East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 06, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Wothct
u . ...... .lit tour rwlJsnc
P-STi Wrineii by csrrier t
r. A WBRir
Tonight ami Tuesday cloudy1
and occasionally threatening,
NO. 4780.
Efl Oil IE
complete List bhows
i . . . . D.nnln I r
It Ihirty-Six reuiJic i-uoi
ir Lives,
l reach two thousand.
Itil Discharge of Fireworks
i the List of Casualties, With
Kpe Cannon a ijiuoc
Lndred and Twenty-seven Ar
id New York City Some Pe-
I Accidents.
Cil fire were the grim conipan-
the Fourtli of July patriot to
Ispatches to tlio Itecord-Hor-
I a total of 36 killed and 1,093
las a result of the day's ccle-
Tho number of fatalities ex-
Lni ,,f Inut vsir when 21
their lives during the observ-
I the day, nnd 2,172 wore rc-
hjured. Tne list, or injurea,
thla venr. la far from com-
fed may have excooded even
fe total recorded in l'Jua,
no nprsnn Ir nR vet known
I Wn lilllnil In Chlcaco. hut
llnjured, most of them by the
hi discharge of llroworKs.
Killed by the Discharge.
nr. .lull- fi. Arthur Nol-
Ey of 11 yearB, was killed at
ntlno station, across the Co-
Irom Astoria, last evening
Ilscharge of yowuer and wad
a a small cannon which was
led In a Fourth of July colo-
to know what was going
fcoy was standing directly In
the gun, when the charge
, mutilating his body In a
manner and causing instant
Let Causes a Bad Fire.
. Jlllv fi. PnrplpRRtiPRR with
twas the cause of a fire that
eat excitement nt the stork
ly this mnrnlnir. A lilazlnir
tu thrown Into the stables
rgass & Sons, located at the
he Transit Houso, and tho
Kutckly beyond control. The
Blouse seemed threatened,
excitement amonir the cucsts
lased by the noise caused by
In 200 horses that were re
s' a me stables and ran wild-
sn tne streets, their hoofs
I on the brick nnvRinnntR.
lorses were burned to death.
in Caused $150,000 Blare.
fit. Jlllv fi. Flr Htnrl.xl liv
Irs destroyed throe shops of
riin uaiiway Company and
tents, incliiillnr- ir, mntnr
e loss Is between $100,000
e Killed, Two Hurt.
Ia.. Jlllv fl nimi-lno I." I.i.
Id, George Anderson Is In a
COmlltlnn it
I Peter Jensen will probably
eyes as tho result of a pro
fusion of a cannon which
laae from scrap Iron. The
PS abOUt twn nml tant
Fon haying been cast around
i m pipe.
rty Persons Burned,
1 Wis., juiy c,A ,mnIc
wuiue resulted from the
I Olacnari'o i,r o, ..in..
f fireworks at a public
Talrtv n,rC., ...
or injured by the
lirhin Some of tne
1ki.C " 'wivoa internal
P "Md Blnum nw
I!d'iUl,y --A"BustEdgeley,
of Jersey CltV. whn wrb
lh ot m?1" scored as the
IAicu Vt ' vcum nere
ltt . Qw off tlle t0P o
I. r nome-mnde rannnn
fraon.ma Illeco ot eas pipe.
iw.?rn0(l h'm that he
bat h. wlt" Bafety. hut
rl 6 WOUld tnl,o 1,1
th i Vi, ""u wucneu
; n; 's"lu end of h a
MhTDK terrific ex-
AMldents In Boston.
Ssventy-threo ac
cident cases were reported to bo se
rious. One accident attributable to
the Fourth of July celebration In the
Massachusetts metropolis, was the
wrecking of a fire department protec.
tlve wagon while on its way to a fire
Thomas Duffy was Instantly killed
nnd four others Injured, two of them
Fifty Injured In New York.
New York, July 6. New York con
tributed 50 Injured to the llt of
maimed patriots. The police waged
a hard fight In an effort to enforce
the law, making 127 arrests of men
and boys who Insisted on discharging
firearms inside the city limits.
Couldn't Stand the Racket.
Edwnrdsvllle, 111., July fi John
Metzger, a butcher, ended his life by
taking poison. His nervousness In
creased as tho Fourth approached
and ho Informed his friends repeat
edly thnt he would kill himself to
escape the noise of the celebration.
He kept his word, taking poison early
In the clay, just as the bombardment
was beginning.
Great Destruction to Property
and Considerable Loss of
Flag Falls and Causes the Death of j
Four Persons. I
Pittsburg, Pa.. July C During the
progress of a terrific rain storm to
day four persons were killed In an
nccldcnt of the most unusual charac
ter. A large flag became soaked with
rain and the high wind blew it
against electric wires carrying 2000
volts. The wire snapped under tho
pressure, falling Into the street, one
end lodging In a pool of water and
charging It. A man walked Into the
pool and was shocked to death. A
surrey full of people drove into the
pool killing the horses and three of
the occupants.
Suburbs of Pittsburg Sustain Losses
of Property Immense Bottling
Works Washed Away Believed
Nearly Fifty Lives Were Lost
Foundations, Houses and Bridges
Being Washed Away.
Great Increase Due to Rural Delivery
Washington, July C Captain Cas
tle, auditor of the treasury of the
postofflcv department, today made an
official estimate that the postal de
ficiency for tho fiscal year just elos-ed
will be $4,C17,203. The deficit for 1110
previous year was $2,901,170.
The big increase Is attributed to
tho enormous Increase in expenditure
for rural free delivery.
Very Unusual Condition of Affairs In
That State Bountiful Harvest and
Influx of Negroes the Cause.
Topoka, July G. The farmers of tho
neighborhood of llelpre having tele
graphed the governor for troops as
n inrn wnr wnR rn irtnir there. Rover-
nor Bailey has wired to the nuthorl-j
ties for information.
Tr. mfinnlllnn illfinri tf'llPK from
the farmers contlnuo to arrive. The
trouble has Its origin In an Influx ot
negroes from Missouri nnd Oklaho
mn tn work 111 the harvest fields. The
nHt nffpnt of the Imnortatlon was a
reduction of wages, which was deep
ly resented b'y the resident laborers
many of whom are mechanics from
the towns who are In the harvest
field because building and other op
eratlons ate dull in the towns, and
hecatiso of the large wages paid.
Another source of trouble Is tho
drinking tendency of the negroes
which induces quarrels and several
serious clashes have occurred, which
It appears the constables cannot cope
with. Tho negroes have backing
among many of the wealthy farmers,
while the white laborers have an
abundance of active sympathizers.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company G. R. Cockley, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Chicago. July . Cold weather In
.1.., xTtv,.oat fnr two davs threatens
to delay ripening of grain for two
weoks longer. .
Pittsburg, July fi. Between 25 and
50 ll,ves are believed to havo been
lost as a result of a cloudburst at
Jeanette last night. Nineteen are
known to be dead, and It Is Impossi
ble to approach accurate figures un
til a systematic search for bodies is
made. Watchman are dragging
bodies from tho edges of the foam
crested stream.
The scene this "morning Is inde
scribable. The waters of Brush creek
are rushing down Sixth street, under
mining houses and bridges, and the
superstructures of many yet standing
are trembling.
At 7 o'clock this morning system
atic work of search and relief began
under four parties. Many havo been
rescued and It will not be known un
til the waters subside how many are
Property Destroyed.
All the telegraph and telephone
wires are down for mlle.s, the car
service Is entirely suspended and the
railways badly crippled. The prop
erty losses will be heavy.
The Jeanette bottle works, employ-1
lug 230 men, was swept away. lxss
$50,000. Had the deluge come in
working hours, the loss of life would
have been vastly greater.
Stores on Clay avenue will also be
heavy losers, but no estimates have
yet been made or are possible.
Hundreds of yards of street paving
was scoured out, taking street car
rails, paving stones, base structure
and everything clear to the bed rock
and depositing hundreds of tuns of
rock, gravel, asphalt and dirt on tho
lower levels and In areas In the low
er stories of business houses and In
the basements.
Sixteen Missing,
Tile hunt for bodies along Prush
creek begun this afternoon. Sixteen
known drowned are still missing.
Not Believed the Aged Pontiff
Can Survive Longer Than
Through the Day.
Retains a Perfectly Clear Mind and
Surfers Very Little Order of Con
ventuals Has Not Yet Been Sum
moned to His Bedside Opinion of
Eminent French Physicians.
Burned to Death.
I.os Angeles, July fi. .Mrs. F. H.
Goodenough was burned to death JaBt
night at her homo near Long Beach,
by an Incendiary fire. She could havt
escaped, but rushed back to rescue
her jewels, Her husband was also
badly burned.
Attempted Murder and Suicide.
Louisville. ICy.. July C Ieds,
master mechanic of the l.oulsvlllo &
Nashville railway, was seriously shot
by Private Detective W'oerner, in the
office of the former, this afternoon.
W'oerner afterward shot himself
London, July G. A Rome dispatch
states that the amelioration of tho
pope's condition since last night is
astonishing to everyone. Real hopo
for his holiness' recovory Is, however,
excluded by the probability that his
revival is merely a last burst of
strength before the end. The final
collapse Is expected by sunset.
Prayers In Germany.
Berlin, July 6. Prayers are being
offered for the pope In Catholic
churches throughout all Germany to
day. The kaiser conducted dtvino
services aboard his yacht Sunday. At
the closo of the service he said, "Tho
dispatches contnln had news. Tho
pope, whom I know and respect, is
very 111 and his life 1b tn danger. Let
us pray for him." The knlser then
offered mi a prayer for the pope's
life, and conducted the supplication
with theso words: "The world needs
great and good men nnd Clod Almigh
ty spare him for many years." Tho
scene during the prayer was most
Latest From Rome.
Home, July 0. A bulletin nt 9:45
a. 111. said there Is a slight Improve
ment in the pope's condition. While
weakness Is very marked, his breath
ing Is more regular. The popo was
carried from his bed and placed In
a reclining chair. Cardinal Oreglla
has taken rooms on tho third floor
of the Vatican, Immediately above the
pope's apartments,
Drs. I.apponi and Mazzonl held a
consultation this morning nnd an.
nounced that tho pope's Illness Is tnk
Ing the usual courae. Among the
early visitors to tho Vatican wns tho
French ambassador to Italy, who held
a conference with Cardinal Kampolll,
the papal secretary.
The following bulletin was Issued
from tho Vatican early this morning:
"Although his holiness passed an nl
most sleepless night, ho Is not so un
easy at. he was yesterday. Tho pn
tlent has been benefited by Injections
of digitalis and camphor. Chest is
normal, with a light cough and some
catarrhal emissions. Sufficient nour
ishment has been taken; pulse Is Ir
regular; general condition of illness
remains grave, hut has become no
No Emergency as Yet.
Homo, July C. Tho order of con
ventuals has not yet been summoned
to tho pope's apartments. It has the
privilege of praying at tho bodsido of
the dying pontiff, and Its members
will be with him at tho last. The fact
that they are not yet summoned leads
to the belief that the physicians
Sept Tlon
.Minneapolis, July '.
Dec "
. . , T..,n, uniiKp. a minor
l no uouy ui jtuuw . ,
ofN'ol.on,Vc..wljolo.tl.l. 0 "t
winter in a snow wiuo, " j- -recovered,
Ills three companions lost
with him were found at the time of
tho accident.
Four or the smaller n)Inlng compa
ntes of Birmingham, Ala., have sign
, mn crnlo demanded by tno
uu luu es
Kvansville, Ind . July C- At 7
o'clock this morning the race riot
which raged all night. Is growing
worse. The police are utterly unable
to cope with the mob. as thero are
only GO members In tho force, while
the mob numbers several hundred.
Just after dawn the mob bombarded
the houses of colored people In Bap
tist town. The police report many
wounded In the battle which follow
ed and probably some deaths. The
mob has started for tho magazine out
side the city. Unconfirmed reports
say several houses have been blown
"'up to this hour the mllltla has not
been mobilized, but are getting to
gether. Expect Mob at Vlncennes.
Vlncenues. July C Brown, the
Kvansville negro who was brought
here secretly last night, Is dying from
the effects of wounds received at
The authorities are of tho opinion
that the Kvansville mob will visit
Vlncennes tonight. Preparations aro
being made to defend Brown, Sher
iff Madee has made public announce
ment that ho will tiro to kill ir thero
la any overt demonstration. Ho will
aBk the governor this afternoon to
call out the local mllltla. Tho negro
Is still alive but weak.
Will Order Out Troops.
Indianapolis, July C Tho governor
this afternoon by telephone ordered
the sheriff of Kvansville to swear In
200 deputies at 01100, and If that num
ber did not suffice, to swear In 2.000.
He afterwards mobilized tho mllltla
all over tho stato under orders to bo
ready to advance at a nilnuto's notice.
At the governor'B office it Is believ
ed there will bo heavy rioting at Kv
ansville tonight.
Negroes Leaving Evansville,
Kvansville, July C Tho grand Jury
at noon Indicted Brown for murder.
Tho report that tho negro would bo
returned hero this evening caused ex
citement. Many negroes aro leaving
the city by wagon road. The local
mllltla Is now on guard. More iroops
aro expected to arrive hero this evo
ning. Serious trouble is feared tonight,
think Leo will Burvlvo tho day. Car
dinal Oreglla, dean of tho sacred col
lego, who, when the opo's illness be
came honcloss. assumed the position
of acting pope, is occupying rooms on
tno third tloor of tno Vatican, immedi
ately above tho pope's 'apartments.
Messages continue to arrive. An
early visitor at tho Vatican today
was tho French ambassador to Italy.
Ho was received by Hnmpolm.
An Expert Opinion.
Paris, July fi. Dr. Cornlll, n, mem
ber of tho Academy of Medicine. sayR
an ostnbltsned peculiarity of pulmo
nic hepatitis, such as complicates the
popes Illness, Is that In tno case ot
aged subjects denth comes on tho
seventh or eighth day. Tho nvcrago
mortality Is seven In ton.
Dispatch From Vatican.
Washington, July 6. Tho papal le
gation this morning gave out tho fol
lowing dispatch from Koine: Condi
tion of tho holy father Is still grave,
but no worse. Passed a calm night
and takes food with reluctance. State
of mind Is perfectly clear. Hampol-la.
Baker County Deputy Sheriff Not
Guilty of Complicity In the Defal
. cations.
Baker City, July . C. 11. Whitney,
deputy sheriff, under A. H, Hunting
ton, who Is charged with embezzling
county funds, wns acquitted by tho
jury Saturday evening, after a short
trial. Tho Jury wbb out 21 hours,
showing that there was some discus
sion of tho case, before a verdict
was reached.
Whitney mado all tho false entries
In the books, but did not use any of
the funds stolon from tho county.
Was Beached After Having Several
Plates Smashed In.
Mnnlln, July C. Tho transport
Sumner went ashore on an unchart
ed reef off South Luzon. Sho was
carrying the rccontly arrived Fourth
Infantry nnd wns beached with soven
feet of water In the forward hold.
The troops were landed In safety.
The transport will be docked nt Hong
Kong, as several plates wore smashed.
Construction Trestle Works of the
Ogden-Luclen Cut-off Are Badly
Damaged and Much Lumber Is
Salt Lake. July G, A big storm Is
raging 011 Croat Salt liko. Heavy
waves shattered tho big timber boom
on tho construction trestle works of
the Southern Pacific's Ogilon-Luelen
cut-off, and millions of feet of lum
ber aro aflunt. Much anxiety is felt
for a party of city and county olllclals
who started In a yacht yesterday for
a crulso and havo not yet been sight
ed. A rowbont containing an un
known bather nt Sallalr Is also miss
Boy Badly Hurt While Coasting With
Running Gears of Wagon.
Yesterday afternoon while playing
with tho front wheels nnd tho tongue
of a heavy wagon, the little son of
Daniel Shaw, who IIvob nbout 10
miles out of tho city, on McKay
creek, met with u serious and painful
Tho little hoy, who Is about 9 years
old, and his older brother, nlso hut
a more child, wero coasting on tho
wheels of the wngon down a hill near
tho home. Tuey had tho front wheels
and tongue of an old farm wagon
and would pull this to tho top of the
hill and then coaBt down. Several
times they madu (lie trip In sufety,
but tho last time one of tho wheels
struck an obstruction nnd tho boys
wero thrown off and the Httlo ono
had practically tho whole tup of his
head scalped.
He struck on somo sharp obstacle
which laid his scalp open from tho
mlddlo of his forehead lo tho back
of his neck, leaving a portion of tho
skull bare nearly two Indies wldo
the whole length of tho rut. besides
tho cut on his head tho left ear was
practically torn from the head, as It
hung hut by a thread when tho boy
was picked up and carried to the
tho accident hnppened tho
little fellow was carried Into tho
houso nnd Dr. Colo was sent for. He
cared for the Injuries and at tho last
report tho patient was progressing as
well as could bo expected, tho nature
of the Injury being considered.
Twenty persons wero inoro or loss
seriously injured on tho Fourth in
Washington, D, 0,
Works an Old Scheme With
Variations and Improve
ments and Disappears.
Contracts With Platioeder for Larg
Quantities of Fresh Meat With
Which to Feed Menagerie Animals
Collects $25 on Some Pretenc
and Hikes Out Now In Custody at
Krnnk Kay, tho alleged general
agont ot the great Sells mothers' ft
Korepaugh's shows. Is In custody at
Pocntello under n chargo of obtaining
money under false pretenses from
Conrad Platzoeder, of this city "and
thereby hnngR a tale,
About tho mlddlo of last week a
Httlo man with a scar on the sldo ot
his neck nnd a large cnpaclty for
booze, hit tho town nnd at once began
to lunku his presence known. Ho reg
istered nt the (lolden Utile and went
on n gentlemanly spree nil tho tlmo,
telling evoryono that he met that ha
was the general agent of tho great
shows nnd was hero to preparo for
their coming. After a time be had
some trouble with the management ot
the Clohlcn Hulo and moved to the
Pendleton, whero ho registered, say
ing thnt ho would show up for break
fast. In the meantime he had arrived
at the Binge where he had an over
whelming ileslro to contract for pro
visions for the great shows, and In
this frame of mind ho wandered into
tho butcher shop operated by Conrad
Plntzoeder, where ho Introduce d him
self with his credentials, of which ha
had a large number, nnd slated his
desire. Platzoeder was willing to do
business, anil after some talk they en
tered Into 1111 agreement, nnd going to
Mr. Ileeliwlth. drew up a contract
which both signed.
lly tho terms of this paper Mr.
Platzoeder was lo furnish to tho cir
cus on the day of AugUHt 9, and
long thereafter a the show should
stay In town, various kinds of provis
ions and articles which would bo
wanted by the mitnagoiuunt. Ho was
to supply 3,0iiu pounds of beef lu
fore and hind ipinrters dally at &A
cents: two hogs dally dressed In
carcuss nt cents; 100 pounds
fresh sausage meat dally, In hulk at
11 cents; bacon at It! cents; one bar
rel corned beef nt 22; fiOO pounds
fish dally at II cents, nnd all tho lco
that the circus needed at a rensoua.
hie market value. All of tho extra
fish, meat and vegetables, or articles
of any kind that tho show needod
was to ho furnished at a reasonable
market value,
The contract was signed, and tho
agent, on some pretext or another,
drew nn advance of $25 from tho mer
chant. Having secured tho money
he lit out and made tracks for tha
next part of the country Having
some other business with the agent,
Mr Platzoeder went to tho hotel to
find htm and wns thero (old I hat tha
man was a beat and (hat he had
worked tho same gamo In several
other towns on the Hound and along
the route here. The contractor Imme
diately went to tho ofllro of tho pros
ecuting ultorney and Bworo out a
complaint as stated above, and tho
man was stopped at Pocatello. whera
ho now Is.
It Is not known whether he can b
brought back for trial If ho refuses to
come without extradition, alleging
that the people hero have no knowl
edge as to whether or not the con
tract Is void, as they havo not seen
any of the circus people and that the
tlmo of tho contract bus not expired,
so that they have no way of telling
If It Is worthless.
U he can he brought bark he will
be prosecuted, for tho plaintiff In tho
matter Is much Incensed that he
should bo mndo the tool of such a
scheme. Ho swears vengeance and
wants back the money that ho In
vested with tho ugcnl for tho con
summation of the contract.
North America has more miles ot
railroad than all Kuropo and Asia, or
220,503 miles as against 22,522.
Over 200,000 inlh'i of tho mileage of
North America Is lu (he United