East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 11, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight ami Sunday partly
cloudy; cooler Sunday,
s.1STmi bT currier M
i5e A wcej.
NO. 471.
pe Last Night and To
Enjoyed Several Hours
Ltural Sleep.
Him Now That "He May
I Week, or a Fortnight" He
, Rtmoved ta a Villa In the
Where the Air Is Pure
i State Improved."
j.lr '- The pope's phy-
tad a bulletin at 3 30 this
ja:lng rha the pope gain-
a', in tne nigni n itoub;
slept du'itig the night at
His pulse .s now 90. Been
regularity s nee yesteroay
Rfsn'ration 30, tempera-
kipees centigrade. Renal
tail deficient hut general
Iwmewbaf ameliorated.'
today told an Interviewer
lis no worse than a week
fee would not be surprised
rati las's anouier week.
May Be Moved.
Il'T U A news agency
rm Rome asserts it is pos-
ne will shortly be remov-
ll within the Vatican gar-
; he wilt enjoy the purest
Live a Fortnight.
.'" '-Several high offlc-
ave Just left the Vatican,
oris that the pope is very
Jth are quite false. One
;s there are unexpected
'i we believe the none
fortnight The ultimate
la our up.mon however,
i:e early this mornlnir his
wellness and strength
re' maintained. We have
taatiir to remain in bed.
imis nor talking. The
eicltemcu- oi the last
s twen bad for him."
"id Natural Sleep.
T'. A 4 the none was
3 thus dlssipa't a fear of
oas. Kc ba j slept so
itartd h sleep was un
ris.ng ,rjm aucnientinc
An ''cc doi tors exnect
111 an' 7 JHS pVflnlnr
Started With
Three Heavy Enin.
slons Narrow Escapes.
iorK, July 11. The
. ner. at Hobokon t
- . - uuuuttea, is on I
l i, .er0 WCre no steanier8 at the I
. .,..v. luv ule started. There,
were three explosions nnrt ti, JCX: I
front of the pier, on which a large
quantity of merchandise was stored
collapsed and fell into the river The
woo .o roiiuiuiva at jollO 000
There w-ere 150 men on the pier
when the fire broke out, and many of
them had to jump Into the river, their
escape landward having been cut off
All were rescued. Several firemen
were overcome fighting the fire
A stampede occurred in the 'bath
house adjoining the docks, and two
children were Injured,
Polk's City Directory Gives City 62,
642 Inhabitants Increase of 7,177
fo rthe Year.
Tacoraa, Wash.. July 11. Thn i.
vance sheets of Polk's city directorv
which were furnished to the newspa-.
pers today, place the population of
Tacoma at G2.G42. The names of in-!
dividual persons mentioned in the di
rectory Is placed at 25.057. after
ciiiiiiuiiuiig an nrm and companv
Americans Are Putting Up a
Fine Showing in All the
Gambling Swindles at Wash
ington Park Lead to Serious
The American Team Won the 900
Yard Event, With England and Can.
ada Second and Third Teams
From America, Australia, Canada,
France, Natal, England and Norway.
Blsley. England. July 11. The in-
?lone2hmn,i"i S"ud ,hal ,he l'pali-' "'national T shooting matchls being
ton should be 2U, per cent greater .held here today, with competing
t''1n"le,nU.1?ber,.0f ndWjlua,s- Ac teams rom America. Australia! f Can
inr -".' usurps, tne ada. France, Natal. Norway and Eng
increase in population for the last land. The weather Is perfect, and a
jear is ..in. ,' great crowd is witnessing the shoot-
1 ing.
TUtt,s- , The Americans from the start
Eleven Deaths Tnriav qi.nin i ,h. ' fIlowea excellent form and promise
Eleven Deaths Today-Sleeping in the , to malie a po0( flght for the Palma
Parks and on Piers. ; trophy, which Is offered for the best
New York, July 11. The heat con-! high average made by a team,
tlnues. with 11 deaths up to noon. After the SOO-yard range event was
The number or prostrations is not finished the English led the Amerl
so large as yesterday. Parks and cans by three points the score being
recreation piers will be kept open to-! England. 554; America. 651; Canada,
night as long as the heat lasts for 536.
tvi,mPnrfPOnt Thousand8 At BOO yards the Americans defeat-
antaee 1 of this concession astea the E llsh. ,n thls event the
fin r n n C'fy fAr, tbf ?r6Ven-1 6core stood. Americans, 515; English,
tlon of cruelty to Animals has ar-, 504. Canadians, 494.
ranged two horse baths. All fire sta- ,, . .. '
tions have hose attached to wet down ! Almost, th,e entI!:e American earn is
teamsters and horses whenever they , composed of members of the National
apply for such attention. '(Guard of New ork and Massachu-
I setts.
1 The winners of the trophy have
ClUMTIHP HrrPllV HT DCMn the cholce of ranRe whereon the next
DflUU I IllO Hrrilnl HI nLflU international event will be carried on,
and the prospect that it will come to
1 America next time Is excellent.
Americans Win the Trophy,
I n 1 1 t..i.. n .m. .n.tnnn..
STRIKING AN OLD MAN. uibicj, juij 11. 1 11c auiuui-uub
bTKiKiNU an uuu won the Palma trophy by the follow
ing score: Americans, 1,570: English,
1.555; Canada, 1.51S; Austria, 1,601;
Prance. 1,240; Norway. alEO 1.240;
Natal, 1.391.
Collusion of Plnkerton Detectives
With Lawless Gamblers Charged,
and Warrants Include All Pinker
ton Men Twenty.Flve Constables
Ordered to Shoot Their Way Into
Race Track.
a night .ne pepe feels
H m Consultation.
ll !-A 4 the. nm
te but not feeling so
r uiurning The doctors
f-titg for the evening con-
uuiLae new symptoms
l will not return tn thp
U The nnnn'R ..Vivntn.
I" 3 30 a bu-lctlu as fol-
I passed the day fair
F "H his cmr ml cto.o i
"Jfder With Ve 1 imi.
laglneer em.,Wn,i i
likr n" """''ly l'a
L..C. J"'i h Ms morn-
0 Ve"v f"ai,I(' ,arJ-
" Heavv m n.
"M0O Involved.
Pat Heran Puts Four Bullets Into a
Man Who Assaulted His Father
Victim Is in Hospital Shooter Is
in Custody.
Martin V. Lesla Was Sentenced To
day at Portland.
Reno. Nev.. July 11 Lasi uignt a
serious shooting affair took place in
East Iteno. William Williams was
mortally wounded by Pat Heran. The
quarrel started by Williams striking! Portland, July 11. Murderer Mar
Heran's father, who is an aged man. tln v Lcasla was Mmteneed to life
Young rieran Immediately emptied impri6onment here today. He killed
the contents of his revolver at Wil-1 njj. father-in-law two months ago and
Hams, four balls taking effect. Huran Snapped his divorced wife. A man
came to Reno and gave himself up to hunt f0Un(j him in a lonely barn,
the sheriff. His victim is in the bos-
pltal and cannot live.
Chicago. July 11. Twenty-live con
stables armed with pistols and In
structions to shoot any one Interfer
ing, left for Washington Park race
track this afternoon, to arrest tlm
ptesident and other officials' of the
Jockey Club, and also nil bookmak
ers. Including O'Ueary. Weller mid
Gardner and also the clerk or the
scales, race judges and all Plnkerton
detectives now on duty at tne track.
A raid was attempted yesterday,
but the Plnkertons prevented any ar
rests. Justice HradwelPs Instruc
tions to the constables said, "You nro
to break up all gambling 0u that
track. IJeacuse. the Jockey Club Is
rich and powerful, it does not miti
gate the fact that they are common
gamblers. Plnkerton men should be
taught a lesson and made to respect
law. They are especially presumptu
ous. Shoot your way Into the park
race track if resisted."
Bremerton Saloons Permitted to Run
By Court.
Seattle. Wash.. July 11. The sn
loons In Uremerton, tho llltlu town
near the Pugct Sound navy yard which
were closed by tho council a few
weeks ago because the navy depart
ment objected to them, have nil re
opened despite the protest of the
council. The keepers have sued In
court to determine tho right of tho
council to revoke their licenses and
tho courts have allowed the saloons
to open until the ease enn bo hoard.
More trouble Is now expected from
the navy ard, and It would not bo
surprising If an order Issued directing
all essels to lenve there that nro
now In dock for repair.
Prospects Better for the Panama Ca
nal Treaty.
Panama. July 11. A rotnnrkalilo
change is taking place In Colombia.
It Is now generally believed In olllc
lal circles that tho canal treaty will
be passed. It will probably bo token
tip by the Hogotii congress July 20.
Several petitions have been sent to
the president asking him to favor
canal legislation.
Movement Begun Similar to that of
"Coxey's Army."
Trenton. N. .1., July tl. Mother
Jones and army left hero at tl this
morning. Had made three miles by
noon on the march townrd New York,
which will bo continued late this
afternoon. They got little financial
assistance here.
Must Hang.
London, July 11. Dougall. the Moat
House murderer must nang, tne pen-
,VV'' for the
" ,!r' State,
1 & rw(l . ''amuioth
' nilri. . .
f'ne lis.
"tr 4n per
10 in. nc,seo-
"'J it T,.
h7m u a boycott
Vengeance Is Meted Out to a Negro tlon tor his paidon having been re
Assaulter. ; fused.
Iiluefleld, W. Va., July 11. At Dtv-. . , ;
lin Monday, a negro kidnapped a
young girl, took her to the woods,
tied her with ropes and repeatedly
outraged her. He left her tied, lie
returned Tuesday with food and again
assaulted her. This was repeated
Wednesday. Thursday a seaichlng
party found the girl hair dead The, Grand Junction. Col.. July 11.
rnon resuscitated her. left her tied Three enginos and 2i freight car on
and lay In wait and when the negro i (ue Colorado Midland Jumped the
came he told the girl he was now go-; j , . Friday ,
ShS 2X sri'm P;morn.; and dasljed to the bottom of,
skinned him with hharp knives, then ! the gorge 2.000 feet below Into the j
tore the flesh from his bones, after ,oc.y channel or the Arkansas iJvur.
which they repeatedly fired shots in-1 h en8jneorg 0nu fireman and a i
lffrTto - - r1;
the engines, two firemen jumping to
GRAIN MARKETS. ! the ground in time to save their JIvgb. j
Quotations Furnished by Coe CornmlB-, occurre(1( u the i.m.t plctur-
sion Company-G. Ft. Cock ley, Local j Am((r,eai aI1(, ,he trar.l;,
overhanging the fearful gorfse, a third
ot h mile below, as it does, is in the '
Dissatisfied With South American
Post Comes Home to Grants Pass.
Portland, July 11. The announce
ment that G. W. Colvig had left his
post as United States consul to Co
lombla and was on his way to his
home in Grants Pass occasioned con
siderable comment concerning the
probable naming of his successor, a
matter that will fall to the Oregon
.Mr. Colvig received his appoint
ment through Senator Mitchell, to
whom he swung the whole or Dinger
Hermann's following In the senatorial
contest of 1901. It has been known
tor some time that Colvig was dis
satisfied with his present appoint
ment and would not remain in South
America. In view of the fact that
Senator Mitchell owes him so much
it Is deemed not impossible that Col
vig will be privileged to name his
own successor.
In an Interview this morning both
01 Oregon's senators stated that noth
ing was being considered at today's
gathering relative to appointments.
That being the case, It is understood
that .Mr Colvlg's successor has not
lii'.Ti selected.
Proposed to Beat J. R. Burton for a
Topekn, July 11. Kansas politic
ians nro agitated today over a report
from Washington that Fourth Assls
taut Postmaster Hrlstow will bo n
candidate for the United Slates sen
ate, to succeed J. It. llurton
Over 800 Arrests of
Killers Ordered by
Czar's Government.
Trials of the Accused Will Be Held
In September- Distinguished Law
yers Retained by the Government
Vigorous Prosecution Will Be
Made World Is Aroused.
Manaaer. 120 Court Street,
Chicago, July 11. The wheat mar
ket wag ttrong today on account of
weatlier condition and bullish crop
Sept Die. 61 hi
Bait S5
Mlnusapolle. July 11.
Sept 77
Dec 75 '
78 '4
70 '
beat condition that money and skill '
eaa jnake It.
The train was headed east with
two dead or cold engines coupled
Into the train next to the engine mill
inl It The speed was only about 16 j
iio. n hour. when, mithout warn-,
inJr the lead i-nn e iwt the rail, and
tne two dPdd t-iigiiv s and 10 loaded
frelftlit oai-. io'1-.wed all plunging in
th. wiiii iiu 1,1 an down the nar-
The hair of the head grows faster
in summer thau in winter
row cfcani o'.iy
point, tun r
tliti iivfer bfcluw
The Arkansas
I chit, and a-, th.
, 111. WH'fl
!i tii'
. t wide at that
it doep, into
swift at this
.1 i very nar-
!e W'p in
In wr . ,vnl ngnts and j
cars are completely hidden fiom view
from the track. In tho deep water.
One or tho firemen escaping was on
the lead engine, aim suys the engin
eer 011 the lead engine, could hnvo
saved his llfo by jumping, but re
mained at his post a second too loog
in reversing his engine and making
irantlc efforts to stop, realizing the
perilous situation of the train. Tho
other fireman escaping was 011 the
third engine uml says his engineer
was sound asleep on rounding the
curve into the gorge, as tho crew
had been on duty 18 hours without
sleep, and wero going In with a dead
The braki-man who lost his lire was
riding on a box car four cars behind
the engines and was hurled Into the
gorge by the lurching of the car,
when the engines loft tho track.
Where the track pussoH around this
polnl there Is onlv rour foot between
the enil of tho tlos and the edge of
the gorge, and while tho track is al
ways kepi in excellent condition,
liaiiiH slow up while puhjlng. It Is
thought by railroad men that a brok
en tlange on the lead trucks of tho
dead engine was tho cause of the ac
cident. The bodies of the men under the
wreek will probably never be incov-.rt-fi
as the swift water has doubtless
washed 'hem awuy. If they wero not
' aught in the wreckage
Propose That Uncle Sam Run a Fl
nancial Half Way House Between
South America and European Cred
Loudon. July 11 In conversation
with American olllcers at the king's
dinner at Buckingham palace yester
day evening, members of tho cabinet
expressed n desire lor an extension
of the .Monroe doctrine. Recognizing
the paintnount Inlliience of U10 Unit
ed States In the western hemisphere,
Great Ilritaln, they snld, wants Wash
ington to exerclbo control In Homo
way over the- financial obligations of
the Central and South American
United States as a "Bumper."
Apparently Groat Ilritaln, not desir
ing a repetition of the Veiie.iielan nf
fair, favors (lie adoption or means
whereby tho smaller republics will be
compelled to meet their obligations
without pi'OBSiiio from Europe.
Beaten by Robbers Who Did Not
Know Money Was In Bank.
San Francisco, July 11. A daylight
lobbery, which for mystery and dar
Imr lu filmnut without nnniUol in this
city, was committed ut 314 (lough
stn.pt aijout ;i ociock yesieruuy mini
noon. Mrs. .Hrldget Annie Hughes,
wire or Tnonias K. Hughes, a brlck-iMi-iii-
wnsi vlr-tmialv nttfir'koil 111 her
home by either two or three men, who
know that only tho night before she
had been pulil $600 for Injuries sus
tained in a street car collision. They
believed this money wnB In the Iioiibo
and cruelly beat uud choked Mrs.
HughoH In their attempt to forco her
to disclnto its hiding place, but they
only secured a few cents In change
In a purse they tore from her dross.
The booty they sought was III lim
Leaving their victim covered with
blood, half unconscious and lying III
1 In. hnllwav tho rohhem mnile their
escape. Two inon weie seen leaving
the apartments.
Convict 6ulcldes.
Salt f.ako, July II H. W. Hamil
ton Hiilildeil this mornlnir by hanging
In the penitentiary. He was serving
three years for an attempt to kill. He
came hero from Chicago, whoro be
fore he was arrested, ho muilo a run
ning fight with the police, uocentiy
ho fought a duel with knives, with n
fellow-convict and attempted to es
Washington, July II. Advices re
ceived today concerning the Kishi
nev massacre shows Hint the storm
of protest from the clvlllr.ed world
has hnd a good effect on Russia. Tho
government has boon moved to vig
orous action.
Eight hundred arrests havo been
made, and 1160 cases remanded for
trial lu the lower court. Four hund
red and fifty cases have been Bent to
the court of appenls, or which 63 weru
indicted tor manslaughter.
1 rials of those accused of murder
will tnko place In September. Tho
services of four distinguished lawyers
havo been hootired to nBslst lu tho
prosecution of the murder cases, and
three others equally distinguished,
ror the prosecution or tho synngoguo
property cases.
Clark Walters Has 80 Acres of Fine
Corn Wheat Crop Spotted.
Claik Wallers, of Athena, one of
the pioneer farmers of Umatilla coun
ty, was lu the city today and reports
the com and wheat cropH of that vi
cinity In excellent condition.
Mr. Walters has So acres of corn
that now promises lo make from 2:t
to 211 busels per acre. Tho past
week has boon most highly satisfac
tory ror corn, and tho wheat crops
are aNo ripening Tast.
Mr. Walters says that more and
more corn will bo raised lu this coun
ty as the runnel s come to understand
Its value as a reed, mid nlso ns a
diversity ror tho soli. Homo soils nro
beuellled greatly by tho cultivation
ami rertlll.lug consequent on 11 com
crop. in that vicinity, Increased
wheat yields have been secured by
alternating with corn.
One or tho greatest valuoH to ho
derived from a cum crop In this
country Is from Its use as feed. No
grulu will make better rut or mnko
It quicker than corn, The slueddlng
machine used lu tho East has licoii In
troduced at Athena, and tho fodder
rut up Into u lino grade or reed, which
Is eaten up clean by stock.
Much or the soil or Umatilla county
Ih especially adapted to a corn crop.
The cllumto Is nlso highly conducive
to growth mid when runners learn to
rest their soli by changing crops, tho
output or this cereal will Nil 111 01111
or the most profllnhlo crops raised.
.Mr. Walters visited Minnesota last
year after an absence of 2G years, and
was surprised to llnd such an In
creased corn area and so many dairies
11 Unit statu, lie thinks the huiikj
change will gradually come lo tho
West, although not In bo largo do-
Speaktiii; of the wheat crop In tho
vicinity of Athena, Mr. Walters says
It Is somewhat spotted. Homo fields
will yield 46 bushels per ucro 11 ml
some but IC bushels.
Henry James to Come Next Week,
London, July 11. - Anion the nota
bles I') sull for America next weuk
will bo llonry James, tho famous nov
elist, whose lust visit to tho United
States was inado 25 yours ugo. Ho
bus become so attached to his Eng
lish homo that until icceiitly, hu had
no thought of returning to America.
Hut now he has chuuged his mind.
Ho intends to mnko a long stay and
subsequently to publish bis experi
ences nnd Impressions of the United
Hlates, revisited after a qiiaitrr of
u century. In book form
Massnchiiiintts Is free from thn re-
punted murdur trial farces or New
York. Thoio Is only onu appeal pos
sible there from tho Jury's vnllct
straight to the highest court.
Uiasslioppers In tho neighborhood
of Forsyth, Mont., hnve devastated a
strip of country 60 miles wide and 70
miles long,
u'iiff?' muiijra
'"UT II I 'IHmI IS " 11 IW Iim I l I 1 11 1 1 11 i 11 ' 1 t