Published every afternoon (eicept Sunday) at Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tlione, Main 11. SUI1SCISI1T10N ItATtiS. Daily, one year v mall ?3.00 Dnlly, six months by mall 2.50 Dally, three months by mall I.Jo Dally, one month by mall CO Dally, per month by cnrrler Oj Weekly, one year by mall l.BO Weekly, six months by mall io Weeklr, four months by mall 00 Seml-Veekly, one year by mall .... 2.00 Semi-Weekly, sir months by mall .. 1.00 Semi-Weekly, three months by mall .. .BO The Kast Oreconlan Is on sale at Ft. It. Illeh'8 News Stands at Hotel Portland and Hotel Perkins, l'ortland, Oregon. Member ScrlppsMcllae News Associa tion. San Francisco Bureau, 40S Fourth St. Chicago Bureau, 000 Security Building. Washington, D. C. Bureau, 501 Hth St., K. W. Entered nt Tendleton postofflec ns second class matter. Be careful what rubbish you j toss in the tide, j On outgoins billows it drifts from your sight, I But back on the incoming waves j it may ride j And land at -your threshold again before night. Bo careful what rubbish you toss in the tide. j Be careful what follies you toss i on life's sea. On bright dancing billows they drift far away. But back to the Nemesis tides they may be Thrown down at your thresh- , oiu some unwelcome day. ' Be careful what follies you loss in youth's sea. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, i I The third term bugaboo has no terrors for President Diaz, oi Mexico, who is nominated for his seventh term. Japan Is not satisfied with the Manchurian situation and talks war. Talk, in Japan, as elsewhere. Is very, very cheap. The Northwest wheat yield for 1802 was 41,078,000 bushels, and less than 2,000,000 bushels of that crop now re main unsold. The new crop has a clean granary. Gold duBt amounting to $0,000 was obtained from beating the carpets in the minting room at the San Francis co mint this week. Not many car pets aro worth their weight in gold. The St. Louis street car men have decided to strike on July 4, unless their demands are granted. This is a number on the celebration program not arranged by the committee on sports. Out of fourteen circuit judges in Oregon, three of them hold over until the election of 1900. These hold-overs are Judge Ellis, of the Sixth district and Judges Sears and George of Portland. The get-rich-quick fever has reach ed the Philippines. A native doctor is under arrest for imposing upon his unsuspecting brethren with a scheme equally as brilliant as the American product. cause a reduction in the prices. The experience of last winter will cause men to hesitate to start In with more stock than feed. In all the history of disasters In the United States, the response of the people to the needy sufferers was never so great as in the Hoppner cloudburst. Beforo tho people could recover from the first shock, money and assistance began to jiour in, and has continued every day since. It is tho greatest possible tribute to the American's open heart and hand. The drunk Indian Is going to cause trouble In Pendleton sooner or later. There are too many men ready to risk the danger for the small price. As long as Indians can get whiskey with money, that danger is present. The worthless white men who peddle it out to them are worse than the In dian. If the law cannot reach them, it is time to ascertain the reason. The costly lessons of tho past should prompt campers In tho moun tain districts to be careful of their fires. It is a violation of the law to leave fires burning or In any way en danger the forests or private proper ty by building fires in unsafe places or letting them get beyond control. The state lost over $4,000,000 worth of forests last year and the misfor tune must not be repeated. manifest in tho abundant donnuona pouring In for tho sufferers, who are especially In distress, and thore is no Insurance to assist them. From "The Recent Floods of the Mlddto West, by Charles M. Hargor, in the Ameri can Monthly Ilevlew of Itevlews for July. SONGS OF THE SHIPYARD. "Mother may I go out to combine!" ' Yes, mv darling dnughtor. Sell your stock at eighty-nine, And fill your stocks with water.' 1.1-hn an I Chnilcs weir u: the street With forty millions of water; The floods swejit Charlos oft his foot And Charles came grumbling after. Sine a song of sixpence. Here's the stock to buy: Four nnd twenty shipyards Baked in a pie. When the pie waB opened There wns no end of trouble; Nothing In that pretty dish Hut iridescent bubbles. New York Evening Post. An appropriation or $5,250,000 has been mane for a new nnd more effec tive police system In European Rus sia, more especially designed to se cure protection to lives nnd property In the districts where the Jewish population is the heaviest. The alarming Increase ders and robberies on Coast makes thoughtful citizens shudder for the safety of the commu nity. There are too many men with out visible occupation living In every city in the country. Too many of them are engaged in the secret work of ascertaining who, in the communi ty hns ready money, which may be obtained by the easy metnod of for gery or the next step a knock on the head in the dark. The law abid ing people of every community should insist that every doubtful man give some evidence of his occupation, or move on. It is the only safeguard left by which the Innocent may 1k protected. The minister who resigned his pa's- torate at Seattle this week and went to work In a sawmill, because he thinks the tendency of the church is nward moral stagnation, has taken coward's position. If every minis ter should do this, there would be no one left In the pulpits to fight against moral stagnation. Every man is honor bound to do his best to improve the conditions around him, nnd the higher his position the greater his responsibility. It is cowardly to flee from a duty, no matter how irksome it may become. The way to encour age wrong and moral stagnation is to run away from them. The way to check them Is to stand your ground and make a fight. Three thousand tons of Oregon flour is going to Japan on an Oregon steamer next week. This does not sound like Oregon is a frontier set tlement. She holds an enviable place among tho commercial factors of the world. The specie of harmony which reigned In the Iowa republican con vention yesterday may be judged from tbe statements of the press that not a person prearranged by tho bosses to be temporary officers of the convention, was chosen by the dele gates. The collapse of the shipbuilding trust is a natural result of its fraudu lent capitalization. It was two-thirds water and was soaked in bogus stock values from its inception. Schwab as head of the steel trust unloaded one steel plant valued at seven mil Hon, for thirty million dollars, upon, it and a like accompaniment of II uanclal corruption has followed its entire career. The scarcity of hay in some of the Eastern Oregon ratfge districts Is go ing to have a tendency to make stock cattle cheaper this fall than last. Many small herds or cattle will be sold down to the capacity of the hay crop and .this will Inevitably TEARFUL OR CHEERFUL? Whether a woman is tearful or cheer ful depends not on what she has materi al W. hut what she is Dhvsicallv. Many , , , an indulgent husband is driven almost of foul mur- j tQ lespak tne tearful outburst of the Pacific wfe who has "every thing she wants." He wants to know what's the matter, llut the wife can't tell. She only knows that she is de pressed and despondent. Such a condition is usuallv re lated to some form of womanlv disease. The mental depression has its corresponding womanly weakness. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription changes tearful women to cheerful women by curing the diseases which cause phys ical weakness nnd depression of spirits. It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulcera tion, and cures female weakness. Sir. Alice Adatm. of laboratory, Washing ton Co.. l'a., says ; " With many thank I write to let you know how 1 am. 1 can say by God's help and vour help I am well. 1 have taken six bottles of'Dr Tierce's Havorile Trccnptiou and two of hi - Golden Mttlical Discover'.' ana' can do all ray work I cau't praise your medi cine too highly. I will recommend your medi cine as lontr ns I live. If anyone doubts this give them my ddreM." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong and sick women wen. Each year sees more and more money expended by states in the edu cation of farmers. The great sciences that surround the art of agriculture are being more thoroughly demon strated year by year. Oregon spends about $50,000 per year on her agricul tural schools and experiment stations. The sole purpose of this exiiendlture is to broaden tho possibility and lighten the load of the farming com munity, by introducing scientific methods into the management of tlie farm, and the handling of products. Education is just as necessary in handling a farm successfully, as in handling a bank. The people are coming to recognize this fact and the efforts of tho state to supply that ed ucation are fully appreciated. FLOOD LOSSES IN KANSAS. Accept no substitute for the medicine winch for weak works wonders women. Keep the bowels healthy by the timely use of Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. The dally papers greatly exaggerate ed the losses to farmers. It was as sumed that something llko a third of Kansas and as large a portion of Iowa and Missouri were devastated. In the first-named state was the great est loss. For 200 miles, over a strip of valley land two to five miles wide, tho water rushed for five days. In tho currents the crops are gone. Not more than one-half of this was tilled land, on which crops were wiped out. If tho crop loss amounts to $3,000,000 tliu probable maximum, it will be but a trifle In a state which markets $220,000,000 of farm products annu ally. A dozen towns lost from $35,000 to $100,000 each. Topoka's loss by far the largest, proportionately of any of the afflicted communities probably was $1,000,000 or more. Here was the greatest los of life 71. In Kansas City the property loss Is greatest on tbe railroads, and will reach to 7, 000,000 or more. The losses farther down the streams Is lighter, propor tionately, because of the preparation time given. The governor of Kansas Issued an appeal for aid for the thous ands who lost homes and property. The generosity of the nation has boen I I If You Haven't Spunk and energy enough to sit right down this minute and write for our catalogue we're afraid you're not suited for a business life. This may be the best chance you have ever had. Don't waste it. We educate you practically for business and get you a position when competent. A postal card will bring full particulars. Isn't it worth your While to write now be fore you forget it. Behnke-Walker Business College rortliinil,!Oi'eii Believing the Bniltli-Preiuler the most popular typewriter on eirtb, we have purchased 25 ma chines for our new school Bargains m Did You Ever? No You Never! What, Never? No, Never! have Pendleton people had n chance to get 1 FURNITURE SO CHEAP In order to got some lines at the prices we t bought, we were compelled to etock heavier than our room will justify, and we now find f niiroAlvs overstocked. Therefore, in order to reduce stock, and get the cash we nocd fo badly, we have decided that for one week, Commencing SATURDAY, JUNE 27th, w wjg offer FURITURE at PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF IN PENDLETON Seeing is believing. Stop in and see, and in cidentally see about that $50.00 worth of furniture we are giving away. New car of furniture just received. Come early and get choice bargains. M. A. RADER Main and Webb Streets i mi n run a We hnvo ti. . VOL in Real ESate some nice home, 00 SO rl. f!U:.. vuiiira u. "uit Land acre to 160, 160 tracts from 12,000. in m i in iii i in i ii i- r narntuar c.. i; or oqnm Wo .U T.l. i "win la aiiKiiiru NORMS & ROWE'S BIG SHOW TENTED AMUSEMENT ENTER FULFILLS EVERY PROMISE THE ONE GREAT TAINMENT THAT Well Exhibit In Pendleton Tuesday, July 7th Performance at 2 and 8 p I Real Estate I have a larger and better list of Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coming wheat eection of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley vciiuicLuii rjflii hum i umivr i T r IVUIiLM i UU LOOK AI Pomllotnn Roil Mil C-rnnm i h p II nE. Slant ' ml and 2 lotMM 1 C-room dwelling and tn fntllv shaded lawn $2,G00. H-room hoarding house ifniiiiu unci hue. m Blde-1,:50. $125 to $150 eact. 1 lot ou flat, five Uocb street. S5lH). Other ka vacli, IV lor 6iuc, n Come anil buy. To find Just Mt V i rlslit lirlce. see , C. D. BOYD. I" TD II STORA . Telepww r nt 1PS III uuj """"" JiUV Buggy . .r.-lll ana NEW GREAT SPECTACULAR STREET PARADE AT 10.30 A. M. - PERFORMING ANIMALS 1 Consisting of Trained Elephants, Camels, Llinias. Lions, Pumas. Seals, Sea Lions, Zebras, Monkeys, Ponies, Etc, 500 lirkall ... mttf inr ii m W . -M Pitt orderms .., i Mirvn- First '' $3.00 per J Chnn. Olympian HippodromeCostly Zoology Annex Sensational Cycle Whirl Bicycle Experts Royal Matruda Troupe of Japanese Performers. Marvelous Acrobats, .Aerialists, Tumblers and Contautionists. 20 Rollicking, Romping, Mirth Provoking Clowns, See the Baby Camel The only one ever born in America too too - NEW SENSATIONAL FEATURES Prices: Adults 50c. Children 25. Have Yotf r Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once Delay will lead to serious breaks. First-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Pfomber. Court street, opposite tne Golden Rule Hotel RirrhV-1 HAKW to " .1. nl a l hi