3 WHK.Y EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1903. ii .Everybody Uses Groceries . Many people, however, do f not know that most of their food f adulternted.by schem- intf m.imiiuetiirtirs. Such concerns Ao not L'tt our trade Our p,oods are fresh and first-class and our prices are as low as go-. d groceries are sold for F.S. YOUNGER . & SON . . "Wenru Heiultiimi-toi-s. for all klmlHorircHh iriiltN In sensou OREGON'S INSANE JUNE STATEMENT SHOWS EXCELLENT CONDITIONS. Total Number Patients 1324 Finan ces In Good Condition Repair Work on Several Departments Now Under Way, ft- 3 Sirhv-Clmfi Mfxr.i m o j O i fl r.niHP&NY I Manufacturers of the J .Ugby-Clove Combined HARVESTER ! epairs for all kinds of J -arm maenmeryj fet Foundry Work a Specialty t IS Gash paid for old castings 5 jendleton, - Oregon J V 1 1st. Kestanran GEORGE t Dinner Twenty-live Cents I?rom 11.30 a. ni, to 7 p. in. ph.snort oraers a speciality iUpen all Day and mgut F T. A. Oldfather, Prop. ")ERNEW MANAGEMENT m SB OLD DDTCH HENRY FEED YARD ir VV. Alta and Lillith Sts L. Neff, formerly of the Hotel has chatge of the Old Dutch y Feed Vard, and would be .ed to care for jour horses iy of stalls, large corrals for 1 horses and cattle. Hay and for sale. Chop mill in ton-.on. TRANSFER It it 1 TRUCKING STORAGE CROWNER BROS Telephone. Mailt 4 JKPS A I WAV? ET PROMPTLY y the Fire Insurance Com 'wanies we represent. uui iff, .1 r,.... ; ,1,, 1 Jill u 11 iKio niuini uiai 111 tut orld. AlWftf ,anl "ire Inxuruiife C.'o.f l2.250,U7fc Ansurnnce Co .. lH,ftif),9il? & Lnttcttslilre 1-lre ranee Co British & Mercantile Insurance Co. ft 2,6-14,041 j 10,005,97-1 22,897,163 AGENT ULkA A TAT CTDCCT :.IU ITXXXAXI U X JLVJUil-. A The state board of asylum trustees held their regular monthly meeting yestonlay afteruonu mid carefully wont over the affairs of that Instltu tioi' with Superintendent J. F. Cal-Lrr-uth. The suiierlnteiidunt reported the go.norai health of the asylum as being very good and that all work In every department and the tarm work was In progress ami that satisfactory remits wore 1 elng ohtalned. The rrops will lehl well this year and the hay harvest Is well under way with "''icli of the crop nlready taken care of. A great deal of repair and Improve ment work is going 011 in several de partments and the work of construc tion upon the new horse and cattle stnldes is pushed as rapidly as the conditions will allow. The statistical report of the super intendent on the number of patients received, discharged, died and eloped during the mouth follows: Fe- To- .Mule, male tal. No. patients Mny 31 . .1)12 HDD ISO: No. roe'd during Juno . 1!8 No. returned escapes.. 1 torlng mining claims In that district, has undertaken tlm tnsic or eviction. The following form of notice has been posted In the Oablo Cove, Lake creek and Ul Jleiiuvuo uismcis; Notice. Ollleo of the Mines Protective As sociation of Knutern Oregon, Similiter, Or., J 11110 20, 11103. This Is to give notice to all sheep herders and their employers to keup tholr bands of sheep oft the mining properties In what Is known as Lnko Creek, Cable Cove and tho La Hello vuo districts. The owners of tho min ing claims in these districts have formed the above association, and propose to protect their rights, All Infringements of snme will bo vigor ously followed up. Ho to avoid trouble, keep off. THE MINKS PKOTKCTIVK ASSOC! ATION OF EASTERN OREGON'. F. K. CAHELL. President. TOM 0. CRAY. Secretary. Every Saving Counts our DROWNED IN WALLOWA LAKE. 14 No. under treatment 041 Discharged, recov'd , . . 2 Discharged, much ltnprvd 1 Discharged, Improved . . . DIacligd, not Imprvd.. I No. died !) No. eloped 1 DIschgd, died, eloped.. 14 No. patients June 30 027 Average number dally No. officers and employes . 404 1 1345 :!!)" 1324 .1311 2-30 . 100 Total number 1471 2-30 The financial report shows an ex penditure of $7,5US.32, accounted for as follows: Male department 0o2.7u Female department 227.01 Infirmary 110. 11 Bakery MU.S0 Laundry 41.S5 Engine room :inii.S5 Farm, garden, dairy fiS.iiS Stable 1S.CC Sewing room 20S.fi5 Center building 34.31 Carpenter shop y.84 Tailor shop r,7.:)3 Factory S7.n0 Olllce 11.00 East cottage l'.47 Drug store 1U0.O0 Cottage farm 1 102.74 Kitchen and dining room . . . 3110.34 Expense C21.S9 Total $7&GS.32 RANGE WAR THREATENED. Sumpter Miners Organize Against Stockmen and Post Notices. A little handtul or dissatisfied min ing men In the vicinity of Sumpter, have organized what they term "A Mines Protective Association of East ern Oregon," and have, taken steps to drive stockmen out of the mountain!) of that district. Large numbers of stock from Oram. Union, Raker, Morrow anil Fmntllla counties annually range in the high granites on the headwaters or the John Day. Rock creek. Grand Honde and other streams and this organization, which owns a few scat- First White Man to Lose His Life In This Famous Body of Water. Joseph, July S. On the Fourth of July six men were out on Wallowa lake hontrhllng, when two of the men In attempting to chnnge places, cap' sized the boat, throwing the occu pants Into the water. Clifford Wade was the only one of the party who was able to swim ashore. With the assistance of men and boats all were finally brought to shore safely except Peter Millard, who was drowned The young man leaves a wife and two little children. Mr. Millard was In the water an hour and a half. The other known members of the party were; Mr. Ogburn and son and Mr. Chenoworth. The names of the other two gentlemen have not been learned. The party was out for a pleasant time 011 the Fourth, ami this accident was sad Indeed. This Is the first white person over drowned in Wallowa lake. LUNATIC CAUSES TERROR. Escaped Crazy Man Spreads Conster nation in Washington. After spreading terror In a small community near Clyde, a demented man named Swift, from tlie .Medical Lake hospital for Insane, was cap tin ed by attaches of the sheriffs or flee yesieiday and brought to the county Jail, says the Walla Wnlla Statesman. Swirt, who was a trusty at the usyliun, suddenly disappeared two weeks ago and though the au thorities of the institution heard vague rumors ot his whereabouts as he made his way south, no direct In formation was obtained until Satur day. when a telephone mesage to the sheriff's office staled that n crazy man was out on the licit. The man was captured at a farm house with little trouble and brought to this city yesterday and confined it the county jail. An olllcev of tin asylum is expected to arrive in Hit city tonight or tomorrow to take Swift back to the asylum. bwitrs appearance nmong the farm ers near Clyde is said to have spread consternation among the Inhabitants While not violent the man's acts were peculiar, and he had the popu lntinn In n state of terror for u time Grasshopper Plague. North Yakima. July t Grasshop pers are becoming so plentiful on tho reservation that the ranchers aro be coming alarmed lest they become a plague before the summer is over. They have been increasing very fast during the past week, and have en tered the no-acre cucumber patch 01 H. SI. Gilbert, doing sonu damage The Insects put in an uppearance sud denly last week, nnd are rapidly spreading over the vnllev B. CLOPTON: One will find it a pleasure io make a trip through furniture store, the stock of which is like none other, whether I you have an entire house to fit out, or just a single piece tn I buy, it will pay you to come here, as nowhere else do we believe will be seen such excellent variety, beauty of designs I and such quality at the price. Indeed your furniture buy. I inir will be done most pleasingly and economically at the I BM1F1R & IPOLSfltM store. No furniture too elaborate for us I and then we have so many nice, pretty pieces of furniture I that will fit in here and there and add much to the ap-j pearance and comfort ot the room, not expensive either, j you would be surprised. j Our carpets are our pride and we do not brag when we say it is the best assorled and most up-to-date in town 1 ranging from 2 or 3 ply ingrain to the heavy Wiltons and t body Brussels. Many designs of a?t squares, rugs, matting and Iinoleumall fresh and newat unmatched prices fori matchless goods. t - Baker NEXT DOOR TO olsom POSTOFFICE i A Delightful Boverage, 1 LA Safe Stimulant, I A Good Mcdioino. I JOHN SCHMIDT 1 ' -A'I L'l ' ' Mlcm morally llvwt from lint) J to ruguth." h m. trug:MiiB poet. I auppowr1 iu, he's u dc-nUaU' !1ZL. Von won't have to come to town on a lall it you buy one of our Wluona Wagons They havi- steel clay hubs and outer bearing blocks, making them run one-third easier than othor makes or buggies. Hacks, Carriages, Carts, Phaton from $10. Get your tires on our hydraulic machine, wo will not mark your whools. NEAGLE DROS, Wo havo tho Stover Gasolluo Engine. WANTIU) ADVnitTIsnitH TO MAKK UHI3 of tlii-ao clnsshk-tl columim. If you lmve somt'tlilng you liavo no usa fo-, oir- to trodo It toe nouwtlilns Hint Home other body limy Imvo and liavn no uso for. some thine that yon may need In your business. Yon may liavc nn oxtrn lump that you may wish to tradii for a cow or a vehicle. Scmebody may have the cow and vehlcln and want tit home. IBe or 25c want ad will probably do the business. 4 .4AAAAAAAAAAAJkAJ.AAA4.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi4 Oils and Axle Grease E YYTrTTTYrYTVYVYVVTTVTYrTTTYrVTTVTYTTTYrYTYTTYYTTTr 7 havo a largo stock of castor machine, blaok and cylinder oils, graphite, Taylor and castor oil, axlo grease, compound in bulk and bucketu. Got my priceb be fore buying your harvest supply. T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man 741 Main Street Watch Joe Basle's Ad Next Week and E DISCOUNT He Will Give iot a Month T JOSEPH BASLER om12 MttiD str!!l The Furniture Man (ELATERITE Is Mineral Rubber.) YOU MAY INTEND OUILDING .,nMT n00F or find It necessary to REPLACE A WORN-OUT ELATERITE ROOFING all prep' roomies. Kor flat and stoon surfaces, gutters, valleys, etc s'n,,.T.,. Bom on i"-- Takes the place ot shinnies, tin, Iron, tar and j?ntvol, and 'lomporel for ull climates. Reasonable In cost teen, u will nay to ask for iirlccsand Information. THE ELATERITE ROOFING CO Worcester Building.. portl"'- t t 1