East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 02, 1903, Image 1

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j Eastern Oregon Weather
Fair tonight, Friday and Hat-
1 ,.J t your reriflenee
J5c A WtLCJS..
Lurday; warmer Friday,
)L. !
NO. 478-1.
L to Be a Rough and
Affair for. Every-
ly Who Entered.
kion ot ao ok "
Hcodoo Most of the Ameri
nd English Sports Enormous
L Are Witnessing the Con-
ton, Ireland, July 2. Ideal
brilliant sunshine ana cool
made today penect for the
iteniatlonal automobile race.
live gathered in Dublin sta
tu there Is a perfect jam.
lusand fought for seats at the
The first train represented
luntrjr in the civilized world.
e time the race was unaer
OOO spectators were at the
railway station, seven miles
i starting point. Cab men are
i harvest, charging as high
per ride. Hundreds camped
le course all night, being tin
obtain accommodations.
Beginning for Americans,
started at intervals of
mutes. All obtained a good
;pt Mooers and wlnton, tie
riders. Mooers got rattled
several seconds trying to
his brakes all set. The
inched. Wlnton's mishap
serious. Just before the
-as discovered that bis car-
ras broken and he was un-
li it before he was officially
sutler With his chaffeur
'd with the machine, which
to one side of the road,
ir cars whizzed past, having
tne first circle. An Eng-
urd suggested to withdraw
wlnton refused. He final
amid great cheering, but
late. It is beyond proba-
.at he can come out front
line after the race started
became threatening and
it to fall by the wayside
. an Englishman, at Cas
t. who ran Into a wire fence
'tos a corner at half sneed.
It wheels of tue machine
'Md, but reports so far Bay
I serious injury.
is this came the intelli-
Jarrott. also Enirllsh met
.accident. The first report
broken knee can. This
'true, as he was not badly
car was completely smash
led to make a bad corner
? W car overturned. Jar
's lhaffeur worn thrnujn In
llaron Decarters, who
Vk narrowy escaped a
The baron stopped his car
Jarrott to rise. The ac-
near Strandbally. Edge.
, "e cup, Is the only
left in the race
'Cities of the Race.
Fk the timekeeper start-
' 'WKomng, which gave
uiun me lead by three
ne had cleverlv nnshprt
'he Englibhman. Koxhall
AUlenCan Hlinrteman
or the Germans, ,s n'ndlng
Kiuie winner. On the
"e broke UHm.nl for dis-
tw0;1"1-' especially
ilk. i : "Keu 10 cross
I .last, wmton Is doing
ior tirst round,
l i'.i Ta cnnS 40 mln-
i on the first round
fslble mst no81'
truA h t,,p raco half
Hn?" been lea.l .n in.
CI frenchman eon.
Im tered. Kdge is
"bl,T' runn'"K- The
w a p.. von b- either
J Mlnuc the strug-
bai "Pt'on of the
complete the third
round by one. Owen completed two
rounds, Wlnton and Moers one each
Best time for a mile was mado by
Gabriel, a Frenchman In 53 seconds.
The average work, however. Is not
tip to expectations.
At 150 miles Gcnatzy is leading
Dokniff by four minutes and 20 sec
onds, Farraari four thirty. Edge bv
forty-two twenty-two. Snortlj- after
1, Kcono gave up the race before fin
ishing the second round, the axle3 of
hi scar weakening. Rain has com
menced. Americans Not in It,
Keene had traveled ICO miles In
four hours and 26 minutes when no
dropped out. Wlnton and Oweti
completed the third round more than
a hundred miles behind the leaders.
Sensational Episode.
Dcnknyff, the French driver, was
the first to enter on the last round,
followed four minutes and 52 seconds
later by Ganatzcy, the German. Bar
ring accidents, the latter should win,
Inasmuch as he started 14 minutes
after Dcnknyff. Moers, the Ameri
can, Is out of the race as his machine
broke down at Athay, four hours
after the start.
The day has been one of great ex
citement. Owen and Genatzey
fought for first place almost In front
of the grand stand, at S:50 this morn-,
ing. Owen came a 00-mlle clip, while
a few yards behind came Gcnatzky,
leaning forward, forcing his machine
to Its limit In full pursuit of Owen j
and at 75 miles an hour. The crowds
rose enmasse, cneenng at me piucxy
exhibition. There was an immense
swirl of dust, from which Genatzey
emerged in the lead.
Owen later sustained damages to
his car, but continued holding on to
Genatzey with grim determination,
and passed the stand the second
round at 10:24, being four minutes in
the rear of Genatzey, but still press
ing bis machine to its utmost. He
was given great applause.
German Won the Race.
Genatzey, the German, won the
race, according to unofficial reckon
ing. Denknyff, the Frenchman, reach
ed the mark first, but Genatzey re
ceived the time allowance, beating by
10 minutes.
Official Award.,
Genatzey has been officially de
clared the winner by a time margin
of about three minutes. The Scott
Montague trophy for team work was
won by the French team.
A Tremendous and General
Storm Breaks in Different
Parts of That State,
Several Towns Badly Submerged
People Fleeing for Their Lives and
Great Destruction to Property,
Which Includes Burned Out Tele
phone Lines.
No Communications Received In Re
gard to Klshineff Incident and Will
Pay No Attention Should Any Be
Washington, July 2. The Associ
ated Press Is authorized to state that
the Russian government most posi
tively and absolutely denies the re
port that it has offered any official
explanation to the American govern
ment either through the Russian em
bassy at Washington, or tne Ameri
can embassy at St. Petersburg, re
garding the Klshineff incident, and
declares that it has never been ad
dressed by the American government
on the subject. The Russian govern
ment must categorically refuse to re
ceive from any power any petitions,
representations or communications
relative to its Internal affairs.
Denies the Charge.
Gloverevllle, Pa., July 2. Congress
man Llttauer issued a statement to
day In which he denies that while a
member of congress he made con
tracts with the government for
Has Edward's Good Will.
Uclgrade, July 2.-Klng Edward,
icplylng to the notification of Peters
acendancy, has sent his expression of
good will.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commis
sion Company G. R. Cockley, Local
Manager, 120 Court Street.
Chicago. July 2.-Geiieral rains in
the Northwest, with a three days
holiday in sight, commencing today,
until Monday, caused a weak grain
market. Wheat should be a purchase
on any further decline.
Opening. Close.
Sept 75
Corn A ..,,
Sept 50 49
Minneapolis, July 2.
Opening. Close.
Spt 73
Russia will make au exhibit In keep
ing with her Importance as a nation
at the St. Louis World's Fair Work
on the Russian building will begin in
Peru, Ind., July 2. A cloudburst at
6 this morning deposited nn enor
mous volume of water In this city
and over a considerable territory ad
jacent. In a few moments North Pe
ru was submerged and hundreds of
families were fleeing for their lives.
In somo parts of town the railroads
are under six feet of water.
In Elwood, a suburb, 250 families
either hastily abandoned their homes
or are In the upper stories or on the
roofs of their houses. Others are
trying to gain places of safety for
themselves and goods on hastily con
structed rafts.
All the bridges and culverts on the
Lake Erie &. Western between hero
and Eel river are washed out, and
the water Is pouring through the rail
way cut like a great river.
Great Electrical Storm.
Wabash, July 2. The heaviest elec
trical rainstorm ever known here,
prevailed last night. The village of
Rich Valley is from one to three feet
under water.
The Wabash railway is prac.eally
out of business on account of wash
outs. In several places the volume
of water was too great to be carried
through the culverts, which also
clogged, and the pressure of water
tore out hundreds of yards of heavy
embankment and grade.
Several houses have been burned
from lightning strokes, and all the
telephone exchanges and toll lines of
this city and vicinity are not work-
Ing, the Instruments being burned
The crop loss will be heavy. As an
index Is the almost complete demoli
tion of gardens in this city.
The rainfall has already been six
Inches at this point.
Regular Army Lieutenant Shows Ev
idences of Unsound Mind.
Washington, July 2. General Hates
today wired from Chicago to the war
department that lieutenant Medio Is
under arrest at Fort Sheridan, pend
ing an examination as to his sanity.
He says the managers of the Great
Northern hotel believe him of un
sound mind. Recent Investigations
show bis marriage to iiiss Simons
at San Francisco, was apparently bigamous.
Four Days Will Be Dedicated to Joy
and Amusement.
Union, July 2. Two thousand peo
ple attended the reunion of the Union
County Pioneer Association yester
day and fully as many are here to
day to do honor to the G. A. R.
Tomorrow will bo given over to the
Women's Relief Corps and on the
4th a general celebration of the na
tion's birthday will be held. There
are several hundred campers In the
groves near the city, and tents are
pitched on the creek bank every
where. The four days' celebration
promises to bo the most successful
In the history of the city on account
of the large number of people now
living in this Immediate vicinity.
Elgin will celebrate on the Fourth,
but many Elgin people attended the
pioneer reunion and are now here for
G. A. R. day.
Receipts of Land Office.
Salem, July 2. Clerk of tbo State
Land Board O. G. Brown, yesterday
compiled his monthly statement or
tho receipts of his office during June,
showing that a total of $20,271.94 had
been received from the different sour
ces such as land sales, payments on
certificates, etc., and turned over to
tho treasurer, Of the, total amount,
118 925.01 was received as payments
on certificates and cash sale of school
Much Progress Made Toward
Realizing a Great Scheme
.of Senator Clark.
Conjoined With the Rock Island Mak
ing San Diego Its Pacific Terminal
Indicates the Formation of an En
tlrety New Railroad System Wilt
Follow the Grand Canyon.
Salt Lake. July 2. Tho stockhold
ers of the San Pedro, Los Angeles &
Salt Lake railway met today and ap
proved the form of trust deed and rat
ified the action of the directors In
forming a bonded debt. The trnnsfei
of the Oregon Short Line trackage of
300 miles to Callentes. Nevada, It Is
now said will occur July 15, owing to
a hitch In tho negotiations between
Clark and Hnrriman.
This is the first completed chapter
In the history of Senator Clark's
great scheme to build an approxi
mately straight lino of railroad be
tween llntte, Mont., and Los Angeles.
Such a road, which may now bo con
sidered an eventual certainty, will
shorten the distance between thoso
points approximately 700 miles. Sen
ator Clark himself estimates three
years for its completion, which In
cludes several hundred miles of en
tlrely new road paralleling tho mid
ille course of the Colorado river.
The ultimate destination of the
road is San Diego, Cal., which Is also
an objective point of the Rock iBland,
which Is working toward it from tho
The development of San Diego as a
deep harbor terminal for the Rock
Island and the new Clark system will
follow and Is regarded as a certainty
by students of Southwestern Industrials.
William Moore Appointed With Rank
of Lieutenant-Colonel.
Salem, Or., July 2. Governor
Chamberlain today apolnted IiIb mili
tary staff to succeed that of ox-Governor
Geer, ns follows: Ald-de-camp,
with rank of lieutenant-colonel, Wil
liam Moore, of Pendleton; aldo-do-camp,
with rank of lieutenant-colonel,
C. tl. McCulloch, of Sumpter;
aide-de-camp, with rnnk of lieutenant
colonel, George H Hazen, and assis
tant adjutant-general, with rank of
major, Joseph Haumgartner, of Salem.
TheBe are simply honorary appoint
ments, with no salaries attorned, and
their duties are to attend tho gover
nor upon official visits on military
Chicago Railway Clerks Want Better
Pay and Shorter Hours.
Chicago, July 2. Nineteen locnls
of tho. recently formed Railway
Clerks' Union, have demanded an In
crease of from 5 to 25 per cent, and
a 10-hour day. Tho clerks say if It
terminates in a strlku they will be
Joined by the freight handlers ami
other railway employes.
Three Thoutand Men Laid Off In
Butte and Anaconda.
Butte, July 2. The Wnshoo smel
ter nt Anaconda, was closed down to
day and 1.000 men were thrown out
of work there. This, reacting upon
Uutte, necessitated tho closing down
of such of the Atnntgnmnivu mines
In Uutte aB send their ore to the
Washoe. In all, 2,000 men are thrown
out In Uutte, making 3,000 In llutto
and Anaconda, or a difference In tho
pay roll of $75,000 it week.
Tho shut-down Is to enable tho
company to connect tho Washoe with
the monster fine recently constructed
to carry tho smoke away from Deer
Lodge valley. The mines anil smel
ter will start up again September I.
Logging Camps of Lower Columbia
Not Doing Business.
Astoria, July 2. With few excep
tions, all the logging camps on tho
Lower Columbia river district will
close down today for a month or six
weeks. The logging companies agreed
to do this so that tho surplus logs
might become exhausted and the
prices maintained.
Relatives of Strangler Knapp Trying
to Save His Neck.
Hamilton O., July 2. Knnpp's
brother-in-law testified this morning
that tho strangler Is lnsnno. Ho
snys ho told him he was offered tho
mayorship of Hamilton, but was too
young to accept. Ho nlso claimed to
bo n detective with a badgo which
authorized him to arrest anyone.
Many More Immigrant! Than Ever
Before, Came Last Year,
New York. July 2. In tho fiscal
year which closed at midnight, 604,
942 Immigrants had passed through
Kills Island ns ngaliiBt 497.791 dur
ing the preceding year, .his Is tho
largest year's record In tbo history of
this port.
Typhoid In Topeka.
TojH-ka, July 2. Typhoid has
broken out In North Topeka on ac
count of bad water In flooded wells.
A rigid quarantine Is being enforced.
Preparing Plans for Church Union.
Pittsburg, July 2. Tho advisory
committee of tho Congregational
Mcthodlbt Episcopal and United
Brethren ehurchos hnvlng In charge
tho meeting of tho different denomi
nations, Is in session today to hear
tho reports of tho sub-committees ap
pointed In prepare a plan of union.
Telegraph Operator Fined,
Baker City, July 2. West, tho tel
egraph operator, who stabbed hlfc
fellow operator, J. W. ThomaB, at
Huntington, about a month ago, was
fined i200 yoHtnrday for tho assault
and released.
Won the Big 8take.
London, July 2. Tho Princess of
Wales stakes of 10,000 sovereigns
wore won nt Newmarket today by
Gubbins and Ardpatrick, with Can
non up.
Isle of Pines Belongs to Cuba,
Havana, July 2. Tho treaty be
tween Cuba and tho United States for
a naval coaling station and also giv
ing tho control of the Islo of Pines
to Cuba, was signed this forenoon.
Prostrations From Heat In Excess of
Anything Recorded In Many Years
Eight Deaths From Heat Occur
red Today.
Chicago, July 2, Ninety dcgreoB Is
recorded today tho third day of op
pressive hoot, and tho discomfort Is
almost unbearable.
The Buffering In tho tenement dis
tricts 1b great, where tho air Bhafts
fall to cany away tho odors peculiar
to tho neighborhood, and every sower
opening In that part of tho city is
offensivo to tho smell.
The deatli list Is InciciiHlng moro
rapidly. Yesterday's list of nlno
deaths mid a dozen prostrations will
bo eclipsed today. Up till noon olght
deaths had been reported uud a dozon
prostrations, somo of tlictn sorlous.
Tlie great olTleo biilldlngB nro fur
naces from cellars to skylights, but
It Is possible to keep tho air puro In
tliem. and the drainage, ventilation
and character of tho water supply Is
perfect, which greatly alleviates tho
situation ror tno inmates, wno aro hi
them only from 8 a, in, till 5 p. in.
He Wouldn't Do 8ueh a Thing and
Nobody Thinks He Would.
Berlin, July 2. Tho kulsor Is great
ly annoyed at Insinuations In a ills
,,.(. I, from U'nulMriL'lim a few days
ago, Intimating that ho hud ulterior
motives lu inspecing uio lu'urbiirgo.
Ho thinks It rellects upon bis person
al honor. The Imputation Is regard
ed throughout (leniiuny bh an out
rage). It Is itiported tliut Ambassa
dor Tower will aHilogUe to tbo kaiser
for the Insult offered him, ns ho was
(lie guest of tho American navy whllo
aboard the Kinrsargo.
Around the World In Four Minutes.
Oyster Hay, July 2. Roosovolt
filler cabling Commissioner Taft oi.
Ih'i Fourfh will sen I a iikhiuko gird
ing tho globe to McKay In Now
York, congratulating him. It Is ex
pected to require four minutes In
transmission. Cablo and wires Imvo
been Installed In Secretary Ixiob'H
office. Instruments being placed to
day. The averago length of human life
s 3S years.
An Official Canvas of Hanna
Shows That There Are Yet
164 Men in tho Mines,
Heroic Measures Used to Confine
Raging Flames to a Few Entries
Two Carload of Coffins Arrive
Bodies' Being Embalmed Official
Census of the Town.
Hnnnii. Wyo.. July 2. - An official
canvas of the town mado last night,
shows conclusively that there aro
now 104 men In tho mines. All aro
undoubtedly dead. This makes tho
total death list 1C7 Many bodies
Imvo been encountered and will bo
brought to tho surface aB soon ax tho
stoio ia cleared. Heroic measures
have been taken to confine tho flro
to a tow entries and thoro smothor
It. (Ins Is accumulating constantly
ntid thoro aro fears of another explo
sion. Two carloads of coffins woro
received last night and tho bodies re
covered are being embalmed.
Will Remove to a More Moist and
Milder Climate.
Dr. W. U. Gnrrotson has sold his
store In this city and will romoro to
n cllmato moro moist and mild, in
search ot better health for his wife.
For a long time Mrs, Gnrrotson has
been troubled with an affection ot
tho nerve editors ot tho skin, causing
nt times painful swelling of thu faco
and other partH ot the body. It Is
thought by thu physicians that tho
dry and hot cllmato of this part ot
the state Is responsible for tbo com
plaint, and In onlor to ovorcomo tho
uiipluasunt dlsense thu doctor ban do
elded to seek a climate more congen
ial to his wife.
Dr. Glenn Wlnslow, of Nowborg.
has bought tho stock and business ot
Dr, anrretBon, and will conduct It at
thu samo place, Ho will take posses
sion about tho 7th of tho month. Dr.
Wlnslow Is a young man, and m
ter of Ills profession.
The largo number of friends and
acquaintances mudo by Dr. and Mrs.
Garretson whllo they have boon res
idents ot this city will greatly miss
thorn from tholr place In tho business
and social life here, ami will oitond
to them whorovur they go tholr hopos
for futuru happlnosB ami prosperity.
Pendleton Driving Association Will
Have Six-Event Program.
Tlie Pendleton Driving Association
will glvu u iimtlnco' beginning at 2
o'clock Sunday afternoon ot tho
SlinpBon Perlnger track, Thcro will
bo six events and Hovorul outside
horflcs aro expected to contest.
In tho 2:15 class, trotting nntt pac
ing, tho winner must tuko throo In
llvo heutsj In tho 2:30 class, trotting
mid pacing, tho winner must tako
two In three heats, and In too three
m I mi to elass, trotting and pacing,
two In threo heatB.
Thu gentleman's buggy race will bo
two best In threo event, also,
Thoro will bo a thrco-olglitlia of a
mllo running ruco and one and nn
eighth mllo liurdlu raco.
Latest Adjunct In Equipment of
County Treasurer's Office.
Tho county court has bought for
tho courthouse a Universal Adding
Muchliio. and it Is at prusuut located
In tho oinco of tho county treasurer.
Tho machine Is ono of tho host In
tho market, and cost tho county 300,
but Is considered cheap nt that, for
all tho officials havo to do now Is to
press a button and turn a crunk and
tho thing Is dono. They can now add
up tho amount ot tho citizen's taxes
whllo ho wultu, and hand It out for
his Inspection, all added In a row und
dotted up In red Ink, Tho officials
aro very grateful for tho klndnoas ot
hn court.
Returned From Salem,
Mrs. John McCourt has returned
from a visit In Salem and other val
joy cities, whom alio went over a
woelt ago with hor mother, who was
visiting horco and was called homo
tho announcement of tho death of her
brother In California.