DAILY EAST OWE GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 6, 1M3. OF JULY f TEUTSCH'S Main and AltaSls. It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse ENJOYABLE DAY FOR ALL WHO CAME TO PENDLETOS. - ftrr (one for the Dublin t,n fln1 u nf.ij fnr harcain.8. Thev have beon One Accident Only That Involved lately and W6 expect to draw the procession here , if prices will do it. The following are good Loss, While No One Was Injured Rain In the Evening Spoiled the Fireworks The Public Order Was few days only: FOURTH Exceptionally Good. The Fourth was nhsnrvo.i in it,t i niWVASS SHOES in light and dark crev. nieolu linoj renbstantial counter and box toe which holds the shoe in carefully n'"cui 1UC weamer snoe, special $1.35 and $1.50 n ir n i nrrnino : .1 -1 . .' I 1 . . . . fs and UUio snuuo iwh, uux uau, vici ma, latest .j h.Ipq. The Good lookincr serviceable tinH ht ...... t:S anu j ---- , --- n. juu y pay (3 and $3.50 for, special value $2.50 1n.Pi.TnV'fl Patent Leather BlucW. Dg later or more stylish, regular J6, special value ....$5 RANTEED Patent Colt Skin one of the late stylish leath- Miliary. 1-" BIG DEPARTMENT STORE TSCH'S ty Brevities Ice work at Teutsch's. i Ice cream, The Delta. sumilles at Nouman's. Erp's artistic wall paper. tables $5 and up. Itader's. torses and sheep. Wade. best bread, get Rohrraan's. lor rent. Inquire ot Chris 111 to read tlio Underwood r ad In this Issue. Palm. 221 Court street, candies and fruits. lifferent styles of extension m J5 to $30. Rader's. fcio" the best cigar made, at kr store. Court street. Iock ranches In Camas Pra to 1,000 acres. Wade. ha of Imported and domestic I clam chowder at uratz s. tt cigars get the best of you best of cigars. Hanlou s. ashless chances 011 Main t streets. Low rents. Wade. kith shop In Pendleton for Ice Earnhart, Association below cost all summer, mll- pspeclally patterns. Mrs. Iwant vacant lots, come and IWe never quit till we suit iJe. las H. Soule, rei)rosent!ng bs-' Piano Co., Portland, will fendleton July 7th. Pleas lers for tuning at Tallman & ; store. Castle's for fresh fish. $50 given away. See page 4. Try The Delta's Iced drinks. See Sharp for paper hanging. Ironers wanted at the Domestic Laundry. No extra chargo for tabulator on the underwood. Nice furnished rooms to rent at 309 Court street. House to rent, enquire L. E. Pen land, 205 Willow street. U C Rador about that $50 worth of furniture he Is giving away. Received dally, fresh tamales, crabs and crawfish at Gratz's, Wanted Middle-aged woman for housework. Apply at this office. See Charles Lane about your paint Ing and paper hanging; 807 Vincent street. For Sale One combined harvester, second hand, good condition. Address G. W. HIgby. Good house, 5 rooms, 2 lots, shade trees, lawn, east fron:, good location, si.GUU. Wade. For Sale High grade bicycle In perfect condition at a bargain. En quire at this office. Highest market price paid for all kinds of scrap Iron. Rlgby-Clove Manufacturing Company. For Rent Two cottages, good lo cation, suitable for small family. In quire at 100 Bluff street. Estimates given on short notice on painting and paper hanging. Charles Lane, the pioneer painter, 807 Vin cent street. Good meat In summer must be taken care of. That's the kind you got at Hau.seu's, Alta street, opposite Savings Rank. coking Ion will find no such assort ing of all kinds as wo carry pes, as always, are tne low- llNQS Lots nf ctttn little from 50c to $3,00. RINGS in your favorite S. or combination setting, Id $75.00. RINGS Stylo doesn't1 pe much in wetltlinir rlncR. I Pu do want oualitv. Wnll. ' Ma get it hero. I IJNZIKER THE 1 'ELER and OPTICIAN i Profitable Cherry Trees. J. M. Evans, the well known fruit man of Freewater, is the owner of five Royal Ann cherry trees which have netted him, this year a total profit of $30.50. Tho trees are eight years old, and have never failed to produce a good crop since they began to bear. The Jones Family. Six Oregon towns elected Goddesses of Liberty on the Fourth of July, and out of tho six elected, three 01 them were Jones, Union elected Miss Ueulah Jones; Lakeview, Miss Frances Jones, and Ontario, Miss Jef lie Jones. Returned to Portland. Miss Edith Habersham, of Astoria, lett for Portland this morning after a six-week's visit with Miss Ethel Johnson, of this city. She will visit friends in Portland before returning to her home in Astoria. The Pacific squadron, consisting of the New York, Dennlngton and Mar blehead, left San Francisco for Alas ka. Thursday. r'! Skin Soap ? . "WtilorthlBclu- IPjper 5.1 heel, of Pper -xsnveloiws rr- pt p.cr. - - ge.perpouml ..,5C Bark lor removing tffi?0-1;. 5c Sewing Machine Oil q Root Beer R&'ff'.Wr CP ilellclo-.,, per t. n., with Nut Droning. ICO Cream gice Cream I. a lAp mperlor article for Brown's Tree Soap ToY B"Vc'erfon.ra"-3 FPEN'S DRUG STORE """Im from Main street townnl the Court JImiM' city In a quiet and orderly manner nn,l ...1.11.. 11 . . V u . l,lere was not an official celebration, there was a lot of music, fireworks, dancing and fun Early In the morning the peoplo be et" iu gamer in tne streets from tho country around Pendleton, and by the time for the Walla Walla band to make Its appearance the streets were crowded with a merry throng, ail Intent on having as much fun as was possible. Throughout the day the hand play- en a 1 uinerent parts ot the city, and this was, in fact, all of tho celebration wiai tne city furnished, with the ex ceptlon of tho fireworks In tho even' ing. While the morning was fine, tho afternoon turned Into a Jumble of rain and sun and wind, and this dampened tho enthusiasm of tho merrymakers to some extent. Tho rain chased the band off tho street several times, and some of the flro works in tho evening were spoiled by the wet. During the afternoon there was a dance In the big tent which was largely attended, and in the evening mere was a dance in the tent and an other In tho Armory hall. All of tho visitors seemed to have a good time and departed for their homes In the evening tired and well pleased with ine uay. During tho dav there were no ac cidents of a serious nature, and the crowd was good natured and order, ly. This morning the police court handled no more cases than on any Monday morning, and the cases that did come up were transients nnd Indians. There were two fires in tho city on the evening of the Fourth, neither of which was of much magnitude. Dur ing the time that the fireworks wore being handled from the tons of tho buildings In the evening a largo rock et crashed through the plate glass window of the Nolf store, cutting a hole about eight Inches in diameter In tho center of the window and set ting fire to the fireworks piled In tho window, I)y some exertion and a great deal of haste on the part of tho employes of the store the contents of the window were thrown in the street before It began to explode, and a ser ious fire was averted. Had the stocu become fairly Ignited It would have made things Interesting for tho fire men, as tho store was carrying a large stock of cannon crackers and bombs and rockets. As It was, the store was filled with smoke and some of the goods were slightly tinged by it, while the goods In the window were damaged or destroyed. But the damage as a whole was slight, the principal loss being tho window, which Is cracked and broken. Late In tho evening the house oc cupied by M. Carter and family on West Webb street was seen to be on fire and an alarm was turned In. The house was so full of smoke that it was with difficulty that the furniture could be saved and most of It was est. The house is a small one and the loss will bo small. July Clearing Sale Beginning this Monday, July 6th, and continuing during the entire month, we make the Greatest Slaughter of seasonable merchandise ever attempted East of the Cas cades. We had made great additions to our stock for an immense Fourth of July trade, doing away with the cele bration leaves us with some kinds of Dry Goods and Clothing that ought to be and MUST BE SOLD. This is WHY and if you'll come and see for yourself you'll learn WHY. Particulars Tomorrow's Issue CELEBRATION AT BINGHAM. Over Five Hundred People Gather at This Famous Resort on the Fourth. Illnghnm Springs. July 5. Over 500 peoplo from La Grande, Athena, Mil- on. Weston. Helix. Dayton, waua Walla and Pendleton were at this nlnce Saturday to do honor to the nation's birth. The order of the day was camping, fishing, plcnicing nnd merrymaking In various ways. The crowds filled the spacious groves on the Umatilla, and the weather was Ideal for tho occasion. There was no formal program, but the people were equal to tho occn- Ion and tho day was passou as pleas antly as l an mo orators aim hiuu how attractions In the state wore present. Under almost every sheltering pine a group of Jolly picnickers spread their luncheons and told their ex periences. It was one of tne most njoyaule events in mo long jhbiuij f Bingham Springs. Died of Pneumonia. ti.u little, iiniiphtpr nf Mr. and Mrs. John McKachen, of Helix, who was brought to town Friday tor meuicai treatment, died last night at 11 lock at the iesltlenco or J. w. ctiuor Sim w sttfferlnir from what appeared to be an abscess of tho lung, and wltlch tioveiopeti iitvo piiuu monia. Tne funeral will be hold from the Rader undertaking parlors tomor row, and interment will take place In Olney cemetery. Davidson-Harris. Sunday afternoon at the home ot E. N. Smith, 10 miles south of the city on McKay creek, Ilev. U. Vt. Rigby united in marriage ansa uurum E. Harris to Harry Davidson. The young people are resiuenis or vnai nlace and are well known here, where they have spent the greater part of their lives. A number of L.e friends ot the principals were at the wedding t THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE and after the ceremony a bountiful dinner was served. Returned From the East. Joseph McCabo, vice-president of the W. & C. It., accompanied by his wife and daughter, returned to Wnlln Walla from a month's visit to Now England und Canadu, laBt evening, An enjoyable family reunion was held at the Ranker Hill battleground, iu Massachusetts. They traveled ex tensively through Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Eastern Canada, and had a most enjoyable trip. Vesuvius Is coughing and bellowing a good deal of late and tourists aro forbidden to climb It. Many of tho people llvisg on Its sides aro aban doning their homes. Introducing Pairs of New Jflll...21S Shoes THE NOLF STORE CANDY DEPARTMENT. Cottage Caramels, Yankee Peanut, Neufchatuls, Virginia Peanut Squalen, Maple Cream Dates, tceil Molasses Chips, Kalian Chestnut Cieitin, French Honey Nougat, , Daisy Cream Strawberries, Ceylon Coco Squares, Chocolate Honey Nuugnt, XXXX Mint Lozuiikoh, This Is u partial list of now goods Just received. Salo price lCc to 29c n pound. ICYCLE8. descent and Rambler wheels tho most popular wheels $18.50 to $10, We chargo only $2.60 for the Mor row Coaster Ilrako. THE NOLF STORE Wftm 8t'"'1 away for a Sowing yy fjy a,u('''"u' ,f ,mHt ,iav fmni t ik mi in tor. no n.wui nu vnn can get anywhere, hut bettor still and a mi cneaper in (nu enu, is a mgii grade White or Standard, JESSE FAILING Near the Hridye 9 Do you want to see them? Glad to show them Boston Store Rigby-Clove Mfg. J COMPANY Manufacturers of the Elgtoy-Clove Combined HARVESTER Repairs for all kinds of Farm Machinery Foundry Work a Specialty Cash paid for old castings I Pendleton, - Oregon 1 LET US FILL YOUR BILL FOR LUMBER Wo can supply you with Uiiildinf,' Material o( all descriptions and save yon money DOORS WINDOWS II u i Idin c paper lime cement, brick and sand. Wood gutters (or hams and dwellings a specialty. Oregon Lumber Yard Alta St., Opp. Court House