East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 08, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
4 Tonight ami Thursday, fair.
'!'aVibT carrier st
L Found Stiff and
Early This Morning.
led and Bruised.
Loin and the breast.
Identified as an Attache of
I Rowt'8 Show, But There
I to Indicate Who He Was,
: He Was From Was a
I Fellow.
I Rose anil tlioir aggrega
ted animals have como
lid have left behind tliom
of their visit which the
Imembor for some time to
I people who were at tho
lot last night did not
hey left the tout, still
the lokes of tlio clovnn
I of the sagacity or tlio an
ltliln a few feet of thorn
klked to the main street,
ting faced the last great
d that his body, yot
the plaything of the foot
ts and the wheels of tho
I they made their rounds
lection of canvns and
king, with tho usual In
i of a smnll hoy, Frod
lives nenr tho hall
) lis parents, aroso about
Id went out to the place
lent had been pitched for
in search of nny chanco
they had neglected in
Ito pack. While wnndor-
ground ho came across
la nan, cold and stiff In
ingnteneu hoy at onco
Bis, ana the coroner nun
bllDed and went at once
f.pled and Run Over.
Id the body lying just
e me large tent hnd been
Ims huddled up on Its
' evidently been lifeless
F, as It wns stiff and
fund were tho tracks of
pa wagons, and hiilclni?
I Wy had been tramnl-
P over by the wheels of
lection of Dr. Colo tho
Ps Pat in tho recnlvlnir
let fc Polsom and taken
. wnere it was examln-
proper earn nr Tim
ft ve feet eight Inches
i a wei musclnii Ho
1 a pair of corduroy
r uucic coat, worn
one of mixed wnnva
r o ack sateen shirts
wns, but his shoes
Ujm. He had n heavy
L," ,'uu set, ottiier a
WUtlon nf nno
111. .... V
i ieit nnnd aim lm.i
LnT contalnlng 2C
Ml flask of whiskey
SDAY, JULY S 1003.
In Confident Race Problem Will Final
ly Be Solved.
Indianapolis, July 8. Bishop J. w
Hood, senior bishop of the A. M. E
Zlon church In charge of the first
Episcopal district, orahraclng New
York New England and Central
North Carolina, Is a guest here In
discussing the race troubles, Bishop
Hood said: '
"I have great confidence in the ul
tlmate solution of the raco problem
This is a large and serious problem
and must necessarily move slowly
It Is necessary that the races got
closer together. The negro must im
prove and tho white man must help
him. The negro In tho South is stub
bornly pushing to the front. He is
buying land, houses, plantations and
Btock, and is hoarding his earnings
for the betterment of his condition."
Sailors Publicly Entertained Streets
Profusely Decorated.
Portsmouth. July 8. Lunon..nn wnc
tendered 800 American sailors today.
Tho streets aro densely packed and
profusely decorated. The Kearsarco
hand headed the narade. Admiral .
(Inttnn nnd n nnmlm r m, I
...... . ...tuw kjl win a went
Fury of the People Checked
by the Enforcement of Authority.
General Panic Prevails Among the
Blacks Now Claimed That the
Troops Fired on the Mob In Self.
Defense, the First Shot Coming !
From the Street. '
Acknowledged by His Physi
cian That the pope's Con
dition "is Desperate."
The Aged Pontiff Expresses the Wish
That "It Were All Over," and Pre
dicts That He Will Die Tomorrow
Mind Is Clear and He Still Converses.
July 8. Perfect i
I?ttn.w,..m.. .....
t I ,!,, .1,1- 1 ... , , V'
banquet given them by the fl lord I 2" 'S'JL h!J- Thor.e ls "? moH letln waa lss ls morning
of tho admiralty.
Congressman Drlggs Is Accused of
Accepting Bribes,
New York, July 8. Counsel for
Congressman Drlggs, under Indict
ment for aueged acceptance of money
for services rendered to a cash reg
ister company in Its dealings with tho
postolllco department, has filed a de
murrer to the Indictment. Argument
will bo heard Thursday next.
Ball Player Drowned.
Buffalo, July 8. The man who fell
of tho international bridge and was
drowned In tho Niagara river Thurs
day night, proves to he Ed Delehanty,
the famous baseball player and out
fielder of tho Wnsnlngton National
League team.
Boy Attempted to Escape and Fell
From the Third Story and Will Be
Crippled and Disfigured for Life.
there Is a great deal of suppressed
excitement and unorganized bad
Will Be Returned for Trial.
Evansville, Ind July 8. After sev
eral consultations last night and this
morning, Judge Rasch decided to or
der Negro Brown, the slayer or Po
liceman Massey, and the cause of tho
recent rioting returned to this city
for trial. This will be done tonight
If tho negro Is able to travel. He
will be arraigned Thursday. No trou
ble Ik anticipated, as the great dis
play of troops is considered sufficient
to deter the rioters.
Panlcstrlcken Negroes.
Cincinnati, O., July 8. A Star Ev
ansville, lnd., dispatch says: Hie po
lice arrested 15 negroes during the
fight. All were armed and in several
Instances two revolvers were found
upon the prisoners. Among the ma-
Rome, July S. Tho following bnl
tin wns Issued this mnrnlnir- lnr
iiiiiniiign i i.eu pusseu a fairly quiet night.
though he had no restoring sleep.
His puUc becoming moro Irregular.
Respiration not so free as it van v.r.
terday evening. The condition of tho
pope noes not permit a lengthy ex
amination. Improvement In the pul
monary condition continues, but his
condition In general la less easy ow
ing (o loss or strength, which Is In
creasing from time to time. Tho de
velopment of blood poisoning means
the end is Inevitable. On waking this
morning the popo said: "I wish It
"ere all over, as I know from my
vision what is wnltlng for me."
News at Papal Legation.
Washington, July 8. The papal le
gation received the following from
Rampolla this morning: Tho stato of
the holy father continues grave to
day. Blood Poisoning.
Rome, July 8. Symptoms of blood
with the doctors and Intimate attend
A telegram has been sent Or Car
darelll, tho well-known Naples spec
ialist, calling him lit attendance at
the Vatican. The popo continues to
take a little nourishment today. It
was announced at tho Vatican this
afternoon that his holiness' temper,
aturo varies from 97 to 9S degrees.
Telegrams are frequently received to
day from almost all European fillers.
Criticise Lapponl,
Rome, July S. The cardinals are
beginning to crltlclso Lapponl for not
seeing tho real stnte of tho pope's
health long ago and aro now Insist
Ing that high medical authorities In
world be called Into consultation.
Emperor Will Attend the Funeral
Hoirlln. July S. The Kaiser has
postponed his Scandinavian tour ow
ing to the pope's Illness and the
moment death occurs will hasten to
Rome to attend the funeral.
Jorlty or tho negroes the wildest tear j poisoning have appeared In tho pope.
rw.;1?01 was a cut,
iPnhe hoof nr n w.,
Itaiise-d and skinned,
I breast showed slens
Km . a "l ".Hi
I'Wm a kn hv i.
N It had moVe t?,o
ad made by tho
horse's siwm
lntle Breast. '
IWnd Was in .i
J as though It
'.b? some sim;,,
miff. - "
"'C. Or GnniA ....
Min,,ui. ,c "'east
ilWr." mass
IWrT 11,0 naiH
nT. V ,ua loundl
fther, HiU rrlckod
the u.,
KTW Monti.
it r "u was wit .
r'M,M ,,u"8 ct-v
P Urtt' lne 25th
IWm 1 "fed of his
Hit UT"WU'' this
- OUIl
Salem, Ore., July 8. Superintend
ent H. E. Bickers, of the Oregon State
Roforni School, yesterday submitted
his report to the stnte hoard of edu
cation for the quarter ending June
30. In his letter of transmittal, Mr.
Bickers says:
'Thoro were 1"G hoys In the school
on April 1. 13 have been received
ainco that date on first commitments.
and fivo returned trom parole nnd
leave of absence; 22 leaves of ab
senco and paroles hnve been grant
ed; there wns one escape not return
oil, and one death, leaving In the
school on June 30, 113.
Dr. A. E. Tnmlesle, physician of
the school, tiled a supplemental re
port, stating that tho health of the
school was good. Ho also reports
that Leo Jacks, the young boy who
fell from tho third story to the ce-
mont walk In nn attempt to escape
by means of sheets twisted Into a
rope, about ono month ago, received
Injuries that will cripple and disfig
ure him permanently. The lowor jaw
was dislocated nnd fractured to the
oxtcnt of being compounded, neces
sitating the removal or many frag
ments nnd the loss or many 'tooth,
with a dislocation of tho face bones.
Both legs were fractured, one involv
ing tho knee joint to such nn ex
tent as to permanently Impair the
usefulness of this member.
Tho finnnclal statement for tho two
qunrters Just closed shows that $11,
8r.5.7r. was expended for tho mainte
nance of the school nnd lor Improve
ments nn nggregrate o' $1,102.03.
was present throughout tho night.
Fully 2000 men, women and children
left their homes and camped In the
lair grounds.
Statement of a Soldier.
Captain Blum, of Company E, made
the lollowlng statement of the shoot
"The mob. crowding up at the cor
ner of Fourth nnd Division streets,
forced the guards hack Inch by Inch,
clear to the Jail gate, and would not
be beaten back. A man In the crowd
11 red a shot which struck a soldier.
Then tho firing became general in the
mob. and tho soldiers fired in le
turn. Orders to cease firing ueio
given to the soldiers almost at once,
as the crowd turned In flight.
"No order to fire wns given by my
self or nny officer. It was done In
self-defense. Tho mob had been re
peatedly begged to go hack. Boulders
and bricks were thrown long before
the tiring commenced, and one soldier
was knocked unconscious. The men
were given orders to fire only In self
defense. Officers and soldiers greatly
deplore the shooting, but they feel
they acted only in the line or their
Miners of Four States Met to Formu
late Demands.
Pittsburg, July 8. A thousand del
egates representing C0.000 miners in
Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and
Texas, met here today In convention
to arrange to demand
wages or order a strike.
Mitchell arrives tonight.
It is now stated at the Vatican. It
depends entirely on tho progress of
the dread symptoms whother his holi
ness will last days or merely hours.
Tlio physicians in nttemlanco hold
out little hope, as notwithstanding
the amelioration In the symptoms It
Is simply Impossible for the organism
of the pontiff to have the energy nec
essary to eliminate the toxic alTec
tlon. which has presented grave
symptoms. The pleural liquid does
not seem to be regathering. but his
holiness' general condition Is not so
tinuqiill and his depression Is great
er When Dr. Mnxzonl visited tho
pope this morning his holiness com
plained or reeling worse than yester
day, adding ho therefore cannot work
as he wishes to. Mazzonl states tho
cyanosis of tho pope's fingers is
spicudlng over his hands.
Predicts His Own Death.
Home. July 8. The pope today, In
conversation with Mgr. Angell. ono of
his attendants, said: "I mn sorry I
cannot be present at tomorrow's ser
vice, because tomorrow 1 shall die."
Early this morning ho had another
fainting fit.
Death Expected Tonight or Tomor
row. Palis, July 8. A special from Rome
to the Patrie ut 1 this afternoon, says
the pope's condition Is desperate. It
Is now known lie must die, and It Is
expected tonight or tomorrow at tho
More Favorable Turn.
Rome. July 8. The composer. Dom
Increased Puroal, visited tho Vatican today and
President afterward left for tho country. This
i would indicate the pope's Illness has
1 taken a moro favorably turn, hecauBe
Fight. ; Pcrosl, as director of miifele at tho
jly fj, The 1 Slstlne chapel, would have to partlcl
Grand Jury In Utah Can Find No
Salt Lake, July 8. The grand Jury
after considering 2f rases, this morn
ing report they are unable to secure
evidence of a single case of polygamy
In Utnh, since It became a state. Tho
suspects included prominent business
men and church officials.
Indications Aro That the Tele
phono Operators' Strikes
May Yet Win.
Steamer Dolphin Brings Big Treas
ure From Klondike,
Seattle, July S. Tho steamer Dol
phin nrrlved In port this morning,
with $GSfi,000 In Klondike gold
nhoard. Tho amount Is tho largest
brought down by nny vessel during
the present senson. The gold wns In
eight large boxes and was consigned
to the local assay office from the
Dawson hanks.
Twenty-Five Cents on the Dollar.
New York, July 8. l.eroy Dres
ser's failure has caused n sensation,
ns ho Is unnblo to meet his promise to
pay In full. The creditors will prob
ably receive about 25 per cent.
ta8 7.)
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company G. R. Coekley, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Chlcnirn Jnlv 8. Liverpool did not
resrwind with our advance causing a
break of one cent from the high point
today, but wheat eloseil anom mu
samo ns last night. Corn lowor.
Opening. Close.
Sept 77 U 7714
Dee. 70 7
Sept G2 &1
Dec Mr,s G"
Sept an 31
Dee 'sr.Vi, 35
.Minneapolis, July 8.
Sopt 71! 7
Dec W 71
Italian Free
nh.iiu Knlls N. Y.
Italian workmen at tne new dam had pate In tho ceiemony following U'o's
a free light today. Nine were wound- death.
ed. two probably fatally. ; Still Able to Converse.
1 Rome, July 8. It became moro and
Hay Will Not Talk. more apparent as the morning ad-
Oyster Hay, July 8. Seciotary Hay i vanced that the improvement In the
has concluded his conference with I popo's condition, noted after tho op
the piesldent and left for New York, j oiatlon of yesterday, has not been
He has nothing to say regarding his ' maintained. The heart action ho
vlslt. i came more feeble and the doctors
, are leliictantly compelled to admit
Mrs. Blaine Dying. his condition Is critical. Notwith-
Augusta July 8 Mrs James O. 1 standing his serious condition. Ms
Blaine widow of tho statesman, is holiness Insisted on being carried
dyinr 'of old nge She can live at from his bed to u rocllnliiK chair
most' but a few days about noon. He was able to converse
Indications All Point to the Conclu
sion That Russia Is In Manchuria
to Stay Preparations for Holding
New Chwang.
Kinchnu. July 8. All the promi
nent Russian officials In China, Man
churia and Korea aro attending n se
cret conference now In progress at
Port Arthur. It Is generally believed
they are considering war questions.
Tho present Russlnn policy Is be
lieved to bo to hold Now Chwang and
take no steps to avert hostilities with
Japan If assured tho latter will light
The war feeling among tho Japan
ese of Northern China is Intensifying.
A Russian company yesterday com
pleted the purchase of tho river steam
lug business from the British compa
ny. The company Is apparently act
ing In behalf of tho Russian govern
ment, as nil usages uro recommended
by Russlnn officers, nnd tlio crews
are composed of Russian sailors.
Remains to Be Proven That an Ulti
matum Was Ever Served.
St. Petersburg, July 8. The Rus
sian foreign office knows nothing of
the alleged Anglo-Japaneso ultimatum
on the subject of Mnucnurla, which,
according to tho Sevitum, of this city,
was presented to the Chinese govern
ment recently, nnd which Huts forth,
among other matters, that, If tlio de
parture of tho Russians from .Man
churia Is Indefinitely postponed,
Crent Britain and Japan must pro
ceed to protect their interests, nml
added that China must demand from
Russia the Immediate evacuation of
Evacuation" of Manchuria Go
ing on Rapidly,
Birmingham, July 8. Tho Post
states that Russia has ordered flvo
eiooosote guns from Krtipps for Port
Arthur, and also 10,000,000 rounds of
small nmrnunltion.
BolbO. Idaho. July S.-John Mitch
ell shot and seriously Injured his wile
mnrtilnir in a berry patch. He
hour later. Sho had commonccd di
vorce pioceedlngs charging lilm with
non-support and cruelty. He has a
! daughter. Mrs. Warreji, at Spokane.
then returned to his room nnd shot , jr8 Alieo ICrum, at Taeorna, Is his
himself In the loft temple dying an wife a daughter
Trade With Philippines,
Washington. July 8. Official ro
turns of commercial conditions In tho
Philippines show the trade with tho
archipelago Is steadily Increasing. It
now amounts to moro than $1, 000,000
Portland sent $1,000 to the orphans
of tho llanna coal initio disaster,
Claimed That Not a Member of the
Union Has Returned to Work l
Portland Reports From San Fran
cisco and Tacoma Very Encourag
ing to the Strikers,
Portland, July S.--"Not n inembcr
who went out has giino hark
to work," Is the declaration of the
linemen's strike committee front
headquarters today "Everything U
In good shape. The telephone com
pany's reports are untrue. Wo have
the explanation this morning of the
reports of Inst evening."
Many members seem confident thU
tho telephone company will yot make
concessions. They sny that ouUlda
reports show the company Is feelloc
the effects of tho strike.
A report comes from Titconm that
things look had for the company It
that city.
"We are out to win or gt out at
tho business," Is the altitude of the
strikers. This Is the word from Hon
Frnnclsco headquarters that buoy
up hope tu the local rankH Hint thejr
will gain something.
Operators Organizing,
(leueral conditions are cotere.1 lu
thl following message posted at Him
men's headquarters this morning:
"San Francisco, July 6. Dear Sir
and Brothers: Bakerslleld tclegrnpha
for an organizer to get a charter for
nine men.
"The operators nt Fresno aro C
"Twenty-soven colleclorH for the
telephone company In Han PraiicUro
all out. Operators are organizing all
along coast.
"Wo aro taking out two men for
every poor mini the company puts
"Reports from all over are In onr
favor Two men went to work
Santa Rosa. Committees are out te
get them oft
"Some bail ones left the Snoqimt
mle Power Company and went I
work at Tacoma. Jim Broun hat
gone over so wo believe ho will got
them out. All other places nqioA
favorably and getting In new mem
bers, "Itcmcmlicr. brothers, this Is the
fight of our lives. Wo are out to wl
or get out of tho business. If yoi
havo been working hard, work hard
er than ever you may never havo so
good a chance to win again.
"Bowaie of false reports and huiice
Boycott Declared In Spokane.
Spokane, July 8. Tim Trades
Council, the central body of organized
labor In Spokane, has placed tho tel
ephone company on tlio unfair Hot
and ordered u general boycott on no
count of Its attitude towards thft
striking operators, (llrls are can
vasslug the city securing slgnnturr
for removal orders. They expect tc
secure tho removal (if half tho tele
phones In tho city.
Price of Fresh Fish Has Advanced
In New York.
Now York, July 8. Tho prlco of
fresh fish hero has advanced be
cause of a strlko affecting dealers.
Tho strikers, who number nearly
1,000, uro tho sailors who man Umi
fishing smacks or schooners, They
havci'boon paid $35 a month and their
board, Tho men now demand a bonus
of a cent n tlsh, whether big or small.
Wire Pulling Over the Succession ti
the pontificate.
Vlonnn, July fi. -Tho Tagsblutt t
day prints a rumor lo tho effect thU'
In vlow of RampolH's hostility lo tmv
triple alliance, that Austria would tt
errlse the right to the veto shoirta
ho ho elected pope.
Gtudebaker Depository Fire,
San Francisco. July 8. Tho Slinle-bala-r
wagon depository was partially
burned at 2 30 this morning, lini,