DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1903. .1 4 I LK SALE In connection with our greater MID-SUMMER SALE Read Read Read DAY. Wlth tll0,isantls 01 other new ''cms we will launch Lest silk sale ever attempted, beyond conception, and I!,oducc the latest incw jrorK silk craze, "w i t 1.. 11.' - i . Our special introductory price per Up ty other pieces of sill; to be sold. Look at window. ALEXANDER'S DEPARTMENT STORE S OF MILTON DEATH OF A RECENT YOUNG FISH PLANTED. Experts Return Home to Clackamas From Bingham Springs. Karl H, Wilson and Ammul Old- CrUlirC tiin PVIIOHS ennt In i1iniin nt ' fllf. nnn.lnnmniti . . r n , i- . , t ' , """n""viii. ui usn irom wio COMER FROM KANSAS. Clackamas hatchery to Wnghnm i SnHnps MiturMr..! i ...... -1 ..v. . ' ' i-U 11U1I1U ltl!l Illlll. ThO trOllt llflVn hni.ll iilttfifn.t f.. n sirciauy prepared pond I f lititlr 1T I'll I T IT T 1 HUM VI liUlllM,il iWJtiQj PSWS.'T.Sl'f - v' I ENJOY A GOOD SMOKE? Try Pendleton Boauet nnd Prlri, matitla. Made at Home. A. RHODE, Maker. Is truly Its proper name, for mi rlllo was ever made to equal a Savago. Simplicity In con struction and operation, and groat accuracy make Uiem sel dom equalled and never sur passed. The new 22-callbre Savage Is a marvel for n small gun. Wo liavo just got a few right from the factory and would like to havo you see them t )MPS0N HARDWARE Co. 121 Main St, Headquarters for fishine supplies Merit Has the large demand for rets' Best Flom By, lit up. OnK the choicest wheat that crows enters in- I best Flour. It's Perfection in Flour. Made hv the JLETON ROLLER MILLS W. S. Byers, Proprietor. 4...;.w..MlM.....;.,..;,,.,;,,I,..,t.........4...S.i. eases the Taste" for SdM Leaf Brand of Once Used ALWAYS USED teL,?0FFEE lu one PUU(1 Packages - uujmsis in one pound pacKages w bak i.y all up-to-date grocers. ' Teas, Extracts and Baking Powder WD COFFEE & SPICE Co.. IXMS1 HE UNDERWOOD A California Vocalist Attracting Con. slderable Attention Will Spend the Summer Camping Miss Irons Will Attend Business College at Spo kane. nnu'nn J.u,y, iprs. nila U. Mc Tril l ar,rlve(1 ,ere Kri,,i- from her homo at San Jose, Callfor- ? R vlslt1"K her sister, Mrs. J- n. Plants. Mrs. McDowell Is a t..?, Z sl,"Brr nn(l Iftst n'Kht at .?! I hi cI""'ch SB"S two solos which were highly enjoyed Mr. and Mrs vt i i...r.i -r , i ... . ' -'minium, ui hahlotns, Wash., arc hero visiting Mrs. Mnmford's ,,arents Mr. and Mrs. J- H. Hamer. Mrs. 1, A. Wilsop. of Walla Walla, Is here visiting at the home of .Mr. .tu .uis. u. wiuiams. MISS Ada Plot- ti-nr.. W.li. tlon ' " " (,ll0pplll: Medl- Mr. ami Mrs. F. Wilcox returned Saturday morning from an extended visit with relatives in tho East esterday afternoon while out rid ing with several boys, Charlie Miller's horse stumbled and fell throwing Charlie against the fence. Tor awhile he was thought to be badly hurt, but closer investigation proved to tho contrary. Aside from a few scratches and bruises he is quite comfortnhle. Miss Carrie McQuary returned to day from Walla Walla, where slip has been for sevpral days tho guest of her sister. Mrs. J. F. Mcltae. Miss Fannie Skarpe. of Colfax. Is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Talbert, three miles north of town. nr. M. M. Dlttebrandt and father and mother. Mr nml Mrs nhnrina Dlttebrandt. returned Saturday troni j .j u muicn mi-, uro.. wnoro tney have been for several days visiting lrlends. Mr. and Mrs. L. h. Herry and fam ily will leave tomorrow for the toll gate, where they will spend the sum mer camping. Miss ..larguerite Irons will leave for Spokane to attend nialr's imslness college. Mrs. J. L. Williamson wns in Vr. ton Friday and Saturday visiting her son. Charles a Williamson. Miss Lulu Craig arrived here Sat urday from her home at Eugene and l Is a guest of her brother. Will H Craig. Mrs. Thomas Entertains. -Mrs. C. W. Thomas entertained a few friends at her home Friuav even-, Ing In honor of her cousin rhnrlrs Huridell, of Mount Vernon, Iowa. A very pleasant evening was spent by those present. Rnrraslimpnts cnnulm ing of ices and cakes were served. Death of Mrs. J. H. Gentry. Mrs. J. H. Gentry died vi.k1pi-i1.h- morning at 8:15 at her home in this city of rheumatism. Mrs. Gentry lately came here from Kansas and has been afflicted with rheumatism ever since her arrival hern, lint imr condition was not considered ilnnrer. ous until a few days ago. Stie leaves a uiisiiann. one son ana ono daugh ter. Interment will take place to morrow. springs and are now in charm or r W. Avery, who will be their sponsor and god father. ns It were, until the little fellows are able to hustle for themselves In the swift waters of the Umatilla. Mr. Wilson says the black spotted trout attain a length of S and 9 Inches nnd the rainbow 10 Inches and are the gamiest fish In tho West except the Montana greyllng, which stands at the head of the list for sport. The gentlemen who brought the fish from the batrhery say the pond prepared for their reception is the most per fect one yet found In the state by tho fish commission. With ordinary care they say the loss In the entire shipment will not exceed one per cent hv tho time thev are tinned into the river. NOTICE. Bids for Wocd for Umatilla County. Notice is hereby given thnt bids will bo received by the county clerk of Umatilla county, until Monday, July 27th, 1003. at 0 o'clock a. in., for the delivery at the county conn house of 100 cords of sound, dry fir or tam arack wood, delivery of all of said wood to be made on or before No vember 1st. 1P03. A deposit with each bid or 5 per cent of the total nmount of bid will bo required that successful bidder will enter Into n contract for the delivery of said wood in accordance with the terms of his bad nnd give a bond In tho sum of $"00.00 for the faithful performance of said contrari or forfeit the amount so deposited. The court rc-eros the right to re jet any and all bids. liy nnlir or the county court W I). OIIAM1IEIU UN, Clerk. I ' ' "' ' A Delightful Beverage, A Safe Stimulant, A Good Mediche, For Hale bj JOHN SCHMIDT We sell the greatest of blood Durl- tiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a posltlvo guarantee. It will cure all chronic and other Wood poisons. If you have eruptions or sores on your body, or are pale, weak or run down. It Is just what you need. Wo refund money If you are not satisfied. 50 cents and $1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co., druggists. 5 1 APPENDIX REMOVED. Standard Typewriter is the only (ib solutoly Vision Writing Machine, also tho only typewriter having a tabu lator as n part of its construction, mid without extra eliargo. Simple, nonu more durable, and operation unchanged, hut make quick er easier Fifteen to 30 per cent or lime saved. Catalogue free. w allowance on your old machine in exchange. KES Agent Pendleton, Oregon F. B. Holbrook, of Umatilla, Breaks the Record for Quick Vork, F. Ii. Holbrook, general manager for the Oregon Land & Water Com pauy, at Stokes, went to Portland last Thursday on a short business trip, and whilo there submitted to an operation for appendicitis. Speaking of Mr. Holbrook's visit the Oregonl- an says: 'P. H. Holbrook, former councilman from the ninth ward, came down from Eastern Oregon last week, had his appendix removed at Good Sa maritan hospital, nnd after remain ing four days In the hospital, was able yesterday to bo around on the street. He was circulating on the EaBt Sldo yesterday among his old "tlllicums." boasting on tho fact that he broke the records in the appendix removal biiBinoss. Four days is a very 6hort time to bo held in the hos-j pital for so serious an operation, four woolcs, sometimes longer, being the time generally required. The Inti mate friends of Mr. Holbrook say that only an ox-councilman from the ninth ward could hope to inako such a remarkable record; nnd he admtted that there might bo something in that." If you desire a good complexion use Mokl Tea, a pure herb drink. It acts on the liver and makes the skin smooth and clear. Cures sick head aches. Twenty-five cts. and CO cts. Money refunded If It does not satisfy you. Wrlto to W. H. Hooker & Co.. RufCalo N. V., for free samples. W. H. Schmidt & Co., Druggists. Stern Father So, sir' You want to nmrry my daughtor. do you? Terrl ffl Younir man Yes, sir; but not ary wrrr,p than sho wants to marry me -Chicago Tribune. n It Will Alake You I'cel Good when jou tjet into one of the collars laundered at this es tablishntnl if you have been having your linen done up by an inferior method Shirts, collars amd cullr. laundered here is the acme of fine work and we send them home with a color and finish that is be yond competition. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Court and Tlulii-toii Streets. I Insurance at Cost j ; Special Clearance Sale ? All Summer Goods must bo closed out nml cur PRICES aro tho moans wo arc using to accomplish this ond If you want ANYTHING call on us THE FAIR ...4.. - Keeley INSTITUTE SND FIRST AND MONTGOMERY 3TRE CTS. 'PHONE MAIN 391. WE CURE the Liquor. Opium, Morphine and Tobacco Hnblts as Btircly an quinine cures n cold. Our treatment clarifies and builds up tho system. One of our patients recently said: ' I never felt so well In my life; I am a wonder to myself!" Send to us for booklot. $13,45C,960.CO Of Insurance In forco OREGON FIRE RELIEF AS. SOCIATION. M. Agent H. for RICE, Freewater, Umatilla County. jr J. P. WALKER, city agent for t Pendleton. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I ne orana I runu uoid nine i Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District. Is located upon the GREAT AlOTHER LODE system of veins and has for neigh bors on thnt vein such well known mines as the NORTH FJOLE valued at $10,000,000. The COLUMBIA valued at $5,000,000. GOLCONDA valued at $3, 000.000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO'S BELLE BAKER mine valued at $5oo, ooo. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued at $5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $400, 000, and many others. The Grand Trunk Gold Mining and Milling Go. Owns Its Property Coiislstlnc of 160 Acres of ttlcli (lold HcarliiK Vela It has no indebtedness of any character. It lias a conservative mining and business management. It is offering 50,000 shares of stock at 151 per share. It will become a dividend payer in a short time. It will pay you to write us for full particulars and to make cartful investigation of its merits. It has the indorsement of minim; men, business men bankers of Eastern Oregon, Write us today and let us post you. anil H. S. McCaJItfm & Company, Minors, Brokorsand Financial Agents, BAKER CITY, OREGON. Or H. S. BRYS0N, Local Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. 4 uur Weekly Mining setters on Mitmpter, uri'fon, uoiu wining g 5 District Free on Application. TOYYYTYYYYYYYYYYYTYTTVTVVVYYYTVYYYTYTtTTTTVTVTYTVTYt St. GEORGE Restaurant Dinner Twenty-five CentB From II. v a. in, to 7 p, 111. Short orders a speoiallty Quick, Courtoous Service Open all Day and Night T. A. Oldfather, Prop. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD Cor. Wost Alta and Llllltb Sts. S. A. ALLOWAY HAS CHARGE OF THE OLD DUTCH HENRY FEED YARD, AND WOULD DE PLEASED TO CARE FOR YOUR HORSES. PLENTY OF STALLS, LARGE COR RALS FOR L008E HORSES AND CATTLE. HAY AND GRAIN FOR 8ALE. CHOP MILL IN CONNEC TION. 'PHONE MAIN 1331. m not