DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1903. .K SALE jo connection with oar greater MID-SUMMER SALE Read Read Read imAY. with thousands of other new items we will Latest silk sale ever attempted, beyond conception, and tttoduce the latest New York silk craze, Cygne m oiacK: scmng at m 25 per Tff Our special introductory price per Mf p other pieces of silk to be sold. Look at window. ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE NEWS OF MILTON U.,',','',',',,,l',,,--'-4ii.t...4.j. lititnr hV itit 1 1 K3ww.3 uiiiinui uiuuiu.il JufiSi)p i ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE ? Umatilla. Made at Home. Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride A. RHODE, Maker. 1-H-M- W-l"M"H"li'l"HM..i..i..i..H..;..i.4. SAVAQE Is truly Its proper name, for no rlllo was ever made to equal a Savage. Simplicity In con structlou and operation, and great accuracy make tnem sel dom equalled and never sur passed. The new 22-calibre Savage is a marvel for a small gun. We have Just got a few right from the factory and would like to have you see them. I0MPSON HARDWARE Co. t 621 Main St, Headquarters for fishing supplies PTT,M"rTTTT,r,Jll"lTTTTTTT,H,Tl',l"ITTiri"Jllil W TiAitiiTiititliAiTiiTiiTiifiifnl it it .1,.T.iTil r a r 1 TTT,lMl'Jl,n' '1"1"I'T 'I'T'l iiiiij4jfj leases the Taste" k fr SDdl Leaff Brand f are BEST Once Used ALWAYS USED fcTA RICO COFFEE in one pound Packages U & MOCHA. COFFEE in one pound, packages For sale by all up-to-date pro'err ps, leas. Extracts and Bakine fowder fLAWQ COFFEE & SPICE Co., ' 1'OUTI.ANl) KEIiON t..I.,I,.4......;tI,4.H''l''H''Il'l"l''l"l,'ll'M''l,4' ' . . '- MISS BONNIE WORMINGTON ENTERTAINS HER FRIENDS. Very Serious Case of Rheumatism Mrs. Mayberry Returns From an Extensive Tour Brick Business Block About to Be Erected Meth- odist Pastor's Salary Raised. n!ilt0n' Jul' M. Harry J. Miller arrived here Monday from nor home at Idaho Falls. Idaho, and Is a guest of Mrs. J. L. Williamson. Mrs. W. S. Brown is seriously 111 of rheumatism and grave doubts arc en tertained for her recovery. Miss Donnle Wormlngton entertain od a few of her friends Wednesday afternoon, it being her sixth birth day. Sho received a number of pres ents from her little friends. E. h. Smaller, proprietor of the Pioneer drug store, came over from alla Walla last night to attend a meeting of the A. O. U. W. lodce. He returned home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. pierce McClesi.y took their departure yesterdav for Port land after two weeks visiting here with relatives. Mrs. Xancy Spence went to Dayton Monday to visit her son, Andrew. She will return tomorrow. Mrs. Mary S. Smith, of Santa Cruz, Cal., Is here visiting her brother, lassey Stewart. Miss Eva King, who is employed as a nurse in the Walla Walla hos pital, spent Wednesday and Thursday with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilcox. . Mr. M. p. castle and daughters, Pearl and Ethel, were here Sunday and Monday visiting Mr Castlo's sis ter. Mrs. W. J. Neil, Mr. G. A, Cowl has accepted a po sition as clerk in L. J. Mclntyro's grocery store. Mrs. W. S. Mayberry and children, who have been visiting relatives and friends In Linn. Sherman and Mor row counties for the past seven weeks, returned to Milton Wednesday. Miss Christina McHae, of Walla Walla, arrived hero Tuesday and is a guest of the Misses Anna and Car rie McQnary. The lawn social given by the M. E. people near the Vincent cnurch last Saturday evening netted them the neat sum of $33.50. Charles Ruudell, who has been hero visiting at the home of Dr. C. W Thomas, departed this morning lor a brief visit at Walla Walla. The M. E. people of this city havo increased their pastor's salary from $500 to $C00. Miss Bessie Sutton arrived here yesterday from her home at Ileppner and Is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Asa Moore Miss Elam Entertains. Miss Bertie Elam entertained a number of her friends at her home last night In honor of her cousin, Miss Amanda Elam, of Portlanu. Pro gressive conversation was indulged in until a late hour, after which Ice cream and cake were served. Funeral of Mrs. Gentry. The funeral services of Mrs. J. H. Gcntrv wlm died last Sundav mornlnz of rheumatism, worn held Tuesday mornlnir in the South M. K chanel. i Rev. A. L. Thoroughman of Genesee, Idaho, conducted the services. The remains were Interred In the Odd Fel lows' cemetery. New Brick Building, 1 .3. Sanders and Tanke are going toll. erect a large two-story brick building In Kreewnter just as soon as brick can be had. i III With Blood Poisoning. Mr. i.. J Pierce went to Walla, Walla this morning to see her broth-1 er-in-law. Mr. John M. Hill, who Ib dangerously ill of blood poisoning. I will average, between IK and 20 bush els per acre In the Kight Mllo coun try, but owing to the fact that a groat deal of the grain is spring sowiug. On aCCOUnt Of the u-Attir s-nnrtlllnno j last fall, the general average will no I cut down considerably. THE WEEK'S WEATHER. Summary of Temperature In Pendle ton for Seven Days. Local Weather Observer K. P. Bry son, furnishes the following summary of the weather for the past week. There is nothing remarkable about the report, except the very low tem perature reached about 3 o'clock Wednesday morning. The thermometer went down to 31 degrees nt that time and more than one cltlien who went to bed with tho usual allowance of summer covering got up and pulled down tho window, hunted up another quilt and closed the transom. Following is tho maxi mum and minimum tomporaturo for the week: Min July 10 5S July 11 53 July 12 r.3 July 13 54 July 14 51 July 15 31 July 16 50 Max. 95 94 S9 SI 01 01 Kilgore Had a Narrow Escape. While driving some stock to tho city yesterday, Ed Kllgoro of Athena, met with an accident which might have Lec'i worse, but fortunately re sulted in nothing serious. Ono of the l.ortcs being driven broke from the band and started back the way It had come, and tho hoy attempted to head It off. The animal Kllgoro was riding was a two-year-old colt and but half broken, and In tho ex citement of the chase jumped into n ditch alongside of tho road and caught tho rider under him as ho fell. Both horso and ryder lay in the ditch for some time, and when nt last the colt did get up its rider was powerless for a time to use his leg. However, after a time ho recovered tho use of the limb and caino on to town. Besides a few bad bruises and the shock of tho fall he Is none the worse for the experience. The beds of peas In Colorado some times include as many as 2,000 acres and there Is one bed exceeding In size 2,500 acres. i Special Clearance Sale All Summer Goods must bo closed out ana cur PRICES nro tho menus wo nro using to accomplish this ond If you want ANYTHING call on ua THE FAIR Free Trip to Kines Grove On Saturday, July 18th, tickets will be sold for 50c per couple, for Baker & Klrkman's dance at Klne's Grove. Tickets include transportation to the Grove and admission to the dance. Free hacks from 7 to JO p. m. No intoxicating liquors sold on the grounds. Dancing Sunday: 2 to 5; 8 to 1 2 p. m. Baiter l&tafflDii ELATERITE It Mineral Rubber. VOI' MAY IN I'KNl) Ill'lt.DINl ortlnl II iivecMMiry to HKlMnW'K A WoltN-OI'T HOOK ELATERITE ROOFING Takes tho nlaco of shingles, tin, iron, tar and gravel, and all prepared roofings. For Hat and steep surfaces, gutters, valloys, etc. Easy to lay. Tempore i for all climates. Reasonable in cost. Sold on merit. Dunran teed. It will pay to ask for prlcesand Information, THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO. Worcester Building. Portland. t Reward $100 Reward From now on until further notice I will give to all CASH PURCHASERS ONLY a dis count of 10 per cent, or in other words; any one buying $10 worth of goods will pay only $9.00. LOT OF ROCKERS will sell as low as 20 per cent discount from regular prices, STEEL RANGES and Cook stoves will sell almost at cost Unredeemcclp ledges of JEWELRY, all kinds and sorts, will be sold at a sacrifice. The following are some of the lines we are we give a discount of 10 per cent for cash: WHITAKER, Dentist? Pendleton, Or. hp ".iiy oj Seamless Go d Crowns ana riuc iT55 biker r-,inc Si. Gold Filling Si up, iiest "'mte or Celluoid, S8 All work guaranteed Set Night Was Her Terror. 'I wou.d cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Charles Applegate. of Alexandria, Ind., "and could bald ly get any sleep. 1 had consumption so bad thut if I walked a bhek I would cough frightfully and spit blood, bui when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's N'.hv Dlscovory wholly cured ine anil I gained 58 pounds." It's ab solutely guaranteed to cure coughs, colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all throat anJ Iuug troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tall man & Co ' drug itore. it i Center Tables Dining Tables Kitchen Tables Hook Cams Writing Desks Office Desks Sideboauls China Closets Chairs, all kinds Dressers Folding licds Wardrobes Crockery Glassware Lamps Tinware Granitcwaru Stoves showing and upon which Refrigerators Carpets Matting Kugs Linoleum Sewing Machines H&drooin Sets liedding MORROW COUNTY CROPS. Fall Sown Grain Will Average 20 , Bushels Per Acre, F. P. Vaughn, one of the prosperous ISight Mile farmer, left a lew am pie beads of Scotch Hie wheat at the Times office Mouday while In town, says the Heppner Times. These wheat heads are from Ave and K half to six Inches in length, hAve tour to five good plump grains to the mesh. He baa ISO acres of this wheat which he thinks will yield 20 to 28 bushels per acre, while some of his neighbors think it wlU go SO bush els per acre. Mr. Vaughn has itLout 600 aeiei in all in wheat, wlu'li he think will average about iv i u-iiela to the acre All grain unn m summer fallow last fall wi l !'...!. about as good a crop as h. '-ir, and would have been better but for the fact that tho stand ih n-t ab good as last year. Mr. 'Vaufehu iblnks the fall sown grain No discounts on sales under 50 cents Do not ask credit and discount at the same time because you -,an not get it. Bring your cash with you and you will not he disappointed. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD will be given to any purchaser discovering thai prices have been raised for the purpose of giving this discount. Remember, that I am the local agent for the North Ger man Lloyl Steamship Co., and am able to sell you your tickets to or from any part of the world. J0SBFH 4...4..4..--4....-4------- --------l------l S I--'