East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1903, Image 4

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    Published crrr afternoon (except Sunday)
nt Pendleton, Oregon, by the
'1'uone, Main 11.
Jllj, one year by mnll $5.00
Ually, six months by mall !i.B0
three months by mnll l.'JR
Sally, one month by mall 50
Dally, per month by carrier OS
Wetkly. one Tear by mall l.no
Weekly, six months by mall TO
TYcekly, four months by mnll SO
Semi-Weekly, one year by mall .... 2.00
Semi-Weekly, six months by mnll . . 1.00
Beml-Weelily, three months by mnll .. .SO
The East Oregonlnn Is on sale nt It. 11.
JUth's News Stands at Hotel Portland and
Hotel l'erklns, Portland, Oregon.
IZember Scrlpps JIcItne
News Assocla-
San 1'rnnclsco llureau, 40S Fourth St.
Chicago llureau, 000 Security Building.
Washington, D. C. llureau, 501 14th St.,
K . W.
Kntered at Pendleton postofflce as second
class matter.
Tlio olil world is tireil of the
She's weary of tongues that
Your wooIiir will win Triumph
If you ilon't sIiir the growler's
There's room In the rank for the
For the man who no Duty will
There's a crown for that pranc
ing old hero
The man who don't quarrel
with Ills work.
Bert Huffman.
A Pendleton barber died the morn
ing after the celebration and went
up down to his reward.
When he arrived at the pearly hot
sates the Devil was busy preparing
3(i other sinners for Initiation and
pointing to a white-hot stool near
by, said jocularly, "Sit down and
smoke awhile. 'You're next.' "
The barber looked around for an
soestos protector to placo on top of
the stool, but they were all in use, a
Pendleton bootblack who had just
preceded him having two protectors
on top of his stool.
One by one tho applicants for ad
mission were disposed of, and the
iarber's turn came. While he wasn't
in a hurry, he thought it a mean,
trick for Satan to say lie w'as "next,"
when there were 1C ahead of him.
As ho arose to bo branded and
dressed for entrance, Satan yelled to
an attendant inside:
"Go and pile up a thousand car
casses of Mad Mullah's soldiers under
that premium furnace. If they won't
Sum, I don't know what will." He
remarked to tho barber that It always
rained on the Fourth and his fuel was
all wet.
Then Satan stopped with his hand
jesting on tho door, to explain,
"You see wo liavo a contest hero
lor the next two days. Two newspa
per men liavo offered to conduct the
.contest and decide on tho winner if
I 'would prepare the prizo, so we are
icating up a box stall for tho man
vho wins the contest. No ono will
inow how hot the stall is, for tho
man who wins it will be selected for
his special sins and the thermometers
will all be removed."
"What Is the contest to decide,"
timidly asked tho barber.
"Wo are voting to select tho man
who perpetrated the greatest wron i
on his follownion on earth, on the i
Fourth of July," replied Satan, j
Just then tho door was opened from j
-within and an Imp said softly to Sa-1
tan; j
"You'll have to come and quiet j
these lollows, Tho villain who fired ,
& bomb miller tho hospital window
was 200 ahead when a lawyer slipped
In a thousand votes for tho man who
prlng chicken, and then J
11 I,,. 11 i o i .i.
advertised s
bought up all I be old hens In the
country. Tho newspaper men are
raising an awful howl."
"This will stop their jangling,"
said Satan, as he opened tho door
ind pushed the barber In.
Another vote was taken Immediate
ly and the barber who charged his
patrons, double price for a sliavo on
the Fourth of July, won tho prlzo.
Tho thermometers being gone, ho
couldn't say Just what tho tempera
ture was,
Tho printer who took advantage
of tho celebration to steal two
pounds of purplo ink from the other
since., lost tho prize by ono .vote.
A number of years ago, the Mon
tana legislature onacted a law com
polling owners of all abandoned min
ing shafts to fonco these pits, as a
means of proventlng stock from fall
ing Into them. Some of the owners
obeyed tho law, and somo of them
proud AmorlcnnB that they woro,
disregarded it.
Among those obeying this humane
law woro some largo English mining
companies, who not only fenced tho
abandoned shafts, hut built a tight
fence around n lot several rods in ox-
Soon tho tramplcd-out bunchgrass,
famishing for a rest, began to grow
luxuriantly In theso protected lots,
and the result of this law is, that
many ncres of despoiled range has
been reseeded, resurrected and re
stored to something near Its. olden
value, by tho chanco stroko of this
Tho worst feature about the ox
hausted ranges of the West, is thnt
no seed Is allowed to ripen to roplen
Ish the destroyed stock growing on
the hills. Year In, year out, the con
stant trampling process and gnawing
process goes on wltliout rest. No
seed is matured to bo scattore- by the
kindly winds to propagate tho grass.
Nature struggles hard to perpetuate
tho specie, but the destroying ravages
of cutting hoofs and nibbling teeth
outdo all her efforts at rebuilding.
There Is a lesson for Oregon stock
men in tills Montana experiment, Tho
rebuilding of tho rnnge is the most
Important subject now before him.
The little expense of.enclng off tracts
of bunchgrass land for seeding pur
poses should not stand in the wny of
tho final reclamation of tho entire
range districts of the state. Seed
from theso small lots on tho Montana
ranges has matured and scattered
over a largo adjacent territory, until
many parts of tho destroyed range
has been restored.
lesson of equal practical value
is before Oregon, In the closely
fenced right of way of the railroads.
Where stock is kept off tho grass for
ono or two seasons, It ripens, and
scatters seed over tho ground In such
quantities that tho range nppei-3 oven
better than in Its pristine condition.
Here Is the key to tho situation li
Is the most practical and lnevotislvj
method yet suggested for the restor
ation of Western ranges,
Let every stockman of tho range
districts fence off lots of bunchgrass
land in 10 to 20 aero tracts, just as
tho farmer would summer (allow his
wornout wheat land. This rest will
ronow the old stock of gra.w and ma
ture seed for a new crop on the land
This process followed closely for
10 years, will restore tho foothill
ranges to something near their olden
value and tho cost will be so trifling
thnt it would not stnnd in the way,
This Is a subject for discussion nt
tho coming convention of the wool
growers in Uaker City. It is a sub
ject for discussion wherever the
stockmen of the Inland Emplro con
gregate to talk over plans for tho
perpetuation of thler business. It
stands ahead of the introduction of
new species of grass, or any other
plan for tho rejuvenation of Western
ranges yet proposed.
Tho farmers ot the Willamette val
ley have already made a kick to Stato
Commissioner of tho Lowls and Clark
Fair about tho largo amount of space
and advertising to be given tho min
ing industry at tho St. Louis Exposi
tion, and tho very small amount of
space, money and advertising given
In S. S. S.
every requirement of
run down condition.
drugs, but is a pleasant vegetable nrenaration. You run fin.t
1!" "ft ithe "T a"? brinri,,J; f1lB. testful sleep when
m a lovv state health, or sick anil worn out with work or worry.
h. h. b. improves the I have no healtanoy in recommending your 8. 0.8
nppetlte, aids the dlges- " b"t bprlnir tomo on the market. 1 have used
tion nnd reinforces tl.e.ena.??BUo?,?oc.!atb.idTHp fto"
system, and its good ef- o?V"
fectsnreseeualtnostfrom Your. Fruiy, lewis b i'ihuhii
the first (lose. It acts BWU, Hamilton & Co. 10 iJeilngtonT ky.
promptly in cases of chronic dyspepsia, indigestion nnd all stomach troubles
and does away with the uncomfortable fullness, itattsea, shortness of breath'
drowsiness ami dizziness that so often come after eating.
S. S. S. is not only the best tonic but possesses nlterative or pttrifyinir
properties, anil if there is any taint, humor or poison in the blood it
searches it out, nnd removes it. Many times a low state of health is due
to a bad condition of the blood nnd can only be remedied by n blood purifier
nnd tonic combined, or such a remedy ns S. S, S.
If you suffer from debility, insomnia, nervousness, loss of appetite
bad digestion, or any of the symptoms of a disordered blood, nothing will
so soon put your blood in good condition, invigorate nnd tone un the
system as S, S. S. 1
tho farm products of tho state At
tcntlon of the board Is called to tho
fact that farm values pay five times
as much tax as mining vnlues In th
state, and tho Inforenco is draw
from the tenor of the kick that flv
times as much space should be dovo
oil to fnrm exhibits ns to mine exhlb
its, In this connection it might lie
pertinent to ask tho comp'altiunis It
they nre exerting five times tho en
ergy exerted by the mining men ot
the state, In collecting data, spec!'
mens, products. Information on thol
occupation and other valuable exhlb
Its. The board of commissioners
like the Lord, will probably help those
most, who show tho greatest Inferos
and vim In their work.
A place hunter In Prussia enc
ashed Frederick the Great for the
grant of some rich I'rotostnut bishop
rlc. The king expressed his regret
that It was already given away, but
broadly hinted that there was a Cath
ollc nbbaey nt his disposal. Tho ap
plicaut managed to be converted and
to bo received Into the bosom of the
true church, after which ho hastened
to his friend, the king, and told lnm
how ho had been cullglitoued. "Ah,1
exclaimed Frederick, "how torrlhly
unfortunate. I have given away the
abbacy. Hut tho chief rabbi Is Just
dead and tho synagogue Is at my dis
posal. Suppose you were to turn
A somowhnt pompous individual
was once talking to a friend about
his lamlly, the genealogy of which
he traced back several generations,
but was told by his friend thnt ho
was a more mushroom. "Aye," said
ho, "how, pray?" "Why," said the
other, "when I was In Wales u pedi
gree of a particular family was shown
to me. It tilled about five largo skins
of parchment, and about the middle
of it was a note in the margin. About
this time the world was created.'
Dlshop Potter once made a trip to
England, and while there was fre
quently addressed as "My Lord." He
says when one has lived for yonrs in
America without any special title In
ordinary conversation, It Is not easy
to become accustomed to being hail
ed as "My Lord," whonovor any
service Is rendered. Hut from the re
currence of the title, which was still
offered me at frequent Intervals dur
ing the voyage home, I was cheerfully
delivered by the first American I mot
'on my way ashore. He was an old
vestryman or mine, and I met him on
the gangway as he was rushing up
to welcome his wife and daughters.
He grabbed my hand an Instant, nnd
exclaimed: "Hello, Illsh'; how are
Queen Elizabeth, once admir
ing the oleganco of a Span
ish nobleman, complimented him
on It, begging at tho same time to
know who possessed tho heart of so
accomplished a cavalier. "Madam,"
said he, "a lover risks too much on
such an occasion; but your mnjesty's
will Is law. Excuse me, howover, if
I fear to name her, but request your
majesty's acceptance or her portrait."
He sent her a looklngglass.
Cardinal Mazarin, durjng his reign
or power, wus told that two ladles or
tho court had had a bitter quarrel, in
tho course of which they accused ouch
other or crimes and sins such ns no
lady's character could bear without
dishonor and disgrace. The cardinal
listened attentively, and than quietly
asked: "Havo they called each other
ugly?" ' No, Monslgnor," wns the re
ply. "I have not heard that either
of the ladles made this reproach."
"In that case," rejoined the cardinal,
"I dare say I can reconcilo them."
At a dinner party once the subject
of eternal life and future punishment
enmo up for a long discussion, In
which Mnrk Twain, who wns present,
took no part. A lady near him turn
ed suddenly toward him, and ex
claimed: "Why do you not say any
thing? I want your' opinion," Twain
replied gravely: "Madam you must
excuse mo. I am silent of necessity,
I have friends in both places."
TutulHn, July C.
Nature has provided a tonic suited to
the system when in n debilitated
It contains no strmnr ,;,,..i.- .
$50.00 Given Away
To tho first ono handing us
tho nearest correct solution
of tho two following robusos,
we will givo 125.00 worth of
furniture- or other goods of
your choice from our Immense
stock; 115.00 worth to tho
second, and 10.00 worth to
the third,
Tho question is, how runny
different ways can tho word
"Furniture," aud how many
tho word "Uador" ho spoiled
in the following squares by
spoiling to the right, or down
ward, or any combination of
down and right, or right and
dowu, but always using con
tiguous letters but no two
times, using exactly tho
same numorlcal lotters, yot
all spell tho words "Itadcr"
and "Furniture" correctly.
For Illustration, the word
"Ilader" may be spelled by
using letters numbored 1, 2,
11. 12. 21. or
33, etc. Tho solution to bo
handed In sealed, giving only
tho number of combinations
thnt enn be made of each
word, with no name nttached,
In order that tho committee
nwardintr tho prizes will not
I 2 j 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10
II , 12 j 13 II 15 10 17 IS 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 36 j 30 37 38 39 40
11 42 43 44 45 40 47 48 49 60
51 52 53 61 55 60 57 68 69 GO
til I 02 , 03 01 05 00 07 , 08 09 70
71 72 73 j 74 j 75 70 77 78 79 SO
81 , 82 S3 84 85 80 87 88 89 90
91 j 92 93 J 94 95 90 97 , 98 99
Will Exhibit
Performance at
& eS, f A
Consisting of Trained Elephants, Camels,
Llimas, Lions, Pumas, Seals, Sea Lions,
Zebras, Monkeys, Ponies, Etc.
Olympian Hippodrome Costly Zoology Annex
Sensational Cycle Whirl Bicycle Experts Royal Matruda Troupe
of Japanese Performers. Marvelous Acrobats, Annalists, Tumblers
and Contatttiomsts. a0 Rollicking, Romping, Mirth Provoking
Uowns, See the Baby Camel The only one ever born in America
Prices: Adults 50c. Children 25.
1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 , 14 16 i 10 17 18
1U 2U 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
'2t! 2U 30 31 32 33 34 35 3U
"37 38 3D 40 41 42 43 44 45
'40 47 8 4!) 50 51 52 63 64
55 60 57 68 59 liO CI 02 U3
04 06 U 07 08 li 70 71 72
E R A1 D j E R j A j D j E
73 74 76 70 77 78 7 80 81
R A j D E j R j A j D j E R
13. 22. 23. 24,
know who Is in the contest.
But if roquosted, each wlnuer
must bo nbio to write, numer
ically, each of the various
ways the number of times
:hoy claim. In order to iden
tify all solutions we simply
number oach onvolope con
taining an answer and .keep
i memorandum of each. No
mo will be allowed more
thnn ono answor. Prizes
awarded July 25, 1903. There
Is no suro thing that tho first
solutions will be correct. So
If you decide you want to
change your solution after
handing It In you can do so
y placing your second In the
numerical order we receive
tho latter. No ono connected
Aith tho establishment will
to -allowed to contest.
Main and Webb StreetB
In Pendleton
July 7th
2 and 8 p. m.
t We have the Best
in "Rfinl t , .
e wee hoWes H
e sold. 'CMns.. ,
Lot. Alfalfa Land f,
acre to 160.
tracts from
ill k h
"UUUl ill nua. T. . I i
..iC Olor.
Dnn.llnl n .
"outs ji
6-room dwelling, sUbl
i"i aim z tots J1.000.
0-rooni ilwelline ,
..II,.. .. . , . WU
14-room linnrilln. I,,..
, , b uuuoc
iiiiiiuiiy iocatea-J2io
A lilimlmn l-. .
ui mis Eomewmt
j-u io $iuu eacn.
1 lot on flat, fire blocks I
HLrpnr xr.i n nth. t.i. .
-, T . w.uv,
Much other verv dalnku
ty for Bale. All sold on on
Como and buy.
' I'n fln.1 .1.1 ....
u i,u juofc WUdl JUU fiat
riRiit price, see
U. 1). UUYI). Court
i nm it
The successful man i
ins mismess ana san
ftlnnv n mnnnrih nr nnsnf
the learned nrotessioii
Knv llie same. Manv Man
victorious wageoanieri
tho pleasant thought that
nwii nfTnrtfi hare mm
where they are. Butlftbi
tniMi wnn mnin ewa. i
number of these people t
,lf .lt.1 I. .l.k mff
Premier Tvnewrlter,"
i.i.iiii n mat mnn I I I
most astonishing group o(
.,nnnlA aliAw nff mil
and used a Smlth-Premto
writer. Drop us a posul
247 Stark St. Portlamli
College lias purchisd
Smltli-Premlers for l
i uu nn.
n rail It you iw
.. - mhf.v nae
llim mii.v.. -
LKL"5 23E" 5
r.T" from
Wo have the Stover
of the
At the
Loans and
Otlior re" y-vT, ..
n,ir from l)nK8 '
,i rriEi :
Capital .
Surplus .
I),io to I""8