East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 30, 1903, Image 2

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Men's and
Golf Shirts 50c, 65c, 75c, to $1.50
Neglegee Shirts 50c, 75c to $2 50
Summer underwear, fine quality, per suit ... .
50c, $1 and $1.50
Belts 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
Straw Hats 10c to $2 50
Canvas Shoes, per pair 60c, 75c to $1.50
Boys' Wa-hable Suits 50c to $1.50
We have just received a new ship
ment of Neckwear and Suspenders
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
There are 332 women physicians in
stock In the Pennsylvania !
railroad has been issued amounting
to $76,000,000.
Twelve thousand Christian Scien-1
lists are In session at Concord, N. !
H. , from all over the United States. '
In England there are 300,000 wo
men in all the professions. In the
United States are 328.000 women'
teachers alone.
Rev. X. G. Parke, aged S3 years, ;
died recently at Glen Summit, Pa. j
He had been pastor of the Plttston
Presbyterian church 55 years. I
The London & Southwestern (Eng-.
lish) railroad. Is doing an average
with a combined mall and passenger !
train, of 63 miles per hour.
One hundred and seventy persons ;
were killed by the overturning off a i
bridge of a passenger train while j
crossing the Xejerilla river, in Spain, j
Schwab, president of the steel '
trust, bought in the Bethlehem steel .
-works for 312,000,000 and turned)
them in to the steel trust at $30,000,-!
Thomas Tliornby choked to death
on a piece of beefsteak in a Brooklyn !
restaurant. Thornby was a butcher i
and the steak bad been purchased at
bis shop.
The leading railroad industrial and ',
banking corporations with headquar- j
ters in Xew York city, will, on July
I, divide dividends amounting to
1137,000.000. i
The prediction is made in railroad
circles that a round trip rate of $50
froin Chicago ami S-t5 from Missouri J
river points will be made to the
Lewis and Clark Fair.
The Russian minister of war is '
visiting Japan, and there are indica
tions that thu two governments will 1
"get together" in relation to the JIan-:
churian nnd Korean issues. '
Coincident with the announcement
that the new immigration law which !
went into effect June 3, "is unexpect
edly stringent in its operation" are
published figures from Ellis Island,'
showing that 1.000 Italians, Crotians
and Huns landed at that port Sundav!
There are 20,834 school children in J
Seattle, this year a gain of 1.7SS
over last vear.
. " , , . ,
Twenty-seven barber shops of Se-!
attle have been closed because of
their unsanitary condition 1
meir unsanuarj conuilion. I
Chris Klein, of Seattle, is .under ar-1
. . w ... . i. v. . ijv .iii.iiii iJ ml. (. V,UI111IUU,
William Daniels, of Tacoma, was
snot anu instantly Killed In a drunk-,
on row in a saloon there Monday
night '
1, ' , , , , . , I
The fish traps at Baker's Bay, on ;
the Columbia, have been put out of I
commission by the heavy drltt In the
t..Jr ,?U,,,"' f Tae,oma- Ua8 re" I
turned from Nome and announces!
that he mav run again for governor
of Washington.
Scab is said to Ikj raging all overj
Southern Wyoming and the bureau of
animal industry is making cxtraordi-
nary efforts to check it.
George Hamll, of Oklahoma, was
arrested in Dallas. Or., Monday, on a
message from Oklahoma authorities. !
He Is wanted for horse stealing.
A comic opera on the Lewis and
Clark expedition, has been prepared
by a local playwright in Portland,
aud will be presented during the sum
mer. Twenty-seven extra policemen are
to be appointed In Portland on ac
count of the Increase of thugs and
footpads and consequent crime in tho
. muu. wm , aseo u, lotany ,
deaf, was struck by an Astoria and
S?tS3?lMUT tralD lBth0 ya,id8 .ati
'i. d r morning, and in-
stantiy killed. j
The striking telephone linemen are ;
carrying on a systematic and order-'
ly strike all over the coast. The re-
pair gangs from outside points are)
now arriving in Portland to Join the
Boys' Wear
Hotel Pendleton.
J. Bresnahan, Spokane.
Mrs. C. J. Morrow. Kansas City.
G. P. Statter and wife. Sioux City.
T. R. Yenger, Sioux City.
George H. Ehrest, Salt Lake.
E. E. White, Leon.
P. H. JlcPherBon. Leon.
T. T. .McLcod. St. Paul.
E. J. Brannick. Portland.
E. W. Brighnm. city.
Elwyu Clark, Fox.
Thomas Pnrdy. Portland.
L. II. Agnew. Chicago.
T. G. Agnew. Chicago.
C. B. Wells, San Francisco.
S. Crawford, Amity.
George T. Williams. "Walla AVnlla.
Meyer Abraham. Portland.
Mrs. Rrnndan, Athena.
Henry Jacob, San Francisco.
A. R. Grant. Portland.
H. il. Tomlinson, Portland.
George H. Sutherland. Waiia Walla
Ray Sutherland. Walla Walla.
D. Slnilts. Spokane.
R. E. Porter. Meacliam.
Noah R. Clem. Spokane.
E. H. Burke. Portland.
J. II. Kloeckner. Portland
T. R. Yergen, Portland.
Harry C. Lacy. San Francisco.
James Primer. Kansas City.
C. Ottershagen. Portland.
G. C. Morgan. Bradley.
E. W. Tewlss, Zena.
William Bankey, Spokane.
Golden Rule Hotel.
W. A. Gilmore, citv.
Mlsb Bronfield. Walla Walla.
Mrs. Jackson, Walla AValla.
W. I.. Baker, Sheridan.
W. S. sterling. Portland.
O. B. Peters. Aurella.
G. Bull, Montana.
J. B. Penny, Spokane.
S. A. Frans, Spokane.
P. Galentine. Carthage.
F. C. Galentine. Carthage.
J. B. Howard, Wallace.
R. P. Moody, city.
M. W. Rahe, citv.
T. W. Turner, Hullx.
C. H. Gassett, Helix.
W. M. Baker, Helix.
F. Lyons, Helix.
J. B. Hopkins. Sapulpa.
H. Adams. Sapulpu.
Maggie Adams, Sapulpa.
G. M. Barlow and wife. Boise.
S. J. Barlow. Boise.
E. M Barlow. Boise.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
'ur nny cnae of catarrh that can not be
cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure.
y. j. chuxev & CO.. Toledo, o.
w"e. the undersigned, have known y. J.
1 heney for the lam IS yean, and believe
,llm .,.,1,,. ilonornble In all baslnesa
transaction and financially able to carry
lOiefJQ, t.
llaUn Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
actios directly upon the blood and mucous
mirfacw of the Fjtem. Testimonials Bent
. 1rlce "ic per bottle. Sold by nil
I,a,r" l'amilT '" arc the best.
Imperial Council of the Mystic
. , ' w . , '
shfl"e. Saratoga, N. Y., July 7-10,
for tIie above occasion the O. R. &
LN. offers a reduced rate of J84.50 for
round trip, limit of tickets 90
days from date of sale; tickets on sale
3 24th to 30th. inclusive For
furthor particulars, call on or address
F - Paisley, agent O. R. & N. Co.
Celebrate the Fourth of July.
For these desiring to celebrate dn
tho Fourth of July the O. IL & N. of
fers a rate of one and one-third fare
for the round trip to any station with
in two hundred miles of Pendleton,
tickets on sale July 3d and 4th, 1903.
Return limit, July Gth. For further
particulars, call on or address F, F.
Wamsley, agent O. R, & N. Co.
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronc Blood Poisoning and all Scrof-
ulus affections. At all times a match-
iesa system tonic and purifier. Money
refunded If you are dissatisfied. Fif-
ty cents and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt ic
Co., druggists,
Blacksmith Bhop in Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
Fall Grain Will Probably Average 33
Spring Grain 22 Corn Acreage In
creased 30 Per Cent Barley Acre
age Large.
J. Swart, O. R. X. agent at Ath
ena, who is In close touch with the
wheat crop situation In that locality
has made a study of the conditions
this year, and In -his reports to tho of
ficials of the company, places the
prospective yield on territory tribu
tary to Athena at 220.000 bushels for
this season, against 200,000 in 1902.
His estimates are based on undeni
able facts, which he has gathered
from actual contact with the farmers
and from close observation.
Thn wheat cron in the Atuena and
Weston district has suffered largely
from "lodged" or fallen grain in past
years. This loss was occasioned by
the heavy straw falling down from its
own weight nnd being beaten down
uj WII1U. ,
This uifliculty Is entirely absent t
this year. The straw is not heavy!
and rank, but is short and stout, all
standing erect and the heads are well ;
filled with extraordinarily plump,
grain. i
There will be no lodged grain in 1
j that entire wheat belt this season, j
' The cold spring weather held back
the growing grain, until it could not
possibly attain the dangerous height, ,
at the same time the growing weather
since the rain came, has filled the
heads and strengthened the straw
sufficient for good crops.
The yield of fall wheat in that dis
trict is conservatively estimated at i
33 bushels per acre and of spring '
sown grain 22. The acreage of fall i
sown grain is about 800 acres greater ;
than last year and while some fields :
will average 45 bushels, the general .
run of the 'district will be nt least
23 bushels.
On the light soli farther bark. tb
yield will be lighter and some of ttie 1
foothill crops will not come ur to
Inst year's yield. 7 j
The acreage of com In the A'piena
and Weston district is 30 per cent
greater than last year nnd the pros
pects now are excellent. The corn
grown In this district Is the Dakota
V..IU T . , . 1 I . .1 . . i .... '
iviiuh utriii. uiiu wus luuuuuceu uy j
R. C. Judson. industrial agent of the
O. R. & N. It Is a hardy, rugged
kind of corn, and will grow during the I
cool nights that are often experienced '
in June in Eastern Oregon. Itjs now
from one to two feet in height, a dark
j thrifty green, and is growing nicely.
Last year some of the corn crops in
this district averaged 35 bushels to
the acre, while the entire acreage
averaged about 30 bushels. i
The farmers are showing great in-1
terest in this crop, as the need of di-1
verstty is badly felt. The change or
.. .1 . I. ..!! !.-. i. .. . 1
enriches the land nnd corn as hog
feo.1 l fnr nhP,l nf n,,v nthnr L-nnwn
grain The acreage wll, probably be
doubled next year, lr this crop proves
a success. .
Farmers have hesitated to raise
corn only because they haye thought
this no corn country. As its adapta-
blllty is proved, more of them will
grow the crop. The amount of barley ,
In this district tributary to Athena '
this year is 2.000 acres, against 1,500 .
last year.
All crops In that vicinity are thrifty
and show excellent prospects. Some
of the fall grain Is showing the golden
tinge and within the next three weeks !
the harvest season will have opened.
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Ogle stock farm, consisting of
3000 acres, about 250 head of cattle.
plenty or vator, grass and timber.
Range has never been sheened off.
All under fence. Will grow all hay ro-
quireu. call on or write to Bentley
& Hartrnan, Pendleton, Oregon.
Automobile chairs will be one mode
of transportation at the World's Fair.
St. Louis. Their speed will be limit
ed to three miles an hour.
A Shrewd Investor
will be glad to know how the
greatest accumulation of trust
funds in the world is invested.
A young man who is just
beginning to accumulate and
invest his savings will be
interested in a booklet that
describes the investments of
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York. This
information is found in
"A Banker's Will." Sent free
on application.
Thli Company rank!
trj la A&Klt.
firtl-ln Amount Paid rollcy-boldrt.
J-tril In Age.
The Mutual Life Insurance
Company of New York,
RlCHAKD A. McCuiDT, President.
Alma D. Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho.
Frank L. Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon.
E. B. Rlnearson Issued a Bad Check
Is Being Searched for by the Of
Otrtcers of the sheriff's office, are
seeking E B. Rlncnrson, a young man
who passed a bad check on George
H. Smith, a cigar dealer on Third
street yesterday, says the ANalla
Walla Statesman. The piece of pa
per bore the name of C. X. Pentecost,
the well-known farmer, nnd was for
$17.50. Rlncnrson has been about
town for some weeks and spent part
of his time at the cigar store.
Forced to Pest House.
AValla Wnlln. June 30. Because
the parents would not make them
stnv indoors, two children of n fam
ily 'named Llnd, nffllcted with small
K).x. were forcibly taken to the pest
house yesterdny by County Health
Physician Stiles. The Linus reside In
Sprague street, nnd a few days ago
two of the children were discovered
to have smnllpox. Dr. Stnes warned
the mother to keep the children in
Hr,nrs. but complaints commenced
coming In from neighbors Saturday
that the children were being allowed
, to roam In tho streets and chaso
other children In childish glee.
Something for Mothers
to Think About.
Lives of Suffering and
Sorrow Averted
And Happiness and Prosperity ,
Assured by !
CuticuraSoap, Ointment and Pills
When All Else Fails.
Every child boru into the world with
an inherited or early developed tcu-
dency to distressing, di-,flsuriu!r hti-
mours of the skin, scalp and Mood, be
comes an object of the inut tender so
licitude, not only liecause of its suller
ing, but because of the dreadful fear
that the disfiguration U to be lifelong
aud mar Its future liapphifss nnd pros
perity. Hence It Incomes the duty of
mothers of such nftlieted children to ac
quaint themselves with the best, the
purest and most effective treatment
available, viz., The Cuticura Treatment.
Vtiirm baths with l uticura Soap to
"JS""e S1,11! a,,d
lc.aleS, gentle upplicutl.. 114 Of Cuticuru
auJ mUa do9Cg j.Xut
Tills, to cool the blood iu the smerer
ca,e,' arc aU tlmt can ,,tN, fJ (
aUevlatlon of the suffering of skin tor- I
tured Infants and childn-uTaud the com- i
fort of WOruut parents. I
Millions of women u-eCuticura
ajslsted by Cuticuru Oiutuieut, for pre
serving, purifying and beautifvlug the
skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts,
scales and dandruff, and the stopping
of falling hair, for Bofteulng, whitening
aud soothing red, rough and sore liuudu"
for baby rashes, ltchlugs and chafinsrs,
in thu form of washes for untiovlng
irritutlops and inflammatlriiM, and" for
many sanative, antiseptic purpoM's
niiiLii reuuuy suggest uiemsiMv e-.
A Nice, Juicy
Steak is just the thing
this weather. It is too
hot to roast or boil meat
IfCall or phone
31C E. Court Phone IteU 211
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and sa v e
you money
Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters (or barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Aita St., Opp. Court House
Have you noticed our tooth
brush window? A good many
stop to admire and talk about
It. We have lately bought a
large number of 25-cant Tooth
Brushes. Every ono Is guaran
teed to be satisfactory or money
We make up a tooth powder
which we think has never been
surpassed In cleansing proper
ties. It Is pleasant to use and
perfectly harmless. Large bot
tie, 25 cents.
Commencing July 1st. for one
week only, we will give one of
our 25-cent Tooth Brushes
FREE with each bottle of Dr.
Mann's Antiseptic Tooth Powder
or Liquid Dentifoam purchased.
Only one Tooth Brush to a per
son. This offer holds good for
one week only, and is made
simply to advertise our Liquid
Dentifoam and Powder to get
more people to using them. Fif
ty cents worth for 25 cents.
Buy a 25-cent Tooth Brush and
we throw In the Powder; or buy
the Powder and we throw In a
25-cent Tooth Brush.
Please tell your friends about
this offer.
For the convenience of the
driving public we have install
ed an electric enunciator In
front of our store. One may
summon a clerk to take their
order without leaving their car
riage. F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
Post office Mock I'honc Main S51
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Ceiling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes' is complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
not be wrong in placing
their order with the : :
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wt & C. R. Depot
May bring you bad luck and a smash
ed buggy, in which case the best way
to retrieve your fortune will be to
send your carriage to Neagle Bros,
for repairs, where you can have it
made over and fixed up so that your
friends will think you have purchased
a new one. However, don't pass us
by without a look at our Winona
wagons. They run easy, carry one
third more than nnv other make ana
as durable. We have buggies from
40 up. Get your tires set on our
hydraulic machine. No burning or
defacing your wheels. This macmne
was installod in our plant at a great
cost and Isthe only one on the Paclflc
coast. It does the best work and has
been adopted by the U. S. govern
menL Give us a call.
Neagle Brothers
Sovcr's Gasoline Engines.
Farmers Custom Mill
Fn4 Walters, Proprietor
Capacity ISO barrels a day
Flour exchanged or wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Cheeped Feed, et
alwayi oa hand.
a wferiot b
cllars nnd ,
nereis He,
and vtestSl)
yond comp
Court tail
Insurance ii feral
M. H. Rid
J.P. Wtlier.CltjJi
i Canned fruits i
tbat taste lut i
has all the f
the frnitoria
ine but the sot
goes into all
rEvery bit ii
sweet ana
not find an ec
I Is always'
I place your c
Fir. Tama
I ..Pi
l WLybuyf!
ran eet the wl
( price?
pleased i
Plenty of
, horses'
grain for
- n