East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1903, Image 8

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That is our motto, and we
have the SHOES to Miow
you. Our business is grow
ing every day, because we
treat our customers right and
give them values for their
Special Sale on Tan
Oxfords. BIG VAL
UES, Regular price
$2 to $4, &.le Price
Dmdinger, Wil
son & Company
Phone Main tt&i
Special Car Will Take Entire Force
tr Meacham Creek.
J. F. Hoblnson. tho proprietor of the
Domestic Ijiundry, has arranged to
give his entire force a picnic anil ex
cursion one week from the coming
Sunday. This is the busy time of the
year in tho laundry business, and It
will be impossible to close the place
on the Fourth, as it is Saturday, and
the busiest day of the week. Accord
ingly, the proprietor has mado ar
rangements with the O. It. & N. for
cither a special train or a special car
and will take all of his employes and
their husbands, families and sweet
hearts for a day's outing up Meacham
creek. The car will he taken to the
place where the picuic will he held,
and loft there uutll the excursionists
are ready to return.
As there are 35 people employed In
the laundry, there will bo quite a
crowd at the picnic, as oacn one will
bo allowed to Invito a friend or two
to accompany them, making in all
about 50 people, who will take ad
vantage of the kindness of Mr. Rob
inson. Taken to the Asylum.
Jacob Jerlno, the sheep 'herder who
waB adjudged insane by the county
judge a day or so ago, was taken to
the asylum this morning by Deputy
Sheriff J. A. Blakely. Jerlno si troub
led with delusional insanity, believing
that people are trying to put poison
in his food. As long as ho Is behind
the bars he Is contented, thinking
that no one will be able to harm him
there, but as soon as he is on the out
side he becomes restless and refuses
to eat.
Leads Roll of Honor.
W. J. Homer, general agent of the
Indiana Stato Life Insurance Compa
ny, has just received a copy of the
agents' roll of honor, issued by the
head office for May. Mr. Homer's
name leads the list of 37 agents
west of Indianapolis, with $32,000
worth of Insurance written in the
month of May.
Adjusting Claims Against O. R. & N.
John B. Eddy, right-of-way and
claim agent for the O. It. & N., Is in
tho city today regarding changes
in the railroad line on Burnt river.
Mr. fcddy Is an ox-nowspaper man ot
Pendleton and was formerly a mem
ber of the stato railway commission.
Baker City Herald.
Farm Sold.
Marion O'Hara and wife have sold
to John David for $0,550, tho north
east quarter of section 12, In town
ship 4, north of range 32 east, being
land near Helix.
I 1 1 It H I 1 1 1 II I 1 1 I if
How to Prevent
T Tho spread of Infectious and
f contagious diseases Is a mnt-
' ter In which all aro interested.
In order that our customers
may have the most modorn
J method of disinfection, as well
', ! as the safest, simplest and
most reliable wo have added
to our already complete drug
stock a flno line of
Besides being an Ideal sick-
room disinfectant, It is un-
equalled in fleas. Insects of nil
kinds, etc. Seo them in our
window and come In and let T
us. toll you more about it.
Lauding DrugiriHtH
limiHIIHII I I HtitH
Largest Bond Required Was for $17,-
500; Smallest for $2,000 Others In
the Business Have Not Yet Made
Application Work In Progress at
the Poor Farm.
The county court convened yester
day for tho regular monthly term,
and the matter of tho bonds for the
warehouses and mills ns provided by
the new law which went Into effect
the first of tho month was considered.
It proved to be n bono of contention
for n wlillo, but was at last ndjusted
In nn equitable manner. Some of
tho commissioners wanted to put a
bond of double the volume of yearly
business on each warehouse, holding
that since In the fixing of bonds for
administrators they were placed at
twlco the valuation of tho estate It
was proor to put a like bond on a
concern that held In trust tho wheat
of another. Had this been uonc the
bonds of some of tho warehouses
would have footed closo to $1,500,000.
However, the matter was finally fixed
so thnt all of tho men who were in
the business could find money
enough to furnish their bonds, and
the application of a number of them
were looked over and approved and
filed. Tho bonds filed yesterday were
as follows: Puget Sound Warehouse
Company, $15,000; Northwestern
varehouse Company, $1,500; Pacific
Coast Elevator Company, $17,500;
Interior Warehouse Company, $17,
500; David Taylor, $2,500; C. F.
Coicsworthy, $2,000; Pendleton Roller
Mills. $7,500; Kerr, Glfford & Co.,
There are yet a number of tho mills
and warehouses of the county thnt
have not made application for their
licenses, and they will be allowed as
they come in.
Tho court is now engaged in audit
ing the lulls of the last month and
looking over the construction going
on at the poor farm.
Agent of the O. R. & N. Claims It is
Altogether Too High.
Ahio S. Watt, of Portland, the tax
agent of the O. R. & N. Co., was in
the city today, and while here called
on the office of tho county assessor.
In the estimation of the gentleman
the assessment on the property of the
company in thiB city is too high, and
he called to talk the matter over.
He holds that it Is excessive to tax
tho 20 acres comprising the yards of
the company In this city in the same
ratio as the suroundlng property, for
the reason that the land is not hold
in absolute title by the company. Tho
ground upon which the yards and
buildings are situated was, at the
time when tho railroad took posses
sion of It, government reservation
land, and it was given to the com
pany as a grant as long ns they should
maintain the line and the consequent
buildings upon It, but as soon as the
company ceases to operate a railroad
lino over tho property it reverts to
the government and ceases to be the
property of tho railroad company.
For this reason Mr. Watt thinks
that the land should bo scaled In as
sessment valuation. The property in
question Is a tract of 20 acres in the
city upon which the station houses
and yards of the company aro con
structed. It was assessed at $20,000
by the assessor, and this sum is taken
to bo excessive by the company.
It is probablo that the assessment
of tho whole property of tho company
in the county will be taken to tho
board ot equalization by the agents of
the company. They claim that tho
valuation of $12,000 a mile which
was put on tho roadbed is too high,
and will nttempt to have It scaled to
$4,000 by the board. At this time tho
other matter will perhaps como up
for consideration of the adjusting
Nnstallatlon of Entirely New Corps
of Officers Last Night.
Integrity Lodgo No. 02, I. O. O. F..
met In regular session last night at
their hall and It being tho first meet
ing of tiio now term, tho officers for
tno ensuing year were installed by
Georgo W. Brown, D. D. G. M., as tho
installing omcer.
The officers elected and Installed
were: S. A. Nowburg, N. G.; W. H.
McCormach, V. G.; T. F. Howard, sec
retary; Max Baer, treasurer; Philip
Aicunan, warden; J. F. Seals, con.
ductor; A. E. Hascall, I. G,; A M,
Erb, It. S. N. G.; J. D. Brown, I
S. N. G.; Edward C. Peterson, R, S.
V. G.; O. F. Steole, L. S, V. G.; W.
L. Bowlsby, R. S. S.; and W. F,
Marsh, L. S. S.
Lineup of Both Teams Is Given Be
lowGame Begins at 3 O'clock.
Tho two teams which will meet on
the baseball diamond on the nftor
noon of July 4th at 3 o'clock aro
practicing hard, and the men have
boon shakon into tholr positions, and
aro fast getting into condition. Tho
line-up of tho teams shows some
good players, who will givo a good
exhibition of tho national gnmo when
tno gong sounds for tho fray to com
mence on Saturday afternoon. Tho
men will lino un about as follows.
though tho batting ordor has not yet
been dotormineu on:
Clerks Jerry King, p; Baum, e;
Clint Brown, lb; R. Stott, 2b; W.
Holler, 3b; Taylor, ss; Bonney, cf;
Ralph Coon, If; C. Wall, rf.
Wonders Ed Dupuls. p; Cronln,
c; Froomo, lb; Alexander, 2b; Hart
man, 3b; Kruger, ss; J. Cox, cf;
O'Hara, If; Drake, if.
H. H. Hill, of Athena, is In the city
today on n short visit.
W. S. Gilbert, of Mapleton, Or., is
In the city for a visit.
R. P. Tufts, of Juniper, Is in vi.e
city today on n business trip.
J. C. Hnnnn, of Meacham, Is in the
city on a short business trip.
U E. Therkelsen went to Echo this
morning on a short business trip.
W. J. Homer went to La Grnndo
last evening on a brief business trip.
Henry Blackmail, of Hoppnor, is at
tno Pendleton for a short visit In the
W. W. Robbing, a mining man of
Sumptor, is In the city on a business
Miss Jessie Harden, of Athena, Is
in the city for a short visit with
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. M. Richmond, of
Weston, are visiting Pendleton
Mrs. H. E. Cook returned last night
from a visit to friends and relatives
In Portland.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Johns, of Sump
tor, nre In the city for n visit with
friends here.
W. M. McKenzie, of Athena, was in
the city yesterday for a short visit
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Boiken, of
Athena, are at the Penuieton for a
short visit in the city.
Miss Fay Bongle and her brother.
William, have gone to Portland for a
visit with relatives and friends.
Ahio S. Watt, the tax agont of the
O. R. & N., Is In tho city in the
interest of the affairs of his company.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Salisbury have
gone to their farm nenr Vinson for
a couple of months' life in tho conn
Mrs. F. W. Schmidt has ret'irnet!
frcm a visit at Baker City waive she
went to visit at the home of her
T. H. Crawford, a lawyer of Union,
was in the city yesterday on legal
business, going on to Spokane this
Mrs. John Kees returned this
morning from Turner, where she haft
been attending the state meeting of
tho Christian church.
David Taylor, of Athena, tin; fath
er of T. D. Taylor, of this city, was a
visitor In the city yesterday, shaking
hands with old friends and visiting
with his son.
Rev. Brooks, of tho Christian
church of this city, returned this
morning from Turner, where ho has
been in attendance on the annual
meeting of the church held at UiM
Famous the World
It Is a device forming a part of tho Underwood Typewriter, thnt
marvclously simplifies tho work of mnking out bills, filling in of
blank forms, getting up of statistics, lists of nnmes, In fact, any
form of writing that is arranged In columns.
As tho written page on tho Undorwoou is always In full sight ot
the user, no letter or word being covered up nt nny time, the valuo
of tho tabulator, when applied to the Underwood Typewriter, is ap
parent. This feature alone gives double value to tho Underwood.
No extra charge is mndo for tho tabulator; it Is not an attachment,
but an integral part of the machine. Tho entire operation of tho
tabular mechanism !' controlled by one koy. Eyesight does the
rest. Tho most complicated form can be easily, quickly and accur
ately followed, because you always see what yon are doing.
The Underwood Tabulutor Is solidly framed In tho machine, nnd
does not "rack" the Instrument. It is provided with an automatic
brake, which governs tho movement of the carriage perfectly.
The Underwood "brakes" the Tabulator. : : : : :
: : : : Other
$ flSK Tor K&nm
They are
I Spices, Teas, Extracts
rTnl nBCAAM.
Nine and Elcven-Year-Old Brothers
Place Obstructions on the O. R. &
N. Track Just to See the Engines
and Cars Jump Will Probably Be
Sent to Reform School.
Tho county jail often shelters men
of nil kinds those who are Innocoiit
and those who nre guilty, but now it
has two children of nature puro and
simple. Rnggctl of clothes nnd un
kempt, they nro ns wild ns tho goats
or tho mountnln nnd nB untrained ns
the herds thnt roam tho plains.
Wlllaco' and Olnco Mlllor nre the
two suns or J. W. Miller, n man who
lives In Spring Hollow, a llttlo place
about one nnd n holf miles enst of
Wnlltila Junction. They nro llttlo
liovs. one about 0 years old. nnd tho
other about 11, and since their baby
hood they have run wild in tho sago
brush aim sand ot tho country whoro
their fnthor lives, without a mother s
guidance or euro. As a result they
have but little Idea of the fitness of
things and aro wild and untamed.
Tliov have lived out on the plains
willi their father, and while ho was
awnv nt work they havo lived alone
nnd 'have been loft to tholr own do
vices. In time they beenme unruly,
and nt Inst would refuse to obey tholr
father, and at tho least provocation
would run away from homo and llvo
In the open like robbers of old.
Willie on one or these expeditions
they wnndered to the railroad track
and watched the trains paBS along.
At this point the trains run very
rapidly, nnd this aroused the curios
ity or tho hoys, so In ordor to seo
what would happen they put a splko
on the rail. The fast passenger
enme along In n few moments and
Jumped like n bronco, much to the
delight of the boys nnd tho conBtor
natlon of the onglnemen.
The next train along was a freight,
and this ran Into a combination of
large rail holts and nuts thnt nearly
ditched the train. This happened
several times, nnd slow orders were
given to nil of the trains over thnt
part of the road, but still tho obstruc
tions were found on the track each
So a man was sent to tho place and
after watching for a time caught tho
boys as they were in the act of put
ting Hplkos on tho track. They were
If you uo Grain-0 in place of
coffee you will enjoy it just as
much for it tastes tho same; yet, it
:s like a food to the system, dis
tributing; the full substance of the
pure grain with every drop.
Alcrnccrr cvi-rywhero; 15c and 25c. jwrpaekago.
Over Fully Matured.
"break" the machlneo
Pendleton, Oregon
the Taste"
Lreaan Brand of
Once Used
nnn nnnnrl PnnVnn.no
in one pound packages
and Baking Powder
ft SPICE Co.,
.: I ---' mm
hold for tho Bherlff, and Mr. Taylor!
,.,nnt nftnt ihnm VfintnrflBV aflAnifum I
bringing thorn to tho Jail last night.
ml 111 1.-. 41 . 1
incy win uu iuuu uuiuto mu euuniyj
Judgo and in all probability will bo.
ann tn thn rnfnrm. nr.hnnl nn I
Ullb - . , u UIU l
fathor has sent a lottor to tho sheriff I
I Al.-A 1. .. 1. n n 1 . 1 I . . I
saying iui nu hub iubi uu control I
ovor them. i
Tho boys are tho pots ot tho jail,
all the prlBonors thoro Joining in gly
i , i. .1 . 1 ... n mi.
ing muni buuu lima. i nvy nave ;
l.nnn Imrhnrnd nnrl wnnlimt nml nlnnn
clothes will bo given thorn. Tho In- (
mntna nf Min tail Imvn rnknrl nn frnm
some quarter or nnothor some mar-1
. .1 t II t
nics anu u ihii, aim iiiu uoys are ..av
Ing tho tlmo of tholr Uvea.
Entertained by Mrs. Lowell.
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Congroga
tional church, spent a plonsnnt after
noon with Mrs. S. A. Lowoll yester
day. Thoro wcro a goodly number
presont, working and planning for a
future salo. Tho hostoss sorved de
llclous refreshments to those presont.
Sam Parsons, deputy city marshal
of Contrnlln, WaBh., was shot and
killed Wednesday by P. Smith, an In-'
snno man, whom lie was trying to ar-'
rest. I
In all Departments of oar Store all
tnis weeK. All who trade at on
Store understand this means cheaper
than yoa can boy the same grade of
goods elsewhere.
I W. J. CLARKE & Co. 211 courtai
t !
The Big J
50 Pieces, SO yards to the piece
2,500 Yards
Japanese, Fine j
WAS! sir
Lettet Pri
Black, White and a
Somewher, -
mouse r,.!- ".
FwprtmeBU. 3'
111 RIIVAf TV .
Purse, hut ..!.;
61 Cent . ... : "i
-m a pound nt.fA -"
tionallv i...t 1
makes nn4 lt
Some Nbui ru.
Trout Fishing j
as every devotee of the rod fa
requires not only consnmiiil
but the very best or Ucue,i
ruie noms gooa wiin uj I
sport with rod and ml: tt
get your supplies at W. J.0
whose stock of rods, licea.il
riys, reels, baskett, nets, will
otner essentials necewaij it a
complished flahtrman, cukH
upon as the bnt tbatmwa