East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1903, Image 2

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.l pn,.nlmnnr lin III fl I HUTU I s"-"" """"Tafl FSSS
r mm k m h k h an mm u i i "a
Cut Prices on
Summer Clothing
ill' A r ; &
J -rim rAM
;- -vs-. -a
I One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
I 1. 1 1 1 iMM"H 1111 M"M"l 1 M 1 I M
The ladles of the Congregational
church will serve Ice cream and cake
on Judge Lowell's lawn on Johnson
street, on Saturday, July 4.
There was a large Increase in the
value or German exports to the
United States during the last year,
compared with the fiscal year preced
ing. Eight hundred and ninety-six new
rural free delivery routes were put
In operation July 1. There are now
approximately 1G.O00 rural free de
livery routes.
The heaviest socialist gains in
'Germany at the recent election were
.nt Essen, the town where are located
'the Krupp gun works, and where the
umperor exerted himself most against
One result or Mayor Tom Johnson's
fight In Cleveland has been to have
the taxation list of five corporations
In that city raised $2,787,204. This
was done against the advice and con
sent of the attorney-general of the
Jonathan Clark, of Chicago, left
Ills entire estate of $2,000,000, to a
Kingle woman with whom ho became
Infatuated 23 years ago. His four
children are now seeking to have his
will broken and secure the inheri
A brisk snow storm was experienc
ed in Butte on Wednesday.
ti U'llinmnttf) Vallev Bautist As
sociation is now In session at Albl- i
Canada celebrated the 3fith anni
versary of the birth of the Dominion
confederacy. July 1.
Great distress now reigns at I-ady
smith, B. C as a result of the Duns
mulr coal mine strike.
T. R. Sterroll. wanted In Texas for
nttempted murder, lias been captur
ed In Whatcom, Wash.
Over 2,000 people attended the
meeting of Union county pioneers at
Union on Wednesday.
There are now 3,000 Idle men In
Butte, owing to the closing down of
tho Anaconda and Butto Bmolters.
Tho govornment has decided to In
crease Instead of decrease the trans
port service out or San Francisco.
Josoph A- Strobridge. a promi
nent plonoer of Portland, died Wed
nesday morning after a lingering Ill
ness. Tho n t x- K steamer Indramira
will carry a cargo or 3,000 tons of
flour from Portland to iokuiiuiuu,
next week.
wr u Tilmi)l nn Insurance man' of
Denver,' was 'arrested In Astoria
"Wednesday for doing business with
out a license, .. ...
In order to make room for our im- i
men8e line of Fall Clothing coming
we will have a $
Sacrifice Sale
on the remaining of our Summer $
Clothing. Prices speak for them-
selves: J
$10.00 Suits will go at f
$12.50 and $13.50 Suits will go at
$10.00 I
$14.00 and $15.00 Suits will go at
$12.50 I
$16.50 and $17.50 Suits will go at
$14.50 f
Boys' Clothing
All Boys' Clothing, two and three $
piece suits, knee and long pants J
will go at a discount of f
1 I 1 I 11 M"M"M"1"H"
Hotel Pendleton.
X. Selegman. Milwaukee.
A. S. Dennett. The Dalles.
P. H Dowell. Lewlston.
A. S. Watt, Portland. r
F. C. Conklln, Chicago.
E. Mansfield. St. Louis
W. R. Glendennlng. Portland.
G. I,. Hulchiu, Portland.
J. B. Bache. Seattle.
P. C. Holland, Purtland.
G. H. Hurkenumer. St. Louis.
W. D. Stephenson. St. Louis.
Fred Antewlrth, St. Louis.
H. It. Burke. San Francisco.
G. It. Ilitgle, Kansas City.
Chask Gany. San Francisco.
A. W. Barken and wife, Athena.
G. S. Youngman, Portland.
E. B. Canon, Portland.
A. S. Heatflold, Spokane.
George Stevens, Spokane.
H. L. Macey, Spokane.
William Ellery, Boston.
Bert Green, Boston,
Henry Blackmail. Hoppner.
B. B. Sweeney, Seattle.
E. W. Brigham, Boston.
Golden Rule Hotel.
H. M. Thomas, Spokane.
Hank Fanning, city.
G. D. Gnlley. Portland.
I. B. Winston. Bremerton.
H. Lawrence, Chicago.
A. E. Shech. Athena.
J. J. Harden. Athona.
E. Harden, Athena.
K. McCulloiigh, Athena.
Jessie Harden, Athena.
A. Spens. Athena.
O. M. Richmond and who, Weston.
J. Budnl, Stockton.
Miss Eastman, Echo.
W. U Davis, Portland.
E. A. Terrunco, Coltax.
N. D. Showalter, Walla Walla.
C. A. Cary, Walla Walla.
J. C. Mulchings, Walla Walla.
S. L. Franklin, Walla Walla,
M. J. Washburn, Walla Walla.
E. L. Livingstone. Walla Walla.
Charles Montgomery. Walla Walla.
Frank Durfew, Wulla Walla,
Sam Lee, Spokane.
B, Applegnte, Spokane.
J. C. Hanna, Meacham.
H, H. Hill, Athena.
R. P. Tufts. Juniper.
S, White, Freewater.
A, McKcnzle, Freewater.
M. W. Rahe, city.
W. W, Robblns, Sumptur,
A ChrlBtenson, Spoktne.
Mrs. C. J. Johns and family, Simili
E. M. Elcner, Grand Junction.
J. Wilson, Salt Lake,
E. J. Johnson, Ii Grande.
A. E. Wedge, '-Vi't Lake.
William McCollune, Athona.
B. McCollune, Athena.
W. S. Qllborl, Maploton.
Best tdioe work at Teutsch't.
I I about I mmszkJ
. daccdai t ir played I ll idisdKBSS I
OVER ELEVEN Hununtu 1 - lAaa'MKaS
Celebration Was Called Off and Fund
Sent to Sufferers N. P. Land
Agent Looking. After Interests
Hay Crop Good Ball Game Friday.
Kcho. Or.. July 1. Charles II. Mil
ler, who has charge or the raising or
funds for the teller or Henpncr, to
day forwarded to MayorGllliam 3C7,
OR, which Is the balance collected
since tlio other donation, which was
collected by O. P. Thompson, was
sent In. This, together with about
$75 which Is yet to come In, will place
Echo In the forefront or the towns
that have responded so nobly, when
we tal;e Into consideration her pop
illation. The precinct polls about
150 votes, and the amount sent to
Heppncr will reach about $1,1110.
The amount or cash sent at this time
Is $:'.07.Im. Flour, by J. H. Koontz,
15 barrels, $4fi: Overland Lodge No
23, I. O. O. P.. $100; amount raised
for paying ror transmission or mes
sages sent to many portions or the
world, hearing news or the flood, $32;
amount previously taken by Mr.
Thompson from Ilutter Creek, $487.
50; amount yet to come about $75.
County Surveyor J. V. Klmbrell
and son have been here two days
surveying the mill race and other
property recently purchnsed by the
Oregon Ijind K. Construction Compa
ny of J. H. Koontz.
A. H. Upright, or Tacoma, who has
charge or the N. P. R. U. laiiiiS. came
in last night to look after the compa
ny's interest hero.
C W. Albright, or Portland, also
came in this morning on his way
home rrom Walla Walla.
Preparations nre completed ror the
graud ball to be given here on Fri
day night or the 3d Inst.
The first cutting or alfaira Is about
done and some are preparing to com
mence the second cutting. Charles
Mcliee reports tho largest yield he
has ever had. Many others say their
yield is much better than they had
thought It would be.
Renl estate is changing hands very
rapidly here today, as there Is quite a
wind on that is enrrying great clouds
of sand.
Lands Sold by State Not Taxable
Until All Payments Are Made.
Salem. July 2. That lauds held by
private Individuals under certificate
of sale from the state cannot be taxed
is the opinion or Attorney General
Crawrord. This question was recent
ly submitted to the attorney general
by one or the county assessors. The
question was not submitted in writ
ing and no written opinion has been
rendered upon the subject, but Judge
Crawrord said today that aUer look
ing into the matter he has arrived at
the conclusion stated nbove.
This is in accordance with what
has always been the practice in this
state. The stnte land board, in pur
suance of law, sells land upon tne
installment plan, the purchasers tak
ing deeds when -they have completed
their payments. Until they have com
pleted their payments the state holds
the legal title and the purchaser has
no equity The attorney general
holds that In this Btate equitable in
terests in real property are not taxa
ble and this applies to equities in
land owned by private individuals.
For a number ot years there has
been more or less demand for legisla
tion which will provide a means of
taxing lands or certificates of sale
so that each purchaser will pay taxes
according to the interest he holds.
The subject has been discussed n
great many times but the legislatures
have not seen fit to pass a low of that
Union County Pioneer Dead.
l.a Grande, July 2. Mrs. G. W. UIr
Srs, wife of Dr. G. W. Hlggurs. the.
old practicing physician in Union
county, died in Portland last night,
as tho result of an oixsration for can
cer of the stomach. She hart been
Hick for several weeks and was re
moved to St. Vincent's hospital at
Portland, last Monday, to undergo an
operation. She was reared from girl
hood in the vicinity of Hot Ijike and
Is a daughter of Charles McClure, a
well-known pioneer of this county
Celebrate the Fourth of July.
For th.se desiring to celebrate tin
tho Fourth of July the O, It. & N. of
fers a rate of one and one-third fare
for the round trip to any station with
in two hundred miles of Pendleton,
tickets on sale July 3d and 4th, 1903.
Return limit, July Cth. For further
particulars, call on or address F. F.
Wamsloy, agent O. It. & N. Co.
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Ogle stock farm, consisting ot
3000 acres, about 250 head of cattle,
plenty of vater, grass and timber.
Range has never bcon sheoped off.
AH under fence. Will grow all hay ro
quired. Call on or write to Bentley
& Hartman, Pendleton, Oregon.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronic Blood Poisoning and all Serot
inus affections. At all times a match
less system tonic and purifier. Money
refunded If you are dissatisfied. Fif
ty cents and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
Delicious Ice cream, The Delta.
O. K. Barber Shop at Pilot Rock Has
Been Sold John Kearney Has Gone
to Sweet Grass, Montana Returns ,
From the John Day Country.
Ridge. June 30. A. Unmoron and
son were transacting business in Pi
lot Rock and Pendleton this week.
The Hldgo and Ourdnne boys arc
supposed to have played their Inst,
game ror awhile last Sunday, the re-,
suit being 13 ror Ridge to 20 for Gur- j
dnno. ,, . , I
S. K. Lipscomb, or Pendleton, has
purchased the u. K. unrnui miuii ...
.) W Smith nt Pilot Rock, and Is
prepared to do all kinds or harboring
and will be pleased to meet the peo
ple. , ,
Julius Smith, or Pilot Roe, who is
attending sheep camp for Rust Bros.,
reports the return of his grandfather,
Alex Wangh, or Pilot Rock, who has
been visiting his brother in Nebraskn
for about three weeks.
John Endicott. or Pendleton, made
a trip to Lehman Springs. He has
purchased the nine Mountain Tele
phone line. It was formerly owned
by J. H. Despain & Co,
Charles Wright, or Pilot Hock, who
cut his Toot with an ax last week, is
able to walk around again.
John Kearney, of Pendleton, Is at
present shearing sheep nt Sweet
Grass. Montana.
G. W. Llnsner. who has been living
on his John Day ranch, was home
last week.
.Mrs H. W Whittaker returned on
the stage from a shopping and visit
ing trip to Pendleton this week.
What shall
we have
to eat ?
If you would
get the best
look at this
space once
a week
Conrad Platzoeder j
f All kinds of Fresh
t Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage. i
Prices as low as the lowest j
11 H I H 4 I I HI I I MH
That we give special attention to
orders for fancy ICE CREAM
A Nice, Jtiicy
Steak is just the thing
this weather. It is too
hot to roast or boil meat
UCall or phone
310 K. Court Phone Red 211
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money
Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Cofirt Hom
Have you noticed our tooth
brush window? A good many
stop to admire and talk about
It. We have lately bought a
large number of 25-cent Tooth
Brushes. Every one Is guaran
teed to be satisfactory or money
We make up a tooth powder
which we think has never been
surpassed In cleansing proper
ties. It Is pleasant to use and
perfectly harmless. Largo bot.
tie, 25 cents.
Commencing July 1st. for one
week only, we will give one' of
our 25-eent Tooth Brushes
FREE with each bottle of Dr.
Mann's Antiseptic Tooth Powder
or Liquid Dentlfoam purchased.
Only one Tooth Brush to a per
son. This offer holds good for
one week only, and Is made
simply to advertise our Liquid
Dentlfoam and Powder to get
more people to using them. Fif
ty cents worth for 25 cents.
Buy a 25-cent Tooth Brush and
we throw In the Powder; or buy
the Powder and we throw In a
25-cent Tooth Brush.
Please tell your friends about
this offer.
For the convenience of the
driving public we have Install
ed an electric enunclator in
front of our store. One may
summon a clerk to take their
order without leaving their car
riage. F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
Pcwtofficc Mock
I'honr MnlnBjl
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everythinji:
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes is complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong In placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. W: & C. R. Depot
May bring you bad luck and a smash
ed buggy, in which case the best way
to retrieve your fortune will be to
send your carriage to Neaglo Bros,
for repairs, whore you can have It
made over and fixed up so that your
friends will think you have purchased
a new one. However, don't pass us
by without a look at our Winona
wagons. They run easy, carry one
third more than any other make and
as durable. We have buggies from
$40 up. Get your tires set on our
hydraulic machine. No burning or
defacing your wheels. This machine
was Installed In our plant at a great
cost and isthe only one on the Pacific
coast. It does the best work and has
been adopted by the U. S. govern
ment. Give us a call.
Neagle Brothers
Sover's Gasoline Engines.
Farmers Custom Mill
Frc4 WaMeis, Praprtetor
Capacity 160 barrels s day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, el
ftlwaya oa band.
' .
It Will Make Yoa fell!
when you get into one oia
cu.iais laundered y this i
tahlicihnrnl it ..... i . '
having your linen done t
coiiars ama cuns lauai
here is the arm. l f.
and we spnH th.i...
- iiiuiiiggigiji
a color and finish th is i
yona competition.
Court Mid TliominonBtisi J
Insurance in force $13,45$i
M. H, RICE, Freetate
Apcoi lor i mitimionKj
THERE is a big
Canned frnlts andvegtti
that taste lite moiners
has all the fresh ripe Jin
the fruit or vegetable-
ing but tne most seien h
goes into a MOHOPOIH
TEverv bit is
ri delicious.
painstaking care and m
not nna an equaiauj"
MoiiohiU. Urwor
Ic alwavs received)
place "your order with us.
Fir. Tamarack
can get tne im- -price?
Laatz Br
CorW. Al"dl
L. Nen, '"''-, .US
loose horse" J
grain for saie.