East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 13, 1903, Image 4

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r 5 1
Pay as
for an inferior beer ?
Schlitz beer costs twice
what common beer costs
in the brewing. One-half
pays for the product; the
other half for its purity.
One-half is spent in
cleanliness, in filtering even
the air that touches it, in
filtering the beer, in ster
ilizing every bottle. And
it pays the cost of aging
the beer for months before
we deliver it.
If you ask for Schlitz
you get purity and age,
you pay no more than
beer costs without them.
Alt fir the
Brevity Bittlinz.
Phone SI Main,
H. Kopittke,
507 Main St., Pendleton
"Just trv a
Parrot Cigar
Missouri baudllB
Perpetrators Murdered a Deputy Sher
Iff and Fled the Country Were Cap
tured In Connecticut and are Now
Being Tried.
Union, Mo., Julv 13. Tho term of
the circuit court which opened here
1 todny will likely lie made notiiblu by
the trial of the Union bank robbers,
George Collins nml William Rudolph,
the hitter of whom created n groat
sensation last week by his daring es
cape from the St. Louis Jail, where
the two were confined awaiting trial.
Not since tho extermination of the
Coffeyville gang, which nourished
several years ago has this section of
the country produced two more des
perato crlmlnnls than Rudolph nnd
Collins, neither of whom Is more than
21 years old.
On Dec. 2" last, the two young men
rode Into Union, terrorized every one
In the town, entered the hank nnd
stole $14,000 In currency nnd $110,000
In securities. They lied to Rudolph's
home, nnd when surrounded by depu
ty sheriffs escaped after killing one
of the posse.
Captured in Connecticut.
In Rudolph's home tho officials
found a scrap of paper ou which was
scrawled "George Collins, Hartford."
The police of Hartford, Conn., were
notified nnd they found that Collins'
stepfather, whose name was La Plant,
lived there with his two sons. The
house wnK watched, and on March 1
wo men who left It were followed
U a resort. This place was surround
ed and Just then a carriage drove up
nnd from It stepped Collins nnd the
two La Plant boys. Collins wns cup
tured after a severe struggle. Two
detectives went Into the house and
there found Rudolph, who fought
them with the ferocity of a maniac
He was subdued, however, and wns
locked up, together with the others.
In La Plant's house $S,GS5. mostly
in gold, was found, with three re
volvers and a set of burglar s tools
Roth Rudolph and Collins declared
they would never stand trial und the
lormer's sensational escape from pris-1
on was no surprise us the two men. I
despite their youth, are regarded as
the most desperate criminals with ,
which the .Missouri authorities have,
had to deal In many years.
Range Drying Up Light Hay Crop
In Malheur.
The feed In tho mountains south of
hero 1b shortor than for a good runny
years, and what there Is, Is nearly
drying up, says the Grant County
News. There Is nt least tho usual
amount of stock pasturing on thlb
sennt supply, and unless thoro Is
plenty of rain nnd good growing
weather from now on, thoro Is likely
to bo some pretty heavy losses.
To mnke tho outlook still moro dls
couraglng for Btock raisers in the ex
treme southeastern countlcB, tho liny
crop Is not going to be up to the av
erage. These lire tho conditions as out
lined to a News man by "William
Ward, a leading sheep nnd wool man
of Malheur.
.Mr. Ward Is running about 80,000
head of sheep, a number of which he
Is pasturing on the mountains near
Strawberry Htitte. He says thnt nftor
pnssing 20 miles south of Pratrlo,
City vorv little rain has fallen since
early spring. This fact, together .'with
cold and unfavorable weather, has
cnused tho shortage on the rnngo.
Resides having very little rain to
help the grass and alfalfa along, the
large Owyhee ditch has broken many
times, nnd fanners could not got the
necessnrv water for their fields.
The first out will not yield over half
a crop, nnd. of course, there Is no
knowing what the second nnd third
tuny do.
This unsatisfactory prospect, taken
In connection with the actual losses
that have occurred In that section, a
light wool clip, and the enormpus
losses of stock throughout Montniin
and t'tnh. has lesultcd In the firm
tho wool sales recontly held In Onto-
r'Mr Ward did not got offers thnt
wore" sufficiently attractive to Induce
him to part with his product, which
Is still stored until the mnrket stiff
ens up n hit,
Be Ordered for New Line In a
' Few Days.
A n.embe.- of tho r.uniti' thai has
been orgnnized to put in n steamboat
and barge line between Glenn's Perry
nnd Hrimc.ui Junction of the Snake
river wns In town this morning, says
the Capital News. He said tho est
mates of cost had all been Investi
gated, and careful surveys of the rlv
er have been made.
The steamboat has not been con
tracted for yet, hut It Is the Inten
tlon to have work started on the con
structlon of the boat within the next
10 days, so that It mny be placed in
commission In time to hnmiie the fall
products of the Rrunenu valley The
plan Is to run the boat between
Glenn's Kerry on the rnllrond, and n
point down the river 35 miles to a
point about six nillea from Rrunenu
The bout will be about r.O feet In
length, nnd will coat nearly $3,000,
One or two barges will bo used for
the landing of stock nnd heavy
freight. The stockholders are care
ful business men, nnd have taken tip
the plan of navigating a part of the
Snake river after Investigation of the
probable tonnage, as well as the cost
of completing and running the boat.
They are sanguine of success and
will give the project a fair trial.
The Irish department of agriculture
The cigar that
beats them all at
The Lrccnt Selling Brand
of ClgnrH In Hie World.
Tht Hand is ihi Snetn'i Tretttu,,
stand taken by sheepmen for higher will make a special exhibit m insu
prices for wool than were offered nt Industries nt the Worlds I-air.
Night Was Her Terror.
I "I wou.d cough nearly all night
I long," writes .Mrs. Charles Applegate ,
: of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hard
j ly got any sleep. I had consumption J
so una ip.ni it I walkeil a block I
would cough frightfully and snlt !
blood, bin. when all other medicines
failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr.
Klug's Now Discovery wholly cured
mo and I gained GS pounds." It's ab
solutely guaranteed to cure coughs,
colds, la grippe, bronchitis and all
throat ana lung troubles. Price BOc
nnd $1.00. Trial bottles free at Tall
man & Co.'s drug store.
No woman's Happi
ness enn be complete
without children ; it
h her nature to love
and want them
us much so as
it is to love the
beautiful and
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great ana wondertul
remedy is always
has carried thousands
of women through
the trying crisis witiiout suffering.
Sand tor (rs book containing Information
of prlceli-6 valu to an exprcuui mother!.
The Bradfield Rtflulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
F riend
"Until in j- wllouMit :iiyf.iriinve liei-n
naliis CAM'AU! -1 t'e an tho beat
mcitiu-inc wo li..vc ctt i. . 1- tin-1' use Last
Kooli my wife ws fr p m- u- dartae for
two rlays. sha trie- joii c tc C .if AM.TS,
anil tiicr relieve I ic n ! Lc uc.h' almost
Immediately V' l'u c Ciscarets."
1'lltaburg Sate t Un - ! C I'llUburc, Pa.
Expected Soon to Make Demands as
to Labor and Conditions.
Pittsburg, Has., July 13. The de
liberations of tho convention of South
western miners which opened today
will he followed with much uttention
owing to the general expectation that
tho miners will make a demand for a
general advance in wages and Im
proved conditions of Inhor The con
vention comprises delegates from Mis
souri, Kansas and Oklahoma The
mine operators who recently organiz
ed under tho name of the SouthweeHt
orn Interstate Operators' Association
have representatives here In an en
deavor to bring about an amicable ad
justment of the differences between
tho miners and mlneowners.
ttltiiatitiiliilliliaiiai AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA
Oils and Axle Grease
I have a large stock of castor machine,
black and cylinder oils, graphite, Taylor
and caster oil, axle grease, compound in
bulk and buckets. Get my priceb be
fore buying your harvest supplj.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
1 .
Cold Pure Preservative
The new ice factory is now completed
and we are prepared to supply our
patrons with HARD CRYSTAL ICE
made from water that has been boiled
and distilled,
The only ice that is
Phone MAIN 1781
We sell the greatest of blood purl. I
tiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a rs vtr x ti t- . "
positive guarantee, it win cure all 1 rout Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
chronic and other blood poisons. If ' r 1 -n , 1
you have eruptions or sores on your 1 Delay will lead to serious breaks,
body, or are pale, weak or run down, 1 First-class work guaranteed by
It Is Just what you need. Wo refund' TiTHV i-t.. "Df' t.f nt 1
money If you aro not satisfied. 60 1 DM2ijEk.j 1116 ixCila.D16 irlfimbgy,
cents and 81.00 F W. Schmidt &. Co . 1 rnrt e(-. :. i, -i.i .... .
PleauDl. I'aiat-i
Owe, NuTOrM'-io 1
rnt 'i.nte Goal. Do
, 1 " rm; 10c. Zx.UX-
B1M11.C Utmrif Uniw.,, 1 hk.fu, M..U.41, t.rl. 117
Ho-To-Bic aaiK-i-t 'afli'taaa.isp
Suffered E'gfv AVnths
I can heartily recommond Acker's
Tablets for dyspepsln and stomach
troubles. I have been suffering for
eight months and tried many reme
dies without relief, until I got Acker's
uyspepsia Tablets, which I used only
a short time and nra now perfectly
well. Thanking you for tlie spoodj
recovery, I am gratefully yours, Fran
cis I. Clannor, Vancouver, Vah. Send
to W. H. Hooker & Co., Ilnffnlo. N
Y., for a free trial package. (Nothing
llko thorn.) F. W. Schmidt & Co..
gmtrtl cards. wmhlluK InTlmilnna. ti
100 engraved visiting cnl nllli pin r.
fl.SO; additional cards In Miiiiih l -iiuudred.
Tlie Mit Orra-nnla
at Bay
Twelfth Annual Convention
City, Michigan.
Hay City, Mich., July 13. Delegates
from Detroit, Iiiiffalo, Cleveland, To
ledo. Milwaukee. Chicago and other
great lake ports are gathured here
for the twelfth nnniinl convention thli
veek of the International longshore
men. Marine nnd Transport Workers'
Association. Soveral .nuestlous of
paramount Interest to the members
of the craft are to come up for ills
'nssinn und settlement and as n eon-
Miiiuenoe the convention promises to
l,e of niore than usual note. The an
piia) roport of Secretary II. C. Dar
ter shows that the association has
made a larger gain In meiuiiorslilp
during the past 12 months than during
any similar period in Its history.
i Gray's Harbor
j Commerc al Co.
Shanlko Wool Sales,
Saturday, July 15, Is the dato fixed
for the noxt public wool sales day at
Shanlko. This will ho tho last public
tales day of tho season at this place.
About 3.C00.O0O pounds of wool havo
been sold nt Shunlko this season, nnd
1.000,000 pounds moro yet remain un
sold In the warehouses.
We Don't Keep Everything
Out we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Tioorlng,
Ceiling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wt & C. R, Depot
Is always received when you
place your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack and
Why buy poor coal when you
can get the best for the same
Laatz Bros.
Telephone Main 5J
uouaas em) 10 lunipaui BuitiiuaADB
SMI l II BBuoj;ed lejaqii jiaui An u
mous pue o)epajdde odoad ou) pue
speo ) -jaded 0Biuas9jd8J s.upB
t t
IV ''111
iP wmfmmMtm
UWith a coupon.
514 Mair Sti
. m, 10 tlW 1
is a 1..HF ..... - - (mMl0rtria
SOllHCd vour ." 1
has (loin nni z :
fooii Among o 'J
rr Kkr and
. .a ... hems Hev"i
fact. It has .oke.. aJ
old-time powtier- 0, ur
tlon ot tun' ,'". uS(fulc'l
will have hum -i -the
Pound 25c
So.'! Ti
Mineral Rubber
Vfiit mav tviVMi mm nisn , .. . n-.iiiV-iilT
or tin It ii. uuHMiry In ltl'I'1. 1 J
lauea the place of fihlngles, tin, iron, tar u ',, .. tti
all f"
Sold on
roofings. Kor flat nml ntfien surfneos. gutter
' r i , i , . . n . ni, ,,.... ii n i .1 .i In rO:
teed. It will pay to ask for prlcesand information.
Worcester Building.