East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 11, 1903, Image 5

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r 1
hllMakc You Feel Good
.mi tret into one of the
Is laundered at this es-
kbnenl if ycu nave oeen
Lvour linen done up by
lerior method Shirts,
t amd cuffs laundered
I s the acrm of fine work
Lscnd them home with
lor and finish that is be-
Irtmd Thoiujson Streets.
I the Fire Insurance Com
as we represent. Our
npanies stana nrsi in wit
t. Fire Insurance Co.f 12,259,07t
Asmrwicf Co . 29.039.86S
i Lancashire rire
U Co 2.644.6SS
liitbb Mercantile
... 19,395,974
Urance Co. 22,697,153
(I B. C10PT0N
Ialwajs received when you
our order with us.
Tamarack and
thy buy poor coal when you
st the best for the same
btz Bros.
telephone Main 5 J
's Harbor
Commercial Co.
' k't Keep Everything
1 we do keeD a nood hln
Li . '
r ' nice drv Floorlnr,
' Rustic and Finish.
I1" grades. Also all kinds
I Dimension Lumber, In
PB Lath and Shinnies.
f ock of Doors, Win-
Moulding, Building
Tar Paoer and &nnt.
P( ' complete, and any
; ' need of Lumber will
' be rono In niacin
f" with the : ;
")'s Harbor Com. Co.
C. R. Depot
"l ?uu"ur wnmnn. x . .... .... ... . , . . . . .
July is furnishine Som IrLrl i"ne'
Accordingly. fnsh,on being largely de-H?d..?-
eatherf manv t
"Km.u. mm frocks arc being shown
It may seen, like repeating an oft
told .lory, but after all there u not",
ng so smart as tho white gown it
cn everywhere whether one go
to the ennehnm . . "' "u
."v..v, tuuiury. scales thp
mountain helchi nr ,n..V.. S1..
blue se.
..J.!!o.llKhf'u'lRht woo fabrics hav
Hcc'r ""V" .a'. to washable
terlals. There is a ,7 ,
you know, for even frocks of calico
umui mo e a mrnt.. tr.
enter upon terms of Intimacy with the
..........J niiiumi,
Hemstitched effect nr.
the lead for popular favor because In
themselves they are elaborate nr,A .
vv.t33di iij expensive.
A hemstitched lawn mstino.
KulS a, yara can dantUy designed
luillHllon va enolnnnos ti,
""i ui ii siriwngiy pretty model has
n yoke over the hips which extends
into a wide box plait down the center
of the front and graduated to a flare
over the feet. To In rnmmo II font
mi m?Ms must be ionp and trailing,
a annual lIIlIHissinifi m r!, thn
Prance at Cost
1 13 den r,
"iMuranee in tv, f
- ncuite AS. T
Pt lor ,! rTeewater, I
I IOf Umatilla Pnnntv I
f.LKER '"' agent Xor
h nun H"iT
hHtBaJjtjqjj94 xq "
-IU009JQ atea uj.
sweeping graceful lines unless thev
are Then with a nlethnm nf ttnninn
fluids on the market it is possible to
veep mem immacu ate w It i uttlo
rrom me box n alt on the skin
comes a deep flounce above which are
rows and rows of shirring which
mal;e it very full, with a long sweep
in the back. This same idea Is car
ried out on the bodice, for it has the
OKI- and box plait in the back crad.
uaieu, coming down to a deep ribbon
girdle which slopes to a ioint in front
where it is very full and loose, being
snirren across the ton of the front
from the yoke.
The sleeves have rows and rows of
the shirring on their upper part, from
which they tail very full and loose,
caught into cuffs at the wrist. The
neck is finished with a transparent
stock of lace supported by silk-cover
ed wnaieuoues and fluffed at the back
with a chiffon chou.
How to Clean Laces.
omen who object to the wetting
of their laces will be interested to
know that simple French chalk now.
dered and mixed with an equal quan
tity ol magnesia cleans very nicely.
It is a long time since so few black
and white effects were worn as this
ear The rage seems to be lor all
of a kind. Something that would do
for second mourning, however, is
composed of gingham with a deep
oke formed of bands of linen and
fagoted together with black silk
threads. The gingham Itself is a pret
ty black and while mixture. The yoke
comes down very low over the shoul
ers, with a curved design here and
here over it. This also forms the
upper part of the sleeves, which are
full below the elbow and gathered in
to cuffs of the fagoted linen bands.
The bodice bloubes quite full over a
Marie Antoinette girdle of black peau
de sole.
Completing the costume is a flue
French chip with short, wide crown.
nd spreading brim trimmed with
black tulle and black and white mar-
A pretty white organdie which may
be duplicated in any other color and
diaphanous materials shows a unique
arrangement of lace darned with pale
ink carnations. The lace forms the
pper pan of the skirt In a deep yoke
and extends in panels down the nont.
back and sides of the skirt in lour
strips The carnations are delicately
oven into It making a ncn unu
beautiful effect. Between the panels
of lace tne organdie is accordion
plaited and appiiqued at the uouom
Ith deep pointed raeuamons "i me
late that torms the yoke.
The bodice carries out the same
Idea but with modifications. The yoke
is a compromise between a square
and round eflect and extends low
over the shoulders in pointed effect
to form tlie tops of the sleeves. It ex.
tends down the front of tho bodice in
two narrow panels between which is
sandwiched the vest of the organdie
striped with tiny bands of lace inser
tion. The sleeves are largest at the
elbow and at this point are mei u
a deep cuff of the rarnation embroid
ered lace.
A Chic Tailor Gown.
Somewhat severe, but very chic, is
a tailor gown of white butchers linen.
The skirt has a pointed hip-yoke sot
over graduated box plaits that ex
tend ail around tlie figure. The hot
torn of tho plaits is decorated with In
tersecting circles or fancy white braid
buttoned onto the linen with tiny
carved pearl buttous. The idea is
new and promises to become popular,
for the trimming can be so easily ie
moved in case of an emergency.
The bodice is also laid in box plaitb
and has a pointed yoke. Instead of
being composed entirely of lace, how-Pvorfth.-
yoke Is made up of irregular
bands of the lace alternated with
strips of fine white suisse, tucked dl
ago nally. The collar is very low and
slashed at the center of the front Just
enough to reveal the outline of the
U The' latest Innovation in the line it
silks Is a dead white pongee The
shade-one might ca 1 ft'
there Is really color to it-Is trjtag
and unless one nas a 77
niexion it casts d sinal bluish tints
Ever the already freckled-and-tanned
r-v-uwu) ol me summer woman.
it makes up dcllciously, howover.
ihcro are three laco medallions over
the back of tho model under discus
slon and two in front, with a round-
v.,y?kl ot whlte laco the back,
which comes down ,to the center or
tho front with tiny white silk revores.
1 he rest of the bodice Is In tiny tucks
as are also the upper part of the
sleeves to a little below the elbow,
irom whence comes a verv full under
sU,vc cn,,Pht into cuffs of lace.
The skirt is rather plain, fitting
closely over the hips with two wide
bands of lace an equal distance apart,
running around the skirt vertically,
and falling quite full and long over
the feet with a swoonlm. min .1 n,n
Accompanying the toilette is 11 li
m.o straw hat. tilting up from the
"ice, with black velvet over the tint
crown, and pink roses whore it turns
Every Saving Counts!
One will find it a pleasure to make a trip through our
is t furniture store, the stock of which is like none other, whether
i you have an entire house to fit out, or just a single piece to
I buy, it will pay you to come here, as nowhere else do we
i believe will be seen such excellent varielv. heautv nf designs T
, - . j , .n
1.111 nicy win no all the 1 7 , , ,.. , . ii . . T
tNS"5 1oZ ftn Sit antI sucn quality at the price. Indeed your furniture buy- f
ing will be done most pleasingly and economically at the i
MWEK & 1F0LS0M store. No furniture too elaborate for us
and then we have so many nice, pretty pieces of furniture
that will fit in here and there and add much to the ap-
Sun-Plalted Skirts Again.
Oradually sun-plaited sk-lrto
luimiiK into fashion ngain and
doubt by fall they will be all
a black
an emuroidered linen shirt waist
and smart hat. All of tho fashiona
ble materials likewise lend them
selves to this manner nf treatment
The sun-plaited effects do not. permit
much ornamentation, but a strip ot
lace Inset around the bottom or me
dallions of lace can bo appllnued be-
lore the plaitlne is done.
Ill moussellne there Is n nrettv new
shade of gray known as mist. Tn Unnfnnpji n ti A inmdtvf t( r li n Mniti nnr neivini-inn nStkna
bleghten its effect it is squared with I i A''"1 a,,wt a,,u wullul1 ul - ""I CAICiI3iVC CIUICI;
eood sized stripes of a sltchllv dark- . I J i. - : 1
ci inn. smoKe crav. The sk rt of a
chic design has a graduated embroid
ered plait running directly down the
iront rrom which come three deen
tucks below the hips, then a space,
then tucks again until the spreading
flounce is leached at the knees.
The bodice carries out tho same
idea and is trimmed with dainty gui
pure dyed grey without a note of
contrasting color.
In the craze for elaborate decora
tion it Is an easy matter to overdo
the ethereal feminine trend of pres
ent modes and the woman who would
appear at her best must study the fit
ness of her gowns for time and occa
The Missionary Who Was Captured
by Brigands Will Return to Her
Kllen M. Stone, whose experiences
among brigands in Macedonia earned
lor her a world-wide celebrity. Is
about to return to Turkey and resume
her missionary labors there.
Miss Stone was captured by the
brigands in September, 1901, and held
in captivity for six months in the
heart of the Balkan peninsula. The
ransom demanded lor her release
was $110,000. The actual price paid
for her liberty was $72,000.
On her return to Turkey, according
to the secretary of the board of for
eign missions, Miss Stone will rind
the missionary path rougher than
ever. Since her thrilling adventure
the land of the sultan, the Turk-
sh government has thrown new ob-
tacles in tlie way of Christian evan
gelists'. Quite recently the Turkish
ensor at Constantinople objected to
the word ".Macedonia" in the Turkish
translation of the Bible, saying that It
as especially offensive in 1'aul's
pistle to the Thessalonlans. He or
dered that the word "Macedonia" be
substituted by the words "vllayetB
provinces) of Salonica and Monas
tic" Bibles that do not contain the
substitutes are confiscated and bum-
The result is thai the American
Bible Society Is having no end of
tumble in passing its goods through
he various custom houses in Turkey.
Our carpets are our pride and we do not brag when we
say it is the best assorted and most up-to-date in town,
ranging from 2 or 3 ply ingrain to the heavy Wiltons and J
body Brussels. Many designs of art squares, rugs, matting
and iinoIeumall fresh and newat unmatched prices for
matchless goods.
Baker & Folsom
and he does not, on account of other
ulllclal business, think he will be able
to attend those.
The teachers' examinations will be
gin throughout tlie state on August
". As yet no preparations are being
made for them and, so far ns Is now
known, they will be conducted in the
same mumier us in tho past.
uperintendent Ackerman Fixes the
Dates for Same, Also for Examina.
Superintendent Ackerman. with tho
o-operation of the county school su
perintendents, has fixed the dates for
the holding of the fall Institute In
Eastern Oregon, as follows: Union
The More People Know Newbro's
Herplelde the Better They Like It.
Tlie more It becomes known tho
better It is liked. Olio bottle soils
two, and those two sell four. New
bro's Herpitide Is what wo are all
talking about. It cleans the scalp of
all dandruff, and destroying the
cause, a little germ or parasite, pre
vents the return of the dandruff. As
a hair dressing it is delightful, It
ought to bi found on every toilet ta
ble. It stops fulling hair, and pm
M'nts baldness. It should be ubcd
occasionally, as u preventive to pro
tect the sculp from u new invasion of
tlie dandruff miciube. Sold by leading
druggists. Send 10c In stumps for
sample to The Herplcldo Co., Detroit,
Mich. F. V. Schmidt & Co., special
"Mamma," said Dolly, after she had
listened to a discussion of tho day's
August 17; Bandon, August 17; St. news, "doesn't tlie I.oru Know now
Helens, August 18; Wallowa, August big this country Is?" "Why, dear."
4; Heppner, September 2; Burns, oxciaimeu mamma, Biiociieu, "wxiai no
September 3; Canyon City, Septem- you mean?" "Well," replied Dolly,
ber 7. and Vail, September 10. I "the people in Now York prayed for
The Statu Teachers' Association rain, ana u lanueu way out in nan
ill be held at Baker City during
Thanksgiving week. Superintendent
Ackerman has made arrangements to
be in attendance at all of these in
stitutes except Bandon and Heppner
sas," Cincinnati Commerclal-Tribuno.
Bob Patterson, a dance hall man of
Portland, was robbed of a diamond
pin on tho streets. Tuesduy.
( W "'':
H A N O V C ft CW. -1
DR. C. J. WHITAKER, Dentist; Pendleton, Of.
Makes a specialty of Seamless Gold Crowns and Bridge Work.
Jixtracting 50c, Silver Filling Gold Filling $1 up, Hest Set
Teeth, Vulcanite or Celluoid, All work guaranteed.
u , v.
Hqu luuiiiuie factory
rin to be very r w roui nv.aday. Mr v jru.
l'i 1 am. 1 luvc a tonlrct mumiitf worm nun uir mi
Oils and Axle Gf ease
I lnvvo a Invito Htock of castor machiiiu,
black and cylindor oils, graphite, Taylor
and castor oil, axlo gruauo, compound in
hulk and buckets. Got my prices be
fore buying your harvest supply.
T, C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
7.41 Main Street