East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1903, Image 8

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ore just no susceptible totlioillsof womankind nB arc their less favored
Bisters, but owing to their Inherent distaste for advertised articles
will resort to all other methods for a euro first.
Yet It Is a fact worth recording that Mrs. IMnlihnm Is constantly
receiving letters from women f high social position, saving a n last
resort and without any faith, they tried I,yliu E. 'Piukliam's
Vcprctnlilc Compound and wcrecompletolycurcd by It. he oetu
nlly has thousands of such letters as the following :
1 k far-.
- ' At. 1
l re
Mrs. Ida Roser, grand-niece of the
'late U. S. President James K. Polk,
relates her happy experience with Lydia
E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Deak Mns. Pinkuam I have been married for nearly
two years, and so far have not been blessed with a child. I
have, however, suffered with a complication of femalo troubleu
and painful menstruation, until very recently.
"The value of Lycllu E. Pliikhiun's Vegetable Com
pound was called to my attention by an intimate friend, whoso
life had simply been a torture with iullammation and ulceration,
and a few bodies of your Compound cured her ; she can hardly
believe it herself to-day, sho enjoys such blessed health. I took
four bottles of your Compound and consider myself cured. I
am once more in fine health and spirits ; my domestic and oflicial
duties all seem easy now, for I feel so strong I can do three
times what I used to do. You have a host of friends in Denver,
nnd among the best count, Yours very gratefully.
Mits. Ida L. liosin;, 320 E. 18th Ave., Denver, Col.
If you nro ill, don't hesitate to get n liottle of Lydia E.
Pinliliam's Yojrotnblo Compound at once, and write Mrs.
Pinkluun, Lynn, Mass., for special advice. It is free and
always helpful.
No other person lias had so -wide nn experience with
the ills of women, nor such n, record of success, as Mrs.
IMiikhuni hns had. Every sick woman should prollt by
Mrs. Pinkham's advice. Write to-day. Tell her all. It
may suvo your life.
FORFEIT " we cannot forthwith proilup the orljrlnal lftler aad
.-'iiitar of above tpntlmoniftl, which will pro ltn absolute genalne
... . I.yilla J:, l'lnliliam Medlcluu Co., J.ynu, Jlaj.
The Colombia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connecti
Bet. Alta & Wubb Sts.
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
International Stock and
Poultry Food
C. F. Colesvvorthy
127-129 East Alta St.
Agent for Leo's Lice KiUor
The Orenon Dally Journal can be
found on sale at Frazler's book store.
Well Known Pendleton Man Tells
About Physical Torture.
The rack, the Karroto nnd other
fiendish torturing machlr.es f the
middle agos havo none, hut physical
torturo has not. A prominent Pen
dleton citizen tells how he was tor
tured and how ho escaped.
I). W. Cook, 70 years old and re
tired from active huslnoss, now liv
ing on Slain street, says: "The dull,
dragging pain in tho small of my
hack folt as If two giants wcro tear
ing mo apart and at times I fell so
mlgorahlo that I could not stand or
walk and was confined to my bed.
Urinary weakness sot In, especially
at night, and I was falling physically
ovory day. At tins tlmo I Happened
10 read nn ad. about Doan's Kidney
rills and was mtsj;i iitipi ensccl with
the sincerity of the nailmo'i nl. whim
was much similar to tho ono 1 am
making now. I got a box of nllls at
the Uroek & McComnB Co. drug store
ana mey neipou mo so that I contin
ued usinK tliom until I had taken sov-
orai 110XO8. Then I could cut, sleep
and get around again without suffer
ing the least bit of physical pain. I
endorse all of tho claims made for
Doan's Kidney 1'llls."
For sale by all doalors. Prion r,0
conts per box. Fostor-.MIlburn Co.,
Uuffalo, N. Y., solo agonta for tho
United Slatos.
Itemomber tho namo DOAN'S
aid take no other.
J Stock Farm for Sale.
, The Ogle stock farm, consisting of
3000 acres, about 250 head of cattle,
tllOntV Of Vntnt r.t-naa nr.,1 4tl..
llanKO has Tinvor honn ahnnnn.l nt
All under fonce. Will grow all hay ro
nitlrod. Call on or wrlto to Uontloy
& Hartman, Pendloton, Orogon.
C. E.
Twenty-First International Biennial
Convention Bringing Great Crowds
Central Session In a Tent Hold
Ing 10,000 People Overflow Meet
ings In Every Church In the City.
Denver, Col., July S.--Tlic rush of
Christian Endeavor delegates to the
twenty-first International biennial
convention has begun, and on every
railroad special trains are holng run
at short Intervals, bringing to tbe city
great crowds. Delegates from Ohio,
Indiana. Iowa, .Michigan, Illinois nnd
Irom Pennsylvania nnd othor states
of the Hast poured In In largo 1111m
Ikts during the day, and California
and the Pacific Coast are also well
represented. The preparations for the
recuptlon and entortalnmont of tho
visitors arc elaborate. The streets
have been strung with electric lights
and there Is scarcely a building In tho
main thoroughfares that does not
bear yards of bunting. There nro to
day over 20,000 vllstors In the city.
Tho program proper will open tomor
row. Tent Will Hold 10,000 People.
The great tout "Dudoavor." with a
seating capacity of 10,000, lias been
orectod In a choice location conveni
ently near the central portion of tho
city. Meetings will be run nlmost
continuously In the largo tent and In
tho sovernl smaller ones close by
from tomorrow until next Monday.
nnd ovory church and hall will be
filled Sunday by some of the lending
divines who will be hero to address
the delegalos.
Among those who are down for set
speeches are lllshop H. W. Arnott,
Dr. Floyd W. Tompkins. Uev. 1. .
Torroy. tho celebrated evangelist who
has JiiHt returned from a tour of the
world; Prof. Amo II. Wells, Dr. Fran
cis K. Clark, and Uev. C. II. Tyndall
Among the speakers from abroad will
bo Hov. It. J. Campbell, successor of
Dr. Joseph Parker as pastor of tho
City Temple. London: Hov. F J.
Horsefleld. England: .Mr. K. J. Pow
ell. Wales; C. Ogawa. Japan, and
Itev. W. .M. Upcraft, China. It Is also
oxpected that District Attorney
Joseph W. Folk, of St. Louis, who has
made himself famous by his crusado
against "boodllng." will address the
convention on tho subject of "Christi
an Citizenship."
VI f lit imtiiy
It is now possible to get
a crood cicrar witlimif
doubt or question, n0
matter where you are.
5C- Cigar
I St'
It. K
The Largest Selling
Brand of Cigars
in the World.
The "Band is the
Smoker's Protection.
a Thousand Have Met To.
gether in Omaha.
Omaha. July S. ltlght royai has j
been the reception accorded by the
local newspaper men and citizens 1
generally to tho delegates of the Na-'
tlonal Editorial Association and the
visitors who havo accompanied them. '
who In numbers exceed 1,000. .Morn-'
Ing nnd afternoon sessions wore hold 1
today, at which, following the usual :
preliminaries, tho convention listened ,
to the reports of the officers and to ,
the reading of several interesting
papers on questions that concern j
those engaged in tho editorial or bus-;
Iness mnnairoment of newspapers. At
the roncluslon of the gathering the
members of the asoclatlon, their
wives and families, will depart nn a 1
Western excursion that will take
them as for as the Rocky .Mountain
Installation of Archbishop Farley
July 22.
r.'ev. York. July S. The precious
pn 11 11. in ol' lamb's fleece, the Insignia
of the Human Catholic archbishop,
was among the possessions 01' Algr.
Furrolly, who arrived in Nvw York
today from Europe. Mgr. Farrolly,
who v as accompanied across the At
lantic by Mgr. Frederick ?.. Hooker,
the new bishop of Nuova encores,
was ospeclnlly delegated by the pope
I to convoy to this country the pallium
I that Is to In conferred on ArciiDishop
' Fnrlev. ,n vv York, two weeks irom
1 tod in
St. I'atritl 's cathedral, where the
Impos ing ceremony Is to take place. Giias
Is being renovated and altered lor the
on I occasion. Scores of workmen nro
I busily engaged in Installing hundreds
of oluctiic lights which 011 tho occa
sion of tho conferring of the pallium
will bo used lor the first time. Tho
presence of eminent prelates from all
parts of the country, arrayed in tho
gorgeous vestments of their olllrn,
will contribute to make the scone one
of the most brilliant pictures over
seen In the great cathedral.
Inst t"
Parrot Cigar
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Havo for sale HO heud of cows 2C
calves by side; 10 2-year-old heifers,
and in yearling heifers.
KI.MEU SPIKE, Echo, Ore.
Methodist Church, South and North,
In Joint Convention.
Plymouth, Mass., July S. In order 1
to complete the task begun at the '
meeting hold In Nashville last Janu-,
nry, tho members of tho commission
representing tho M. E. church and the
M. E. church South, appointed to pro
paro a hymn book for use In both
churches, nro gathered In Plymouth
for a meeting, which will bo one of
several days' duration. The now
book will contain 800 hymns, about)
half of which number has been bo. '
looted. It Is In order to select the'
remaining half that the present moot-1
Ing Is hold. '
Oldest Man in Manitoba. ,
I.undyvlllo, .Man., July S. John
.McNnbb, of this place, celebrated his '
102d birthday today and Is looking I
forward eagerly to tho fall, when ho
expects to enjoy his customary sport 1
of duck hunting. .Mr. McNabb was
born In Klldonan, and is of Scotch
parentage. Ho has boon a Ufcor of to
bacco from his youth and believes the
constant use of the weed has tended
to lengthen rather than to shorten
his life. He has spout the greater
part of his life out of doors, having j
made more than GO voyages from '
Winnlpog to York Factory In tho sor- i
vice of the Hudson's Day Cunmanv.
Brutally Tortured.
A easo came to light that for per
sistent and unmerciful torture has
perhaps novur boon equalltd. Joo
Coloblck, of Colusa, Calif., wrltos:
"For 15 years I endured Insufforablo
pain from rheumatism nnd nothing re
lieved mo though I tried everything
known. I camo across Electric Hit
ters nml It's tho groatest medlclno
on earth for that trouble. A fow bot
tles of it completely rollovod and
cured nio." Just as good for liver nnd
ltldnoy troubles and conarnl unbllltv
Only 50c. Satisfaction cuarantnod bv
Tollman & Co., druggists.
The best of barley, hops
and yeast, selected by one
of our partners.
Pure water, from six
wells driven down to rock.
Pure air, which has first
passed through an airfilter.
Every drop of Schlitz Beer filtered by machin
ery through masses of white wood pulp. Every
bottle sterilized, so that it contains no germs.
Thus we double the necessary cost of our brew
ing to make purity certain to make Schlitz Beer
Will you diink common beer, and pay just as
mucn tor it, when Schlitz Beer can be had for
the asking.
Ask for the Brewery Bottlitif;.
Phone 51 Main, H. Kopittke, C07 Main St.,
Keeley INSTITUTE E$nnd'
Abjolunruriry, fine
1 mm m:3
WTMfr: mi azziku
i''!ii t - -vat.
Five Porcelain H
Linn j ,V ,"'l,ri Opium. Morphine and Tobacco Habits as surely as
oir ? n? S J.C0 (I' Our trontmont clarlflos and builds up tho system.
Ono of our patients recently Bald: I novor folt so well in my life: I
am a wonder to myself!" Send to us for booklet
n v I'
I. unti
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.Ur-. bW
live liw i.aii.' Ve
thin,. -ndJ
i'nl,,,,v . . ' .....noertnl
woiKnif i)
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Bin8ri..iiy wfSSJ5i
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I!a ioi both troK, Jowl
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