East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1903, Image 4

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ti if.
"-- - "-
Published every afternoon (oicoiit Sunday)
at Pendleton, Oregon, by the
'Puoue, Main 11.
Dally, one year by mall
Unity, six months by mull
Dally, three months by mail
Dally, one month by mall
Dally, per mouth by carrier
Weekly, one year by mall
Weeklv, six mouths by mall
Weekly, four months by mall ...
Bernl-Weekly, one year by mall ..
Serai-Weekly, six months by mall
Bernl-Weekly, three months by mall
. .'.00
. 1.2S
. .CO
. .cr
. l.r.o
. .To
. .50
. 2.00
. 1.00
. .oo
The Hast Oresnnlnn Is on sale
Itlch's News Stands at Hotel Portland and
Hotel Perkins, Portland, Oregon.
Member Scrlpps Meltae News Associa
tion, San Francisco llurcau, 40S Fourth St.
Chicago llurcati, 00(1 Security llulldlng.
Washington, 1). C llurcau, ".01 1-ltli St.,
N. W.
Entered at Pendleton postofflce as second
class matter.
Love of change Is fast becom
ing an American characteristic.
Tlie reposeful man or woman
bids fair to be In time the most
unusual of our typos. We strive
ami strain anil direct all our
energies to the obtaining of
something which, when mas
tered wo never pause to enjoy.
By repose is not meant idle
ness or Indifference. These
terms are too often confounded.
The reposeful nature can be en
ergetic, forceful, conscientious
and laborious: but it is free
from that Indefinable spirit of
unrest, the danger menacing
our national life Just now.
It lies with the mothers of
growing America to make It a
land of repose, strong, energet
ic, dominant, hut with a deep
flowing current of rest below the
mighty tide of Its life.
The quality 1b not merely de
sirable. It is actually essential.
The truly successful career will
be at the bottom a restful one.
Denver Post.
M tney can do Is to quit, h tuo'
lslck nbout the condition of n mine,
that's the company's business, mid
the kicker Is discharged. So those
miners luivo witnessed the progress
of n system of criminal carelessness,
which they know would some day re
sult turrlbly, because they needed
the work and had families to support
and would be discharged If they pro
tested. The crash has come. The mine Is
full or dead men. The companies
have renped enormous profits from
their labor and gave them no reason
able protection In return. Wyoming
Is honor bound to locate die crimi
nals, The following unjust comment
from tho liolse Statesman, on the
threatened defeat of the Initiative ami
referendum, shows the general tenor
of tho trust papers on this basic
principle of popular government;
"In Oregon the Initiative and refer
endum has been held to bo Inopera
tive. Tho decision is from tho circuit
court, but attorneys hold there Is no
doubt Hint the decision will be nlllrm
ed if the case be carried to too su
preme court. An interesting feature
of the mntter Is that tho public seems
to be glad that such a decision lias
been rendered. It Is explnlned that
the amendment secured a majority
because the people did not under-
Htnmt what the initiative anil reforon-1 To stride like llrocken shadows on
dun. really was. Since It was at- 'shall ,., , over
templed to apply It there has been n j iMn j.
better understanding of tho matter, i Ami 8em ,, Earth an Iliad of wo.
and It Is declared that the amend-
, ,.u,i .. wm.ld 1 lear the vermin that shall under
In storied Vonlco, down whose ripp
ling Htreots
The stars go hurrying and the wulto
moon bents, I
Stood the great Hell Tower, fronting,
oi.'ir mid skies
Fronting the ages, drawing all men's whcn UoQli ig coUn,iuff thro
Hooted ffuo TenerilYo, aloft and proud, the veins, for it hpJ?feSSrtl?c i mooh,'
Taunting the lightning, tearing .no, beauty and clearness ' " "ni ''Za h!
y"R eloml- 8k'"..nnur?u""' ""i"'' r;J tn tlin lm.lv nn.l keens it in n state of
a' ' Stfficss nnd n' Good blood ; is the foundation of Kood health nnd
lly and mentally sounu it "a- i-"-
I wan In wrotohoil hoalth; my blood
was In bud ordor, my team hotng
vory muoh ulcorated. I bofrun tho use
of B. S. S., ami In a remarkably short
time wus Dound and woll. Sly nppe-
It marked the hourj tor enu?o; an ileaithfult
men said I to be physically and mentally sounu
Tim,, I'linnot reach to bow that aofty i .'in, n,i blood nossess strong",
head: ,' steady nerves and nre blest with good
Time, that shall touch nil olse with , lc d digestion, and enjoy
-HS,? sb-r,s rA" 7S
- tt?tiftua9
Tlie rat worms gnawed the timbors poisoned and most of the ills that nuncx
underground. ' humanity and uiulcnnine the constitu-
, , I tiou are caused by an impoverished
The twisting worm whoso epoch Is or polutelj condition of this vital fluid,
an hour, i vheu the blood is diseased the skin
Caverned its way Into tho mighty jlcnltiiy appearance, nnd the
- " attJasfta-ft?
A, !to',l.rlio.lu, 11...U.W .1 ., pimptemuUiJolto
stroke. 1 eruptions, blackheads, uoilb unci rnMic
The strong 'shaft, with an angel on break out upon the body when the
tho crown. I blood is too poor or too thin nnd acid,
Fell ruining; a thousand years went j nnj js not supplying proper nourish
down! ment to the system. Debility, poor
nppetite, bad digestion, restless sleep
tlta Jnoronsod wondorfully nnd my
food twrroott with mo. I think It in
Clio family modlolno.
Jlockmurt, Ga.
Wfl hnvn 1, ti ...
,u "est iiargij
in Keal Estate. ve
some moo l10,eg tlia,
i, i.i -., .
uv m,,u' U'HHiw Buildin
Lots. Alfalfa Land !m
acre to 1(50. Wheat !4l
tracts from 160
Room io over Taylor'i
Hardware Store.
Pomlleton Real Estate for J
be overwhelmingly defeated. People
olten want things they do not under
stand." In the arid region an optimist is
a man who looks on the desert and
sees visions of alfulfa fields, peach
Senate and citadel and school and
Tlie Worm of Creed, the tutted Worm
of Ease,
And all the crawling progeny of
The vermin that shall honeycomb the
For throo yoarti I hud Tottor on my
lmuilB. Part of tho Mmo the dlaoase
was In tho form of running ooros,
vory iialnful and causing1 mo muoh 1 .
discomfort. Four dootors said tho
Tottor hud procronsod too far to be
curud, and thoy could do nothing for
mo. I took only throo bottloB of B.S.8.
nndwaacoruplotnly curod. This was
i ""' "! - 7, " . , I
slnoo soon any sign oi my oiu crouoio.
Kannaa Otty, Koiu u-r""n "weuing, stable, cblcVei
rui aim z 101s 11,000,
nnd make It rlcll C-room dwellltnr and two w. i
: proper way to fullly shniled lawn, finely locii
rret rid of skin troubles. There is no remedy like S. h. h. to nccomplisll tlUB WW.
IIUU Ik ib .....b...a . ........ uuuac am g(
S. S. S. antidotes nnd removes irom the centrally locnteil 52,500.
blood all poisons and humors, nnd restores r room dwelling with two loti,
it to n normal, healthy condition, nnd in- Bide S1.250.
vigorates and tones up the general health. A number of lots somewhat elti
When ncn, reu moon is again uowing- $11, to idu cacn.
throutrh vour veins nil skin eruptions 1 lot mi lint, nvn Work, frnn
disannear. the appetite improves, the complexion clears and you get nd of street, $Iino. other lots 00 li!
those miserable depressing fecliiifjs and nervousness, nnd enjoy once more Uto each,
i.i.J,-.,...,.,r,r.11i,.!i1tli K S. fi. i!tintiiTi.'K reined v for nil blood nnd skin dis- '
n rnntninR tin minerals whatever, but is tniarautecd purely vegetabte. , ' Much other very desirable pi
Write for free book. No charge for medical advice or other information '
And so I fear, my countr, not 1110 1(1 ,lcrvousncss ulore often come from 837 St.Taul St..
hand ' .1 : 1,1,I f1i,m nnv nther
That shall Hurl night and whirlwind ""'"V b',., the blood, restore its lost properties
on the lanii. , , .... e j., :s the oniv rational treatment, and the
I fear not Titan minors wno sunn
. 1
orchards and happy homes, hut lacks ; And walls of state In unsuspecting
-Kdwln Mnrkhnm.
Wyoming is Investigating the Han
na coal mine horror. Surviving
miners say the company has had
warning time and again about the
condition of the workings. Thoy
say that foul chambers, reeking with
accumulated gases have been sealed
up, in the hurry to mine more coal.
They say that mine inspectors, olllc
lals and foremen, nil know of these
perils and yot sent hundreds of men
Into these deatli traps day after day.
If those in authority knew of it.
certainly experienced miners knew of
it. There are men working with drill
and crowbar In the mines, who know
more about mines than me officials
on top of the ground. If miners knew
of It and failed to report It, they are
to blame, equaly with tae company
which permitted the conditions to ex
ist. One of the first facts that comes to
mind in considering this situation Is
that the miners' union was crushed j
out by the Union Pacific and other
coal mine owners along the line,
about twelve years ago. The white
men who had organized were replac
ed, after a long nnd hitter fight, by
Chinese, "dugoes," negroes, Hungnr
tans and Finlamlers.
At Uock Springs, Dlamomlvlllo,
Hnnna and Kommoror, tho mines
were filled with these foreigners with
occasional non-union white men who
would go under ground with them.
the nerve to begin; the pessimist is
the man who neeps out of his shell
I .1... 1. ..l.ln, 1...1,, ..ntoht.u ulr.ll!
UllllllttU U Hllimi liwii;, iti.v.. n--
nf Hut r;il,hltK .nnil snce brush and
..... .. ...... ...11 ,vn nut mlr nnr full of grace.
says. "No man can nve ... ... t w ; - n m .mkM ,
demess." The Yankeo Is a cross be- beside, !
tween the two. He gets a deed to a jN-nl. Woaltli had she of mind or face, ,
block of land, builds a cannery and, To win our love or raise out piiue.
soon has the optimist anil the pessl- I No lover's thought her cneel
mist catching rabbits and grubbing, tom.' ,.,,
sage brush for lilm. thrown;
I Ami vet we miss her ah. too much.
Now slie hath llnwn! 1
Wo mils her when the morning calls j
The search for a Spokane man who
lias fallen heir to a title In England,
,r iuru t, mimi tiw 1 pcreas.uir .))- . ...
" as one cunt miugien 111 ..in .uiiiu, 1
lnrlty of tliese worn-out appendages u ri1) jh 1C. x,vl, the evening falls- -A
healthy, prosperous miner in Thun- I A trllie wanted on tlie earth!
dor .Mountain, he now refuses to re- Some lancy small, or suhtM thought, j
... , , t.i.,i Is checked ere to its blossom
sign his position to go to hiigland , .-rown- 1
to become a threadbare duke. H(' s,jme " chnlii is broken that we!
has Imbibed a little sound senso in ( wrought, I
America. ! Now she hath down!
.lames J. Hill, the Napoleon of tlie 1 No holld good, nor hopo denned
railway world, concedes that he has I" ' '"! ll!ls Hmlk 1,1
lost control of the Northern Pacific.
Tlie decision against tlie merger will
stand nnd the Northern Securities
Company is doomed. Alter all. the
people are bigger than Jim Hill, as
he will find out by the time he Is
ready to die.
And yet the strong Immortul mind 1
U stopped In its triumphant flight'
Perhaps some grain lost to its sphere
.Might cast the gieat sun Irom his j
Tor all wo know is "She was here,"
And "She hath Mown!"
Harry Cornwall.
are Peculiar
They have ailments and weaknesses peculiar to their sex causing
them distress and anxiety. Thousands are carried to the grave
by Decline, Consumption and other diseases of a fatal character
by not correcting the evil in time. Time and trial have proved
that no medicine will equal Becchnm's Pills to combat these ail
ments and give happiness and health. Millions of women in every
part of the world take no other medicine to keep them in per
fect health but
Beecham's Pills
Women of middle age will find that Beecham's Pills strengthen
and invigorate the nervous system, purify the blood and lay the
foundation of health and strength.
Full directions will be found in the pamphlet wrapped urouud
each box of pills.
SoM Everywhere in Boxes. iOc. and 25c
ty for sale. All sold on easy
Come and buy.
To llnd Just what you nant 1
right price, soe
. I). IJ0YI). II! Courts
The successful man poittil
bis business ana say.
Many a monarch of finance
the learned profession!
say the same. Many happy 1
victorious wasMarners 1;
the pleasant thuught that 1'
own efforts have placed tl
where they are. Hut If ther
truth were completed, a 11
number of these people
snv "I did it with W Se
Premier Typewriter."
printing testimonials froa
most nstonlsning group
limit neoiile showing Hat
l."nn life as a stetogM
nnd used a Smith-Premier t
writer Drop ns n V"-
247 Stark St. form,.
.,... ,,..i...i..vnlliir Basil
.lie iiuiuin" ,
pll,.e has niirciw"
Smith Premiers for I"
George Wayman has reached New
! York Citv I'oni San Krant-lsco. tra
A school to train wives has been . ellng the entlro distance on n motor
started on a small scale In tho East. , cycle. Ho loft San Francisco May 17.
The Idea Is that this Is an ago of
specialism and that, as wifehood ap-1 Thmicnnrls HaVP KirfllPV
pears to he tho ehlofest occupation I llUUbailllb IldiC ulWICJ
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
of woman, she should malio 11 a hkiii
ed study. It Is shocking to leall.o
that, In all these countless ages, there
has been 110 Institute of the technolo
gy or wifehood.
As usual in all innovations, and
following all great discoveries, and
all new thought, there are scoffers.
Some say that, perhaps, the men ,
will decline to have proiessiouai
wives, but, or course, tho urt of win-
no essential
lenturo of the training. Indeed, the
scoffers have been handsomely turn,
ed bach nt all points.
Kven the point that schools for hus
bands are more needful has been van
quished by tho rojoimlor that tho pro-
Tho protecting force of the union
was removed from tho mines. This , nlng husbands will be
conglomerate army of Ignorant for
olgners wore like so many human ma
chines, with no thought Jor tho safe
ty of themselves or the mines.
These Union l'aclfle mines have a
.record of producing coal cheaper
than any other mines on tho
Coast. Cheap labor and tho sll
manner of protecting and ventilating
tho mines, have mnde this poss
No great outlay was mndo In 1m
provements thoy just went abend
and mined coal, willing to let the
mines and miners take caro of them
selves, nnd thoy have done so. Two
hundred nnd thirty charred corpses
are now scattered through those tun
nels as evidence of this tact.
Wyoming has state mlno Inspectors
and 7,000 people in that state are em
ployed In hor mines. Tho majority
of this number Ih employed along
the Union Pacific, whoro foreigners
largely prevail.
There is no protection for this class
of minors, If thoy aro dissatisfied
with conditions, they have no organ
.mi.r.n Hire m. their grievance
How To Find Out.
Pill a bottle or common glass with your
water anil let it stand twenty-four hours ;
a heilimcntorsui
tlingiiulicnte.san 1
unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys; if it stains
our linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frcijuent ck-siru
to puss it or pain
in the back is ,
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and hladdfcr arc out of order.
Wlint To Do.
There is comfort in tlie knowledge so
...If,. ...Ill l.i oli i n tintli
I'lMllP1 . V . V V 1 often expressed, mat i;r. dinner s
' acl,lc I the Ignorant husband. c. ,'.t 11... ..reat kidnev remcdv.
I shod Old citizens say that there used to fuinii, cvcrv wish in curing rheumatism,
j be a lot of small schools lor wives -m jn tllu icj;i kidneys, liver, bladder
lble i ennui. iiiui iu.ui.-u win nij.iiu j and every part 01 me urinary i;.si.ge.
................... ...... , ,r fiirrti:L iiitii,.,... ,,--,.
In love's arms. mi scalding jmin in pabsiug it, or bad
They were called "old-fashioned effects following use of liquor, wine or
homes," and were usually presided )eeri auil overcomes that unpleasant ne
over by n lady of high attainments In I cessity of being compelled to go often
tho specialty of wifehood, who wont I during the day, and to get up many
1... .1... .1.,.. . . b ,l....t.... ,t I., ,..-! ..... ..!....! Tim ...11,1 n.tfl
by tho title of "mother,
(Iraduates of that school aro now
practicing with brilliant success nil
over tho country,
Thoro Is reason to hollovo that
those old schools will never ho ex
ceeded In effectiveness, oven by tho
most heavily endowed institutions of
wifely learning that tho beginning of
the century can devise. Denver Post.
Victor Walkorez, a mulatto in Jail
at Oakland, Cal., charged with mur
dor, declared his Intention of starv
ing himself to death. Ho stuck to tho
resolution eight days nnd then called
times during the night. Tlie mild nnd
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon realUed. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. H you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sues.
You may hnve a sample bottle and a
book that tells all flT'r.i
nbout it, bothsent f ree
bv mall. Address Dr. I
KUmfer & Co., Iliug-
hamton, N. Y. When nomoot swunp-noot.
writing mention this paper and don't
make any nusinKe, on. reiiicitucr mc
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Koot, nud
the address, Iliughamton, N. Y.
Saves Money
Do not bo deceived by tho health
claims mndo by tho Trust baking
powders. Instead of saving your
health thoy will ruin it. for they con
tain Hochello Salts, an Irritant to the
bowels, stomnch nnd kidneys. To
prove tills, drink u tenspoonful of
Hoyal linking Powder In n glnBS of
How would your health be If you
took a Soldlltz. powder with each
meal? That is what you do when us
ing Trust linking powdor.
(Kgg and Phosphate) Is now being
used by every housekeeper, as n mat
ter or fact. It has taken tho plneo or
tlie old-tliuo powders, nnd It Is only
a question of tliuo when Cream of
Tartar will havo outlived Its useful
ness In tho kitchen,
I Pound 25c
With n coupon.
Sold Everywhere
o,t away 'or J
IV Machine. If JJJg
v . -n, neb
t n r lean u,v' .ii
fiom Sis.w ''-Vat betttf 1
can get anywhere, b t P fc
..imnnnr In l"e. ,
" white or Stand""
grade White or o
Near u.
Have Yoor Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once
Delay will lead to serious hrcaks.
First-class work nuaranteed by
BECK, the Reliable Pltimbe.
Court street, opposite the Golden Rule Hotel
.. . force W
Oregon !ert.1
r,;,! on saw '