; I am a wonder to myself!" Send to us for booklet. Ha-- ti.t large i-i-.-inand for Byers' Best FI001 Been bunt up. Onl the choice-1 wheat that grows enters in to Byers Best Hour. It s perfect. n in Flour Made bj the PENDLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Save Your Water fines fczamined and Reoalred af Dnro Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed b BECK, the Reliable PItimbe. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel Oregon. Portland. ulteinate the rows of tulle with iiolut utsrrlt. using as the only trimming a imy wntain 01 pinK. or wane, or red rosebuds under the brim. Contrasting sharply, but daintily with the black hat Is the white chif fon parasol. The height of luxury is attained in this accessory this sea son, ahirred and puffed endlessly on the outside and finished on the inside with soft draperies of chiffon. The , catalogue for the coming year. New long handle Is of carved white wood , building and equipment. New man with a gold tip. agement. and a faculty of experlenc- j With the all-black parasol may be , teachers. Special arrangement worn a hat 01 pure white crepe in for music students and for tho care Mary Stuart shape with a rather , oversight of all students from out I snarpiy pointed front. The design Is or town. All grades of public school almost severely plain, being entirely work thoroughly done. Our college comiiosed of flat folds gracefully laid, preparatory- work Is accepted by the With the bat goes a white net face best colleges East and West. Moral veil with a two-Inch bund of white and social advantages tho very" hest. crepe as a border. .Term begins September 14, 1903. C.... 1 i ., A. ... kjaiiiMg ut HuugesiH tae thought that cne of the most attract- i REV- w- H- BLEAKNEY, PRINCIPAL Ive fabrics of the season for shirt 1 wa'st suits is ii white Japanese cotton crepe, embroidered in rod or blue ' POiKa dots and French knots. A suit I of this material is not expensive for I it costs only 05 cents a yard and is ' 3b inches wide. Plain Japanese crepe In white and colors may be had as ' cheap as 20 cents a yard and Its crinkly surface makes up well with a touch of white embroidery or heavy i ate. Pretty Separate Bodices. Some pretty separate bodice for 'ool evenings are still seen. Very pretty Indeed, is a white satin fou lard elaborately trimmed with whito Irish lace, falling quite full In front and cut off across the hack with bolero effect. At either side of the front are two bits of electric blue vel vet ribbon run through with falling ends from tho center front; a high cruahod girdle of the satin encircles the waist, coming down to a point in the front. The sleeves are of satin tucked above and from the elbow to the cuffs they are of lace, quite full. The collur is lace, with a Jewelled crescent holding it in place behind. There Is no need of the patterns ot lace mils shown In the shops, black and white, both plain and ombroldor ed In colors, but It does not appear that they have created a furore as yet. It can not be said that the effect of the black open work mlts Is so taking certainly not as much so as open work stockings but why it Is hard to tell. White kid and patent leather belts are being put aside for narrow effects In linen and suede with gun metal buckles. The belts are slightly broader in the back than at the front and this is convenient for the woman whoso waistband, not being made af. ter the newest curved design com pels her to pin her dress higher at the hack to gain the fashionable out !lne. MAUDE GRIFFIN. t to go to St. GEORGE 1 Restaurant I Dinner Twenty-five Cents X7mMrt t in a I tfl 1 tl C. Short orders a speciality Quick, Courteous Seniw J n -u n- o-il Wit-It i uucu ail iaj o-- T. A. Oldfather.PfOF- Saint Helen's Hall Home and Day School for girls of all ages Academic and College Preparatory courses as well as thorough Primary Instruction. Ideal situation on the outskirts of city of Port land. Uaekot ball. tennis, horseback riding. Yenr book sent on application. ELEANOR TEBBETTS, Prln. HOITT'S SCHOOL. Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., California Thorough mental, moral and lihysl- 'al training for boys. Home lnflu-! ences; beautiful surroundings; excel-1 lent climate; careful supervision; i limited numbers; prepares for any! university or for business. Fall term hoglus August 11. Send for Illustrate ed catalogue. IRA G. HO ITT. Ph. D.. President.' A Nice, Jtucy Strafe is inst Hie thins tin wrath r It is ' u. pjdrt or boil meit Wall or ph ne MIESCKE 310 h. Court Phone Bed 211 qWI E QUKK.V HOTEL. Clean I comfortable roomi from conn up, Newly (urnlihed throughout. Queen Chop itouie In connection. Meals at all bourn Only while help em ployed, Olveua a trial, v . LET US FIU YOUR BljJ; FOR LJJMBER We can supply.1"" Building Material of descriptions and sa you money DOORS WINDOW Building pap cement, brick and gj Wood gutters for and dwellings a special Oreaon Lumber Alto St.,Opp.CoB9,i., .just 14 make 3" nt lines 1 J All our i jale wit BTSGV r THE 1 SOMEW Lswcpt I into a Ml Chu Eit S!d lid. potwi I Heron r the . as to rebui j -S. 'be rl rad i at lai'i ol fa t. 1 -lrt 8i' It il 1 12 an' Ii It i rv( IT fit tin' r p-pa t'