Ill '"J 1 ' ';U'f-',',3Mi''',ft -''v 7' K W 1'' SJJtfVfv ' ..-is.'.- DAlCY EAtYT OHEQONIAN, fKMPLgTONtt OHEOM. " FHIDAY, JULY 3..1W.- id$ and Societies OFESSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. L iess PHYSICIANS. - - ViciMPia IN JDDD 0. COin,r. 10 to 12 a. m.,; ".lepbone- red 371. l"'LI: ;rrtB eye troubles. cslar If??d impaired hearing. -ZZtJk TlINQO, OKFICB UVHll UITH o'""iL hank. Telephone LmlHOU .- --7- anl Bice tejepnooeju"'" INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS BARTMAN ABSTRACT- COHI-ANV u.vra tlffifSSSJ"t?tt w '".' alllai in uVnS ttlla ounty Loans on clir mid dm JiiiJIL erty. Buyssna i.ll.all k ud. oi Does a general brokeraae bmlneti ran lai Kltejenc! ,i i Thrill M. D.. "HOMEOPATHIC E-tSTinnwrn. Office in jnaa ao5 "rsISri,-. black '73: rc- k Tti'Puuu,:' 1 . . ... . ..,.,,t.iT i cnri a. Lick - E- .,vT ,inviniAN kM. J'K'1",,'"4 n;Sk".taiid. , Office ui-uv - fcui" nffia 'Pfione black kr"K BLAKESLBKr CHRONIC fOTbSnSKft corner Main and I,. Office 'phone main .21; rea lm! 273. . KTaTlKN BOONE. OSTEOPATH a St! iiiomin"" .-... .... Bed 303. and office 'phone Black Fkibby, rnvsiniAN and s"r- ."nil IttildencV Phone MalnTwai: Co. 0rcon. . OPTICIANS. " nit, W. . OAItUET ion, graduate opti cian. The only com plete optical parlor In the city. Six doors .....ti, nf I. f 1 . Main rtiidleton, Ore. No fee charged Dilution una wmimuh DENTISTS. kicciiAN, unXTiT. oWice in tunning. uuuf, . ... ilJNN. DENTIST, OKFICB IN AS iim block, over Schmldt'e new drug ITbane, red 271. feANKS AND BROKERS. I viTinvir. niVtv' nl ATHKNA. Id Capital, $30,000; surplus and ItO.000. Interest on time deposits. Id forelsn and domestic exchange. loos promptly niienueu iu. nemj fc. presmeui ; r, j. im.k, Tn.-e;inc- r, o. Irturow, cnsiuer , i." iemij, Eshler. L,i.,nnQ' IliVi: nT WRHTON. C 1 iniu n f-nnprnl hnnk- hesj. Exchange bought and Bold. Iodj promptly attended to. It. Jam resident, (ieorjte V. I'roebstel, kldent: J It. Kllgore, casuier; ai- t, G. D. Uraw. J. F Kllgore, Itob oo, G. V. Proebstel. FcXDLI'.TON SAVINGS BANK. ffton, Oregon. Organized March 1, ll' 11)0.000 : surnlus. 100.- Itrrest allowed uu all time deposits. at bousht and sold on nil principal !rciai attention given to coi W. J. Furnish, nretildent : J. N. Iu Drrsldeut : T J. Morris, cashier; Miloaey, asslstnut cashier. I NATIONAL BANk'oF I'ENDLE- cidiui. $70,000: surnlus.; kti a general banking business. Ex- tim tei-srnpsuc transfers sola on San Francisco. New York and I points In the Northwest. Drafts Ion China, Japan and Europe. Makes ras on reasonable terms, i.evi An resident: W r Matlock." vlire-rlres! C U. Wade, cashier ; II F. Joliueon, b: casnier CHITECTS AND BUILDERS. jUOU CONTUACTOR AND BUIIi- I All kinds of work figured on. Job eamiaciorj work guainnceea. . ted 513. IlIQWAItD, A11CII ITECT AND SU- t"uLi uuKes complete aua rcii pni for bulldlnirs In the city or coun fwm 17 Judd building. i COLII. COXTRAOTOltH i AND Y. Intimates furnished on .short joo work a specialty. lTompt u uiua street near Aiaiu. WAV, CONTKACTOlt AND I1UILD- luiimates furnished on all kinds lOQrr. Cement U'lllka mnlla nir- rwraat East Oregonlan office.' s. nnysoSrf attorney at law JiM. IlENTLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and most reliable firesndaccidenUnsurance companies. Office with Hattman Abstract Co. JOHN HAII.EV, JR., U. S, LAND COM mlsslnnrr Specialty made of land ailnw and proof; Insurance and collections. Of fice In Judd buldlng, room 10. JOE II. l'ARKES, OFFICE 150 COURT street. Iind office' business, such as HI- lnff.i,f. clnlma an1 'filiating contests a specialty, r BOARD AND LODGING. MRS. If. I. trttKTIVfiTnV IMC t.tftr I i. . l s i V"", va raen ntreet, -whsr'she will be gladto "ee her friends and Jus try a1 Parrot Cigar 5ov THE PARROT CIGAR IS A SUPERIOR 5-CENT CIGAR. THEY MIGHT HAVE MADE OTHER BRANDS AS GOOD, RUT THEY DIDN'T. 'r0!?1' ,AL?'A' COIINEB ALTA AND rMlll streets. Hoard by the day or. Week, Uood table tet Ratos i.7a and f 1.75. per week. Pendleton Feed Yard in. fconnectlon." V, W.JEdmlsten, Prop, WHEN YOU GO TOl'ILOT ROCK STOl' at the City Hotel. Good meals and first-class rooms. Special attention given., to commercial travelers. Mra. C. II. Ule--tel. Pilot Rock, Ore, ATHENA HoTEl7lEaDIN0 HOTEL IN THE city. Il,oo to perday II. p Mlllen. proprietor. WHEN YOUR BUSINESS TAKES YOU TO ..uu, m numi urui uoou mean and goodservlc-. B. II. Richards, proprietor T , 1 TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY ICRASSIG, ItARDER SHOP AND Bath rooms. Main street, three doors north .of Hotel St. George. First-class service. .NEW TONSORIAL PARLORS, COURT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J. II. Pace, prop. First-class workmen; everything clean; all modern Improve-1 meats. PATTON'S SANITARY BARBER SHOP, Despaln block. Court street; best work manship; all the modern Improvements; nil tools sterilized; bath rooms In connection. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY CAB LINE, ER WIN" BAKER, PROP. Telephone main 71)1. Office and waiting room, Alta street, next to Savings Bank building. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE CITY LIVERY BOARD AND SALE Stable. M. J. Carney, proprietor, for fine turnouts Stock boarued at reasonable. rates, Stable lis Alta Street COMMERCIAL STABLES. G. M. FROOME Prop. Livery, feed and boarding. All. Kinus oi turnouts, loaipeieui unvers Opposite Hotel Pendleton. 'Phone, main 1(11. MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING AND DRESSMAKING, MISS JESSIE . Jouet. 1015 Franklin Bt., Co', E. Railroad. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT, housekeeping, al-o one 1 room and one 5 room house lor rent. Marlln Compton, 609 Col lege Btreet. FOR SALE-1IOILER AND 1-llOliSE l'OA'ER vertical high speed engine. Also a 40-lIght Generator liieluding till snitch board lnstru ments For particulars, cull on or address Fked Kixr., Box P.7D, Peuilleton, Oie . WM, F. YOUNKA WILL PAY PROMPT AT tontion to ali sales and posting bills. Cor rcspqndeneejoltctted. Commission reasonable p. o. Box 1:6. Pendleton DIVORCE LAW8-PETSR I WEST; ADVIOfc free; lees, tenns to suit: 25 years' experience. Office 60S Garden St., Pendleton, Oregon. IN POCND-ONE BAY HORSE ABOUT 7 tears old : weight about (J00 pounds ; brand ed cross on ngnt Jaw and on right hip . II said animal Is notw claimed by the owner or those entitled to the possession, costs and 'expenses against It paid, and then taken away within ten days from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m. of the seventh day of July, 110. the said nr.lmal will be sold to the highest bidder, at public nuctlqn for cash, at Ihe city pound, on the corner of Cottonwood and Webb streets, In the City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and expenses of mus Inr sale. hCnfim 0llJr Marshal TUOL'TMAV a imrrinM.-n-n l vn Itiotendent Room 7, over Boston .tuuiiuuu, urcgou. SlO.'TERINO ANd'ce' r.. MMl :im""hi it:i:. iiurK lriiiiruiiiiwu. i " ------ l Uti" at Ita,Uey Zehner'B clear 0T AND SHOE REPAIRING. K,E.??.WA,.'.!. THE OLD RELIABLE Iit.H.; '.'rstclass repairing with I t Co P ln rear ot "lndln8er Ttl!iE,.8."0 E HHOP REASONABLE ;"V"" material Our specialty Is - Kllebe, 601 QardeuSt.' IDS l CI EEcond-hand dealers. Kl . . '. luere 18 anytning you ItwlT. i0,'' second-hand furniture. r Wets" So ""S " aaa I '"id .SHnC0B"HAND GOODS M"a'd; pawn brokers: monev PI. nrn i 'U!f . of. articles. Waters ...j "itonwooq 'wet. Jl-ACKSMITHING. J Vts . '' - M Nl if .'V', GENERAL BLACK I'!! son? "Dalrlng; horseshoeing a h si.p t0?P"T attended to; call P' itoS. kT." ntat """ treer, t:JZlw Main street. VwSLN.0' unnxs BVEitr Uott .V,)11 Secret Society hall, t a Pendleton, Ore. It. W. fe" i W. J Keves. Cf. C. fLOYMENT OFFICES. fin IW 2J PPPCE, G38 MAIN 'n as ne,P or et employ " 'Phone .Mala 1011. . Fred Walters, Proprietor Capacity 150 barrels a day Flour exchanged for wheat Flour, Mill Feed, ("honied I-eed, etc alw;ayg on hand, The Columbia Lodging Hoosc Newly Furnished. Bar in connecti Bet. Alta & Webb Sts. In Center of Block. F. X. Schempp Proprietor WEXICAN PONTICS PRE3IDENT DIAZ INSISTS ON BEING PRESIDENT AGAIN. European Bondhofdera Are Interest ed In the Succession and Ambttloua Politicians as Well HI Prctent Resolution a Surprise, as It Was Supposed He Would Retire, Trib Notice Trib The people of Pendleton 'are re spectfully asked to fully Investigate Trib the world's greatest cure for tne liquor and tobacco habits, and to any one in need ot a cure we say truth fully Trib is an honest, positive cure. You do not use Trib in your coffee; you can't give it that way; but be sensible and take It for either of these habits the same as you would a remedy for any other disease. Here is a reference from a man woll known in Pendleton. Head it. We have many more. j V Daughorty writes on May 14, liuh: To whom it may concern:--I wish to say I completed a cure with Trib In February, and have had no desire to drink since. It will also cure the tobacco habit. I had a harder time to learn to smoke after taking Trib than when I first learned ,to smoke I am quite well known in ?.ra.?5,,.' n,.mi Sumnter and muter iiij, ' , . , , Pendleton and anyone wishing to stop using eltner liquor or ! recommend them to take Trib. Price $12.50. For sale by all drug gists. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Out companies stand first in the world. Hartford Fire Iusurauce Co.J12,259,07b Alliance Assurance Co . .. L9,039,9fia London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co 2,544,683 North British & Mercantile Co 19,695,974 Royal Insurance Co 22,897,158 FRANK B. CLOPTON AGENT 800 WAIN STREET K I Send Your 4, Subscription Money j to 4. B. B. RICH J 03 Third Street t Portland, Ore. t Agent for t AH Publications i To test this "ad" T I will give a t Ten Per Cent Reduc- tion on all Subscription sent me x during the, month of i June STRONG TESTIMONY. this Is Pendleton Testimony and Will Stand Investigation. ir von ulimiM dntibt the folluwIiiK nnil wtuli til InvestlL-utc. you haVen't to go to some other state In the union to prove It. It s not a long story imu ilslieil in Pendleton newspapers about a reshlent in Kalamazoo, Mich., or Tampa, Flu. It's about a resident 01 Pendleton and given in nis own wuiuo. No stronger proof can bo had. H A Thompson, retired, who lives on Stonewall Jackson street, says: "My kidneys troubled mo uy speua for 10 years ,and at such times with a steady dull aching across my back. I HSed largo quantities ' of various kinds of medicines said to be good for U, but they never benefited me enough so that I could notice It. Fi nally I got a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at the Prock & McComas Co. drug store and I found them to bo Just what I needed. They went right to tho spot and not only relieved my i.i hi lint cured It nermanently. I will ho only too pleased to tell others about tho merits of this reme dy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember tho name DOAN'S and tako no other. City of Mexico, July 3.-Tho unan imous nomination by the liberal union convention of President Diaz as a candidate to succeed himself, and his re-election to tho presidency, which Is a foregone result of tho general election whlclr takes placo this month, whllo it could not bo otherwise than satisfactory to tho people ot Mexico generally, is still a cause of some anxiety In tho minds of those who havo Ihe welfare of tho republic sincerely at heart and who look forward to the tlmo when the "maker of modern Mexico ' Is 110 more. 'The decision of ' Pres.uent Diaz to stand for re-election was somewhst of a surprise even to Ills most intimate political associates. His advanced age ho was horn ln 1S30 makes It Imperative for tho nation fo look about for an able sue cesbor to tako tho reins of govern ment when death causes tiie hand that has so long nnd so successfully guided the car of state to release Its grasp. Anxious Bondholders. It is publicly known t.iat the finan ciers of Europe desiro tho retire ment of President Diaz solely because they wish the matter of tho succes sion to le arranged during his life time. This has been 0110 of tho con ditions the Rothschilds have made when appealed to for a great loan to place Mexico on a golu standard. They fear that tho president will dlo suddenly with tho result that the country will he plunged ln confusion and that a soldier will then seize the presidency, that civil troubles will en sue and In which case tne bondhold ers would he the principal sufferers. Diaz has hitherto been known to admit that he fully realized the force of this argument In favor of his re tirement and was willing to sacrifice himself to the situation. Conse quently his decision to accept an other term of office Is all tho nioro surprising. The three other candi dates mentioned Tor the honor were Mmantour, Mentis and Marlschal, but now that Diaz has ncccpted tho re nomination, Jhey have quit the race In fnvor of the Incumbent. Two Ambitious Aspirants. It Is well understood Hint those who have largo flnnucial Interests in .Mexico would like to see J. Ives I.I- mantour secure tho presidency, ns ho is considered by far the most able financlar and diplomat the republic has yet produced. Ho was acting president of Mexico during the visit 01' Diaz to the United Slates in HUH, alnd has always been considered the choice of Diaz for his successor, al though he Is run close In that re sped und In the favor of the Mexican aristocrats by fieneral llernnrdo Keyes, who as secretary of war and head of the army, has strong claims to the plaee. General Reyes has a more engaging personality than Senor IJmantour, but he has lost some or his populailly by showing too plain ly his nsnlratlous for presidential honors. In the event of tho death of Diaz whllo In office tho presldeney would devolve temporarily at least on Senor Marlschal, the present sec notary of the senate, nnd who would servo until a general election eiuld be held. ssssssssMssasssya Any Time Is Good Time Now I tht accapttd time to have your house painted or pa pered. A little painting here and there will help Its looks wonder fully. Some nice, bright, new wall paper will lend a freshness to any room. Our stock of wall paper was never more complete pattern In endless variety and every one new and up-to-date In color design. Better come In and let us show them to you and tell you what It will cost for your whole house or one room. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. St. GEORGE Restaurant Dinner Twenty-five Cents Prom 11.30 a. m, to 7 p. m. Short orders a spoolality Quick, Courteous Servioe Open all Day and Night T. A.Oidfather, Prop. j HOTELS. 11 International Stock and Poultry Food at C. F. Golesworthy 137-139 Erst Alta St..; Agent for Leo's Llco KlUor TURNERS OF TWO STATES. Meet at Mollne, Illinois, Is Now In Progress, Mollne. 111.. '.Inly 3 Mollne Is to ila the Mecca for Oerman Turners from two states, the occabion being tho unnual Illinois tumfeat, iu which a number of societies of Iowa lire alsi participating. The program wus formally opened tuda ai Concordia path, wl.ero the conuiulllioim will be held for three days. A big parade and several Interesting social Teat inch are also on the program. Among the soclellua tint are eon testing for the prlze am thobo of Llilcago. reona, rem, iavenpurt. Rock Island nnd several other cities. The program of alhloth' .ml gym nastic events Includes high lumping broad jumping, high broad Jump, shot put nnd I oo-yard dash. Oratori cal and literary contests are ulso on Ihe program. Ohio Turners in Session. Dayton, Ohio, July 3. The streets or Dnylon are profusely decorated with the German and American colors in honor of tho visiting Turners who are here from all parts of the state for their annual turmcst. Among the delegations In evidence today were societies from Cleveland Tole do, Canton, Cincinnati, Springfield and a number of other cities. The program covers three days and pro vides for a series of Interesting com petitors as well as a number of at tractive functions of a social nature Today was duvntcd laigrly to Ihe welcoming of tfm visitors. V II E (1UKKN 1I0TKL. Clean comfortable rooms from i'i cents up. Newly furnished throughout, (lueen Chop House 111 connection. Meats at all tours. Onlf hlle help em ployed, lllve in a trial. '' '. COE COMMISSION GO! Incoiporated, Minneapolis, Chicago ami New York Grain and Stocks N. II.-If you have 111 open tmde 01 icount wllli us, you tin operate Kislnst It In any of our 1W offices WHEAT CORN AND OATS Stocks, Bonds and Negotiable Collateral We clurge uu Interest lur cartyliif lout stocks. MARGINS: lo Bushel on drain; $2 a Share on Stooks ItelerdX'es! ICS nalloual and slate Lauks I'rlrale wires to alll eaillnt" exchaunea and to H7leadlua" towns oi the northwest. (Jeunral otllces, Hank ol Commerce Hullrflnf Mlnneapu II. Minn. PENDLETON OFFICE, 20 OOUKT STMIT Wisconsin Turnfest. Mayvllle. Wis., July 3. The Turner boc etles of Wisconsin aro gatliereu heie In large numbers for their thir ty-third annual turnfest. The compe titions were commenced today under favorable auspices and will continue until .Monday ACKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS cure dyspepsia and all disorder! aris ing from Indigestion. Endorsed by ihyslcians everywhere. Bold by all dnisFsrlsta. No cure, no pay. 25 cents. Trial package free by writing to W. II. Hooker ft uo., uunaio, n. 1. w. W. Schmidt ft Co. HOTEL ' PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Prop. The Best Hotel In Pendkto and as good as aay. lMMsSBBBsSitfBllSBSSSSSr BBBBBBBBBBUSBBBBBBBBBBMBrSBjlHSJsaSSaw The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted and refurnished throughout. Phone, anil fira alarm connections witli all rooms, Baths in suites and single rocs( Headquarters for Traveling Hsi Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Hpeclal rates by week or inrmth Excellent CuUlne. Prompt Dluliigroom service. Bar and billiard room in oomeotioi Only Three Blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Co nut Court an.l Johnson Streets, Pendleton, Orenon. M. F. Kelly, Proprietor. swissasasawu HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Auiorlenii I'liui. nifi-1 Uft to a'4.00 pcnliiv. Kiir-npomi I'liui. Alio. Too, S1.1H). Hpechil rut cm hy vreuk or mouth, 1 i Free 'bus meets all tralnsl Commercial trade solicited Pine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Tri-J MOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB ST8. GEO. DAIIVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam Heated Uuropean Plan. Block and a hall from depot; Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50o, 750, IM 4 THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American flau, j per day and upwar,, llcadquaitcra fortouil.u and comsuarctal tra. tUrs. Special rates inada (o famlUaa audalagU gcutlriaeu The msuajcincnt will U plaaate at all times to show rooms and (ivc prfcs. A modern Turkish Uthrslauli.bin.utln Ihehotal, II, C, BOWKHS, Maaaaer, M li.hnn. Oil la li.v. IMS In um MMWlHii ufKum ithiun oi a. anwia ViIffiUCTuYiuCars. cores its worrt am lo o(l ana iaa aruiu rm MeadSohe, Onntnsro Marri toaaof men, S-fSjyfle4MU.or oJ Wn". lS,f.ldiiKl.t.acuieUalU BflLi jft.H! ?'" iSttJtlli rt,uir. um. Addraaa. aiahoD RamsxJir Co.. ha FranolaeesfWs StlmulaUithalraii SOLD BY TALLMAN & CO., UHOOOIUTU, PENDLETON, OHtUON. sLlsasasaVPr?k?