East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 07, 1903, Image 8

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That is our motto, and we
have the SHOES to fhow
you. Our business is grow
ing every day, because we
treat our customers right and
give them values for their
Special Sale on Tan
Oxfords. BIG VAL
UES, Regular price
$2 to $4, Si.le Price
Dmdinge, Wil
son & Company
Phone Main UBJ
Company Will Ask Franchise In
Walla Walla.
AV. E, Young, representing thu Pa
cific American Tar Company, Inc.
with olllces t Whatcom, Wash., ar
rived in Walla Walla yesterday, and
will endeavor to secure a franchise
for a gas plant In this city.
Mr. Young said to a reporter for
the Union last evening: ' we have a
process of manufacturing gas from
wood, and as the gas Is in a sense
a waste by-product, wo deslro to lo
cate plants where we can havo a good
market for the illuminating gas. Our
principal manufactures are fir tar, tar
oil, creosote, pitch, rosin, turiwntlne,
wood alcohol, acertatos and charcoal.
"We now havo plants at Whatcom
and Fairhaven, Wash., and are con
sidering the advisability of installing
them in other cities in the state.
"The plant hero will cost $50,000
and would bo in operation within a
year should a franchise bo granted."
Packing Plant Destroyed.
St. Joseph, Mo., July 7. The main
building of tho Hammond Packing
plant was destroyed by firo this after
noon. The loss is estimated as high
as $500,000. It is entirely covered
by insurance. Two men lost their
lives in the flames. One of them is
reported to be Charles Miller, (ire
marshal nt the plant. This could not
be verified. Three men were injur
ed, one of them seriously. For a time
the entlro stockyards district was
threatened. By hard work tho Nel-Bon-Morris
plant, 300 feet north of tho
Hammond plant, was saved and this
saved tho Swift plant, which is to
the north of the Nelson Morris building.
Mrs. Ennis Improving,
Mrs. T. J. Ennis, of Hitter, who has
been receiving treatment nt St.
Mary's hospital tho last two months,
is now improving rapidly. Walla
Walla Union.
4 .
I Howto Prevent
The spread of Infection anil
contagious diseases is a mat
tor in which all are Interested.
In order that our customers
may havo tin most modern
method of disinfection, as well T
as tho safest, simplest and It
most reliable, we have added
to our already completo drug
stock a fine lino of j.
Ilcsldes being an Ideal sick- 1
room disinfectant. It Is un-
equalled In (leas, Insects of till T
kinds, etc. Suo them in our $
window and come in and lot
us toll you more about it. X
I.cikIIii Dnitffjists T,
I comfortable roomi from 25
cenu up. Newly furnUlieil
throughout. Queen Chop Homo
In connection. Meuls Kt all
hours. Only white help employe-it
, (ilvo u a tiliil. v v
Mr, and Mrs. Cloytl Oliver arc up
from Echo.
Byron Johnson, of Alba, Is in the
city for a few days.
Hoy I.insnor, of nidge, Is In tho city
on n business visit,
Mrs. Robert Jones nnd c.iuren, of
Echo, are In town.
Arthur Hummer, of Echo, is spenu-
lug the day in tho city.
It. P. Tufts, of Juniper, is in t'en-
dleton on a short visit.
J. V, Long, of lone, is in Penuloton,
for a short business visit,
Mrs Koontz, of Echo, who has been
milto sick. Is improving.
J. H. Koontz, the pioneer miller
Echo, Is In the city tottay.
J. H. Woods, of Athenn, wo,R n
Pendleton visitor yesiunmj.
Miss Eas'tmnn, of Echo, Is. In the
city tho guest of friends ii.To.
W. B. Olllott, of Echo, was In tho
city for n short time yesterday.
U Henderson, nt Pilot nock, is vis
iting in Pendleton fov u day or so.
F. E. Winnn, of Vnlhi Walla, is in
the city to nttend to some business.
George W. Oray, of Walla Walla
Is in the city on n short business
H. H. Swartz. of Milton. Is In the
city to transact some business to
Charley McBeo and Doric Bowman
are up from Butter creek to take In
the show.
Miss Hattle Tlngley, of Echo, was
tho guest of friends in the city yes
terday. Miss Price, of Echo, is In tho city
for a short visit at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Dunhnm have
returned from a visit with friends In
I.a Grande.
D. McEachorn, of Walla Walla, is
tho guest of friends in the city for a
day or two.
Mrs. J. West, of Huntington, is
visiting friends in Pendleton for a
short time.
Mr. and .Mrs. W. .Tett, of Baker City,
are In the city for a short visit with
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. French, of I.a
Grande, were the guests of friends in
tho city yesterday.
W. P. Benedict, of Echo, visited
friends In the city and transacted
business yesterday.
Mrs. .1. I). Casey and daughter, of
Hllgard, were the guests of Pendleton
friends yesterday.
Miss Edna McGinn left this morn
ing for Portlnnd, whore she will
spend tho summer.
Zoo Houser, of Eclio, ex-United
States marshal, is in the city today
on a business trip.
William McBrlde, a druggist at
Athena, Is In the city today for a
short business visit.
Mrs. M. Anderson and son left this
morning for tho coast, where thoy
will spend the summer.
Misses Ella S. Conner and Lizzie
Jones, of Elgin, were tho guests of
friends In the city yesterday.
Miss Gladys Barr, of Walla Walla.
Is tho guest of Mrs, Ida Hamblin and
her sister, Mrs. G. A. Itobblns, of this
M(s. M. O. Howell and two children
loft this morning for Wilbur, Wash.,
where they reside, after a visit with
relatives in this city.
Mrs. T. H. Brlorly returned to her
homo nt lone this morning, after a
visit with her brother-in-law, J. H.
Garrett, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wado havo re
turned to their country homo near
Dixie, after having spent tho Fourth
with relatives in tills city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Sloan and child,
who llvo In the Big Bend country at
tho mouth of tho little McKay, near
Pilot Itock, are In town today,
E. G. Gambeo. a prominent farmer
of tho Uklah district, was a visitor
in tho city on business connected
with his property and the harvest.
Mrs. Hose Campbell feaves tomor
row for her homestead near Itltzvlllc,
where sho will spend the noxt two
or threo weeks in improving the
Revs. W. E. Potwino and John War
ren went to Weston this morning,
where Ilov. Potwino will conduct ser
vices this evening. Ilov. Warren will
return this afternoon.
Mrs. John Adams, of Attains, with
her daughters, Paulino and Helen,
left this morning for tho coast, where
iiioy win spend tno summer. In tho
fall Mrs. Adams will movo to Walla
Walla, whero she will resldo in the
Fred I.esslter. or Wnlla Wnlla, Is In
the city for a visit with friends on
his vny home from lilne'iam Springs.
Mr. I.essltor Is ono of tho football
mcii of his part of the country and la
ell known In athletic circles In tho
Inland Empire.
Miss Howena Mathlot. one of the
sweet singers- of Wnlla Wnlla. is tho
guest of .Mrs. Ernest Tntum for a
fow days. Miss Mathlot Is the lead
ing soprano of ono of tho choirs In
Walla Walla, and Is regarded ns one
of tho best vocalists In tho state.
Pendleton Stockholders Ir t,,e Fam.
ous Mine Visit the r0nerty.
C. B. Wade, T. C. fnyior itobert
Forstor, T. O. Ha ley nm, Pi W- Vln-1 roNDT,0NS NOT MOST
cent re urned night beforo aat from CONDITION ,.1LjrAT
a trip to the dole m)n0( whero FAVORADLE FOR WHEAT,
iiu-j oiiuml ...v. , ourth. All or ine
gentlemen, with tnQ 0XC0I,tlon of Dr.
Vincent, are str holders )n the mine,
nun uiw - .mtliusinstic in moir re-
lltirtS Of ItS r,i,,1l(lnn Miujt .if flip
slock ib ne a i,v ,., i this city, so
that It is nlmnst a Pendleton enter
prise, nil' j for tlmt rt,ason a 0( added
Interest JO tle people here.
The, vjsitors to the mine were taken
ovor the 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300
f00t . levels, nnd all of thorn are in tho
nr tin vein of tho ore. The vein is
f rom six to 14 feet in width, and the
length has not been determined, for
the end is not In sight. Tne oro is
of good quality and ranges ns high
as $300 to tho ton In some places,
tnough the nverago is not ns high as
Tho company will extend tho work
ing of the mine, and will dovelop it
as fast as possible, endeavoring to
ninko It one of the big producers of
tho Baker City and Suinpter vnlley
Commercial Club Meets Tonight.
Thero will bo a meeting or tho
Commercial Club this evening at 8
o'clock in tho rooms of tho nssocia-J
lions, for tho transaction of tho reg
ulnr monthly business.
Kerr-Glfford Company Will Build at
Cayuse and Spofford.
M. It. Yates, the contractor, will
leave this morning for Cayuse Sta
tion, whero he will In the noxt three
weeks build a warehouse for the
Kerr-Glfford Grain Company, to re
place the one that wns burned some
time ago. The building will bo a
frame structure -10x120 I'eet in dimen
sions, and will cost $1,500.
After the work nt that place Is
completed Mr. Yates will go to Spof
ford, whore hp will orect nnother
warehouse of the same size and for
the same company. The houses are
to be built in time for tho reception
of this season's wheat nnd other
Four Men Charged With Larceny
From the Person of Their Victim.
The Nelson brothers and Morris
and l.oltoy Easom. nil held for "lar
ceny from the parson," were arraign
ed beforo the circuit court this morn
ing and were given till tomorrow at
10 o'clock to plead. The Nelson boys
are nreused of tho larceny or $200
from C. L. Hastings, of this city.
Morris Is accused of robbing an old
sheophorder some time ago, and Ea
som took money from n sheep camp
about a month ago and came to this
city, whore he was arrested.
Died of Paralysis.
T. S. Ferguson, or Adams, died at
Ills home In that city Saturday after
noon from the effects of a stroke of
paralysis, which had attacked him
two days before. Mr. Ferguson hnd
been a resident or Adams for a num
ber of years, and was 01 years old
when ho died. He was well known
in this city, where J. M. Ferguson, his
brother, resides. Besides his broth
er In this city, he has another one In
Adams, and a sister nt that place.
The funeral was conducted from tho
family residence Monday nfternoon,
tho Interment being In tho cemetery
at Adams,
Noted Evangelists Coming.
Evangelists Hanoy and Martin will
arrive In the city Wednesday morn
ing ot this week, en route from Col
orado to Spokane. Thoy will spend
tho day in the city and conduct ser
vices nt night in tho Methodist Epis
copal church, at which time Ilov.
Hanoy will, preach and Evangelist
Martin sing, Both men are able
workers and a treat is in store for
all who may come.
Will Move to Walla Walla.
.Air. Reed, of Walla Walla, spent
several days In tho city last week,
tho guest of his brother, Ralph Reed,
or tho Fair store. Ho returned to his
homo this morning nccompanled by
his brother, of this city, who will
make his future home thero, where
they have a fruit farm to which thoy
will devote tholr attention this summer.
The Old, Old Story.
Colonel J. H. Raloy, I.. B. Reeder,
J. W. Malonoy and Dr. C. J. Whita
ker have returned from a fishing trip
to tho south fork of tho John Day.
Thoy spent tho Fourth in seeking the
elusive trout, nnd had luck, though
just how many fish they caught is
unknown, as the number was not di
vulged, tho fishers thinking some
might lie Incredulous.
Funeral This Afternoon.
The funeral or tho little dnnghto
or Mr. nnd Mrs. John McEachcrn or
Helix, who died last week of pneu
monia, was conducted from the Cath
olic church this afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Rov. Neate olilclatlng.
Machinery Going West.
Five carloads of smelting mnchln-'
ery nnd engines, passed west ovor
tho O. R. & N. this morning to Ever
ett, Wash., and Portland.
Continued Cloudy and, Damp Weath.
er Will Be a Drawback Warm and
Open Weather Is Needed to Mature
the Crop.
John Crow, ono of tiie large .arm
ors from the Tutullla country, wns
in ihr r-ltv today, ninklng preparation-,
to btart his hnrvest crews to
work, in fact, he lias already begun
on some of ills crop, having stnrtcd
his combine In a field ot barley yes
terday. This Held cut 17 sacks to the
acre In the run of the first day, and
ns tho field was light It is expected
that the crop will nverago more than
the figures of tho first day's work
would Indicate.
The wheat is not In need of the
weather that Is prevailing now, for It
has filled to the capacity of the chaff
What It needs now is sunslilno and
warm still days. A hot wind to shnt
ter tit - hojtls and hum tho straw
would tlo lots of damage nnd loose
lots "f tho grain, but somo calm,
warm days would bo of great bonollt
to tho crop. It cannot ho said nt this
time what the yield will bo, though
the report that It will nut reach ovor
a two-thirds crop is In tho main rea
sonable. In somo of tho county It
may go nuovo that and climb closo to
the normal mark, if tho weather con
ditions are good from now until tho
time of harvest.
The wheat at this time Is mntured,
tho heads being full and plump nnd
hard. But it needs warmth to ripen
and dry the grain ready for the har
vester. A fow more days of sun will
ninko lf ready to cut.
Was Well Known Throughout This
Wnlla Walla, July 7. James W.
Jott a plonoor tlnnor of this city,
died Biiddonly in Baker City Monday
ovonlng, whllo visiting n slstor there.
Ho had beon qulto 111 for some tlmo
with stomach nnd bowol troublo and
had recently visited Hot I-ako, in
senrch of health.
Tho body arrived from Baker this
morning nnd tho . funeral was hold I
nt 2 o'clock this nfternoon. Ho leaves i
wife nnd two daughters nt Prosser,
Washington. i
If you are troubled with Impure
blood, Indicated by sores, pimples,
headache, etc., wo would recommend I
Acker's Blood Elixir, which wo soil
under a positivo guarantee It will
always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic i
poisons and nil blood diseases. 50 cts
nnd $1.00. F. W. Schmidt & Co.,!
druggists. '
Chinese mining companies havo I
gained control of nil tho placci ,
ground on Wild Horso creek, In the,
Frnscr river district, British Colum
bia. 1
Have y,
For sale by
Owl Tea Him
. V . - . m m ft ft
V-V-l'-l I 1 1 1 IT T'T-T-T-T---t-t.
Big Out Prices
In all Departments of our Store all
this Week. All who trade at out
Store understand this means cheaper
than yon can buy the same grade of
goods elsewhere.
Proprietor o," the Vaudeville Show Is
In Jail, Not Giving Ball.
",V. Hiiir.8 wns arrested for running
a without n license, this nfter
noon, and was brought before Judgo
Fltz 0 era hi. whore he pleaded not
guilty and wns put under ?25 ball,
v. ;!h'h ho could nut furnish, nnd wns
sent to jail to await trial. Burns is
the man who has been running tho
vaudeville near the big tent on the
1.-1"- i (t.n-in. tlin Tnnrth nnil RinrMV
T" i- l-'nrrlng when the pony show ! J
came to town, ho moved to be whore
the crowd was and forgot to secure
the necessary permit. In fact, lie
claims that tho show wns a free ono
nnd that ho was simply taking up a
collection when he was arrested,
He would not chargo any admit
tance at the door, but when the peo
ple had come Inside tho tent he would
pass nround among them nnd ask
from each a small tax for their stand
ing room. By this ho sought to ovaue
tho ordinance. but tho olllcers
thought otherwise, and the colored
gentleman was taken into custody,
&i is:
Returned From School.
Dale and Allen Slusher, who have
beon attending school In the East for
the past year havo returned to their
homes in this city Dale nttonded
school nt I.ako Forest. HI., and Allen
wns a student at Hnpklnson College,
Boston, .Mass.
The coffee habit is quickly over,
come by those who let Grntn-O
take its place. If properly madu
it tastes like tho best of coffee. No
grain coffeo compares with it in
flavor or health fulness.
it grocera everywhere ; 15c. ami 23c. per package
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good bin,
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
In all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath nnd Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Oop. Ws & C. R. Depot
Pure, Palo and Sparkling. Bottled Only ot tho Brewery in St. Louis.
ickic-ickirkickic Mxw
Trout Fishing
n m every devotee of the rod hi
Stffife liu i t he very bet Of tackle, nil
line nniiisgoou wnn any tijij
uS-3 sport wan rou ana reel; uwra
ut'L .Yiiui-Mjiiuiiea hi t. j. vol
wliO'-e stock or led i, line", ttoi
llys, recU, baskets, nets, wlthu
other esM-ntials necessary to the!
coiuplisheil IWhemmu, canuitl
upon ns the bent that mom; J
J W. J. CLARKE & Co. 21. court st
i - ViidSunimer
: - iiTT. 1 r-TTcn CAI R has I
4. li I1UW On. UUr KCU LCI ICrvJfu."""-J
1 a decided success. But this clearance salens
' II 1 1 1 1 u.,n unshod This 5H
.. is to clean up all cotton dress goods, white goc
shirt waists and shirt waist suits.
$1.00 shirt waists in white or colored
: u:4..
, (UU OllH l Will lb 111 W ilUU VI liUlUll" M
9.0p. nnlnrorl fntimr litniii,
i J-i-W tUWIlS II
oc" ...l. '1 1 ... H
, -OU WI1UO imOUS (1
4 on- ...1 " . i '
i uu wane gouas
iou wniiG goods it
1 iwu Bneais, large eizo
t 12-J.c pillow cnsoF. three -for.
t $l.f0 shirt waists .". ('
i 5.uu sain waists pi
r i- .. u:l
. i-.ui!tmi.i niuaini
f 15c dress duck , '.
t $1.00 bod spreads
ne 1 .
j -suuiuco ourianung (,51
T shirt waist suits.., J
C Of .11 . n . ' ''1
ocj siiKinots tor waists
j. auty will (III go quIC.ll tu- f"
4. , - -