NINGEDITION " BAILY EVENING EDITION nAlLY r ., ....I it Tour roildenc krawii br carrier t Eastern Oregon Weather 1 v - . vrrrrTr J5c A wcn.iv. Tonight and Sunday fair 16. I TILL SEPTEMBER 1 General Condition is ed, and He Was . i I TU!n fl n rn ! n re trtaDie mud uin&. Leepless night lT RESTED DURING DAY. Lance Is a Marvel 10 aii i of Hit Cats Ultimate Re. i Not Possible, But Medical Nursing Can Accomplish Lble Results. Inly 18.-Vatican reports Le cheerful Tho pontiff me rest during the day and In of Ills condition has Kilned. Live Until September. Li? 18. Official bulletin at the nope passed a sleepless since the first hours of the bd quiet repose. Rcsplra- la anil not superficial, be- I level of the pleural fluid I Respiration 2S, pulse weak loeraturo 3C.2. His gene- lion remains unchanged. azzonl. ' hlcians seem delighted. An ts nnt at nresent necessary fcvsirlanK sav- this morning lble his holiness may live iter. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OKEGON SATU H DAY, ".I VhYl 8, 1003. GERMAN GYMNASTS. Twenty.Flve ThTmHmd Have Gotten Together at Nueremburg Nucremburg, Germany, July is The grand fete or German gymnast began this morning. Tem five thousand will participate. Two hun drcd are in the American contingent and teams are hero from London, St. Petersburg, Capetown, Shanghai and Mebourno. Seventy-eight special trains of evmnnste ni-ri.-A.i .1.1. jn(; ...... vu juia morn- The fete lasts five days. The an nual meeting of the League of Ger man GvninnstK will hn i,t,i i Junction with the fete tonight. It nus iuu.uuu members. CORNER IN COTTON. Thousands Thrown Out of Employ ment at a Result. Fall River, July IS. As a result of the cotton corner tho mills here can not get raw material and are shut ting down. Seven thousand employes are already idle and thousands more will be out by the middle of next week, BANDIT CAPTURED. mi IS STORM SIP T Twenty-five Persons to Have Been Killed Interior, Known in the STORM WAS A WELL DEFINED TORNADO. At Least a Hundred Injured Victims Great Damage to Crops and Other Property Many of the Best MANEUVERS REDUCTION OF TROOPS. 1 OF THE VY School of Practice Off the Coast of Maine for Naval Commanders. ONE FLEET WILL DEFEND AND THE OTHER ATTACK. Towns In North Central Were Badly Devastated. Mexican Both Fleets Will Then Attack Port land, Which Will Be Defended by Land Batteries and Troops In Illinois! Connection, Wireless Telegraphy 1 Will Be Given a Thorough Test. .Inly IS. Latest advices Washington. July IS. Never bo- j Army Retirements and Promotions From Miles Down, Washington, July IS. General Davis, conuiiniidlng In tho Philip pines, having recommended n roduo lion of troops. Secretary Hoot has Instructed him to wltlitlrnw throe cavalry regiments mid three Infantry regiments whenever transportation Is available. This will require several months. Tho oldest In the service, will ho sent first. The war department this morning formally announced tho tollowlng promotions: Mnjor-Oenorul Young will become lieutenant-general, vice Miles, retired. llrlgndlor-Ooiiernl Sumner will be major-general, vice Davis, retired. Brigadier-General Wood will bo major-general, vice Young, promoted. .Miles retires Auk- ! ust S. Davis. July 20. ! Thirty-Four Promotions. I Washington, July IS. Tho prosl-1 dent has decided to promote 111 oolo-1 nels to brigadier-generals In rank, j with tho understanding that all will Immediately retire. All are officers j who served creditably In tho civil' war. EACE IN SIGHT. Between Strikers and May Bring Good Results. Jul IS At 10 o'clock w a conference between btlon of Labor executive land Kelloggs was held in : to settle the strike. The ants an open shop and tho mand as a first consldera- kmstatement of all old enl iven hundred were employ ee strike, of whom 400 left lant re-employment. me others hae found work They finally agreed on each to discuss matters I respective sides and hold tolerance Monday. There ) noting today on account : a half holiday. A largo lollce keens tho crowds Itlng near the manufactur- c , Chicago, r..iaci -ny in wan tor fiom the illistrlet .,( v, th 1 for.. In Anmri.. ,iil..., ... Him at Douglas. which spent its final fury on Chicago , vers been planned on such a scale ns Tucson, Ariz., July is. 1)111 Stile, , last night. Indicates tho casualty loss IIiom; which will take placo In Aug the train robber who escaped across i was underestimated in last night's 1 st off the coast of Maine. Two im the Mexican border when Indicted for reports. j mouse lleets, comprising tho flower robbery, was captured last night by I In Streator, Mendota, Verona, Cam-1 of the American navy, will combat, rangers. He sent word to a l'riend ! 1,1S. Kingsley and other towns in One defends New England ports, tho at Douglns to meet him. The I Central Illinois, whero the storm ether attacks. friend betrayed him. Rangers am-! reached Its highest speed, 25 are I Af.-rwnnl the two will combine bushed the bandit and made him sur-1 known to be dead and nearly 100 in-! under Rear-Admiral Raker, forming render. He Is in Jail at Tombstone. I Jured, several of whom are not ex-1 the largest fleet ever mobilized off pecteu to recover. the American coast, and win attack Information from many sections is I Portland harbor, endeavoring to meager, as the wires aro down. The j prove that they can conquer the land damage to buildings and crops is uoienses. heavy. FRANCO-SPANISH LEAGUE. in Get Together for Operations Northern Africa. Madrid, Jnly IS. Premier Sllvea announced in tho chamber today that Spain had formed an alliance with France for the preservation of the integrity of Morocco. Said this would necessitate the reconstruction of the Spanish navy. The battleship squadron, the North Atlantic fleet from tho Azores, tho Kearsargo from Portsmouth, and nearly the entire Cnnlbean squadron. Secretary of Agriculture Reports on Me new training squadron from CROPS ARE SHORT, Epworth Ardor Not Dampened. Detroit, Jnly IS. It lias been a gloomy day. yet tho Epworth ardor is undampened, No general meetings wore held, but the afternoon was do voted to rallies. Conditions in Central States. Chicago, July IS. A special to the Record-Herald from Washington says: Secretary Wilson, who has Just nesoia said today "Wn lie tho fa ' T,,e Jolnt 'es with tho army f .'.?,. ' .J ' , e th(J .,' ' will begin off Portland August 23. n, .h: V,o . ;. ,,. .i. 1 tireless telegraphy will ho given ...... w. ... tlujlo u mi J ,tiu Chesapeake, will all participate and are now en route. August 10 a spectacular Inspection of the immense fleet will be made by Roosevelt, Secretary Moody and Ad- lrdn at San Quentlne. r-niH.u, jury is. jouu 'elected today to bo war- In rttintitj., I. .1 . I- -."v....,, jivimt'iiuurj, Martin Agulrre. "i In the Desert. IWi, July IS. A we'll '. evidently English, was In the desert near Cos, niners nmi tni.-o .. W3, unable to talk. I1 Street Steadier. July IS The nmr!;nt Ic Iter Thr ..,i.i.. 'egal rqa reinents on )rd Olfln England. :. tnj'iand July 18. "'I Uonioanv linn WIDOW ATTEMPTS SUICIDE AND CHILDREN'S LIVES. the corn crop will bo short. The ab normally cool weather," he said, "has retarded the development of the crop. Along the valleys and high ways the crop has been saturated, and the corn will not mature. The best corn Is along tho dry, rolling a thorough test. CHARGES BRIBERY. lands, but even there the cool season . star fr0I' HrooKlyn Hnys has prevented he crop fiom being 0t()rgL, w nuavors formerIy cl Warrant Out for Another Postofflce Official. Washington. July IS. A special to that chief of Woman Was Worn Out With Hard Work and Privation Run a Stu dent's Boarding House Took Too Much Laudanum. may have an average crop If the weather in the future Is favorable. but If it continues cold, it is hard to say to what extent there will bo ..l.nHn.. n.t... ...It, 1... the finest for many years. Tho cool i weather has favored the growth of The outlook the halury and allowance division of Los Angeles, July lS.-Mrs. Mary oats wheat and barley. Hughlett, a widow at Santa Ana, tried for tho farmer is good." to kill herself and ner two cuiuiren. Frank, aged K and Grace, aged 12, j lauuanum. KENTUCKY REPUBLICANS. the pofctoUlvo department, has been indicted by tho federal grand Jury, probably on two counts. A bench warrant has been Issued for his ar- but lias not been surved. Got the Money. New York, July IS. A bench war rant was Issued by Judge Thomas, in the United States circuit court, Hrooklyn. today for the ariest of Geo. W Heavers on an Indictment found by the federal grand Jury, which n. Inot tllllt llV They took too much and It acted as an Nominated a Full Ticket and Ad-, c.harBOh Mm wjth accepting a brlbo of emetic. All were saveu. j""'"". Tho woman's husband dlud recent ly. She moved to RerUeley. Lai., where she kept a boarding house for students. The work was too uaru, Louisville, July 18. The bocoud day of picturesque political inauou $S 10. It is understood that payments to leavers were traced hack to tho purchase by the government of tho verlng In tho state convention of Brandt-Dent Cash Registering Co. Kentucky republicans failed to oulini- and she became despondent and fear-, nato In the final grand surprise of a ed she could not make a living. She i winning dark horso. Tho ticket Is as wrote to relatives she was coming to1 follows: tne southern end of tho state to kill ! Governor Morris H. Belknap, Lou- herself. The police scoureu uie iuwn uvine. for her yesterday, and relatives took Lieutenant Govornor- lira 11 . -"mJ JIUH lr terminal docks here, 'River on Rampage. I Ml 1 The nver Odor is The p.v .. ' and lar c areas are I1" Albany, N. Y. f. mi- now nign Ilrnn .., ' with Five Lego. i. of nu .. lt'i . 13 ,nB owner Wimal Mr. Dyo i ,;;': " a ? cou.n- k " uins tho fie urn. , ac r,l Is full Lf "wt side it iioo u. ''--Dolse Capital ho,- lwimo this morning. The woman had been planning for some time and finally decided to kill hor ehlldien as well as herself, fear ing they might get Into bad hands. BAVARIAN SCANDALS. Berlin Papers Throwing Mud at Royal Families. Berlin, July 18. A sensation is caused by the publication of accusa tions against female members of tne Bavarian royal house, who are charg ed with conducting a petticoat regime and procuring appointment of "vo ltes for promoting the anti-Jewlih crusade. Eight princesses are involv ed. Including the crown princess Mario. CONSPIRACY IN PORTUGAL. Alleged Scheme to Dpose or Murctor King Charles. London. July 18.-A 0e"fn"" natch from Ubon reports conspli acy against King Charles of Portu al Fivo Infantry officers have been Posted and will be tried by court martial. Selected a Capita' Melbourne. July 18 Tamut. In : New South Wales, has b;-en selected as the capital of the l A. n. trallan states. It is a t-niat! tnn m an agrcultural district WI1- Bar- Dan- J. B. holt. Ashland, Treasurer John J boursvllle. Auditor George K. vllle. Attorney (Jenoral William tier, Winchester. Secretary or Stalo J. C. Speight, Mayfleld. Black, Welsh, Beck- FIRE ON THE VOLGA. The postolllce Inspectors found Hint Beavers had a large account in tho Nassau Trust Company, Brooklyn, mid are said to have discovered that checks deposited there had boon given by exCongrossman Drlggs. Beavers Not Yet Arrested, Washington, July 18. Although it is the general belief that an Indict ment was found yesterday against Beavers, in the postolllce scandal, It has not been formally handed down, nor an arrest made up to a late hour this afternoon. TRIAL YACHT RACE. Reported That Sixty Lives Were Lost By Steamer Burning. St. Petersburg, July IS. The steamer Peter was destioyed by fire on the Volga today. Sixty perlshod In the tiames. The passengers and crew were caught like rats in a tiap. Before the ship's boats could bo got ten away, or any aid reach tho ves sel fire had t'ompletely enveloped it. Capture of a Bandit. Washington, July 18. The war de partment advices from the Philip pines announce the capture of Kaus tino Dulllermo, the most famous ban dit in Luson. The piedlction is made that tils will cnii disorder in Rlzal province. Coaling Station Treaty. Havana, July 18. Tho Cuban sen ate has approved tho coaling station agreement The bill also approved aproprlatii g $SO.nn for a world's fair at St Louis. Some Speculation as to Superiority of the Reliance, Morris Cove. July IS.- A 39-mlIe thrash to windward Is tho courso for the Reliance, Constitution mid Co lumblu today. Tho Constitution's showing yesterday renews specula tion as to tho Reliance's superiority. The wind this morning Is light from the southeast, presaging a long bat tle against tho headwinds. The Re liance started nt JO: 10:9. the Colum bia at 10:15:28. the Constitution at 10 17. official tluio. Reliance Ahead. New Iyondon, July 18. The unoffic ial time on tho finish of the yachts U as follows: Rellajicu, 1:33:04; Con stitution, 1:42:6; Columbia. 1:51:47. BRYAN 'S PRES DEN T PROF PHIPPS DROWNED. Carter Harrison of Chicago Will Got the Nehraskan's Support Next Year. ANNOUNCEMENT MADE AT A CHICAGO PICNIC. Secretary of the National Democratic Committee Will Act as Bryan's Spokesman Speeches by Bryan, Hurst, the Democratic Candidate for Governor of Iowa, and Other Notables, Was on Exploring Trip In North, western Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., July IS. Professor Phlpps, of tho chair of English In tho State University, was drowned last night nenr Crawford, In too north western portion of tho stnto. His party was out hunting fossils and were caught In a cloudburst in n nar row gulch. Phlpps was unable to swim. Ills body was found a qitnrtor of a mile below this morning. All tho others escaped. Flour Mills Sold, La Grande, July IS The Mt. Van uie rlourlng Mills, at Cove, have been sold by E. I'. McDanlel to N. II, and Sherman Roes, for 8,000. Tho mills wore hulic In 1800 by S. O. French and wore named for Mt. Fannlo, a high peak of tho Blue Mountains, near C'ovo, which was named for Mrs. McDanlel, tho first while woman to ascend to the summit of this peak. Son Was Born, Buzzard's Bay, July IS. A sou wns horn to Grovcr and Mrs. Cleveland at Gray Gables today. Chicago, July IS. Muyor Harri son's name us tho choice of tho Bry an democrats for tho presidential nomination year will probably be proposed at tho Chicago democracy's picnic this afternoon by Walsh, tho secretary of tho national committee. Walsh Is utuililo to attend, hut lias forwarded ti copy of tho speech lis Intended to make. At 1 this nrteruoou tho distinguish ed visiting democrats started for Brand's Park, escorted by CO charter ed trolley cars crowded with local en thusiasts. Theio will Iki a pnrado ln tho down town district. Sullivan, tho democratic nominee for governor of Iowa, Bryan, Con gressmen Trlmblo anil Williams and William 11. Hurst will siK-ak. ELGIN LABOR UNION. FORECLOSE IMMENSE DEBT ORDER IN DEFAULT BY SHIPBUILDING TRUST. Amount Involved Is $16,000,000 Com pany Behind With Its Interest Pay ments and Is Completely Insolvent Big Legal Fight On. New York, July 18. Judge Kill. Patrick, sitting In Hie United Status district court, signed an order on ap plication of counsel representing tho Mercantile Trust Company of New York, permitting tho corporation to foreclose tho $ 10,000.000 mortgage of the United Slates Shipbuilding Com pany, held by It as trustee for bond holders. Tho petition netB forth mo default 111 piiyment of Interest churgos duo curly In July. Tho petition mny lt Hied with any United Slates district court, and n day will then be fixed for argument by counsel for and against nllowanco of the foreclos ure. Receiver Janios Smith, Jr., will open the suit. Tho order permitting hie filing of tho petit. on lias been anticipated by counsel representing tho rocolvor, and tho legal battle to prevent the foreclosure when It I alios placo will bo of n sensational nature. Teamsters Organize With a Member ship of Twenty-Fve, l.u Grande, July 18. W. 15, Morand, organizer for tho State Federation, and .1. E. Culper, organizer for tho A. F. or 1,., went to Elgin and formed a Teamsters' Union. There wore 26 charter members ami 10 were obli gated. J. It. Oliver, president of tho local Trades. Assembly, recently or ganized a local union of tho A V. or I.. In Elgin with 30 members. This union now has Its charter and Is ac tively considering tho labor problems of Elgin. Iji Grnndo unions nro now In full control In nil matters con cerning the clerks, masons, carpon tciH, palnterH, bni tenders and all contract and loam labor. At tho same time their course has been so moder ate as to moot with tho upprovnl of nearly all business men and building contractors. Has Made His Will. Ijexington, July 18. IJwen will go to Jackson next week to testify be fore the grand Jury, relative to the burning of his hotel. Ho has made a will and transferred all his property to his w'fe as he fears assassination. POLICE COURT AFFAIRS. Brown Gets Five Days for Shooting on the Streets, William Brown, who was arrested Inst night for shooting llioaims with in the city limits, was tiled this afternoon in tho city court and was given five days In the city Jail. Brown was In tho Last Chance saloon last night and came out with another man and started for the depot, hut hefoie reaching the place he tired his pistol a couplo of times whether or not at bis companion could not lo learned. The accused denied the charge and vlun (onvlcted promised to return after in- bad served his Bontonco and whip both the marshal and tho Judge. In the meantime he is cooling his wrath In the city hotel. After the shot they both ran, hut cic pI'Ked up later by the police. Mei.y Hi messy and Edward An dproii ac-i'o arrested for drunkenness and both pleaded not guilty and de nied that thny had boon anywhere near drunk. Whon they havo BUflln i. ntly sobered they will bo sentenced Young. Boy Suicides. .Stochpoil, ()., July 18. A 12-year-old son of farmer Lindsay, committed sulclili) last night by shooting. No cause Is assigned.. HEPPNER RELIEF FUND, Question Raised as to the Proper Use for the Money Yet Unused. Tho committee at Heppnur having In charge distribution of the ruuds sent there by tho various towns, yesterday sent a communica tion to the committee In this city asking them to give omo Idea as to what use tho commit too hoio would like to havo tho fund applied. There Is ul this time plenty of money at lloppmir for tho use of the men In charge of tho work there, anil they would rather tho people who donated the money would express somo idea as to the host use for It, whether for municipal purposos or for private ex-, pendituio. . Undoubtedly thure aro cases In tho city where the money could l ap plied for tho reller of losses made by the flood, but whether or not Ihmw elrcumstances should be Hrst reliev ed Is what the people there would like Ui know. The local roniinlttoo has made no reply to the mt-s-MUM. as most of the men are out of the city who have been at the head or the relief movemont, and it l n..t like ly that anything will b" tlonc until those men return, Injured for Life, John lloburts, who wan shot l Deputy Sheriff Nnvo at Wallula last spring through that office's mtstuk ng him for a hobo, culled at Uw Union office yesterday. Mr. Roberts tUl suffers occasionally from tho severe wound and says he will never be tho samo man again. 1I Is on a small chicken farm Just eaBt of town Walla Wnlln Union IWi'lsal' liWWiWll H