DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1903. " .- - .A. .. " - " - -. US LK SALE ia connection with oar greater MID-SUMMER SALE Read Read Read HDAY. w,th thousands of other new items we will launch reatcst silk sale ever attempted, beyond conception, and jtroduce mu lamm ck iu smk craze, Cygno in Mack: selling at $r 25 per mrs Our special introductory price per v)p orty other pieces of silk to be sold. Look at window. ALEXANDER5 DEPARTMENT STORE qy raiDlj Of I'MATIUA CHI! RUSSIAN BATTLESHIPS HOVER ON THE COASTS. Interior of Thibet Is Torn With Dis sensionsRebels In South China Are Gaining Strength United States Fleet Still at Cheefoo. VltOidllV to ndllerK l'nnlv.l V.f the steamship Kmpress of India atj"t Vancouver todav it, Pi,i. i ., . u I Hi!liJ 41 Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered tliat only urinary ami bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all diseases have their bcKinniuc in the disorder of these most important organs. The kidnevs filter and purify the blood that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak ' X' ., tl,! ,0 " brcakl,?S point, (or out of order, you can understand how 111!. PAn.. 1 1. ... so-Clilneso lntrIKues culminating 1r luo draft of a secret treaty between unna and Itussla have fired the war party in Japan, and many newspapers urge an apcal to arms. n1!11? ekln correspondent of the JIninich says M. Lessar's reference to ntisslan preparedness is taken tt. mean that troops nro now at tho Yalu ,tho forco a,onS no coast of the fellow Sea Is In sufflclent "lu6"'' J no miss an m n stw in quickly yonr entire body is affected and how everv orjjau seems to fail to do its duty. If you arc sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, ur. Kilmer s Swamp-Root, liecause as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health, A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make 110 mis take" by first doctoring vour kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidnev remedy, is soon realized. It cures Special Clearance Sale All Summer Goods must bo closed out ruiU CUT PRICES aro tho moans we aro using to accomplish this end If you want ANYTHING call on ub THE FAIR 4 Keeley INSTITUTE PORTLAND OREGON Pekln also states that he has recelv. stands the highest for its wonderful cures cd Instructions from Adm.rnl Aipvintr t,lc ,nost "istressing cases, and is sold lint oil ,iri. ' l'l--H " ,, it ,,,,.;, l. nil c-.l?" OU ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE ? Umatilla. Made at Home. Try Pendleton Boquet and Pride A. RHODE, Maker. t is truly Its proper name, for 110 riflo was ever made to equal a Savage. Simplicity In con struction and operation, and great accuracy mal;o tnom sol dom equalled and never sur passed. Tho new 22-callbro Savago Is a marvel for a small gun. Wo have just got a fow right from tho factory and would like to have you see them. huukson HARDWARE Co. 621 Main St, Headquarters for fishing supplies - . 1 n V iTTTTTlTTTTTT r'fTTVTVT. . uj.ii mi uciensive measures in vin- of a poslhlo Japanese Invasion have ieen completed along tho coast of t ie "iellow Sea and the Corean fron tier. The United States fleet Is still at Choloo and tho Japanese squadron Is cruising in Chinese waters. A dis patch from Masampho, Corca. snvs that five Itusslan battleships and seven torpedo boats are lying there. Japanese correspondents at PeUIn state that great precautions nro being meeting v -L nu,. "l i t--H--H-H-H"H-H- oflicialR secret, in order to nrovent ' 1 j. Uritish and Japanese interference Z t Sll Vl 11 CO il t much as possible. The Osnkn Alnln.. 1 11011 Ul UL' (U chl correspondent savs that iinaoin,i I on its merits bv all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may llavc a sample tlOttle Ilomnot Swamp-Root. by mail free, also a pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when vrititigto Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uing hamton, N.Y. I)f l'l make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Uoot, Dr. Kilmer's Swnnip-Root, anil the ad dress, llinghaiuton, N. Y., on every bottle. Its Merit Has the large demand for Byers' Best Flotii built tin Ontt' flirt llrt!iDPt mtiail ln iirmnr nnurr in oest Hour. It's perfection in Flour. Made by tht' nuii'. nv rr n mm m .r-i.ra- ivi i i .. W. S. Byers, Proprietor. Once Used ALWAYS I USED A COSTA RIUO COFFEE in one pound Packages '4VA & MOCHA. COFFEE in one ponntl packages i'"or Hale by all iip-to-dato grocers, -r it.a, extracts ana xjaiiug uwwv . COFFEE & SPICE Co., ZmhHs" the underyood officials at Pekln have been working ' to convince Prince Ching and Chinese i T omclals that Japan's rordlal rccep X tlon to Russia's war minister. Gen- ? eral Kuropatkln, shows that a Kusso f Japanese entente Is In making and that tho Anglo-Japanese alliance Is I falling. j According to dispatches received) by Shanghai papers from Thibet, f great excitement prevails there be- 2 causo nf mmnpc ihnt tUt n.utri. X. nriimjlMl lu Cnrlln- C r t.n ' -....... 0uwiuS u juitu oi sumiers from India Into Thibet because boun dary negotiations with India have failed. A correspondent of the Shang- hal Mercury, writing from Tacn Lu, 'f on tho Thibetan border, on political affairs In Thibet, says a rumor is ear- i rent that the Talai I.ama cast tho 1 7 Thibetan king In prison some time, ago nnd tool; over the seals of gov-,! erument. This so enraged the people T that the king had to be liberated, but! the Talal l.ama kept the seals and 1 has been practically ruling Thibet, making the condition of the Chinese I unbearable. 4. The correspondent also reports that seveie fighting has taken place ! at I.ltang, Thibet, between the peo-! pie and priests. The abbot of the monastery had defied Chinese inter-;T ferenre. and fighting resulted in whlcn , the priests were defeated and the ! abbot deposed. , Advices from South China report that the rebels lu Kwang SI are now j .J. stronger than ever, especially In the vicinity of Kwellln. the provincial cajiltnl. The rebels have established 4. a provincial government, collect taxes, enlist and drill troops which 1 T are regularly paid. The rulo of the rebels holds through several diBtrirtt, ami the natives are outto contented Strict dlsclpllno Is enforced by the rftliol ..friflirc! ii.lir, iilvn ,,11 fimtimnrlc. In English. Arms and ammunition, T nil modern, are continually being j brought In by bands from neighbor-j j, Ing provinces. The rebels, who are said to be kov- ! erned by the reform party, which has branches In America, look upon the district where the provincial gov eminent In established as headquar ters of a great rebellion soon to com menee. nnd a correspondent of the North China Dally News predicts that when hostilities commence, the mandarins will find the rebellion ten limes greater than the Tnlplng up rising $13,450,900.00 Of Insurance In force OREGON FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION. M. Agent H. RICE, Kreowator, for Umatilla County. J. P. WALKER, city agent for Pendleton. 4. a. r rrT.'TTTT'rTTTTTT f TTTtTTtT FIRST AND MONTGOMERY STRE ETS, 'PHONE MAIN 391 i ii i ... .w ,".'.."'iifr iut.v ' .sij)iiJjS WE CURE tho l.lquor. Opium, Morphine and Tobacco Habits as suroljr u (liiinlno cures n cold. Our treatmoMt clnrlllos nnd builds up tho system. Ono of our patients recently said: ' I novor felt so well In my life; I am a wonder to myself!" Send to us for booklet. Reward $100 Reward give t From now on until further notice I will to all CASH PURCHASERS ONLY a dis count of 10 per cent, or in other words; any one buying $10 worth of goods will pay only $9.00. LOT OF ROCKERS will sell as low as 20 per cent discount from regular prices, STEEL RANGES and Cook stoves will sell almost at cost all kinds and sorts, will Untcdeemcdp ledges of JEWELRY, at a sacrifice. The following are some of the lines we are we give a discount of 10 per cent for cash: be sold showing aud upon which RIDGE NOTES. Vwierwooa te 1- 1 . ni I it r -. m t-viM 1 tin. '4irjr5or:j 1 mm?- v t&mvmA 11 i,i,- Standard Typewriter is the only ab solutely Vision Writing Machine, also tho only typawrltor having a tabu lator as a part of its construction, and without extra charge. Simplo, nono more durable, and oporntion unchanged, but make qulcK or easier Fifteen to 30 per cent of tlmo saved. Catalogue free. 1 ion au allowance on your old machine in exchange S.KRP.s a Pendleton, Oregon Harvest Is In Proaress and Promises Fairly Well. ( V. K. Uaker and his mother and two sisters came up from Pendleton this week to spond a fow weeks dur ing harvest and tak wine reeroa tlon We are still bavin warm days ami (ool nights. The range it from 4fi to j !in degrees. I Crops that were sown In the dust i in I- going to mane a loiernui jun vi,.l,l . i Center Tables Dressers Ivufrigurators Dining Tables Folding Hetls Carpets . Kitchen Tables Wardrobes Matting JJook Cases Crockery Hugs ,T Writing Desks Glassware Linoleum Oflicu Dtsks Lamps Suwim,' Marliines Sideboatds Tinware Ufdroom Sets 1 China Closets Granitewaro Heddin( 'j. Chairs, all kinds Stoves l No discounts on sales under 50 cents Do not ask credit and discount at the same time because you an not get it. Bring your cash with you and you will not be disappointed. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD will be given to any purchaser discovering that prices have been raised for the purpose of giving this discount. DROWNED AT ASTORIA. Oreoon City Man Slad With Cramps 8lnkt Immediately. Astoria. July 17 Ernest Baneke, a young man whose home wa at Ore gon City, wan drowned last evening at Taylor's seining ground near this city. He attempted to swim from a gasoline launch that waa imehoiod a ahort distance from aboro to tho messhouse, when he wi- taun with cramps and sank ivi ' immediately although Iip va an excellent swlm mei iiii'l u in the daily habit of .swlinmini- rr.j" tin- launch to the :hoy His jr -i ,-J- n- uu-red With iom diHl'ii"'1 a- tt. wa-. found nerea bary to 1m 1 '" f n' o Pl'k ' up, Remember, that I am the local agent for the North man Lloyd Steamship Co., and am able to sell your tickets to or from any part of the world. Ger-you i iry lv li u LL-7 BR ! t ; i t t t 4 f t t I . t i j