East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 01, 1903, Image 2

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    WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1903,
i Men's and Boys' Wear
Golf Shirtfc 50c, 65c, 75c. to $1.50
Neglegee Shirts 50c, 75c to $2 50
Sunimerrundenvear, fine quality, per suit . ..
50c, Si and Si 50
Belts 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
Straw Hats 10c to $2 50
Canvas Shoe?, per pair 60c, 75c to $1.50
Boys' Wa-hable Suits 50c to Sl.50
We have just received a neve ship
ment of Neckwear and Suspenders
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
Pope l.eo's health is greatly im-1
prove of late. j
Yellow fever has put In an appear
ed on the Isthmus of Tehauntepec.
The socialists will have SI mem-;
bers In the next relchstag. as against ,
ST in the last j
There are 3.064 languages In the ,
vorld, and its inhabitants profess 1
more than l.OtK) religions.
The apple orchards of Orleans
rounty. New York, are being decimat
ed by a plague of lice, and nothing '
yet tried checks their ravages. ,
Dr Emily Dunning, the first woman '
physician to be appointed an ambu-'
lance surgeon in New York City, an
swered her first ambulance call Mon
day last.
The cashier of the Harm on is I
Club, an aristocratic Hebrew organ
izatlon in New York City, has disap-:
peared; likewise $15,000 of the club's;
ready money. !
Philip Altland died yesterday
New Salem, Pa. He made all
rangements -10 years ago for uis fu
neral, and will be buried in a coffin i
be himself made in 1SC3. !
A senior in an Indianapolis high i
school refused to sit beside a negro
tlassmate at the graduating exercises '
recently, and the authorli.es promptly '
refused to give him his diploma. j
During the year 1902 57.072.2S3
passenger miles were traveled in the I
United States for every passenger
killed, and 2,946.272 passenger miles '
traveled for every passenger injured.
The carpets in the adjusting rooms I
of the United States mint at San
Francisco, were put down in 1S97. A )
few days ago they were taken tip. '
macerated and reduced, and S9.0t0
in gold was the result
An old Syrian woman in Denver, '
was bound and gagged so tightly that '
deatm ensued In her house. The
deed was done to enable robbers to
get her money. The robbery is sup
posed to have taken place Saturday j
last The body was discovered yes
terday. Fred Barber, aged 15. accidentally
fired a blank cartridge into a box of
fireworks yesterday at Glen's Falls.
N. V. The merchant's entire stock'
became Ignited and was destroyed.
.ml fhn Inlorlnr h i ..nil
and the interior of the building was
wrecked. Several persons were bad-!
ly burned i
me steamer imnaiia tias just oeeni
launched on Snake rlker at iewiston, i
laano. j
Five thousand sheep were shipped '
t,,j,. ,,, t.i. V.U.. . Bii.i.
1 ncsday from Baker City to Stock-
ton. Cal.
The street fairs and carnivals at .
both Albany and Salem are now in 1
full blast.
Prize fighting in Butte will be pos
carnival closes.
George B. Sturglll, a Baker county
pioneer, aied suddenly at his home
oear Pocahontas, Tuesday,
Native Oregon granite will be used
in the construction of tne monument
for the Second Oregon regiment.
Six Chinese who came over on the
Jndropura, were admitted to the!
United States at Astoria. Tuesday.
Earl Coursen, a sawmill employe at
Hastings, near Vancouver. B. C, was '
... 1 1.-1 t I 1 rr -
In halves by a circular saw, Tues-jfers
a. t
. J. Morgan, a logger of Tacoma.
was struck on the head with an Iron ,
bar by a sawmill engineer, Edward 1
Eastman. Tuesday, and will probably :
Mrs. Mary Kelly, of Seattle, al
ducted her own child from its grand
mother, Tuesday. The Kellys are
divorced and the grandparents are
rustodlans of the children.
The body or John G. Van Dyke, who
was drowned in Rogue river near
Medford, Sunday, was recovered
Tuesday afternoon, about SO yards
from where he fell In the stream.
Settlers on the north side of the
Columbia complain of tne presence
and depredation's of cougars and
mountain lions. Sheep, calves and
bogs are missed dally and the ani
mals are very bold in some places.
Hotel Pendleton.
M. S. Gllbranson, Portland.
W. H. Coffin. Seattle.
W. L. Marshall, Portland.
M. M. Williams, Chlco.
M. M. Galien and wife. Chlco.
H. S. Kaenig and wife, St. Louis.
W. E. Steven. Ranler.
A. S. Cotterell. Ranier.
Miss J. Cornell, Walla Walla.
G. G. Griffith. Walla Walla.
U P. Sandhach. St. Louis.
D. O. Smiley. Jr.. New York
Ben Rosenfeldt, New York.
.1. J. Fowler. Portland.
F. A. Menzie. Portland
J. N. Fordyce. The Dalle?.
A. J. Fukner. Spokane.
Frank Fay. Sells Bros.
William Maker. Portland.
Frank Howe. Portland.
J. S. Fanning. New York.
A. G. Howard, Portland.
C. N. Smith. Portland.
S. O. Newton. San Francisco.
Warren E. Hall. Chicago.
A. S. Bennett, The Dalles.
Golden Rule Hotel.
Mrs. R. Dean. Spokane.
W. L. Davis, Portland.
F. J. Gardner. Portland. r
F B. Hopkins. Salem.
A. Kiebersall and wife. Walla Walla
F. Far New York.
C. Matheson, lone.
M. Welch, Boise.
Mrs. Campbell. La Grande.
Miss K. Moore. Echo.
U. J. Moore. Echo.
W. J. Moore. Spokane.
W. D. Marks. Spokane.
.1. L. McLaughlin. Kansas City.
H. G. McWhlrter. Denver.
F. Richards. Dale.
J. Hanna. Meacham.
C. L. Downer. Spokane.
J. L. Farley. Driftwood.
Mrs. Green. Morgan Park.
E. E. Howes. Portland.
E. Woods and wife. Republic.
K. F. Alien and wife. Lewisville.
D. J. Wallham. Fander.
D. B. Tagart. Sumpter.
S. E. Tagart. Sumpter.
D. J. Tagart. Sumpter.
L. M Tagart. Sumpter.
How's This?
w' oSeT or Hnndrwl Dollar reward
for nnr cap of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure,
F. J- CIIU.VEr & CO.. Toledo. O.
We. the underalraed. bare known F. J.
cnenex lor tne last 1
veara. and believe
him perfectly honorable In all bnalnegs
traniactlons and flnanclsllr able to earn
nut nny obligations made by their firm.
r.tr a n;uAi, nnoiesaie urngswu,
WAL,' JJ-,XXAX & MAia-IX, wuo,
se i,ruel:,,t, Toledo, w. j
JI,a"'s,ICa'nrrn Cu,?k ', ,,akfn Internally.
nrtlns directly upon the blood and mucous
snrraces of the Tstem. Tetimonlal aent .
free. Trice 7.1c per bottle. Sold by nil i
druir,ram!ly I'HU are the best.
Shrine, Saratoga, N. Y July 7-10,
For the above occasion the O. R. &
N. offers a reduced rate of $S4.50 fcr"
the round trip, limit of tickets 80.
days from date of sale; tickets on sale!
June 21th to SOth. inclusive. For'
flirt hoi f rf IfMll n f-a .nil nn no nlil.r .
F p Wamsley. agent O. R & N. Co.
Celebrate the Fourth of July.
For thrse desiring to celebrate on .
the Fourth of July the O. IL & N. of-1
i . . . ..... I a
a rate of one and one-third rareli
I for the round trip to any station -with-1 T
'n two hundred miles of Pendleton '
tickets on sale July 3d and 4th. 1903. 1
Return limit. July Cth. For further
particular!), call on or address F. F
Wamsley, agent O, K. t N. Co.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronic Blood Poisoning and all Serot
inus affections. At all times a match
less system tonic and purifier. Money
refunded if you are dissatisfied. Fif
ty cents and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Ogle stock farm, consisting of
3000 acres, about 250 head ot cattle,
plenty of vater, grass and Umber.
Range has never been sheeped oft
All under fence. Will grow all hay re
quired. Call on or write to Bentley
& Hartman. Pendleton, Oregon.
..... i
tup mi nil n nn 1 urn
On Account of Pendleton Being Cen-
trally Located In Their Territory, a
Number of Commercial Travelers
Reside Here.
Pendleton is the center of the great
expanse of the commercial territory
of the Inland Empire ana as such, is
Uie home and the headauarters of a
number of the commercial travelers
who work out of this city .through the
whole of the region east of tne moun-
tains, and from far up into Washing -
ton, Montana, Idaho. Wyoming. Neva-
da and Utah . .
z i , , ,, ; .u . V "V
and In all of the country where the
..mm o " . ... .L J
dotted with the larger cities the do-
mam of the traveler Is limited and he
V B i Bu . . . ... .
the telephone, but where there is a,
great expanse of territory, where the
towns are far apart and the railroads
are In the singular number or not at
all. he is a necessity and a boon to
the small storekeeper in the village
and the index of what is needed to
the larger merchant of the towns
that claim to be cities.
i tor tms reason, ana tor tne nuai-
tlnnal raabnti thtit H.1.1 I i . n I i
choice place to reside and easy of
access to this great territory covered
by them, a number of the drummers
who work this territory make this
their home, or at least their head
quarters. t
There are several ho are regular ft
ttfinrrtore nl lha hotnle rt t . . . ..!- s
and who carry their rooms steadil;
and there are some wno have thel
homes in private families or main
tain homes of their own.
Thinking that It might be of inter
net I ti-t tn MoUnnt
. tint in l u tr i c.iiutm Hi uilillJtM &
has n nnmtillo.l nnH chnue T Vi fnl
Inn-lni- mpn In ln lnrntrl liaro norma.
nentJy - surces-sful in promptly curing lanie back.
Henry Dorman. for Marshal Wells uric acid, catarrh of Uie bladder and
of Duluth: L. A. Baker Allen and Briglifs Disease, which is the worst
Lewis, of Portland ; F W. Waite form of kidney trouble.
Baker and Hamilton, of San Fran-1 Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
Cisco; W. T. Hislop. Fleischner and ommendedforevervtliinRbutif vouhave
Meyers, of Portland. William Allard. kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will
Haieltlne Company, of Portland: e. ' found jest the remedy you need. It has
C. Sklles. Spokane Drug Company:
A. B. Galloway. Blake, McFaul &
Company, of Portland: Harry H. Hor
ton. William D. Mode. Bert B. Itlch-
.nua. un-y u. Alien. jns-pil ia ley.
I nhn.lAi. T Tl .. ... n ,
There may be more in
the city
than are in this list, but it will serve
tn h-- Ihfil I e .1. .
. . luc ucauiumcia
of a large number of men who are in ,
7hZr .1 . . '.u . 1
is thp rontpr nnH rto .TlsMhi.lln. i
I ESI" ofJ?J"f;?fi?f U"i:
...... mumuw miaou, u,"auJ , dollar size bottles are Horn. of s-unp-Eoot.
nandCnTT111"16;, raP'dl; ' sold bv all od dniggists. Don't make
Pand. ,n.L.a.!th? Bc"oa :row8 rich,;Vanvin"iStake. but remember the name,
Jl LY I , , a ., e a,avlaZ':? '
an pnlnrlrpn crlllnatlrkn 1 . 1, .11..
tlou of commerce and trade.
i Horse Tmeves Are Operating
( Right Arm Injured by a Fall. 1
' Ridge. June SO. It Is rumored that ,
. during the past three weeks there '
have been six head of horses and one
saddle stolen out of the Gurdane vi
cinity. Chris Nelson lost two horses
and a saddle and since then there is '
reported to have been four head of
fine work horses taken out of the !
pasture or A. J. Cumraings. These
were the property of farmers' north .
of Pendleton, reports C. H Horse-'
man, of said vicinity
William Glasson, of pilot Rock, who
received a fall from a buggy a few
j days ago and as a result injured his
richt arm. the wrist nrlnr-inniw- i
improving slowly, yet has a painful
"Kmg of en Bottled Been."
Brmratf bom Boheaian Hops.
Seild YOOr
Subscription MoneV
Send Your
4 103 Third Sfr
j Portland, Ore.
Acrent for
AU Publications
To test this "ad"
1 will give a
Ten Per Cent Reduc
tion on all
Subscription sent me
during the month of
Interesting Happenings of a
! Neighborhood. '
Holdman. June 30. Farmers are
almost through haying.
J B Howard came down from tno
! mines ' Monday to spend a few
n-.L-c with friends. 1
1 R. K Hoyt Is btilldlng a barn lor (
tt.n TjiMinrdsnn. of South Canyon.
Mn-tln fnrmprlv of this plaCC, ,
lmt n(JW of Forest Grove, is up for
)IftrVest. He will drive a combine
I for R. I Harp.
i v i. Piirrp 1 has his new store
In running order, with a full line ot i
: goods of all Kinus.
Ex-Sheriff Huntington Must Walt
until November Term for Verdict.
i Bakcr cltv juiv i The case of'
mkor countv against ex-Sheriff J. B. .
.Huntington, was given to the Jury,
Monday nigni. ana ui .-oi jv.t.".-
. .n the jurv notifi0d tut court I
1 that It was impossible lor mem i"
ver,,lct am, U)CV were dls-,
miM,d for ,he term the casc going
over until the November term.
TIu ,lirv t00(1 n for conviction)
d for acqittal throughout the
. ,hov wero (1sruSslng the I
J.Jp- '
' i
KlinsJ Trouble Makes You Miserable,
Almost evervbodv who reads the ncw-
ruters is sure to know of the wonderful
cures mauc "v ui.
Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kid
ney, liver and blad
der remedy
It is the gTcat uieu-
i ical tnumpu oi uie
U r.ineteentli century ;
discovered after vears
5 of scientific research
lv Dr. Kilmer, the
-, -
eminent kidney ami
Mn.lilpr sneciali'.t. aud IS wonderfully
Iwti tested in so mauv ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved mj successful in every case that a
siecial arrangement has lieen made by
which all readers of this pajxrr, w ho ha e
not alreadv tried it. may have a sample
i 1- f-.. lit- ..i,n 1 iils ii Imk.1: tell-
" S,". ! Ta " V.
jj when wntiug mention reaaing tui
enerous offer in this operand send you
address to Dr. Kilmer
Co.. Ilil.gWon.rfEi
nVtcent aende'r.
S"iimp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's SwamivRoot,
. . 1 . . .
, and the address, ninghamton N. Y.
1 every bottle.
Woman's Beauty
is in a clear skin and good
complexion, neither can be had
without pure blood and good
digestion both will come by
Sold E cry wheTC. In boxes 30c- and 25c.
A Nice, Juicy
Steak is ju.st the thing
this weatliT. It is too
hot to roast or boil meal
HCall or phone
31(! E. Court Phone Uwll'll
WO r 1 JLviL
r A R 8
f 4 m
kYOUR bill
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money
Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters for barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Afci St, Of. Cort Howe
Have you noticed our tooth
brush window? A good many
stop to admire and talk about
it. We have lately bought a
large number of 25-cent Tooth
Brushes. Every one Is guaran
teed to be satisfactory or money
We make up a tooth powder
which we think has never been
surpassed In cleansing proper
ties. It Is pleasant to use and
perfectly harmless. Large bot
tle. 25 cents.
Commencing July 1st, for one
week only, we will give one of
our 25-cent Tooth Brushes
FREE with each bottle of Dr.
! Mann's Antiseptic Tooth powder
or Liquid Dentifoam purchased.
Only one Tooth Brush to a per
son. This offer holds good for
one week only, and is made
simply to advertise our Liquid
Dentifoam and Powder to get
more people to using them. Fif
ty cents worth for 25 cents.
Buy a 25-cent Tooth Brush and
we throw In the Powder; or buy
the Powder and we throw In a
25-cent Tooth Brush.
Please tell your friends about
this offer.
For the convenience of the
driving public we have Install
ed an electric enunciator in
front of our store. One may
summon a clerk to take their
order without leaving their car
riage. F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
I'untoOin Block I'lioue MaiuSsi
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring.
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, in
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one in need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Oup. W; & C. R. Depot
May bring you bad luck and a smash-,
, ed buggy. In which case the best way j
iu retrieve your iorume win uo v i
send 'our carriage to Neagle Bros.
for repairs, where you can have it,
to retrieve your fortune will be to
made over and fixed up so that your
menus will think you have purcnasea
j a new one. However, don't pass us
by without a look at our Winona
, wagons. They run easy, carry one-
I third more than any other make and (
as durable, we have buggies irom
HO up. Get your tires set on our
1 hydraulic machine. No burning or
defacing your wheels. This machine
' was Installed In our plant at a great
cost and Isthe only one on the pacinc
coast. It docs the best work and has
ueen adopted by the U. S. govern
WINDOWS ment- Give U8 a
Neagle Brothers
Sover's Gasoline Engines.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred WkHers, Proprietor
Capacity 160 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Cliopid Feed, etc
always o band.
Ts ' iii
It Will Make YoaFedi
when you get 1M
collars launnV ..
...wuS juuriinendc
an inferior roetboi
i-unars ama cufis
nereis the acme oil
and we send themk
aco!or and finish ft,, j
yona competition.
Court indThorapoiiS
Insurance is force $13,1
M. H. RICE, Fri
A rent for Cniffiii ftej I
THERE is a fcig
Canned fruits and Tea
that taste like mothers
has all the fresh riHt
the fruit or vegetib'i
inz hnt the most selsi
eoes into a MOHOPOIII
r Every bit is pactedlj
sweet and delicto
painstaking care iw
not Una an equal uji
Monojiole Grocer
I Is always receiva! i
place your order witbi
fir. Tamara
u'hv linv Door
jean get the best I
Laatz Bf
CorW. AlBd
pleased to '
grain for sIc