East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 09, 1903, Image 1

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. rour residence
"Sinew by carrier t
Eastern Oregon Weather
4 Tonight nml
wnrniei tonight.
Friday fair;
letary of the Consistory
I a Newspaper Reporter
i Suddenly.
. pill I IDC
0F HEAH I -!-""-
Upt Experiences a Surprising
ly and Has Jested About His
Lfition-Has Been Improvement
His Functional Derangements,
I Kit General Condition Is Hope-
. . n 4 II I.. ..tn r .1...
fce, July y. " ,w iim-1- n.
ths morning, ins iiohucbh
a restless night. I.npponI anil
bi held consultation with uar-
the noted speclallBt, this
The uhyslclans continue to
eterv meatiB modern sclonce
It's to keep his holiness alive.
Censoring the News.
on. July 9. It la believed liore
Itlcan lias established a cen
on the news because of the
Idling end of the pope.
rprislng Rally of Strength.
Ion, July 9. The Home corres-
it of the Central News bureau
this afternoon assorts that a
tag rally has occurred In the
of the pope. The doctors
I hesitate to Hay now that there
; for recovery.
Death of Volplnl.
, July 9. While It 1b official.
tl this morning that the pope's
n Is unchanged. It is learned
Imhorltatlvp sources that his
(i lies balanced between life
ith, and tho prolongation of
eience Is considered a miracle.
ferine piece by niece, while his
him supreme.
hi, secretary of the consistory,
io oukl liavo been secretary
Icontlave to elect a now none.
morning. His death at this
a remarkable coincidence, ns
I one of the last tn he honm-eil
lljlns prelate.
Pneken With Apoplexy.
porter for the newsnaner La-
ls also stricken with apo-
t 'm waning for news of tho
l morning, and died shortly
.alien trom the Vatican.
liOPe Is not vet lnfnrniorl nf
Is death, as he was his warm
"iena. u is feared the
f ou-d have a bad effect.
"ogress of Disease.
Unite an extended .u.lnv
Iwsed much anxintv thn i,i!
'wl a bulletin tills morn-
r 'fweu an mifnvorahlo lm
I It reads "Tim ntr-ht n
l!J?fcr.th, l,ono- Much of
t, " 1,1 slm. The process of
uure resolved. A small
ox. TiiriiSDAY. a riiY . inon.
ni net citfltitir. At-
dnnc.i- l" rI,c ,a V Of
NO. 4 78.
"May Live a Year.'
iennn, July 9.Dri M ,
the Rome correspondent of the Ale
Bcmln Zeitiing this afternoon that
the pope might live a year, though
death was possible Jn a few ho, ?s
Seven Chicago Lunch Rooms Once
More Without Service
Chicago jj- 9.-Another strike of
H. H. Koh saat & Co.'s waiters was
inaugurated today in seven of the
down town lunch rooms nr thit
Pany. This action coming after tho
concern s employes had returned to
work after an eight weeks" strike, Is
said to be the result of a meeting of
the colored waiters' union last night
when it was reported thnt ti, .!
scaie rt'f"801 t0 8lKn tho l,nlon wage
Engineer Misread His Orders,
Meking a Difference of One
Hour in Time.
Framed by the Jews and Will Come
uirect From Pree rUnt
Washington. Julv .
of tho Il'nnl Ii'rlth called on Secre
tary Hay this morning and said the
petition to the czar will be ready
next week, The commltten will nJ
sent the document tn thi. nclfint yesterday aftcrnonn nil thn Vlri-liiln
i uesuuy.
Through Passenger Train From
Washington to Atlanta Ran Into
Freight Freight Conductor Has
Gone Insane From Distress and it
Is Supposed He Was Resopnslble.
Washington. July fi
This is the Estimate Now
Made by Sheriff Shtitt of
Morrow County.
the last year's school records had
been lost In the Hood, It was difficult
of Heppner .the others being Strang
perished. The school census, which
contained the names of nil children
ol school age, was also swept nwny
"Perhaps one-third of the Heppner
peopie who perished,- said Mr. Shutt,
"were children.
"Heppner will ho rebuilt, hut on
higher ground. Within six or seven
years it will lie a better town than
ever, There is somo talk of rebuild
ing on the Hood-swept area, but I
don't think It will come to much. The
residence part of town will go to
higher ground. The channel of Wil
low creek will be widened and
straightened. If this had been dono
before tho flood the disaster would
not have been so great."
-The collision
Victims Still Missing to the Number
of Twenty.
Jennette, Pn July 9. Slow pro
gress is being mnde In the search for
bodies of victims of tho Onkford
Hood. Scarcely anvthlnir tins lunn
done to clear up the wreckage that
The Relief Committee Now Has In
Hand $3,000 Believed That One
Third of the Victims Were Child
renTown Will Be Rebuilt, But on lR scattered for miles from Onkford
Higher Ground.
Portland. Julv St. H M. Shutt.
sheriff of Morrow county, was in the
Park down to Manor, owlinr to the
scarcity of labor. Twenty are still
missing. An appeal for aid has been
Plant Will Shut Down on Au
gust 5 and Remain Closed
Until September 1.
Sales In Northwest Have Increased
100 Per Cent In a Year Forty Peo
ple Employed and a Total of $60,
000 Spent Annually in Pendleton
and Vicinity Immense Sales of
Blankets and Shawls.
MIHI,n.l ,lt,.l , ' 0". " " ' Ol .M
:.. . , '; .. ao,"Vr.n -;city yesterday. Mr. Shutt was at the
r,. ".,' ,CM 11,1 11 ln.L lll'n r the law-and-order forces at
in MINNESOTA. "ml thA .nl,,,.1 r ' "'""'J' co'ni-ot. Heppner during the confusion that 1 Thr
I and tho Injury of a score lies dcs. The fniim..,,i .1,., n.i 1. .1.... Thr
uamage to City Property and to Farm j 'assenB!T in. which "eft Washing- ln the performance of his duties He. Today.
orPs I ' a- " l' quanta, ua., swore in a hundred denutles. who. Chicago July 9. Three deaths and
n nf.fl . ?. thc. maln 11,10 0,1,0,1 bJ' ,h0 l,0,lr0 f t,u" town, kept I uumher of prostrations were re
nt llockflsh. Both englues were tliinv,,. i.,.i . I tmi-iit t 11,.. ..,01,.., ..,.1 ., ..
fat. Paul. Minn.. Julv n a im-rinn
wind niu! rntt, t
vwti uiu u.uuu uuiii i. 1 ... ... - ,,,,i"va f-iiwii
age here this morning. It is feared "ngEaKC an," c- sites that prey upon such disasters. I f the heat. At 2:30 p. m. the gov
crops in the outlying country are I ... imeuKer iram, ann nt bay.' 1 eminent therniometer registered 9.1
,,n,,,J- ,,1J""(, I ,T.'"CM J.AB.??BeL5?acl,-'WM I An Iron hand and firm determlna- 'I'W which Is the highest so far
here to the scene of tho wreck re urn ' """ W!r1c ncc,,,',, " sav- th afflicted
ed about s nvinrw i.Xm i. U' f!'01"'"''.'''' "om lawlessness and tn-
this year.
New Game Warden.
A. W. Nye has been appointed one ?! ,,,,.; "! ,P"g SOm,
of tho state game and forestry war-, th , 1 ad and most ol 1,10
h Z:; ,w, " mult. After the town had recovered
1 1 t.uiii lilt' iiixr.iiii'Ktt ill fill, r.n iitiiiiv
.1 .... . . ...I Til, frilfrl.t ..t t.. i. . '- - t'
iiuiiB uy iue sraie waruen. He will 1 -""'"'' " khbibu ui 1 an executive committee was formed
hnvo charge of the work In this coun- Lnciuctor Ilrubeck and Knglneer I to superintend the relief work This
ty nnd perhaps more territory also. ' "ale. and nt tho time of the accident committee was composed of Mayor
w'asJ?n,t!1.0 r?.V,rn rrom L'nchbl"R J-'rank.'.(3llllnm. Sheriff Shutt and
I iu vuunuiiesniie. iiocKiisu ataiion George Conscr.
Is midway between these two points T uJr , nji.. o- . j
and the track there is a single one 1 T" Hundrc Bdl Recovered.
Engineer Hale had orders to get out About 00 bodies have been ro
ot the way of tho fast passenger toverel." said Mr. Shutt. "It Is truu
, train, but, for somo reason wnlch has ,,lnt onl' lsfi nro recorded 011 the of-
not yet been explained, ho had over , 5"al "sl- "ul 111 1110 contusion r the
LET TO HIGHEST BIDDER, stayed his time, and had failed to ' flr?t ,,a' ,12 or u hodles were omit-
take a siding so that the nassencer , "'!' . ''erliaps 30 more jiersons are
Thc Jayhawker Grangers Are Search, train could pass. 1 missing, half of whom were residents
The trains came together with a ul "li''"R1. ""'era iieiiig sirang-
ing Trains for Hoboes to Help Gar
ner the Wheat Crop Flagged Mis
souri Pacific Train.
The Pendleton Woolen Mills will
close on August R, for n three Weeks'
vacation. Thn .tmtitnv..H win .n tn
ee Deaths Reported at Chicago i different points, to visit relatives and
enjoy their outing nnd some general
repalis will ho made In tho mills dur
ing tills brief closed season.
The past year has been thu most
successful and prolltnble In tho his
tory or the mills and tho matiago
mem feels proud or the record.
The sales In tho Northwest states
during the season of 1903 luivn m.
! ccedod those of last yenr 100 nor cont
anil tho prollts of the entire plant nro
$ir..nini greater than In 1902.
One of tho most vnluable achieve
ments of the past year Is the estab
lishment nf an Oriental iiL-oncv. at
I Osaka, Jupnn, through the acquaint
ance 01 11, IS. DOBCII.
Very few people not Interested ln
the Woolen .Mills have tho least Idnn
I of the amount or money tho Institu
tion leaves In tho country each year.
BAVARIAN ENGINEER 'A glance nt thn operating and othor
BREAKS THE RECORD. ! expenses ror the past year will prove
highly Interesting.
Extravagant Claims are Made for So-! During the past year tho mills
phrait-lt Is Being Tested In Ger- ? 10 ,, -lty of
- u ... Pendleton: $ .MM) for reim rs: 135.000
Americans Were Entertained.
London, July 9. Tho olllcers of
I he American squadron were enter
tained at luncheon by tho Pilgrim
Club today.
many With
Made for It
Topeka, Kan., July 9. A dispatch
to the State Journal from Rus
sell says: Two negroes were bid off cars.
011 tho auction block for harvest
hands Tuesday afternoon. They were
w.,u H"-nr 1 for wool; $3.0110 lor dyo stuff and
coloring, besides other minor uxrwn-
hcs that help swell tho voliimo of
llerlln. July U. Tho ministry of 1 business In tho city nnd county. It
war is Investigating tho value of a I gives omployn t to 40 people the
new explosive called soplualt, and a year around, all of whom spond
new cannon invented for llrlng It. It their living expenses In tho city.
Is said to have a hundred times more The Pendleton mills uso more dyo
power than any other explosive 1 stuff than any other mill In tho en
known. It was Invented by a Itavarl- I tire country, on ai i ouiit .,r Dm Inrun
v' 'II1UK1 IS fitill vlll.,.. I..
1 U.I IV Innn... 1 .1.
I-tlni, . . "'"IUI CU1IUI-
nue to 1,0 maintained, but
Is more relieved
About His Condition.
Z,iS:TA.t., !ls morning
hnJ.' " '"""I'onn. nnd nsk-
I ""CBS 1 lmn.lt.,.. i ..
IJ.clion sav.,,"" C
1. I,w,n my pro-oeenna.
"Pe took beef tea this
"is no lonK,.n ocessarv
, sme Improvement.
July 9 'n,
iiuinn,;: , ""e wnH
C?nLnB,obo 8,mvt;,,
iw r ",,ysl,-,a i
'" unner-tsnry
"'"ived at a,.u,
! W this ,, "r "aI'al ,Q
CVhM. f,,,lmvl"K news:
'Yern; "M 1,1 1,10 f-
1" " Bon ttns rficelvotI
H ttril,Vln "" lie 1'as
tiWilcti "" "'nporor.
horrible craBh. and a fearful some ! (rs' ' estimate the number of vie
of panic ensued when the occupants ,1,n,B nt -30.'
of the cars realized what had occur-' 'Mr' 5,11,1,1 ha ,l ,nat 11 number of
red. The passenger train was made!?1 "Sers perished In the Heppner
up of an express car. a baggage car, ! Il"t(' wlllrl1 ,vas completely demol
two day coaches and two Pullman ' ,
i .mm iieuiiu ui iieppner, lie re-
tnfirb.,,1 .n.. .i.nli..l.. ... .1...
Misread His Orders. , nwflInes8 am, 10 desolation of the
John and Harper Porter, and known u,u .niiy invcs- disaster. At first the town was as If
. ticaiion Lonsv riou-k runt :m niTKrins ,,n,.ui."....i rr ...... ....... i. i t.... i.
us uonn wnriiers. ' lie innuinc was . . r 1 - ..u.j.-,.. ji lumrv n m-h uiul ii i -- .-'
spirited starting with $"50 per dny wjre 1lueu ln lno wreck of the bouth-, had been visited by a terrible calam- nn engineer ami physician. : amount of l oloied lobes, blnnkots
August 'itelnhart finally secured them ni Hallway passenger train at Hock- Ity. but It did not loci the slgnlll. I The expansive force of sophrult is and shawls piodmed The KaBtorn
Farmers Held Up a Train. Was ono hour and 20 minutes late, make It known to yon neonle of this
lllson. Knu.. July '.'-Forty farm-, when it should have been 20 mill- city as wo feel It. We honed Portland
ers stoppe da .Missouri t'aciilc tram , tues. no anoweu tne swiicn to re- would help us out of our distress, but
here last night nnd went through it. ( main open. we had no Idea that your city would
searching lor harvest hands. The Ilrubeck Is insane from mental an- be so generous. And I desire to as
train ordinarily does not stop here, gulsh. About 10 small children es- sure the people of your city that
and the farmers flagged Ii by means , caped injury, and who, being for- every t,eiit of the money sent to us
of a lantern wrapped ln a red hand-, elguers, cannot tell anything about has been used as it was intended to
kerchief. They offered $2..r.O nnd $3 , their parents who were killed In the be; there lias been no grafting, no
a dnv and throe weeks' work to get . wreck. The little ones are being abuse of the trust placed in us.
off the train. This is the first In-' eared for by tho people of the city. , jg 000 N )n H d
About $14,000
a bid of $3.25 per day. Adam1 i kwh-. n..v ihulu ui me uisusier as ii now noes.." i i . h......-i 1111111,1111111111111 mr uiih coioieu prouuci is
was the auctioneer. ' "l iuin uauliu huh m j-ukiii- , rne nrst aiter-enect was to nerve ell- .. " . ' '"""" K""'. ' m-inn- ; sieuuny ineiensiiiK, moro thnn twlco
Victoria, Ellis county, another' UOH oiui ui mu uijiul-u mc izcns 10 1110 iasi 01 recovering the " iu Murami; uiu aiuouui or loiies ami suawin Jiav-
ored man asked for bids for a '"" ; neau ami 01 miiKing mo town nuniia-, r-w.., ,.,h , niiii.i;u nun ing iirra seiu rjasi mis year innu in
ml u-lin wrnilil nltcli tn (he stiiel; i 10 uunuiiui. niu uuw m mv uie ior :ne living, uut now lias como T, ' '"" i'ii.ioiuiin. ou- any previous year,
nf thr crnln our feeder could cu 1 ,llsnstur i'"8 "lUclally reported the reflective period, full of heart-1 ),liralt. '' " contrary, Is relatively W. H. Hernian. trnvellng agent for
OL UIO L,IUIIl Ull lt-1-Ull LWII1U Ulll. l.,o.rtlrt.. l n.l., lw. l.Alnl. . .-!.. .llRl.il- ,.n t r,1 ll.l I. ..... ...1.1. 1.. 1 .1 .11 11. ........ ....... .. ....
flilo r.nrwHtlnn the m."rn lirmioht i.i.."c.ii.u.i iu ui.iv.o iicum iicne" a-:-! sriKi-reviving uieinorics. ; --, ..... ... iin .. .1.1.11 , inn irmiM. win wiiin r.iisi 011 1110 mill
mis (onouion uit ii'io uiuumh ,i,,f- w 11 1 ... 1 1 - ...11,,,. ......... 1 luimiiix -ri... ..i...,n,.n,,,i iu ..... .11. .,. 1 ..r .1.1 .1
nor rlnv hid .....uv., ni,uiub win kiuciihiu io i uruHim we can- .: i"v ,u -"'".'.-i ui nun iiiiiiiiu, u iijieii up wiiii sain-
1 .... , hlsorders to mean that tho passenger not utter. It Is beyond our power to mml ,lmt "K energies can bo pirn nl Atlantic City. N. J.
moro surely and easily directed than. The nrlurlnle ileinaiiii for llm rnt.
any of the known explosives except I oied lobes and blankets In tho Unst
gun powder, hut its extravagant pow- Is during the holiday season,
er Is opening new problems In dyna-
Very few expeits entertain hopes'
that soplualt can be utilized in small ' President Loubet Has Concluded His
stance this year of resorting to this
measure to get harvest hands.
In every year of a heavy yield In
"the golden belt" committees of farm
ers regularly go through every train
passeugoi nnd freight at regular
stons hiintlnir lor tramps Those
of tho Portland
funds we shall probably not need, ami
a ,., 1,111. j ,j c-ri Wl" liavo resolved not to draw upon
An Engineer Was Killed and Several ,,orl,am, for aly ,M()n(,y 1 (U
Badly Injured. least for tho presunt. We have re-
Nevada, Mo., July 9. There was a celved about $.'3,000 from all sources.
............. I nIHsnn nn II... tlcul,,. ln. rif tlilu ninimt ...n 1....... ..I...... VnilA
. . I .1 . 1 .t'tlA.l IIUITIIU I UII.OIUII Ull IUV ItfOIIUII X . Vl ...ID (1.1,11,,.. 1 VI ll.l.V ll.UI.L R,V."'
geniry are uiiieieiiiuii........ rlri(. ftst Ki,t near here, a imssnnger lelt to coiitinuo relief work,
into (lie country, where they nave bnm8lllllf, )uto a frcight. An onglneer 'Let me say again that our giuti-
the alternative offered them or work- wag KMo() nnd thrce passengers, all tilde to Poitlnnd has no boiindH.
Ing for full wages with lour square tI..m,IjllK men i,,jured. n. Gllmoie. Anything we've got your city can
meals n day, or of being run in as j nso u lravcli1)g ,nan wn8 seriously have."
vngs and Imprisoned dining the ex- Rni, IK,rha)S latally injured. Mr Shutt said that Inasmuch as
iremciv 1101 wt-uii-i ."
ed bastlles and fed on bread and wa
arms at all, and consider Its iitlllzu
tlon lor anything except blasting pur
poses as extremely doubtful.
Visit in England.
London, July 0 President I.oubot
left London this forenoon for Dover,
I mid will sail for home today. Thoiis
1 amis lined bo mule Members of
his cabinet will drive to Victoria sta-
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company G. R. Cockley, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Arlington, July 9 More eomplote
details or the shooting affray which
Charges of Docking, Discrimination Hon early Ibis iiioiiiing. followed by
and Other Abuses. , King IMwaril who an ouipaliled I.OU-
Wilkesharre Pa lulv '1 Tin, em..1 1,01 '" ,,"y"1 ,,ll,r" ,la,,
..in,,; .. . ."'.ii .7.,.. J,". lw'th him a long conversation. When
v nn-S I' S 1 ,",r""1 '"",,"( ",mo,i ,,0,U 1,10
lelly on In-imvini nt . s ) lnt M"K'H ,""",K ,,("ir,,lj'- T,,u Vrlne0 ot
1 ...i.. .i... i i.. " . y. . ..' .,. "h Wnloit and several other momhora or
scale, docking and other illscrliiilua
.n.il. IIIU .JJ.'I1IIIIIH ill.. l'AH.''l'tl HI ., , f-.r.,...,
make replies this afternoon. u"" "lro"
the royal fiiinlly, also bade Ii in a cor-
Vi.nf-7tji.Lin rtf-unlutlnnlsta. I
Port or Spain, July 9. Venezuelan I On Hli Return He Will Write a Book
leports are that the revolutionists nro on Sociological Conditions,
again active. They liav .seized two I i,.,.ln. Julv 9. William .1 llrvnn
American vessols. The goveiumeiit
has also seized three American ves
sels on tho Apur river.
juy 9 Unfavorable took place at Mitchell, Whoeler coun-
1 Jul. " "x "rles.
. it '
ill i . ...
' ' II I" IIP .- Ttllu
P"i.&' w,,l filar-
l. VTWrdlnnk' . 1 '1. w"
Mnon&ncle Natl i.o
Hiotos l.nppo-
fill lrn I'll
weather c'ailhed a very strong wheat
market today. Corn and oats sieauy
77 Vi
Ilee i"
Dee f'"
Sept 34 Vi
Doe 84
Sept 1Mf
Minneapolis, July 9 - -Open'np
Sept 7,1
Dec 74
75 s
ty, last Tuesday evening, have been
obtained. It was one of tho most pe
culiar killing that ever occurred in
the stale. Slut Puett, who started the
trouble, by 1 boisterous conduct.
wits uimrreiit'i; with City Marshal
fell over in the creek. Deatli was In
stantaneous Dohavcn was shot ln
the forehead and lived four hours. A
wild shot from ono of the weapons,
struck the marshal In the leg, break
ing" It. Marshal Stlco is probably
alive today, by tho Intorfeienco of
A messenger was at once dispatch-
Stlco, who bail threatened to arrost ed to Dixie Meadows, lor Poult's.
him if be did i"" stop his loud talk. father, who, with another son, bus
While these id' n were arguing the i some mining pioporty there,
point, Mil' ii'n.i'en, a camptender ! Mitchell is a small interior town, 90
for a' slid i' "'i' i' and a closo friend miles due south of hero and about
of PiiBtt's, lnrerfeud and began to 100 miles from Tho Dalles, which is
try io quiel Peeit Puett at once di-! the main railroad point. The coun
nwied his af'inn'ii to Doliaven and try Is principally btock range, and
hud oi lii'. i i revolver. Doha-, has many tough characters. Mut Pu-, to he that or ball player Delehanty.
wr return'! ,: tl,. fire with a rifle, ett Is the son of a former ' i'y mar j wat. found in the basin below the Nl
pu. it was too" tli.ongh tho heart and j shal of Mitchell. I ugara hoi-.c--.hoe falls this morning.
Will Confer With the President.
I hi HI more, July 9. Attorney Jlona
parte, who will assist in the proisocu
llon of thu postal fraud cases, has
been cubed Io Oyster Duy to confer
with the president ami leaves foday.
Georgia Militia Ordered Out
Atlanta, Gu., July 8. Militia has
been ordered to Orlfllns, where a mob
threatens to lynch u white man for a
crime commuted against his own
Delehanty's Body Found,
Jiuffalo. July 9. A body supposed
and daughter will take un extendou
European tnui' according to an an
uoiiucomunt made by him today.
Thoy will lenve euily In September,
lie lutenilH to make uu ospeelal study
of sociological conditions ami on his
let urn wtlte a book.
Booker Wathlnnton Again.
Iloslon, July 9. Tho official delib
erations of the National Kdin .iimtiul
Association will close today. Iloukur
WasliliiRlou's paper on "The Kinder
uarten and the Negio," wn. mm of
the moat lute routing uf tho imtlra
Shamrock III Dry Docked,
New York. July 9. Shamrock III
wits dry docked at Hrlo Ilasln today
to have her uniUrhody cloaneii. Thero
will be no more races until next Monday