DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON. THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1903. H-M-M Clearance Sale of Summer Clothing Men's t $10.00 Suits, Stile Prices $ 8.00 $12.50 mid $18.50 Suita, Sales Price. tO.OO $15 00 Suits. Pules Price J 2.50 $16.fi0 and $17.50 Suits, Sales Price 14.00 Boys $2.00 Suits, Sales Price $J.60 $3 00 Suits, Sales Price 2.40 $100 Suits, Sales Price 3.20 $5 00 Suits, Sales Price 4.00 BEAR & DALEY j One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Halters n i i i n 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 .HHH, GENERAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALS, The Interstate Loveo Association will convene in New Orleans October 29. Kaiser Wllhelm has bestowed an Immenso gold medal upon the Ameri can artist, John S. Sargent. Sirs. Claudia Watson, a dauKhter ot Clans SprecUles, tho sugar King, has sued her father for ?00.000. The American cable Is soon to be extended directly from .Manila to Shanghai, a distance of 600 miles. An early settlement of tho Man churian open porta controversy is confidently expected In Washington. Ninety thousand dollars will bo ex ponded on the North American Indi an exhibit at the World's Fair at St. Louts. The eastern end of tho OgdfL Luclen cutoff on Oreat Salt Ijiko. has been finished and 100 (Sreel; la borers discharged. Recent French legislation against religious schools threaten to result J In rioting and resistance In the l French West Indies. Mrs. Cynthia Hendricks slipped and fell at her homo at West fllon roo, N. Y. The accident caused her death. The day beforo she had cele brated her 101st birthday M. I.olciq Lohet, member of tho Geographical Society ot Paris, is in San Francisco. Ho is promoting a scheme to build a railroad beneath Behring Sea, to be partly in a tunnel and partly enclosed in a cylinder. Over 25 per cent of the foreign Im migration to tho United States in the year Just ended, came from Italy. During the past 10 years more than 1.000,000 Italians have come to the United States and the ratio is con stantly Increasing. Tho Illinois Central Hallway Com pany Issues a statement showing that tho gross earnings of the companj during tho fiscal year just ended were $45,115,100, and operating expenseh and taxes for the same period amounted to $31,731,000. Hotel Pendleton. Corn Hudleson, l.os Angeles. .1, flreen, Portland. H. N. Darker, Portland. J. H. Holloman, Walla Wallu. Tom Nestor, Portland. W. D. Chamberlain, Portland. J. n. Ilache, Seattle. Oeorgo H. Sutherland, Walla Wallu W. D. Allard, Portland. II. H. Mailer, Portland. Vellesla Watson, Fort Jones. Alex Colin, San Francisco. -Max Stelfel, Chicago. SI. A. Hoswell, Seattle. Hello I.a 1-ande. Weston, (t S. Youngman, Portland. K. U. Canon, Portland. Noah It. Clem, Spokane. N. Reukle and wife, Spokane. 11. C. Long, Portland. L. II, Alandell, San Francisco. Oeorgo II. lionehlll. Grass Valley. George E. Massor, Spokane. S. I. Florence, Heppnor. Golden Rule Hotel. G. I). Galle, Portland. Alyra Parker, Sprague. C. U. Parker, Sprague. F. SI. Parker, Sprague. H. Walters, Kllcusburg. George Turner, Snohomish. J. S. Harris, Snohomish. J. Peck, Walla Walla. Con Film. Walla Walla. Ella Fernley. Salt Lake. Katie Houst. Walla Walla. Cleo Heeler. Wnltsburg. Grace Hrighani, Collego Place. Nlles Brlgham. Collego Place. Hay Small, Walla Walla. C. Wilson, Hay. W. D. Slarks. Spokane. J. G. Helfrlch, Spokane. A. H. Glnn. Walla Walla. W. A. Slikesoll, Echo. William Smoot, Echo. .1. F. Thrasher, Athena. V. .1 Horg. Walla Walla. C. 1 Downer, Spokane. SI. W. Italic, city. C. 11. Darwell, Holdman. USEFUL INVENTION E. C. JAY, OF THIS CITY, HAS CONTRIVED A MOTOR HOE. Its Use at the La Grande Experiment Station Prove It to Be a Valuable Implement, and One Hundred Arc Ordered for Use There Its Manu facture Will Be Entered Upon on a Considerable Scale at Once, Some time ago E. C. Jay. ot' this city, went to Union, where ho wont Into the shops of the experiment station there under the direction of E. II l.eckeuby, who has charge of tho Institution, anil began attempting to Improve some of the farm and gar den machinery that Is there used. Tho experiment station at Union Is a great place, and the men In ohargo thuro attempt not onl to Improve tho things that grow, but also to Im prove the manner of their growth and the utensils with which they are cultivated. There Is a section oi land set apart for the use of the sta tion and all of it Is uudor cultivation. On it are grown all kinds of grains and grasses and garden truck. Every now species ot plant Is taken as It comes and Is watched In all of the pluihes of Its growth; nnd not only that, but It is cultivated under diff erent conditions and In different soils until tho best way of growing is as certained. For some time the immugemont has been planning plows and harrows and hoes and cultivators, and for tho help ho might be In the latter line Sir. .lay was sent for and put to work In the shop, For n long time tile men at work in the fields hud htxjn trying new hoes which were warranted to remove the pain from the back of tho user, but none had been found satis factory. If they removed tho pain they failed to kill the weeds, and to accomplish tills combination of re sults Sir. Jay went to experimenting As a result of his researches and ex perimentation ho has at last perfect ed a model which Is such n success that he has been sent home by Sir. I.eckenby with Instructions to make j ion noes lor tlie use or ino station, and after that Is done he will manu. facture them for the general market. The blade of the new hoe is seven to eight Inches long nnd workR flat on tho ground, sinking underneath the surface and getting at the roots of the weeds. Tho ends are dovetailed, so that It can pick the weeks from around the roots of the plants to be cultivated, and the principal beauty of tho Invention is the fact that the operator stands straight while work-! lug the field, thus eliminating the backache feature so well remembered by all of the small boys who used to weed carrots in the days of nuld lang syne. The maker expects great things from his new Idea STATUS OF POLYGAMY. Plural Wives Have No Legal Claim on Husbands for 8upport. Salt Lake City, July 1. According to n decision of tho state supremo court, a man Is under moral but not legal obligation to support Ills plural wives and edilcale his children by such unions. The decision was ren dered 111 the case on appeal from the Utah county district court of a suit for separate maliitoiintico brought by Slary Caroline Kiddle, a plural wlfft or Isaac Kiddle. The supreme court Is uf the opin ion that "notwithstanding celestial or plural marriage Is one of tho essen tial tenets of the Mormon church, tho legal status or marriage exists bo tween parties who In Utah, before thu enactment or any statute upon the subject, though members of that church, having made a contract of marriage in which they niutimlly agree to assume ami observe the le gal obligations of that relation, and In pursuance of Hint ngreeiuont open ly cohabit as man and wife and hold themselves nut to the public as such. Hut In the absence of such an agree ment the legal status of marriage cannot arise." It was shown during the llrst trial that Kiddle married .Mary Caroline In the Temple at Logan. Utah, In tho rail of 18SC, while he was dodging deputy United States marshals who had a warrant for his anest on tho charge of polygamy. Kiddle already hnvlng two plural wives. Proposals for Wood. Sealed bids will bo received by mo at my olllce in room 10 Jitdd building, until II o'clock p. in., or .Monday. July 20th, 1!I0:1, for tarnishing School Dis trict No. 10 with one hundred nnd twenty-live cords of four-fool wood, to be cut from live timber and thor oughly seasoned. To be delivered at tln different school houses In tho District in such (lunntltic.x us thu board directs, Payment to be made In school warrants or School District No. Ifl, The board reserves the ilgnt to reject any nnd all bids. JOHN HAILEV, .IK, Clerk Pendleton, Oregon, July 10th, l!io:i. If you desire n good complexion use Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It nets on tho liver and makes tho skin smooth and clear. Cures sick head aches. Twenty-live cts. and 50 cts. Slonoy refunded If It does not satisfy you. Write to W. II. Hooker & Co., Uuffalu, N. V., for free samples. W. II. Schmidt & Co., Druggists. BAKER HAS LIGHT AGAIN. PACIFIC NORTHVEST NEWS. The Canadian Pacific lost two lo comotives In a Are at Kamloops, 11. C, Wednesday. The flouring mill at Union has clos ed down, after a year's run for lack of wheat. Tho new crop will be ready by August 1. Portland Is strengthening her city hall vaults In view of tho daring hold-ups In tho city. A very tough class of hoboes Is In evidence there now Charles Wert and Thomas Struble. two small boys of Portland, died Wednesday of lockjaw, caused from wounds made with toy pistols, on the Fourth of July Androw Olsen. ot Swedovllle, Or., was found hanging by tho neek in a barn Wednesday. He was dospori dent and III nnd had threatened to commit suicide. Three prisoners broke out of the Multnomah county Jail Wednesday morning, by sawing out the Iron bars of a back window. They had help from the outside Bolso City women, irrespective of party, centered their efforts on tho election of tho democratic candidate for mayor, J. W. Hawloy, because ho was pledged against gambling. Their votes elected him. A systematic boycott on tho Paci fic States telephone from Vancouver, B. C, to San Diego, Cnl., has been In augurated by tho operators, on ac count of tho refusal of tho company to settlo the Spokano trouble, peaceably. DeafneS3 Can Not Be Cured Hy local npnlir.itlons as they con not reach mo the iliscabcd portion of car. Tliere Ik onlr one way to cure ileufnegd. and that I) by constitutional remedies, nearness Is caused by au luu.imed com! 1 1 Ion of the mucou-t lining of the Ku-ilnchlan tube. When this tube U Inuametl you bare a rumbling bound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely clo&eil, deafness' Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearlu? wll be destroyed forever; nine casw out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothn? but an In llamisl condition of the mucous nurfaces. Wo will Rive One Hundred Dollars for anv case of deafness tcauged bv catarrh) that can not be cum by Hall's Catarrh I line, wenu ror circulars rree. R J. CIII:.NI:Y It CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all drugrcsts. 75c. Hall's family i'llls aro tho best. Enlarged Light and Power Plant Is Now in Operation After a Month's Delay by Fire. Haker City, July 10. The new light and fiower plant has made an experi mental run and is In urst-class con dition. The lights will be turned on tonight, after six weeks or darkness, caused by the burning or the plant, in Slay. The si.e of the plant was Inci eased by one-third, and a better servlc than over will be furnished. New mnehln ery, throughout, lias been Installed and nil the latest nnd most Improved appliances added. The entire cost of the new Institution is about $10.-000. Heavenly Home from vacation, fooling good, strong and healthy, would be tho caso after an outing at tho most beautiful ot Hluo mountain resorts IvChman Springs. There Isn't a placo In all tho West whero you can find a moro convenient and delightful spot to spend a fow days or a long time nway from tho heat, noise and worry of city life. Tho 15 natural hot springs aro wonderful for their me dicinal ptopertlcs. Hotel accommo dations aro first-class, 'phono connec tions, free camping ground, 25 pri vate cottages, largo swimming pool, baths, golf, tennis, limiting and fish ing. For further particulars, address C. K. Dutton. Lohmnn Springs, Or. New Paper for Pasco. E. P. Green, formerly publisher of the Columbia Courier, has made all arrangements to begin tho publica tion of a weekly paper at Pasco. Ills plant has been shipped in and ho will Issue tho first number next week. Mr. Green owns n large tract of laud under tho Keniiowlck ditch, nmi has Western Golf Tournament. Milwaukee, Wis., July 10. Some of tho best golf teams or the West aro participating in tne annual open championship tournament of the Western Golf Association, which opened today on tho links of the .Mil waukee Country Club. Among tht visitors are teams from Knnsas City, Toledo, Chicago, Pittsburg. .Minneap olis, Dulitth and St. Louis. Prize amounting to $500 will bo distributed among tho winners. The tournament, which lusts two days, will bo follow ed on Saturday by a spoclal competi tion for the Slarshull Field cup. made u success of Irrigated fnrnilni -r.-.l n .! .1 ,.!... . . juuku ueii, oi oeiuuu, nan iiuuiMeu . nut sun nciinowieuges tho all con that tho antl-gambllnc law of Wash lngton does not apply to slot ma chines which pay cigars and candy, instead of money, and that they can not bo suppressed by tho present statute James Stownrt, formerly of Bump ier, shot his wife twlco and then kill ed himself nt Idaho Falls, Wednesday morning. Ho toutid Mrs. Stewart In company with n man of whom ho was Jealous, and falling to kill too dis turber of his family, ho turned the pistol upon his wife. Sho will not recover, (luering fascination of n print shop and will leave the management of the farm to enter the newspaper field once more. We sell the greatest of blood puri fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a posltivo guarantee. It will euro all chronic and other blood poisons. If you havo eruptions or soros on your body, or nro palo, weak or run down. It Is Just what you need. Wo refund monoy If you aro not satisfied. 50 cents and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt tc Co., druggists. A NEW UNION. How to Join and Get Quick Resultb at Small Cost. Why not Join our union of piano purchasers and save a hundred dol lars? You can do It nnd we can help you. This Is how It Is done: Wo can well afford to sell ten or mure pianos cheaper than one so have organized a union of ten members. You join and pay $10.00 down ami $10.00 a month, the piano Is yours. Now hero Is the best part of It. Every tlmo n new member Joins, the price of your instrument depreciates in price $10; in other words, when tho union Is fill ed every member gets 111 h instru ment $100 less than regular prlco. For example, a regular $300.00 In strument can bo had for $200.00 by Joining tho union. Don't delay tak ing advantage of this great opportu nity, as It will only last a fow weeks of the dull season. Tills, combined with our easy payment plan and ex change contract makes It possible for everyone to havo an Instrument. Thorkolsen's Piano House, 315 K. Court slrcot. Everything musical. Our Iced Drinks are good enough for the Annels and we feel certain they will refresh ft' and please all ordinary human beings. On these very warm days and evenings, there are no more popular beverages than our Phosphates IceCreamSoda Pick-me-ttps Ptmches Egg Drinks Root Beer Razsle Dassle Pecan Sundae F. W. Schmidt's The Roliablo Druggist htiflicr Mock I'houe Mallifiji It Is asserted that tho longest lived people aro thoso who make breakfast their chief meal. OREGON. PORTLAND. St. Helen's Hall Has a Normul Kindergarten Training Class In connection with Its Acade mic Department. Separate residence. Two-year course. Slodel Kindergar ten. Provides practice work. For details address ELEANOR TEBBETT8, Prin. HOITT'8 8CHOOL. Menlo Park, San Mateo Co., California Thorough mental, moral nnd physi cal training for boys. Homo Inilu onces; beautiful surroundings; oxcol lout cllmato; careful supervision; II nil tod numbers; prepares for any unlvorslty or for business. Fall term begins August 11. Send for lllustrat cd catalogue, IRA G. HOITT, Ph. D., President. I Cold Stuff and HOW We Serve It Wn lutvn HntiuTfltl for tlin hnlnnnn nr v.. .."r t t n't.'.. v u.. lu season tn. V1UUB ui mr. u. xv. iiutiBr oi UMCUK0. thn Knot,.... V, ' ...in i. ..i..,i i,. . i . " proieBs mi ..i SPECIAL TOMORROW English Walnut Scndae Claret Boquet Strawberry Frappe Cafe a la Carte Mountain Pink Frozen Roman Punch Try Ping Pong Try Ping Pong ice cream soda or "Sundae" tt craze oi me cast DDAri V M fAM A O n Corner of Alain and Court Streets Breakfast Is the "quick meal 'of tho day have to hurry off to work no time to conk If you eat mush you tan urn! any kind hero The kind that is served hot or tho kind you eat cold. Ilacou, nice. sweet, thin slices, in convenient cans takes Just a minute to cook. Syrup the kind that makes you want to eat a dozen hot cakes Small and large cuns. Coffee tho kind Unit Is nut equaled in l'oudlototi HAWLSY Bros. Anv Time Es h Oood Time MA3LTMOIE Made in California where materials are produced. The lowest priced roofing made. Lasts longer than all others. It is weather and water-proof and fire resisting. 9caJ for UScUt. The Paraffine Paint Co. San Francisco, Seattle, KJy8j& Portland, Loi Ansl ind Denver, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOK, Agunt COOD SOUND WOOD Is always received wliun you place your order with us. Fir. Tamarack and ..Pine.. Why buy poor coal when you can get the best for the same price? Laatz Bros. Telephone Main 5i Now i& the accepted time 1.1VR vour nause na niea or there will help Its looks wti iu v. some nice. onanL nn wnll paper will lend a freshftu to anv room. Our stock of il paper was never more compitw --J ,A,t. tl rn np rl.c nn K.?IIr rome in liH let us show them to vou and til ...l.fr It . ..Ill tt fnr veur whole house or one room. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. . m f r. lain i nin KKfl n win n mi v - - Insuri with C. C. BERKLI1 . . . . .' Iitp is lira TT !,. Annnf fiV tllR I1U IB ilfiOUl iu' - mm j...! liStale. flOil l" "-"- Mefchaflts' Protective Agency of ireaciieion, Collections a specialty Credit Rating ... n.nrls Special Credit i" Customers H. G. GUERNSEY ... t tr.tr W nm,. In Dospalu i'"'"Z-i Farmers Custom rrcawnlter.,' ... mn liarreln9J, n mm - alwaVB 00 ""