East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1903, Image 5

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1C8 pi
-j. tiro inner for thn miKl?A fiJ .i
doCS DO i n"- o , w uuu out mo
l tiRiu j-j -j unju uum mi' nnr
fv atolv and we expect to draw the procession here
rd3 if "prices will do it. The following are good
-a few clays amy.
WS CANVASS SHOES in light and dark grey, nicely lined,
. -minror anil hr-iv Inn n.K.VI. .l
,1 substantia- tiu...-. ...iiv.ii uuius me snoe in
tuny '"cui iucui jiui weamer snoe, special
$1.35 and $1.50
U'S and BOYS' SHOES in colt skin, box calf, vici kid, latest
lanes and styles. The good looking serviceable kind that you
illv paj 3 and 3 5o for, special value $2.50
I, METTELTON'S Patent Leather Blnche
Ithine later or niuic aiyiiaii, CBU1" l
r, somethinc swell.
special value . . ..$5
nARANTEED Patent Loll bkin one of the late stylish leath-
k regular $5. special value $4
City Brevities
Lets' supplies at Neuman's.
Sharp's artistic wall paper.
lie. horses and sheep. Wade.
Lr tables fo and up. Rader's.
the best bread, get Rohrman s.
te for rent, Inquire or Chris
-I. rnnnl waA n
kt fall to read the Underwood
niter aJ In tins .ssue.
the Palm. 221 Court street,
Kits, candies and fruits.
rtr different styles ot extension
; from 5 to $30. Rader's.
I SIdelo," the best cigar made, at
cigar store. Court street.
kinds of Imported and domestic
Castle's for Iresh fish.
$50 given away. See page i.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
See Sharp for paper hanging.
lroners wanted at the Domestic
No extra charge for tabulator on
the underwood.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
House to rent, enquire L. E. Pen
land, 205 Willow street.
Harmonicas, 5c to 76c, five dozen
good air guns, 95c. Nolf's,
U C Rader about that $50 worth of
furniture he Is giving away.
Received daily, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's,
Rest stock ranches In Camas "Pra
irie, 160 to 1,000 acres. Wade.
Wanted Mlddle-aced woman for
es and clam chowder at Gratz's. housework. Apply at this office,
id business chances on Main . See Charles Lane about your paint-
Court streets. Low rents. Wade. ng and paper hanging; 807 Vincent
n't let cigars get the best of you 1 street.
the best of cigars. Hanlon s. Good house, 5 rooms, 2 lots, shade
ckfmith shop In Pendleton for trees, lawn, east front, good location,
i,ouu. waae.
For Sale High grade bicycle in
perfect condition at a bargain. En
quire at this office.
Highest market price paid for all
kinds of .scrap Iron. Rlgby-Clove
See Earnhart, Association
and below cost, all summer, mil-
especially patterns. Mrs.
hou want vacant lots, come and
I put up a scientific game.
) body Admission 50c.
us. We never quit till we suit -ianuiaciunng company.
Wade I For Rent Two cottages, good lo-
tch game of billiards at Mint cation, suitable for small family. In-
u tomorrow evening at 8. J. W. , quire at 100 Bluff street.
T en-cliampion of California, vs. Estimates given on short notice on
ge Hlnes of Chicago. Both gen-1 uaintlne and paper hanging. Charles
ien are experts with the cue -and Lane, the pioneer painter, 807 Vln-
Come I cent street.
, Good meat In summer must be
1 taken care of. That's the kind you
, get at Hansen's, Alta street, opposite
1 Savings Bank.
Mr. Silas H. Soule, representing
. Soule Bros." Piano Co., Portland, will
be In Pendleton July 7th. Pleass
.. m , , . leave orders for tuning at Tallman &
ma you win find n0 sliCh assort-1 .. .,
lot rings of all kinds as we carry ' l""b ""c'
e prices as always, are tne low-' Baer & Daley, the one pneo cloth
ever , lug merchants, have commenced
1 their great sacrifice sale on summer
Y R,Nre ,, , , .....J clothing. Do you need a suit for the
1 kings Lots of cute little .,.. ,. fr,,m
ones frnm Kti. i m rouriii 11 juu u ."'
uues. irom 50c to $3.00. ... , , ',iiPR nn K,,lt T ie r
ad speaks for them.
DIES' RINGS in your
setting, or rf imliinnHnu
12.00 to $75.00.
favorite ,
JDDING RINGS Stvln doesn't
nge much In wedding rings,
t you do want mmlltv WpII
)'Jii ran get It here.
Suit for Divorce.
Franklin Ellis has filed suit for dt
vnrfp fniniiuh his attorney. Peter
WW niralnat Mellnda Ellis. The
nnrtlprt were married in Missouri in
March. 1872, and have five children.
The plaintiff alleges desertion as the
cause for action.
Only 29 Men and Three Teams Work.
ng n fresent Ditch Has to Be
Walled as Dug. on Account of the
Work on tlu
lns !!? r"l,Ill,' 8 could tm expected,
7. , "s ,no atro of the ground,
which Is the old bed of the Umatilla
ier aim is most all clear gravel,
Work was begun near thi O. n.
i. railway bridge below the baseball
grounus ana at the present tlmo
there has been 1500 feet of the largo
ini'i- mm. u is n tedious Job for all
of the ditch has to be walled up from
the top to the bottom to keep the
Bimei irom cavinc In on the work-.
men and filling the cut as fnst as it is
The cut m far has been deep from
the start-off, ranging from seven to
v.is leet and most of this HUtnnm
has readied water so that the work
nas uecn retarded by It and made
slower than It otherwise would have
In constructing a sewer It is neces
sary for the work to be started at the
nwr onu so that all of the water that
Is struck can be drained on as the
work progresses, otherwise the water
would gather in the trench to such
an extent that the pipe could not bo
laid. For this reason the men were
started on the lower end of the works
and are working up the lino. On the
deep cuts they are making an aver
age of 70 feet a day though on some'
days as much as SO feet have been
laid, and on others as little as 50 feet.
There are 3,000 feet of the 20-Inch
pipe to be laid before tho branch
work will be reached. Ot this dis
tance thero is 150 feet that will range
from four to 7.G feet In depth and
the rest will go from seven to 11 feet,
the deepest part being on tho prem
ises of the Chinese gardener, One
Lung. When this main line is laid
the work will be done much faster
for the contractors will put from 50
to CO men to work on the cross sec
tions and as the pipe will be much
smaller and the trench consequently
less in size, more ground can bo cov
ered in a given length of time.
William M. Preston Is the foreman
on the construction work and has
now 29 men and three teams on the
ditch. He has all of the men that he
can handle al this time, for only sol
many men can work to advantage on
such a ditch as ho is at the present
The men are easy to get, but teams
are scarce and it Is almost Impossi
ble to hold a team for any length of
time. All of the men who have 'cams 1
to work want to go to tho country
to work In the harvest and the works
have to depend mostly on tho tran
sient men who come here and want
to work a week and then seek an
other job. It has been hard to get
the pipe and other material for this
The contractors are paying $4 for
teams and $2 for a nine-hour day to
the men, and at this figure men are
sometimes hard to find for they do
not like the deep work wheie the
walls are liable to cave in on them
and in preference will take a Job
where the work pays less, but where
the risk Is not so great.
It is thought that the ground all of
the way from the start to the finish
of the ditches is of the same class of
soil that is now being worked, and if
this Is so the work will take much
longer to complete for all of it has to
be timbered before the ditch can be
sunk lower than three or four feet.
However, the work Is well In hand
and the contract will bo finished by
tho expiration of the time allowed in
the contract.
It pays to trad at The Peoples Warehouse
If yon haven't bought yonr
Summer Suit
or want to buy another
there has been no time
this year, nor
Will There Be
that is better than now
Summor suits at $1, $1.50,
$2,50 and np to $7.50 each
Pants, $1.50 to $5 per pair
Coats end Pants
Some at $10
Others at $12
For workmanship, fit and
style they cannot be ex
celled. Gome and see for
A good deal of money for a
poor salt, but sot much for a
Good One
H. S. & M
Olothing has all the style,
snap and fit of a olty tailored
suit nt about one half the
We have thorn as good as any
man needs and we absolntoly
guarantee a lit AND satisfac
tion or yonr money cheerfnlly
Boys' Clothing
We have everything In tho lino, biglnning In Wash
Suits, three years 6O0 and up to the ffr)
twenty year old lad Goat, Pants and .nll
Vest lor W-7
But no matter whloh you choose you'll find that quality consid
ered you have the very best to bo found bocause wo guarantee
Tho samo thing for less
money, or a better thing
for the same money
Marriage License Issued.
Two marriage licenses were issued
from the county clerk's office, one
yesterday afternoon and one today.
The first was issued to James H.
Metzker and Minerva J. unapiiiuii.
the second to Harry Davidson
' Bertha E. Harris.
over's Skin Soap p ,
w f fan for Ihlieity 'V 3Ut
Paper '-' he, t ppr
lo, il enrelopes nr
Sei Salt "e H it in bulk or r
r-itBgt, per pouud...
Soap BarJj lor removing dirt
Sewing Machine Oil Jr'Z?0it
Root Beer Kr'mpiy
dclictoui, per fln
T ,, with Nut Urealng.
Ice Cream o"r ii, Crem u
aperlor article for
Brown's Tree Soap lSVi'Zc
M VcVKfoTnorJniVd -O
'S nttis from Mla Street toward the Court Hoiwe
Chinese Restaurant Sold.
Mrs. Nettle Burt, an experienced
restaurant manager, has purchased
tho "Gilt Edge" lunch counter, locat
ed at 222 Kast Court street, which
has been conducted for some time
by Chinese. Mrs, Hurt will Improve
the establishment In many ways, and
will inako It a neat, attractive placo
for the accommodation of tier patrons.
James II. Metzker and .Minerva J.
Chapman, both of North Pendleton,
were married yesterday evening at 8
o'clock at the residence of (1. T.
Meeker, Key. O. W. lllgby offlclatlnt:
Bureau of Forestry Has Planted 100,
000 Seedlings The Work to Con
tinue This Summer,
One hundred acres of land In the
sand hills of the Ulsmal Itlver Forest
Heserve. Neb., were planted tills
spring by the bureau of forestry. On
SO acres 100,000 pine seedlings were
set out: the other 20 acres were sow
ed with seed. The'work will continue
this summer. The nursery will be
enlarged so as to cover two acres,
which will hold 2,000,000 seedlings.
The bureau Intends to Increase tho
bIzo of tho nursery gradually so as to
make It grow enough seedling trees
every year to furnish sufficient stock
for planting. It Is intended ultimate
ly to turn the whole of the Niobrara
and Dismal Hiver reserves, which are
now barren sand hills, into forest oy
planting. The Dismal Itlver reserve
includes 80,000
boundaries of the Niobrara reserve
will be made this summer by U. J. S,
Moore, of the bureau of forestry.
"Alexander the Great" Written Spec
ially for These Princes of Tragedy.
Louis James and Frederick Wnrdo
will not appear In Snakespeurenn
roles next season, as has been their
time-honored custom, hut In an en
tirely new play written by Collin
Kemper and Rupert Hughes, and
based upon tho life of Alexander the
Qreat. Plans for the now play weru
formed more than a year ugo, tho
first draft having been completed In
April, 1S02.
The linn I revision having been
completed lust week, nothing remain
ed but to secure tho approval of tho
stars. Yesterday Mr. James camo
from Long Branch, nnd .Mr. Wardo
from White Ijiko to hear It read, and
their enthusiasm, both as regards the
play and their ieseetlvo roles, was
"Alexander tho Great," which Is the
title of the now play, has been fram
ed solely with Mr. James and Mr,
Wardo In view, but for ull mat, his
torical data has been followed with
more or less fidelity. Tho title role
will fall to Mr. James, and Mr.
Warde will appear as Pcrdlccas, n
character which. In its relation to
the main theme of the play, may bo
likened to that of lago.
Tho difficulties in so constructing
the play that each of meso well
known players should apcal to their
respective Individual following in an
absolutely distinctive manner, wero
vary great; but tho authors are confi
dent that this much desired end has
been attained. The subject Is said
to have been handled with due regard
to classic traditions, and every op
portunity has been seized to make it
entertaining from a pictorial stand
point. It will Involve a massive pro
duction and a very large acting com
pany. The new play will be given
its first production In Chicago.
Use the Combined Harvester,
I will sell one good as new nnd
guaranteed to do the work, for les
than one-halt tho original cost; also
choice of two good headers, ready for
ttio tlehl, with four new header beds.
Will take cutting In payment. Also
an A-No, 1 steam thri'shlng outfit
complete, consisting of a now 20-horso-powcr
Russell engine and 33
Inch sepurutor with blower, livery
thing ready for the season In good
shape, at a very low figure. For par
ticulars, enquire of C. A, Huiigato,
202 Second street, Walla Walla.
Ilnselmll, Ilusehall. Baseball,
Baseball, Baseball,
July (tli, 3 p, in,
Pairs of New
Governor Chamberlain has Issued
a circular against carelessness In
leaving campflres burning In tho
mnnnfolna Tim Rm axtr la nAW VArV
acres, the Niobrara strict and officials are determined to (
reserve 120,000, A survey of the prosecute offender!.
Do you want to sea them?
Glad to show them
Boston Storo
Fireworks and Flags
i i Roman Candles 5c. Loudest
Firecrackers on earth for 5 cents
per package. Skyrockets 10 cents
a dozen. Flower Pots and Col
ored Mines 5c, toe and 15c each
Blank Books
Another new line lias just reached
us. A lull set ol extra debit
ledgers, Counter hooks, from
5c up.
Another Shipment. Carpet and
warehouse brooms, 39c to 50c. A
very complete line to select from.
Whisk Uroouis ioc to 34c,
Full Line, of
Custom Mad Ihm
$2.50 to $4.00
'Best Dollar
In town
Judil lllok, Court Midguts .
oDIce, lrs bundle of oewspapers, cm
dining oyer 100 big ptpari en M ou
tlined for 33 eioti a buatflt,