East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 07, 1903, Image 2

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Cut Prices on
Summer Clothing
PiL' '
'sa csn
1 2 f3
J One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
tlltiiti --t.. .. . -
Sir Thomas Upton has so far
spoilt $2,000,000 in fruitless endeavor
to recapture tho yachting cup.
Pat Sullivan, of Wyoming, lost 50
wethers by one stroke of lightning.
The herder was slightly stunned.
W. K. Vanderhllt, Jr., was scalded
and scorched by tho explosion of his
automobile, near Paris, and Is con
fined to his bed since.
John Donoghuo, a Now York sculp
tor, drowned himself because of cha
grin that his plans for tho McKlnloy
memorial nt Philadelphia wero re
jected. Senator Marcus A. Hanna will
abandon business, His son emphat
ically denies, however, that It is for
the pnriio.se of devoting tho remain
der or his life to politics.
Twenty square Indies of frog shin
lias been transplanted to tho hand of
a man In Michigan, to replace cuticle
torn away by an accident. The op
eration was a great success in overy
W. B. Harris, tho traveler nnd J
author, who was captured by Moroc
co bandits, has been released in ex-'
change for a number of native pris
oners, Ho was captured and hold as
a hostago only.
At St. Louis Alox Creeloy fell 90 ;
feet down tho Inside of a smoke i
stack. Half way down lie foil upon I
7loy Kurst. Until went to tho bottom.
Noitiior was injured beyond compar-
atlveiy slight bruises and cuts. I
Itoscoe Cassel. clerk in the First!
National Hank of Astoria, was drown-!
ed In tho Nelmlem, Monday, whllo J
rowing with friends, I
The John I). Rockefeller smelter,!
at Everett, Wash., has been sold to
Charles Sweeney, a millionaire mln
ing man of Spokane, the salo prlco i
not mentioned.
About 800 acres of rich placer
ground near flrant's Puss, was bond
ed Monday by tho IJannock (iold Min
ing Company, of Cnicago, for tho
sum of $115,000.
Tho linker City gas and electric
plant is about complete, after tho
damago done by. flro some threo '
weeks ago. Tho city will now havo
a 24-hour sorvlec.
Five additional policemen wero ap
pointed in Portland, Monday, making
a total of CO patrolmen now on duty
in that city, In addition to four de
tectives, four captains, threo patrol
drivers and a matron.
Tho city of Olympia is having sori-'
ons trouble with her water supply,
an gaud from tho stream, Is pumped
Into pipes, and clogs them up nnd '
cuts the valves so it Is imposslblo I
to shut off tho water.
In order to mako room for our im
menso lino of Fall Clothing coming
we will have a
Sacrifice Sale
cn the remaining of our Summer
Clothing. Prices speak for thom
selves: $10.00 Suits will go at
$12.50 and $13.50 Suits will go at
$14.00 and $15.00 Suits will go at
$16.50 and $17.50 Suits will go at
Boys' Clothing
All Boys' Clothing, two and three
piece suits, knee and long pants
will go at a discount of
.... J..!. t f 1 f I fi tuTnfr
I Hotel Pendleton.
I A. W. Whltmer. Portlnnd.
! II. S. Smith, Portland.
C. K. IX'Neff, Sumpter.
Mrs. John Adams and daughter,
W. H. Young, St. Louis.
H. S. Krb, St. Louis.
J. Enanla, Seattle.
Jessio Boyd, Echo.
George Stevens, Echo.
A. W. Luckner, Spokane.
E. II. Uuckloy, Portland.
A. J. Hnrch, Athena.
It. V. Caston, Spokane.
A. G. Howard, Spokane.
Charles H. Green, city.
Harvey Horn, city.
Hoy l.lnmer, nidge.
J. I). Arnold, Spokane.
J. A. Anderson, Spokane.
J. C. French nnd wife, La Grande.
C. Hart, city.
E. Hart, city.
It. R. Duffy and wife, Ontario.
Fred Stacker, San Francisco.
Golden Rule Hotel.
F. 11. Lacy, Walla Wala.
G. W. Williams. Spokane.
Mrs. Tauslck, Walla Walla.
L. Henderson, Pilot Ilock.
II. II. Swlrtz, Milton,
It. 1. Tufts, Juniper.
F. A. Von, Fossil,
llyron Johnson, Alba.
J. H. Wood, Athena.
M. W. Haho. city,
C. P. I3owman, Echo.
Hattlo Tlngloy, Echo.
Mrs. H. Scalvroy, Spokane.
Ella S. Conner, Elgin.
Llzzlo Jones, Elgin.
Mrs. J. W. Casey and daughter,
E. Gordon and wife, Council.
Ed M. Davis, Vlnconnes.
W. H. Olllett, Echo.
W. P. Benedict, Echo.
A. Ilrnlnln, Denver.
J, U, Anderson nnd wlfo, Rosalia.
( Randolph. Ann Arbor.
B. F. Glltner, Omaha.
Nettle Frost, Omaha.
L. Huuser, St. Louis.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
J. C. Lambert, Portland.
F. A. McDougal, Portland.
E. Cameron, Eclio.
Mary Cameron, Echo.
W. Cameron, Echo.
E. I'agont, Echo.
M. E. Shorte, Arlington.
S. C. Short, Arlington.
J. M. Shorto, Arlington,
C. H. Beathe, Weston.
F. E, Tash, Denver,
H. A. Tash, Denver,
Miss Eastman, Echo.
.Miss Price, Echo.
F. O. You'ng, Eugene,
W, McBrido, Eugene,
J. P, Long, Iono.
F. It. Harrison, Colfax.
J. S. all), Washtucna.
H. A. niackman, Walla Walla.
Cool and Damp Weather Very Advan
tageous to Crops Stock Doing
Well and Branding is the Order of
the Day Several Points Celebrated
the Fourth of July.
llldge. July C There was a cele
bration at tho Doherty place near
Vinson and a largo dance In the barn
that night.
James Nelson nnd family have re
moved from their Pendleton home to
their lnrge stock ranch on Butter
creek for tho summer.
Chnrlus Nelson, of Vinson, made n
trip to this vicinity Friday. Ho re
ports the alfalfa and ryo crops of
that vicinity already mown and be
ing stacked, nnd that alfalfa Is very
good, while the rye is not so very
There wns a big ball nnd celebra
tion nt Hldawny Springs tho night of
the 3rd and u celebration and a largo
ball at l.olnnan Springs the night of
tho Fourth.
Charles Ilieman, of Pendleton, is
living on his homestead in this vicin
ity at present.
We are having cool nights. The
thermometer has registered -1G nbovo
zoro. Crops are still coming out
right along.
We are having a llttlo rain ns time
goes on, hut could find n place for
more if wo could only got It. Grass
nnd stock nre doing lino considering
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. B. Slmoiiton and
Air. and Mrs. S. C, who hnvo been
rustlcntlng on Camas creek nnd nt
Hldaway nnd Lehman Springs and
visiting at Gurdane and Alba, art;
Visiting friends and relatives in this
part at present. Thoy will return
to Athena shortly where thoy will
tako In the coming harvest. They re
port very heavy rains out In the nioun
tains around the springs. Thoy also
report n very small congregation nt
the Lehman nbout 30 owing to tho
cool weather and tho largo flood at
The Ogles. S. C. Kllgoro nnd T. B,
Slmonton celebrated by branding
calves all day nt the Ogle stock
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Itimilrnl Dollars reward
for any rau of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. CUI:m:V & CO.. Toledo. O.
We, the undersigned, have known 1. J.
Cheney for tlio last 1." years, nnd believe
him perfectly honorable In nil business
Transactions and miancinuy amo to carry
out any obligations made ny their firm.
Vi:ST & TJWAX, Wholesale UrnssUts,
Toledo, O.
sale Druggists, Toledo, J.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally.
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surinccH ot ine system. Testimonials Bent
free. 1'rlco 73c per bottle. Sold by nil
nuns i amuy rills nre tnc best.
Deputy Grain Inspector King Makes
This Estimate After Trip Through
Wheat Belt.
Tho wheat crop of 1903 in tho state
of Washington will probably fall
nearly 25 per cent short of that of
This was the opinion oxpressed by
S S. King, ciilef deputy grain In
spector,- who returned Monday oven
lng after a four weeks' tour of In
spection in Spokano, Walla Walla.
Gurfleld, Whitman, Columbia. Doug
las, Lincoln, Franklin and Adams
counties, says the Tacoma Ledger.
He also visited I-atah county in Ida
The chief deputy will not venture
on n complete estimate ot the yield
until State Grain Commissioner Av
rasmlth returns and reports on tho
sections he hns visited. So Mr. King
ventures an opinion, based solely up
on tho fields he has seen.
In speaking of tho matter he said
that undoubtedly the acreage through
out tho state had Increased, but that
fact would hardly be expected to pro
duco a big crop Its first yoar.
Ho said that In the older counties
ho found a prosperous nnd contented
lot of fnrmers, hut that many of tho
i'ow settlers were a hit downcast over
tho outlook. Thoy had built hopes
upon having a Dig crop tho first year
thoy fanned the land, mos; ot them
expecting .1 yield of froir 20 t '.'j
bushels to the ncre. Unikv favorable
conditions in certain districts, In tho
opinion of Mr. King, thoy would have
realized their hopes, but ho feels
that they should bo fairly well con
tented to havo a crop at all. Their
farms will produce from 12 to 15 bush
els to tho acre.
Minnesota Bankers.
St. Paul, Minn., July 7. Tho Min
nesota Hankers' Association began
Its annual meeting in St. Paul today
with a largo and representative at
tendance. The forenoon was given
over to tho welcoming speeches and
responses anil to tho annual address
of the president, J. W. Wheeler, of
Crookston. Features ot tho afternoon
session were addressos delivered as
follows: "Bank Credit to Customers,"
A, L. Ward, of Fairmont; "Necessary
Financial and Currency Legislation,"
Congressman Charles L. Fowlor, of
Now Jersoy: ''Bank Burglary Insur
ance," Charles Bradford, Montlcollo.
Tho convention will concludo Its sos.
slons tomorrow.
Oakland, Cal., suffered a $75,000
fire Monday.
Prominent Mining Man Under Bonds
at Baker City.
miv .Tiilv 7. George A.
Smith a lnwyer nnd n mine promotor,
. f .I..-.. 1.1. I.i tlinan
who has llgurea coiisiumuu.) ...
parts, wns nrrested In this city Snt
urdav by Sheriff Brown and Deputy
t,.. csiwuv oiinrirnii with larceny.
Tlie complaint wns sworn to by Cnp-
tnln I). P. Kvans, mo wen miuu
mining ninti. All the peoplo concern
ed mi' roliielnnt to tnlk nbout the
matter, but It Is understood to be
regarding the possession of n lot of
tools that were on n mining property
In the White Swan district near the
Whlto Swnn mliiP. Mr. Smith was al
lowed to retain his liberty by depos
iting n cash bull of $200. Ho will bo
examined before Justice J. B. Mes
sick Wednesday morning.
Wlllard Blgnold, of Walla Walla, the
New Publisher.
Baker City, July ".Tho Morning
Reporter, of Sumpter, has agnln
changed hands. The transfer was
made by the Sumpter Piiblisnliig Co.
to Wlllard Blgnold, formerly foreman
of the Wnlla Walla Statesman, who
assumed control and possasslon tills
morning. Tom C. Hume, the editor
and manager of the Reporter, hns
moved to Baker City and has accept
ed the position ns foreman in tho
ofllce of the Morning Democrat. J.
Nat Hudson, the former president of
the company, hns reformed nnd will
devote his entire attention to law.
Shrlners at Saratoga.
Saratoga, N. Y., July 7. Tho twenty-ninth
annual session of tho Im
perial council of the Ancient -Order of
Nobles of tho Mystic Shrine opened
here today. In accordance with cus
tom little business was transacted
during the day, the time being devot
ed largely to tho reception of the vis
itors, who arrived on every train.
The South and West are particularly
well represented nt tho present meet
ing. Tomorrow thero will he a mon
ster parade of the uniformed bodies
and later In the day otllcers for tho
ensuing year will bo chosen. The en
tertainment program Is one of tho
best ever arranged for n meeting of
the Imperial council. In addition to
the usual balls, banquets nnd recep
tion there will ho side trips to Alt. Mc
Gregor, Lake Chnmplaln and other
places of Interest.
Twenty Thousand Teachers.
Boston, Mass., July 7. Boston has
today within her gates 20,000 or moro
delegates to the National Educational
Association convention, tho attend
nnco breaking all records. Tho meet
ings today include besides tho gener
al sessions Interesting conferences of
tlie various departments. William T.
Harris, United States commissioner
of education, and Bishop Spalding, of
Peoria, wero among the speakers be
fore the national council. Other meet
lugs of interest wore sessions of the
Indian department and tho depart
ment of higher education.
Tho Jno. .1. Pulton Co. o? Sun
Fra.icltico, Th-st In the World
to Announce the Cure of Bright'?
DIhcuho unit DIubotcH, present
ing ii Definite Percentage o?
Recoverleu (87) and Giving
Out Lists of the Cured.
Hero aro some, of tho Baa Francisco recor-
ertes, and all of them declared by physicians
to be Incurable: N. W. 8p.iuldlu(f, President
Bpauldtng Saw Co.; Adolph Wesso, founder
Cal, Cracker Co. ; Carl I). Zelle, pioneer drug
gist; Chus. Kagelke, editor San FranoUco
Journal; K. M. Wood, editor Spirit Review;
Inward Short, ot the Call; C A Newtou,
jrardmaster S. P. Co, (Sacramento); Jno. A.
Phelps, Ilolol Iiepeller; Mrs. M. Empoy, 13
Stelner St.; Mrs. S. II. Cllne, 1737 Droadirny;
Mrs, l Qoyhcneu. OH Flltnoro Ht (tapped 33
times); It, C. Pell, Manager Paclllo Coast
Iliscull Co. : F. J. liacbeMcr, Paclllo Coast Ant.
Beth Thomas Clock Co.; E. It. Cutler. Attorney.
SM Pino Bt.: Win. Hale, lieal Kstute, 813 San
omo; Mrs. C. O. Matthowson. Proprietor Hotel
Clifton; Thos. Hastens, Merchant (Petaluma);
Col, Wm. Ilanhlns, U. B. Quartermaster's Do.
partment; Chas. P. Wackor, Merchant, 131 dtu
St.; Mrs Thos. Chrlstol, 27th St,; ued bun
dreds of others. Borne were at death's door
tthen put on the compounds, but many such
recovered. That niauy were In extremis may
bo teamed front this: Some recovered who had
been tapped doaonsot times; others were al
ready la tho twltohlngs of uraemlo poisoning;
many hud from four to six physicians confirm
the fatal diagaotls; several left stundurd
hospitals In eitremls; several bad relatives
called In for la.lt lntervlows, and ufew recov
ered who wero In a state ot absolute coma.
In a word about mi of all cases of llrlnhfs
nlwaseanit Uiubote., hTetoforo positively In.
curablo, are now curable under the new Fulton
lmpounds. Tho Iteual Compound for llrlKhfs
and Kidney Disease isll; tor Diabetes, II W.
1 amnhlet true. Wn hum imt .,,.,. it..i..,.i
depot in your city where you will And the Com
pounds and punpalQK, Tlx:
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
Is tho cause ot moro discomfort than
any other ailment. If you cat the
things that you want and that are
COOd for vnn vnti nrn iltRrrpnnoil Ails.
er's Dyspepsia Tablets will make
jmii uiKtraiiuu purieut mill pruvuni
Dyspepsia and its attendant dlsagreo-
nbln RVtiintnms. Vnu onn gnfnlv nnf
nnytlilng, at any tlnio, if you tako ono
of theso tablets afterward. Sold by
all druggists under a positive guar
antee 25 cts. Money refunded If
you are not satisfied. Send to us for
a free sample.- W. II. Hooker & Co,.
Buffalo, N. Y.
Skfn Humours. Scalp Humours,
Hair Humours,
Whether Simple Scrofulous or
Speedily Cured by Cufioura
Soap, Ointment and Pills,
When All Other Remedies and
Best Physicians Fail.
In the treatment of torturing, disfig
uring, Itching, scaly, crusted, pimply,
blotchy nutl scrofulous humours of the
shin, scalp uiiil blond, with loss of hair,
Ciitlcurutioan, Ointment and Pills have
been wonderfully successful. Even
tliuiuost obstinate of constitutional hu
mours, such ns bad blood, scrofula, In
herited and contagious humours, with
loss of lialr, glandular swellings, ulcer
ous patches In the throat ami mouth,
sore eyes, copper-colored blotches, ns
well as bolls, carbuncles, scurvy, sties,
ulcers and sores arising from an im
pure or Impoverished condition of tho
blood, yield to tho Ciitlcurn Treatment,
when all other remedies uutl methods
And greater still, If possible, Is tho
wonderful record of cures of torturing,
disfiguring humours among Infants mid
children. Tho sullering which Ciitl
curn Soiipaud Ointment have alleviated
among tho young, and tho comfort
thoy havo nf forded worn-out nnd wor
ried parents, havo led to their adoption
in countless homes ns priceless cura
tives for the sltlu and blood. Infitiitllo
and birth humours, milk crust, scull
lienil, ecema, rashes nnd overy form of
itching, scaly, pimply skin and scalp
humours, with loss of hair, ot infancy
and childhood, nro speedily, perma
nently anil economically cured when
nil otlicrreiiiedlessiiltablo for children,
and even the bost'plivslchius, fall.
to Prevent I'noumonla nnd Consump
tion is to cure your cold when It
first appears. Acker's English Rem
edy will stop tho cough In a night,
ami drive the cold out ot your Bystoin.
Always a quick nnd sure cure for
Asthma, lironchltis, nnd all throat
and lung troubles. If It does not sat
isfy you the druggist will refund your
money. Write to us for free sample.
W H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
F, W. Schmidt & Co., druggists.
Have you noticed our tooth
brush window? A good many
stop to admire and talk about
It. We have lately bought a
large number of 25-cent Tooth
Brushes. Every one is guaran
teed to be satisfactory or money
Wc make up a tooth powder
which we think has never been
surpassed In cleansing proper
ties. It Is pleasant to use and
perfectly harmless. Largo bot
tle, 25 cents.
Commencing July 1st, for one
week only, we will give one of
our 25-cent Tooth Brushes
FREE with each bottle of Dr.
Mann's Antiseptic Tooth Powder
or Liquid Dentlfoam purchased.
Only one Tooth Brush to a per
son. This offer holds good for
one week only, and Is made
simply to advertise our Liquid
Dentlfoam and Powder to get
more people to using them. Fif
ty cents worth for 25 cents.
Buy a 25-cent Tooth Brush and
we throw In the Powder; or buy
the Powder and we throw In a
25-cent Tooth Brush.
Please tell your friends about
this offer.
For the convenience of the
driving public we have Install
ed an electric enunclator In
front of our store. One may
summon a clerk to take their
order without leaving their car
riage. F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
I'ottoffice Block. Phone Malu Sji
Oh, Det,!
What shau we have t
Io" fany tlmM
owlfo find her,, , !
"B over nils pernio,)..
ton? "5
It Is easily settled ,tHl
ros. We liavo
ot ..em ready to server
-""""h, meso not days
Steak is just tlie
this weather. It j
hot to roaBt or boil
IfCall or phone
THERE is a big
Havinarl fmilto n.J....l.
emu lasto HKe mothers
M i
has all the fresh rice hi
1in fn.tlf nn ,(1.1. -
1UK Ulll tUU UlUai HbltftLK
goes into a MONOPOLE
M'TX l.Ii. 1 u.J A.
rjVHl'V NIL In I lUKea
bwbui unu ueiicioas,
A. 1 .1 1 I t
Diiinstiikinc: care and von
in 1 1, mill fin Mini ii nit v w hp
a n 1 i i
.Mimimo o Orocort Colli
Any Time
IS 1 liOOD
II t. 1L. iArttf1 II
Ul.a uaiik hniic nalntcfl
nave t wwi r
j a iuh M3 ni nn ne
...III h n tfi lOOKS
fully. Some nice, bright,
it ...in inA a ire
.mu room. Our SWCK OT
paper was ncvci niwiv - r
every one new -r- -color
deslan. Better comet
lOt US snow me"' w J .
you what It will coit for
whole house or one rw-.
111 Court Street.
let US FI
VVc can suppiy,"" .
. I.. ..SMI Vk
Building Materia u.
descriptions and
you money
Bu Wling I'"!"-'.
. . ii
commit ones r
wrn.i miners : .
and dwellings a spe"al
Oregon mm
iiu Oof i. Court
x-jLitM. -"r
Farmers Custom
Fred Walter., --
Capacity 160 tertf"