East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 07, 1903, Image 1

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    yet " T , "m -V
. ..H.preJ t your reildencc
Eastern Oregon Weather
Tonight and Wednesday fair;
1 I7 ""T"1
)L. 16.
er Mind of the Church
iRomc Still in Its Earthly
lion Is Frequently Made That
Italian Cardinal Oreglln Is the
iMost Likely to Succeed to tri
July 7 It is offlclnlly stilted
lornlng that tlio pope's condl-
become somownat worse, in-
as nlcurlsy nnd paralysis or
tor tips has sut In, duo to de-
bcart action affecting tno
point slightly in his holiness'
i tlio change in tno rigiu biuo
Ithroax, tlio middle lobe of
has yesterday blocked. Today
iffleleutly cleared to allow air
The operation of puncturing
le's pleura with a prnvnz syr-
drain off tlio water collected
nas tn have taken place at
day, but It was found liis hoi-
Weakness Is too great to stand
lice Can Do Nothing More.
July 7 The Lokal Anzol-
Irrespomlent nt Homo reports
view which lie had with Dr.
I and quotes his as saying:
I bulletins tell tlio iiiivnrnlsh-
The popo's condition, oh-
' considered, Ib hopeless. An
like the pope's at his age.
levltauly lead to death. The
brganlsm, however, is almor-
Irong, which can do miracles.
Kless, science can do nothing
Irecelvlng the secrament yes-
the pope said-
now near my end I do not
all I have done has beeu
It I certainly obeyed my con-
pud our faith."
The End Is Near.
I July 7 - An oillclnl telegram
vauean at 11 today, states
rs end Is very near. It adds
popes condition Is most se-
He U almost In extremity.
N Is Clear to the Last.
July 7--Telegrams continue
flato the vauean askinir for
s condition. iMany, especial
from various rulers, are
ls holiness, whri itvnt-ei-KpH
Uslaction with the interest
foamon. Tho story of last
NO. 4787.
with Lapponl. The both entered the
?CivrT;. The pope smiled benevo
& atJaonl. t seemed not to
have sufUcient strength to talk In
response to greetings from Mazzon
tho opo sai(lt ... h ' Mfoni
o ideanMrfn8nCd'" nml ralspd '"
oUdcntly in prayer. The pone ex
pressed a desire to rend two leading
papers to see what they were snT- ng
Cardinal Oreglla begins to be the
fSfitW ?f.J?" Vatlean atalrs. as It il
be evod the time is short before ho
will assume tho supremo power. Al"
ready the engineers who will wall up
the cardinals in conclave when they
proceed to the election of a new pope
have reported to Oreglla.
Slept Tranquilly.
Rome, July 7.-The pope slept qui
etly alter tho operation. The sleep
however, which at first seemed trail!
null, soon gave rise to alarm, as it
threatened to become a coma When
fully awake ho exclaimed, "I am
really in this world, r dreamed I was
In paradise."
Last Hour Draws Near.
Paris, July 7. Itampolla has wired
the Nunelo of Paris tho r,,iin..-i,.n..
Tho phenomena attending tho pope's
Illness are more marked. Pray for
hi in.
Claimed the Hanna Workings
Were Not Inspected or Pro
tected Properly.
Greed Declared to Have Long Imper
illed the Victims, and That a Lia
bility to Explosion Was Known to
the Managers,
Desperate Fighting Between
the Evansville Mob ' and
State Militia.
Six Persons Were Killed and Twenty
Five Wounded In an Assault on the
Jail Brown, the Negro, Fatally
State Bar Association Meets at Put-In-Bay.
Put-ln-liay, O., July 7. Knilnonl
lawyers nnd jurists of Ohio thronged
the largo assembly room of tho Hotel
Victory this nttcrnoon at tho owning
ot the annual meeting of tho Ohio
State Unr Association. Tho feature
of tho opening session was tho ad
dress of the president, John W. War
rington. of Cincinnati. Tomorrow
the annual address before tho nsso
elation will bo delivered by Judge
John S. Wise, of Virginia, who will
take as his subject, "The Constitu
tional View ot the ltaco Question."
Another Interesting fenturo of tho
session will be n memorial Rorvlco In
honor of the lato President McKIn
ley, who was n pronflucut member ot
the association.
Evansville, lnd., July 7. The race
war started late last night when a
Utile boy named Logan was shot In
the leg by 11 negro. An unknown lie-
Hanna. Wyo.. July 7. Gov. Critton-
ton will cause an Investigation of tho
1 Hanna mine catastrophe to bo made
I as soon as the mine shall be in condi
tion to bo Inspected. Leading clti-i gro woman had been killed and sev.
Applicants for Police Places Helri iinl , -urougnoui Wyoming and also , eral negroes hnvo been seriously In
hv , Rin uPtho newspapers of the state are clam-, jured. The entiro pollco force is sta-
oy a King, 0ring for such action. It Is demnnded Honed H the Jail and tho negroes are
Washington, July 7. Tne district tllat tll? l"a,lur bo probed to tho bot- taking possession of tho town,
commissioners and chief ot police are tom aml- lf tlu coal company or mine It is the Immedlnto outcome of tho
Investigating an alleged scandal re-1 --'st'i'ctors have been guilty of nogll- shooting ot Patrolman Mnssoy Frl
gardlng the payment of money to , p,lce or criminal carelessness it will ! day night by Lee llrown, a negro,
secure positions on the police force ' , e fmlll(l out and tho guilty parties. Brown nnd another negro had ongng
and the appointment of four men who , " allJ'- wl" uc prosecuted. ed In a quarrel and llrown had sworn
hnvo passed the examinations have1 The horrors of the disaster have t h'1 aatnsonist. He ran toward
been held up. It Is alleend that ennli I aroused the neonlp nf tho entire Hintn 1 Ills homo to secure a revolver, and
of tlio men paid $125 to certain men As coal mining is one of the leadlnc I Patrolman Mussey hearing of the
Four More Known Victims of
Cloudburst of Yesterday.
Jeannette, Pn., July 7. Four nioro
names are added to the list of Itood
victims who nre missing today. No
more bodies linvo been recovered.
The waters are subsiding, leaving
whole sections burled 'beneath mud
nnd debris nnd rendering the search
Aged Woman Defends He
Monoy and is Beaten Near
ly to Death.
industries, and there aro C,000 or 7.- I trouble, lay in wait for Drown. As
000 men employed at it. It Is argued ' negro came back, armed, hunting
that the Hanna catastrophe should -"r his enemy, Mnssey stopped from
be investigated thoroughly in ordei n doorway and laid his hand on
to prevent a recurrence. I Brown's shoulder. llrown turned
,,, ......... . . i quickly nnd shot tho patrolman in
Mine Not Well Inspected. Im, abdomen.
It Is strongly hinted that the mine The officer, as ho lay 011 the walk,
wus not properly Inspected: that ft fired nt llrown nml wounded him dan.
Manchester, England, July 7. It Is was known a largo quantity of gas j rerously. He fell nnd tho two fired
reported that King Oscar or Sweden , "'as in the workings at the time o'q a' each other as they lay on the pa vo
ls suffering from nn incurable Inter-! the nccldent. and that the men were 1 ment. emptying their revolvers.
nui uoumo, aim a most serious oner- ' uown to meir uoom by tne oil
10 procure their appointments. Al
legations are made thnt the system
has been going on for years.
Ruler of Sweden Must Have an Oper
ation Performed.
ntlon will probably occur In the near I ''la's with tho full "knowledge that a
Threaten a Boycott.
Portland, July 7. At noon tho line
men announced that If tho strike is
not settled by Friday night tho Sun
set company will be boycotted in
disaster might overtake them nt any
time, nnd all beenuso the company
must get out coal.
Tho Hanna mines were operated
much more cheaply than any other
coal property in the world. The
groat thickness of the vein, the ease
with which tho coal was removed to
the surface, and the fancy price re
ceived for tho fuel returning to the
company big profits, was too great a
temptation even in the face of the
fact that It was known the mine wns
a death trap.
Six Killed Last Night.
Evansville, July 7. Six of those
wounded In last night's rioting will
probably die. Tho list now stands six
killed and 24 wounded. Negroes con
tinue to leave the city. Tho colored
flie company deserted and tho engine
house Is closed. They asked permis
sion temporarily to resign, which was
not granted.
Everything Is quiet this morning,
( UUl YUl IfllUIIgB gilUIUJUU UUUIIL lilt-
1 courthouse square, where the battle
1 took place last night. Hopes have
i been stretched about the Jctll to keep
Convicted Murderer Claims He Acci
dentally Shot.
London. July 7. llougal. who was
recently sentenced to bo hanged for
the limtder of Miss Holland, has con
fessed to the killing. Ho claims to
have accidentally discharged tho
weapon which ho was cleaning and
becoming panlc-strlckmi, concealed
the body. Ills attorney will appeal
for a pardon.
Electrocuted In New York.
New York, July 7. William O'Con
nor was electrocuted this iittornoou
for n murder committed In 1'JOO. Ills
accomplice, Sullivan, was electrocut
ed lust March.
Editors In Session.
Omaha. July 7. Editors fiom all
parts of the country are arriving 10
attend the eighteenth annual meeting
of the National Editorial Association,
which holds Its first meeting tonight.
Methodist General Conference.
I.os Angeles, July 7. This morn
ing the Methodist Eastern locution
! committee signed the contract which
hecures tho general conference at .ou
Angeles May 1, I9(H.
Fireman Con Cunningham, Who
Came to the Rescuo of the Police
man, Is Shot In the Head and Will
Scuttle, July 7.-Thnv masked
men euteted tho I'nlaro lodging homo
on Weller street, early this morning
and brutally beat and choked nnd
afterward robbed Mrs. E. Ilnhluson,
aged 70.
Her screams attracted tho atten
tion of Policeman Norman, who en
tored tho phiro and drew bin gun,
but was soled from behind before ho
could use It. A desperato battlo on
sued. City Fireman Con Cunning
hnm camo to tho rescue of the pollco
man and was shot in the hend nml
fatally wounded. The policeman nnd
one robber rolled down two flights
of stairs, lighting nil tlio wny Tho
robber waH finally subdued and lock
ed up. He gave tho name of James
Ilartou. Tho others escaped.
Normnu, tho policeman, wns rob
bed during the affray, of IK by una
of tho robbers who escaped.
Mrs. ltoblnson was so bndly chok
ed ami beaten that she Is In u pro
carious condition.
Murderer Hanged,
Itendlng, Pn., July 7 David
Hhnugh, a double murderer, wan
hanged this morning In the prcseuco
of r00 persons. H killed n Womitu
nnd policeman laBt February,
Only One A
the crowd back from the sheriff's
. Evidence Against Company. 1 residence
It Is said that some survivors of! Tn-1 pavements about the Jail uro
1 the disaster hnv.. irnthi.i-ml pvI,i..iip In many places covered with blood,
merlran Has Entered 1 "f suiilcient strength to win for the where Hie dead and dying lay after
merlcan Has Entered ((ows a( ch,Wle arK0 Bums ()f the conlllct. Another company of
13 ri 1. inniw.v nu rlnmnirno It ..,111 l.n uhnn-.i BlBie ml 11 a UmVeil CariJ HUB HUH II'
-J iiHiimnvu. av (Till uj oiiuii 11 i
In addition to tho ancged fact that
there was 200 feet of gas in the work-
Election Called In Servla.
Helgrmlo, July 7. Peter has Issued
n ukriso calling an election for a now
skuptschlnn on September 21. Tho
members hold olllco for four years,
age, as It is ndniitted the cn'ws are y lnd several times been condemn-
rot up to tin utual stumiari .nn ed, and that the foul gases were
ennl, of Phll.i'Ie'.piiln Is Ihn only Amr r-1 Smpiy walled up and the entry In
lean entered, l-'o compete In the , which the fire damp appeared nban
single diamond sculls. j denied from tlmo to time as tho trou-
Tho flret heat In the diamond sculls pu. WIlH mut with. All of these facts
was won by Hlxon, of Kingston, de- nm many moro the company will be
tenting Thorn, of London, me sec-, compelled to deny in court.
ond bent wns won by Clouotte. of Urn
dan, defeating Hnffner, of Ilerlln.
American Beaten.
Juvonul was beaten by Ueneslord,
No Business Being Done.
The stores and other places of bus
iness, which were closed at the time
of the accident, are still closed, there
of Konsliigton. In tho third hvnt for being no disposition upon the part of
the diamond sculls.
Henley. July 7. Splendid weathor . lncs the nielit before the accident.
Tussle shows overy means opens for the Miniial regatta. Tlio that Urea had been smoldering in the
wi ll BUKKCSt was used tn i ntlcni unco IS iw , ' uci iw ..i u I mines for 12 years. Hint, tlio n.oner
faring spark of lifo. Tlmo
P oxygen was administered
unt ntwi the rnnm Ini nrnr'.
li tho revivifying gas. On
lasiuns no sank into a
IP, but it Was ono of exlmus-
F man of rest und he gener-
r perspiration flowing
t"a everv imm i n
"WwiI stated early this
M could advance no hope,
f continues to tako nourish
e retains wonderful mental
. was given smm nt 7
FS. and seemed somewhat
Li. Norishment. how-
PWt In thn n..... .1.
iJ (les rn hi,. i... .....
10 glVO hllll mnrn ou l.ln
Kondltlon is such ho could
JV Is Not Abandoned,
pon. .1miv 7 .
Iniv. ., ' ' 1 "e papal le
ImA follwlng dispatch
Km. uu,no tllls morning:
J I- no worse todnv. c.nn.
I y serious stnto with
'", mnk im ,. i
f. no luau UVUIJ
("Operated Upon.
7.- tu . .
111. aft," " " 8 imyH,c
e nt ah it - u i'"c-
f ,t'ra has Just taken
"OH l
sranimes of mattor
fi., .
r"c. A rnnl.l i
FICOU Mllll . tJ"-"""Oll
W'Ufnii.i 1 Dluu" 1110 Op-
e u 111 General con-
mind i. r.t,8tlnK well,
ni. ?"d Lannonl. ti,. tn
hm'.ii 2 ,tc'eerams wero
Htlcan and consulted
la m...
mi i ' succeed.
1 me vn. w s mis
Senator Stewart's Pockets Picked.
Vnslilmrlon. July 7. Senator
Stewart, of Nevada, today reported
to the pollco that his pockets were
picked yesterday ami tnni ue joki
nnd several rail wny passes.
Will Enter Naval Academy.
Annapolis. July 7. Among the can
didates who passed the culmination
aid will enter Annapolis, nre F. Pricer
nnd C. M. Keuyon, of California.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company G. R. Cockley, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Chicago, July 7 Continued unfa
vorable weather makes n strong
whent and corn market.
Opening. Close.
Sept 61Vi
Sept 35
Dec BG
Minneapolis. July 7.
Sept 74
Dec ?3
the business men to reopen, and there
would be no trading lf they did.
Word was received from Itawlins,
Hock Springs, Saratoga, Encamp
ment and other towns that money
was being collected to be sent to the
mayor here for disbursement among
the widows ahd fatherless children.
At itawlins $1100 wns collected In a
few minutes, and other towns were
equally as generous. Entertain
ments will he given everywhere
throughout the state, the proceeds be
ing turned over to the survivors of
the worst mine disaster In the his
lory of the West.
Attributed to a
Denver, July 7. Mabel Brown,
aged 20. was found dead In her
houso nt 1831 Market street, tills
morning. Her hands wore bound,
and there was evidence that sho had
been, strangled to death. There is
no clue to the murderer. The case.
In many of Its details, strongly sug
eested the series of murders by
strangulation which took place in this
neighborhood some years ago.
Sonoma county California, Is now
experiencing one of the most de
structive forest nres in ner nistory
Ing A request will be made today
for addition!.! companies.
Conference of Business Men Called.
Indianapolis, July 7. Tho governor
this morning wired the mayor of
hvnnsrfllu saying the town owed It
to the good name of the city and the
state to take action and assist the
civil authorities for the preservation
of order und that further militia dem
onstration should not be necessary.
He urged him to call at noon u con
ference of business men and jeport
the result of the meeting, saying
what action the conference believes
best to prevent further rioting.
Negro Scarcely Alive.
VlncenneH, July 7. llrown was
scarcely allvo und had to be admin
istered stimulants over two hours bo
foro he was taken to the train. Tho
removal was made by the governor's
Negroes Fleeing.
Henderson, Ky., July 7 Three
hundred negroes arrived In bouts
from Evansville today.
More Trouble Expected,
Indianapolis, July 7. Six compa
nies of militia left hero this after
noon at the command of the gover
nor for Evansville, where Adjutant
General Ward will take commnnd to
night with over 2,00)1 fully armed
men. The meeting of Evansvillo bus
iness men wired the governor: "We
aio aware we should control the sit
uation, but wo aro powerless. Please
rush additional troops, as more trou
ble is feared tonight."
Afraid of a Lynching.
Vlnceniies, Ind., July 7 -Fearing
trouble here on account of continued
threats, the authorities secretly this
forenoon took the negro, llrown,
wanted by the Evansville mob, to tho
Jeffersouvllle reformatory for safe-,
Their Father Assumes tho Responsi
bility for Their Future Behavior.
I W. Miller, of Spring Hollow, a
little place near U'alliila Junction, la
In Ihu city today mid will take with
him when he returiiH to his home, his
two lit Ho sons, Wallace and Olaco,
who have been In the county Jail for
some (imo, accused of having at
tempted to wreck a truln near Wal-
i i.iiw ?.ii...ui.i.,..i i .tt im! ' I ii la a week or so ago.
iiiiiium. uiiij . ivnuiLiiv jui(isijv . ... . m ,. . .
this moriilm: first visited tno French ! .V"'"" nr". 1110 1110 "" I'M
Confers Several Honors and Orders
Upon Frenchmen In Various Instl.
tutlons In London.
hospital and theio conferred the I.e
glou of Honor on Senior Surgeon Ed
mund Owen. Ho afterwurd drove
through the French colony to the
spikes on tho rails In flout of tho
fn si mall to see the engine Jump, and
then also nearly ditched the freight
train thnt followed. They wore
brought hero and bulged In Jail pond-
French government Institution, wheiO' "ought hero and lodged In all pend
i. ,.,.,., n-,.,1 n, r,i.,r ..- ti.,.' nu..r 'K H'o action of the court, mid It
Psalm on the superintendents. At was expected that they would be sent
Into hour, en route to the mansion " ."'V, r'f0"", "r to the Hoys'
house, ho wns escorted by tho life 0,r'l ,8nrl"ty '"""V 1,1 1 "rt
guards and given a tremendous ova-1 "V1 . W!'," llu.. n,"ll"r"l'' wro
Hon. Hulls rang and crowds collect thl",ll" 'll0 mnU"r, "v"r n" '"""7
ed along tho line of march with roats J'"1"", V' cy n.'"1 ""M"' b".n):
of cheering ieu hi ihho uiu noys out oi nut jail
Emotionalism Is no factor In the
ami to (are for them at tin- homo
average Englishman's nature and the J" 8,rl''K Hollow. Tho district at
crrdlallty manifested toward tho pres-! j'"'J"'y allowed tho petl lou. and tlio
.M.jn nvi- luu ifiii III .III I II-IIIHI j
of the sheriff this morning and will
Guest of Sir Llpton.
Highland, July 7. General Wheeler
Is Sir Thomas Upton's guest on the
Erin, watching today's Shamrock
ident of France Is accento.l nt lis
face value as an Indux of Hie spirit
of icupproachmcut piedlcted many
years ago by Gladstone, and openly
ii.'ccKiilzL'd slnro by btulesnioii n'ld
authors on both sides o' Hid cliuiinol,
notably Max O'ltell, Zola nml Hugo In
Franco, and W. T. Stead, Gladstone
and tli-.- Lord Mayor of London.
Just a Friendly Call By Some of the
Boys on Teddy,
Oyster Day. July 7. ICoanis, of
Utah, Senators Knlrbanks and Huiina
and Secretary Hay uro President
Roosevelt's guests this afternoon und
will attend a luncheon given In their
honor. All Insist that It Is a social
gathering, having no political sig
nificance whatever.
Open Switch Throws Limited Train
In Minnesota,
leave for their homo this i venlng.
All or tho bills fur clothing that tho
(unit hail contracted were paid by
the father.
Was Made Defendant by Unruly An
tic of a Horse,
Hi mly llrndlsnn was released from
the county Jul) this morning on the'
recommendation of tho proxtiiHng
attorney, who ducldml thut there was
not siilllctuiil evidence to convict
Home lime ago Ilrudlsoii borrowed
u horHo belonging to I,. Al. Illuvliis,
which hail beep left ul tho Oregon
Fend Yard, nml rodo It off. Tho Jiorso
was not returned and, search was
made for the man, and by yus. foi(ix
on tho Hnyder pWk ul))iit eight
miles woiit of Pendleton. When ar
rested ho claimed that tjio homo )iad
thrown him and hud got nwiiy front,
hi in nml that ho did not know whvru
It was. The1 horse1 Was" afterwards
found north of tho1 city, 'thus Suplxlrt
Ing tho (.tory In1 View of this (act
St. Paul. July 7. The Northern Pa
cific coast limited was wrecked by an tho evidence would not convict nnd,
open swiicii at Detroit, juiim., at iu ; tno young man wus turned loose.
last night. Engineer Mason was kill- j -
ed. Nono of tho passengom wero In- Tho strcot fairs at both Salom and
Jured, I Albany camo to a closy Sunday