',1 Jf i..tl XI EVENIN6EDITI0N QMLYEVENINGEDITIOH DAILY Eaurtcm Oregon Wotho j 5c A wmiR- Tonight nnd Thursday, PrUr clopdy; threatening. 16. PENDLETON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OTIEGOK, WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1903. DING RUST FAILURE Insolvency in Jhe ly OT UUcdii iiauc trials. hm SMITH IS APPOINTED RECEIVER. That Bondholders Are njf nwi"" w Litalized at $70,000,000 and dt From Maine to Califor- K, J., Juljr 1. -Judge Kirk- announced lo counsel : complaining bondholders l:cd States Shipbuilding Lit he lad read all the lie case and nad decided corporation is Insolvent Is cireciors ana iuneu iu I steps to protect the bond- scenied to be without iise (unas Therefore, in j of the bondholders, both hppcar here and the corn ed all the others, be said: kppomt receivers. I wu I as to whom they ma) me. . Iteming, for the defend- Bion, asked It it was not postpone consideration I appointment until tonior- r'clock, but both Samuel land R. V Lindbuny ob- ki finally agreed that the t signed immediately. King his decision. Judge nam ne nan: not had e the opinion to be filed. I amy it would not be til later In the day, and HEtH tomorrow Itnt Nixon Resigns. July 1 The directors States Shipbuilding today the stated ob- 1 act on the resicnation IXiion. For reasons not Wournmcnt until tomor- ln without action. tillion Dollar Concern, ership will be one of per filled, as it involves itioa of a seventy -mll- wern witn shipyards (-auiornia, liver Appointed. IJ L James Smith, for- States senator has been iwer 0 the Shipbuild- . WASHINGTON CROPS. Inferior to Last Year Fifty Per Cent of "a Bumper Crop, Tacofna, July i.Deputy State Grain Inspector King, who has re turned from a three weeks' tour of the wheat belt, estimates the crop will bo ,5 per cent of last year, and ?2nrerfntJof thc bunP- crop of 1901. The dry weather early in the season accounts for the decrease. In Franklin county about half the crop Is ripe, and farmers expect to begin harvesting soon tvhiin .. yield is smaller, the quality promises to bo better. The greatest. need of the state, where grain is not ripe, is a good rain of 48 hours. There will bo a great Increase in acreage next year as many new farmers are break ing land.-particularly In the western pan m uie wncat belt. K HUNDRED SLIIITHIrt KILLED III MINERS YOMINE BLUE AND GRAY. Soldiers of Both Sides Fraternize at Gettysburg.. Gettysburg. Pa.. July 1. Severn! thousand veterans and their fnml. lies, representing both Northland South, gathered today and began a three days' celebration of the 40th anniversary or the battle of' Gettys- urns. im- cmej leamre or 'oaav.s I muh:u n cunieu out at Reynold's Grove, were historic ad dresses by General 0. 0. Howard and ueneral H. S. Huidekoper. Man With a Light Goes Into a Condemned Eifrand Ignites 1L. A ! I rv l?l4j ' ine Mccumuiaiea uas. Tremendous Explosion Followec5-TI niberlng of the Mlnjlit on Fire and But Thirteen Men Yet Rescued of Two Hundred Who Were Inside Special' Trains With Nurses and Laborers Sent to thj Scene. i I-iramle, Wyo., July 1. A terri fic explosion took place at 10:25 this raornlttg at the Union Pacific coal min&yat' Hanna, Wyo., known asj-No. 1. Tw'cT'liundred men wero worlilng in the mine at the time. Thirteen of the workmen have been rescued from the- burning mine. 12 of them uncon scious and one dead. Tne rescuing party, under the direction of the su- followed i perlntecdent of the mine, which was by the unveiling of a bronze statue of j organized immediately, has succeeded John Burns, the aged Gettvshurg ,n setting air Into tjie mine, and It man who was wounded three times in ' le hoped to soon reach others of the the historic battle. Ittniprlsoned men. M jSJL i . I. rt. ; The explosion was caused by n miner going into a condemned entry Badly Damaged , of the mine. " Quantities of gas had FIRE AT GEORGETOWN. Suburb of Seattle This Morning. Seattle, July 1. Fire this morning in Georgetown destroyed the l.afe Hamilton block, the Scandinavian' ho tel and two other buildings. The, fire department of Seattle arrived in time to prevent a general confiagaralion. Loss. $25,000. SIDETRACKfcU. Client Elected of Steel cTration. N t W ;, am Corn- i"'"'" or the Car. Uua , marie n. president of the Unit I t-orporatlon. An m. I")s that Mr Corry is f in Charge. C.nrrv tt actve duties as ul 'ne steel tniat rntrallv iu n.. & With v.,nc...nn Itctlon with f "e sh.,, building lias iiraetieallv DEAD. P of an Overloaded "nor. I tie h,i "KKeper Helnze comnant- UZk the feting8 Cnmtl0n' RACES. 1 Be Sl, i tel?"' ' Cleve- ., uiuurrow, Americans' Lto. dusty tLtlme SIS. frtoff'''" the -uucea. j BIG LAhiD DEL. .a Scotch-Engllsh Syndicate Will Buy 300,000 Acres. San Francisco, July 1. The Post says that Jesse D. T. Carr has suc ceeded in buying out the last inde pendent settler on Tule Lake, in Kalamth county, Oregon, and is nra preparing to consummate the blRgest land deal on this coast by selling nearly 300,000 acres to a Scotch-English syndicate. evidently accumulated, for a torrific explosion ensued the moment the gas touched the miner's lamp. A special train has taken physicians and nurses from Rawlins and Laramie to the ,mlnc, which is reporte'd to be burning fiercely. Most of the entombed min ers are believed to be on the sixth level. So far the rescuing party has been able to. pecetratfevoniy as-far'aS'Warge THREATEN WHITE MAN WITH LYNCHING AND TORTURE. Indian Territory People Vow Ven geance on -the Slayer of an Old Woman Whose Body Had Been Given to the Hogs. he fourth level Estimated Number of Dead 175, At 1 o'clock the party of rescuers reached the surface with the bodies of 25 miners who were taken out of the mines by the rear shaft, or man hole. Some of the men were alive when found, but many will die. Those that can talk say that the men who were working further on in the mine are probably dead, A conservative estimate places the number of dead I at 175, The names of the unfortu J nates and those of the rescued miners j cannot now be learned. Surface I men, who went to the rescue, are fighting manfully, and are subduing the flames, which are being confined to a few chambers. 1 Many of the rescuing party have been burned or injured. The fire is still raging in the under workings, but It should be under con trol by nlgut. All efforts are now in the direction of subduing the fire in one story at a time, so that the res ruing party can reached the entomb- cd men If altvo and their, bodies If ucnu. special trains; are rushing lo Hanna from Rnwllns, Carbon and other towns, having oit board voliiu teers io fight the fire! and dig for the entombed miners, with doctors and i.urses to care for tho injured that rre rescued, First EstimateslCorrect. Hanna, July 1. ThoTfirst estimates of the number of fnMlltics of tho mine disaster wero correct. Tho of ficials of the company Jiavo abandon ed all hope of rcsculngjtho entombed alive. Two hundred and eighty went Into the mines yestyday, of which number only 48 nru now accounted for, J'q bodies have been removed since yesterday afternoon, but rapid progress is being made and other victims will bo brought , up today. Superintendent Clark, .of tho Union Pacific Coal Compat.y,arrived here this morning and took personal charge of the work. During tho night the rescuers, reached tho 15th level, and by noon had penetrated tho 17th level, where iLjls-itwpccted i.. . Hi levelK where ils-Sepccjed number of' 'dead' will bo found. Miners are now confident tho ex. plosion took place in the 17th level, from tho fact of tho slopes tnd en tries being more choked as work pro grosses. It has been decided tho ex plosion was cnuscd by fire damp, which gathered In a small alley o,T tho 17th level, where tho clrculatl-in was defective from somo unknown cause, and a miner, unaware of dan ger, went in with a lighted lamp. An improvised hospital has been locuted near the shafts' mouth and a morgue arranged. Thero will likely be little uso for tho former. A largo corps of surgeons and nurses Is awaiting around the shaft's mouth. The disaster is tho worst that over occurred in Wyoming, and ono of tho worst in tho entire West. Tho condi tion of thoso rescued yesterday shows the seriousness of tho explosion, as many, mau with pain and terror, fought their rescuers and succumbed only to superior numbers and had to be forcibly taken from tho mine. WHEN 13 IT TAXABLE! Question of When Title Paste From State to Individual. Salem, July 1. For soveral years tho assessors of the several counties of tho stnto have been confronted with tho question whether land, when It Is sold by tho slate to tho indi vidual, but upon which no deed has been given, Is subject to taxation. This question was submitted directly, This question was submitted Indirect ly, and from a non-official source to .Attorney-General Crawford recontly. while not rendering nn opinion up on the question officially, Mr. Craw ford said yesterday that itolthor the certificate of sale nor tho land Is sub ject to taxation uutllthu deed la Is sued. "The purchaser," ho said, "has nothing but nn equity In the land until he gets his deed, tho state re taining thc legal title In tho land tin til It has been paid for In full, and an equity Is not subject totaxntlon. Tho legltslnturo. In my opinion, could pass a law subjecting these lands to taxation, but at present no such law exists." OUARRELING ' IN CAUCUSED , Gov. Cummins is Ovorriding All Opposition at Dos Moines Today. HIS FACTION IS IN COMPLETE CONTROL. Mt Slate of Broken tratlon the Was 'Harmonyltea" and Washington , Admlnls- PENNSYLVANIA CLOUDBURST. Two Towns Inundated and Much Damage Done, Cumberland, Md., July 1. Ah a re sult of a cloudburst this afternoon tho towns of Mcdford and Uverott, Pn., nro Inundated and ninny families are lleelng for their lives. Tho elec tric light plants nre Inundated nnd mo town will bo lu dnrknoss tonight. Dctnlls nro mengro. Tho Pennsylva nia railway tracks aro under water for miles. SOUTH CAROLINA LYNCHING. Hung a Negro Who Wat Accused o Murdor Sunday Last. uo nimnm, juiy I. rue governor received a telegram today from Nor- wny, S. C, thnt a mob last night broke. Into the cuardliouso and Heir. ed-amirlynchod thcnegro-ETnmi, wUo was accused or imtnicriiig ,101111 mil lips Sundny night, while tho latter was at dinner with his family. Will Witness the Trial Races. Newport, July 1. Sir Tliomns Lip. ton, nbonrd the Hrln, came Into port todny. He will witness tho trial races between the Columbia, CoiihII tutlou and Rellniico. Ho pays many compliments to tho appearance of the Reliance. THIRTEEN THOUSAND STRIKE Welch, I. T., July 1. A courier bringB the news that infuriated citi zens have surrounded a young white farmer suspected of murdering Mrs. Johnson, an aged woman, Sunday mobs avowed intention, ine courier believes the purpose will be carried out bv noon. The woman was killed with a club, covered here, Tho motive was robber)'. The body pool of water was thrown Into a hog pen, where It was discovered by her daughter when she returned from church. Tee nog bad partially devoured it. WORKING OVER THE DEBRIS. Last DISASTROUS TRAIN WRECK. One Report Says Forty Were Killed Near Brussels. Brussels, July 1. A train from Ant werp carrying corn and mechandise to market collided with a passenger train at Sehaerbock today. One was killed and 18 Injured. Reports Forty Killed. London, July 1. An Evening Star special says 40 were killed and many injured In the Brussels wreck. GRAIN MARKETS. Quotations Furnished by"Coe Commis sion Company R. L. Boulter, Local Manager, 120 Court Street. MlnnodT.nlla .Tnlv 1. Wheat was weak today on accoun of Liverpool to our markets. also on account of reported rains In tho Northwest, cash demand is goou. We believe the effect of the breaking of the drouth has been fully dis counted and think wheat a purchase on any further recession. Receipts show considerable falling off from the corresponding period of last year. Opening. Close. Sept 74 Tt Chicago, July 1. Openior, Close. Sept 76 !4 ! Heppner Committees Making Search for Bodies. Heppner. July 1. The body of Mrs, Clarence Andrews, a member of the Swaggart family, is the last ono re- She was round in a In front of the resi dence of William Dutton, two miles below town. The body was bauiy decomposed, but it was readily identified. All the general crews have been discharged and three ciews of 10 oacTi of selected, experienced men, have been employed to go over tho ground in a second bearch. All the needy have been relieved and Mrs. Hrltton, of Tho Dalles, who hus had charge of the emergency work, left for her homo today. There is no sickness and tho town Is doing business again as well as possible under the circumstances, A largo force of men is at work on tho O R. & N. track making tho repairs permanent. A great many visitors are coming in dally to view tne city. Many families whose entire pos sessions were swept away, will Jeavo fnr Pendleton and Grande Ronde to settle, where work is more plentiful, j GET RICH QUICK IN MANILA. Scheme Based on the Most Up to Date Methods in America, Washington, July 1. A get-rlch-quick schemo has been unearthed In Manila extending over the Philip pines. Dr. Domlncnr Jesus, at Its bead, has been arrested on charges rangiug from fraud lo sedition. The company Is called the Union Obrera. and is ostensibly a labor union, Reports received at the war de partment this morning state Domini nor lias been taking CO per- cent of Hit net proceeds from soiling a groit number of stocks, borrowing from concerns i.nd diverting tne Hinds lo his private use. Excessive Heat In Chicago. Chicago, July L Ninety degrees Is recorded and still rising. Tho air Is oppressive and stilling, A number of deaths are reported among thc aged and young children In the con gested districts. The total amount of nuts shipped from tho Amazon valley so far this season Is 3953 tons, and has been about equally divided between Europe and the United States. HELLO GIRLS HAVE PUBLIC SYMPATHY Spokane, July 1. The striking tel. ephono girls have aflniateci with the Western Conference of Telephone Operators of San Francisco. This means that tho settlement of the strike here will bo taken out of the tmniiB of tho local union. The citi zens of Spokane bavo declared that a general boycott on the Pacific States lines will be Instituted If tho demands of the girls are not snnwi. The Justice of their strike js recog nized and the patrons of tho compa ny aro resolved to assist tne opera tors I ntho removal of the Muaj'ene regulations about dress, manner of wearing the hair and tho more than ridiculous order against tho wearing of small bouquets by tho operators. Tho strikers are still out and will stay out until their grievances aro rightly adjusted. FAIL TO AGREE ON SCALE OF WAGES FOR ALADAMA MINE8 After a Ten Days' Conferenco With the Owners and Operators the Mln ers Around Birmingham Refused Today to Return to Work, Birmingham, AIn., July 1. Thlrlocn thousand coal miners suspended work loday on account of tho failure of minors and operators to agree on n wage scale after a conference lusting ten days. Tho miners ask for uu eight-hour clay with sitml-moiitlily puy days. Tlioy do not ask for the abolition of the company store, but do ask that exorbitant prices of powder and other mine supplies bo not charged them, and for an Improvement In the qunllty of the provisions sold them. They also demand morn helpers to run tramway cars nnd Unit hotter speed be mnilo for cars both In leav ing mid returning to tho slopes. All the union miners aro out nnd trouble Is anticipated If the non-union inon persist In working. Tho iIIhIii cllnalion of negroes to wink In mines strengthens the position of the strik ers us their places cannot bo filled without Importations from the north. BIG 8TRIKE THREATENED, Firemen In Chicago Waterworks Have Their Grievances. Chicago. July I. Tim union fire men threaten to cut off tho city's water supply, leaving more than 2,- POO.OOO people wit limit wator unless they am granted an Increase In wagcH. They ask from B8 to 176 per month. Their demands wero submitted to thn finance coinmlltco of the rlty council five weeks ago, but no action was taken. The commuted will ad journ Friday next for thn summer. Tho union announces that a decision must be rendered by the committee or by tho arbitration court before that day or tho strike will bo called, uniy men on inn civil service nut who can fill firemen's places aro members of tho union and those not now working would not accopt ap pointments tinder the circumstances, and tho city has no authority to ap point other men than those on the civil service list. Turned Down Hard Con gresslonal Delegation It Licked at Every Turn. Don Monies, July 1. Tho ciu.mhcs preceilltiK the republican state con venlloii this morning but otnpnnslscd tlm foot that Governor Cummins Is In complete control. Ho dictated the formation uf each conimltteo dcsplto the bitter opposition of Ihu congres sional delegation, which begged Tain ly for n modification of tne tariff rc rorni plank, nnd for tho appnlnlmont of Hepburn ns permanent chairman, and fur appearance sake, If nothing more, to have four congressmen on the resolutions committee. No Compromise Whatever. Cummins, angered by the stories Hint "tho 'Iowa Idea Is dead," refus ed lo make even the Hinnllost con cessions about the selection of Kon dale, of Alhlu to be permanent chair man, . WitL standKtriaE. Machen's and Groff Brotnert' Catet Being Tried. Washington. July 1. Tho Groff Brothers were this morning iirialgnod In the circuit court and pleaded not guilty to the two Indictments charg ing them with giving bribes and with conspiracy. Maeheii, formerly superintendent of tho freo delivery service, was ar raigned tii tho criminal court this morning, churgrd with conspiracy to defraud nnd with accepting bribes. Rending t lu) Indictments was waived and Muchcn pleaded not guilty. Kicked on the Head, Hamilton, ()., juiy I. Htraugler Kiiiipp'h mother on tho stand this morning, testified Ihut hvi son wp.a kicked on the ncad when i-lx yoars oh! nnd afterward had temporary lapses of memory and froqitontly wan deted from home. Previous to that time lie was kindly, timid and otxidl-cnt. Latest From Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay. July 1. President Roosevelt Is spending u restful day working. lie will nueud tho Fourth of July celebration arranged by his neighbors lo lake place on Sagamore Hill, whuro there will ho a fireworks display. Mr, Roosovelt expects to take an active part lit assisting the expert at shooting off. Destructive Fire In Illinois. Ocoyn, III., July 1. Two g'nln ele vators burned today, Iohj $100,000. Also tho lallroad station house and u number of smaller buildings. Thn Illooiiilnglon fire department wan summoned by special train upon rep resentations that the town is biins; destroyed. Threatened Strike In St. Loult. Ht. liuls. July 1. 'I no Amalga mated Association of Street Railway Employes voted lo strike the morn ing of July 4, unless thoy recolvo a satisfactory reply to demands mado soveral weeks ago. John Mitchell will address tho men tonight. Minister to Argentine. Washington. July 1. The appoint ment was Issued todny of Joint liar roll, of Orogon, formor minister to Hlatn, to bo minister to tho Argon Hue Republic, vico William liord, who Is relieved on account of old ago, After Hotel Robbers. Chlcaeo. July 1. Dotoctlvcs Haw- ley and Jones, of Los Angeles, arrly. ed today with extradition paper for llaor and two others wanted for tho 1C.000 robbery at tho Molroso hotoi, Tho four largest bottles evor blown have Just been completou at the works of tho Illinois Glass company at Alton, III. Tbo largost will hold 4b gallons nnu is six icoi two iucu tall. , ,..