East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 30, 1903, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Uud Xniisoupwv '-iJ V"n"i
ly cloudy, warmer.
J5c A W cejcv. ;
McCue Denies His
Ife and Weds Sec
part in Some of tne
(ties of the Spanish War
Always Considered a
-Left His Legal Wife
Inds and Proves a Ras-
Ijum 30.-Ida Wescott
Erst wife of Lieutenant
k accused of bigamy by
Imarriace with Viola SI-
Irranclsco, Is prostrated
b made by McCue in
he effect that be never
I She says she was mar-
I June 7 JS99, by Rev.
r of this city, that she
parents at Sharpsburg,
fcled him to Cuba, where
i year He participated
ke most exciting battles
he head of his company
bf Santiago, after which
leu with a fever. They
months together at Fort
then went into active
Philippines. She re-
tcmnatl, where she has
April, 1901.
tclock this morning Mc-
blsslng and he has not
tee he left the hotel at
IJIcCue last night faced
of walking the streets
he bounty of Mrs. Har-
iTork, another guest at
leuue had been notified
la JCC bill or leave the
The girl was left
rthout funds. At army
his name appears in
: on the June recister.
Eh expires tomorrow
I report for duty at Buf-
i the adjutant general's
chinr for him frultlens.
per to demand that he
spiain his conduct, if
FUty he Is subject to
as well as civil Jaw.
XO, iT2.
Time Made by Reliance in Trial Race
Was Fast
Newport, June 30. There i a
unanimous feeling among yachtsmen
. . JI,vlow of tho welient showing
of the Reliance yesterday that she bo
cuoscn to oeiena the cup. Tester-
lutoru is H14 minutes lower
than any cup race record, and proves
tho Rollnnco's adaptlblllty to heavy
weather. Yachts will go over the trl
nngular courso today, which is 10
n.iiua iu uuen lee. i'licrp Is n mnA.
ntp breeze, and a good sea Is running
this morning. 1
The wind caused a change In the!
course to 15 miles out and back. Tho I
yachts got oft In the following order- I
t ".toj uommoia, is sec
onds later; Constitution. 19 seconds
later. The Columbia, b- excellent
maneuvering, got the berth when the
starting gun was fired.
Accused of Using Federal Po-J
sitions to Further Private?
Swindling Operations. :
Plots and Counterplots Infest
Washington, Growing Out
l. oTfunargos ot mud. .
Some Prominent Men Are Kept Busy
Denying Charges That Were First'
Made Some Weeks Ago Among
the Assets of the Company Is Stock
in Worthless Colorado Mines.
President Will Also Address a Cath
olic Celebration.
Oyster Bay, Juno 30. President j
Roosovelt has decided to witness tho
first cup race and leaves with his
cTthe' iSth03"1 SylPh CVCnInK ' YorK. J-Hery Wmt.
GovernorHunt. of Porto Rico. Gen-' Si0 cQlS? Vl? tM r hmd '
oral linr-nnrt Air nicci -- ! lne Lolumula Gold Mini 1:. Company.
at luncheon todav was arrostei1 tolay on " -nlil
nmmtt n1nl T V, ,, 1 .
20. Father Power, tho nriest in 1 7. "V... . w- .: . . , .
a" "uuress. wnicn ne nas prac-j night to avoid mOIe serious churns.
tlon to he held at Oyster Bay, JuS leV The
20. Father Power, tho nriest ,n ' . . J,
SSSTfin 'f,H, 'r"C.i.R.0S.eLel . J.0!' federal authorities ,0 be planning
, : . . ,
mouj ""Pivu. 1 Th. nnlnmliln rmm,.n,- nnhln...l
much notoriety of late through tho
WILL CONTINUE STRIKE. published chargo that In its director-
ate are a number of federal employes
No Intention of Calling Off West Vir- who used their official positions to
glnla Movement. 1 further tho interests of tho concern.
,,,, . , Postofdcc Inspector Ashe has been
Indianapolis, Juno 30.-Afler con- investigating for some weeks. The
suiting with a number of officials of 1 com,,any claims tr. own valuable pay
the union m ners President MItche.. lng mlnes at Cr,I)pic Creek but the
today said the strike at New River. police say the only mine owned is
In the Loup creek districts, will be , one which was worked out years ago
continued, but with more aggressive-; and now worthless.
neS8, 1 Among the directors of the compa
, ny, according to Its prospectus, are
I Acctctant Cnrt.nl n nf 1 1, r. TTnltn.l
nil M StB,es Treasury 'Nettleton, Treasury
I In UL Disbursing Agent Thompson, and
I Senator Jones, of Ohio. All these em
I jihatlcally repudiate the company and
say they have no connection with it.
Following This Event the American
Squadron sailed for Portsmouth and
the Emperor Has Gone to Ecken-ford.
Holds Up His Guard
l"t of Tennessee Jail.
penn., June 30. Hnrvpv
lontana train robber un
ci M yearn' Imnrlcnn.
1 from the Knox countv
foon at B o'clock. While
m was turned. Lnran
over his head and las
H Dim uelil tn ilio i.oo
HTlng one entire floor
6 aself, Logan next se
ols that had been plac
ridor of tho IbII fnl-
Kk from Ijgan, the
r" t a boltli.
I medicine. As the
t uis Da nil ... . 1. ...
f b a Pistol fnrnr.,1
- - - mm
Kiel, June 30. The American
squadron sails for Portsmouth at 5
o'clock this evening.
The kaiser, accompanied by Alli
son Armour left for Eckenford early
this morning, where he will race his
yacht Meteor In today's regatta.
The Vanderbilt's yacht sailed for
Kronstadt this morning from which
place they will make a tour of Euro
pean waters, returning to New York
In time for the cup races.
The officers of the Kearsarge in
tend to present the kaiser with a pic
ture of their ship.
The rowing race between cutter
of the Chlcafo, representing the
Anit'ilcan squadron and that of Kais
er Friedreich III, i-eproaentlns the
German fleet held In the bay today
won by the Americans, who were 25
seconds In the lead. It was an exclt
lne contest, witnessed by both fleets,
and the shores were crowded with
thousands. As the Chicago's Jackies
crossed the 1 ne they were wllcuy
Passenger Train Dashed to the" Bot
tom of a River, Killing Over a
.Madrid, June 30. A passenger
train composed of 1C coaches and two
engines, was wrecked near Bilboa, on
the Nejerllla bridge, last nlgui, kill
ing over one hundred peopm and In
juring 2S0.
Investigation Begun. By Fourth Assist-
(uan! Rfletn... U CI1...J II. U . A!
f.. no. guiKu up me mii-
ials In Many Unexpected Places
ostmaster General Payne and His
Predecessor Both Involved Three
' More Indictments Brought.
Washington. Juno 30. Tnlloch this
morning has given out n statement
In which he denies ho ever filed any
written charges In 1S09 and likewise
denies making any report to expose
Kx-Postmnster Genernl Smith. Ho
says Smith's '-deadly parallel" which
he sent to Payne is without founda
tion "I simply referred him to rec
ords In the department, Tliy.ujorts
referred to wero evidently pT-epnreu
l)y his own Inspectors, or subordi
nates from data collected at that
time during an Investigation then be
ing held in relation topostnl affairs."
Threatens a Libel Suit.
Mr. Tnlloch intimates that ho prob
ably will bring a libel suit against
Mr, Smith on account of an editorial
which the latter published yesterday
in -the Philadelphia Press. In which,
among other things. Smith said Tnl
loch is Annanias' rival. Tho suit will
t. brought under tho federal laws in
the District of Columbia.
Three More Indictments,
Washington, Juno 30. Tho grand
Jury this afternoon returned indict
ments containing three additional
counts against Machtn and tho Grnff
brothers, charging bribery in con
nection with the purchase of tho wall
box fastener. Tho original Indict
ments contained nlno counts, each
KpcWfylng a separate sum, alleged to
havif"btfii received by Machln from
the Groffs.
Try to Shut Off News.
Mr Payne had a conference this
morning with his nsslstants.'at which
it was decided that hereafter all in.
formation of a public rharacter bear
ing upon the present Investigation,
ttlll be given out by Payne only.
Killed a Man Who Belonged to an
Anti-Gambling League,
Now York, Juno 30. Tho district
attorney office has established
something of a record for speedy ac
tion in the case ot Wtll'nr.t Spencer,
tho negro who shot and Hilled In cold
blood, Charles S. McFnrlane, tho sup
erintendent ot tho Aiitl-Poltcy Socie
ty in tho corridor ot tho criminal
court building. Sponcor wns placed
on trial today, after scarcely two
weeks had elapsed since tho commis
sion ot his crime.
It has been n long time since pop
ular Indignation has been aroused to
such n pitch ngalnst n niurderor in
tho metropolis as has been In tho case
of Spencer, and this feeling has
prompted tho prosecution to rush the
enso through as speedily as may bo
dono without giving excuse for tho
cry of "railroading" tho negro to tho
electric chair.
Spencer was a llmitcnnnt of "Al"
Adams tho dethroned policy king, j
and It Is probable that before the end
of tho present week tho negro will
bo occupying n cell in Sing Sing
prison, where his former chief la now
serving a ono year's sentence.
Ono Hundred and Fifty Mem
bers of the Union Demand
Their Rights.
State Comptroller of Yexas Killed by
a Discharged Clerk.
Austin, Texas, Juno ao. State
Comptroller Lovo wns shot to death
iu his nlllco in tho cnpltol tins morn
ing by Willis Hill, a former clerk who
had been discharged. Tlllt afterward
eommltteu Hiilcldo.
Revolt Against High Collars In Hot
Weather Don't Want to De Pro
hibited From Wearing Floweri
Company la Advertising for Men to
Learn Operating Sympathy I
With the Girls.
Pope Is Recovering.
Loudon. Juno 30. A dispatch front
Home says tho pope has recovered
from his recent Indisposition, and
this morning took an honr'H drive
through the Vatican gnrdons. Aftur
wnrdH ho received tho coadjutor vlenr
of Capetown mid discussed South Af
rican affairs with him.
Meredith's Health Improving.
Loudon, Juno 30. Novnllsr George
Meredith h condition Is materially Im
proved today.
The head engine broke off from the
train, while crossing a high bridge. 1 ny breach will be sufficient to causo
ami me secona engine anu enure -ummary dismissal
train went into the bottom of th
river, 50 feet below.
Sixty bodies were recovered from
the wreckage during the night and
many of tho Injured were yet plnbm
ed in the mass.
Forty More Bodies Found
Madrid, June 30. Forty more
bodies have been removed .from the
wreckage of the Bilboa train which
crashed through a bridge last nlglit,
making 141. It Is estimated that It
will require eight more days to re
move the wreckage. The workers,
who include soldiers. ar- compelled
to keen carbolic cotton over their
mouths and noses because- of the pu
trefylng bodies still In the debris.
It Is an open bocret tnat Mr. I'ayno
Is restless under continued publica
tions relative to tho Investigation.
His attitude has been to dlscourago
publicity until roaults wero reached.
cheered liv the Germans.
door and take him to I llearty and sportsmanlike good will.
we tail Th..- 1
'take hlni tn Hi -V. r-r. -v-i 1 r- nrl ICT niT I nMnnKI
Ind snilrti ..... 7 run ,r,t "' "
M' me snenrr b
l,.ni0U''tHl and rode
lain Ions of the moan-
rr.M"e(I ? nurs'"t of
-u an nour
ld NothlB.
kino. ...
rc JU.-Kve offlcalB
B'T "ug lne cause ot
Dent c.tj
tbW."S 10 Favor
01 Servian
f Of R,.V Ul OPPO-
oife T!? Porto
'Unw." wh Aus-
SiJ??P in the event
Ze' Sen-la, for
boring orders Tim
Ll Who Is now
Country Members Oppose Education
al Measure.
London, June 30. The Evening
Sun today publishes on what It claims
to be the best authority, tnat the
London education bill is about to be
dropped entirely by the government
In consequence of tho serious dissen
sions and resistance encountered
from tho country districts.
No Serious Opposition.
.London, June 30. Official circles
declare the story without foundation,
and say the government is not afraid
of opposition.
Fire at Heppner Junction.
Heppner Junction, June 30. Fire
in the O. R. & N. dopot building de
stroyed all tho household effects of
I. T. Glenn, the agent, at 3:30 this
afternoon. It caught in a shed back
of the building and did but little dam
age toTtho main building.
Free Delivery at The Dalles.
Tho Dalles. June 30. The free mail
delivery synton will be installed here
tomorrow, juiy J. ymm iw
Issue Raised in an Important Bank
ruptcy Case.
Newark, N. J., June 30. Judge
Klrkpatrlck, of the United States cir
cuit court, today announced that he
had decided to appoint a receiver for
the United States Shipbuilding Com
pany. Ho will give the attorneys op
portunity to agree on a receiver If
they so desire Attorney ueraming,
in behalf of the directors of the com
pany, asked that the court grant 24
hours to the company In which to de
cide who they desired as receiver.
This is strongly opposed by the plain
tiffs. Tho court advised both sides to
confer amicably and try to agree on a
New Federal Judge.
Washington, D. C, June 30, The
change In the eighth Judicial circuit
caused by the retirement of Judge
Henry C. Caldwell and the appoinr-m-nt
of Judgo William C. Hook as a'.i
tuecesKor becomes effective to'y
Judge Hook, the new incumbent,
Is a resident of Kansas and Js pro
moted irom the district court, to
which he was appointed by President
McKinley In 1899. The retirement
of Judge Caldwell, it is recalled, re
moves the only surviving appointee
placed on the bench by President Lincoln.
"Fellow Servant" Doctrine will
Pleaded by Railroad.
Los Angeles, Cal., Juno 30. A caso
Involving the liability of an employer
for Injuries received by an employe
In service, a point of law which for
naif a century has been much dl
cussed both Iu this country and in
England, camo up for argument today
In the United State circuit court In
this city. Peculiar clrcumBtunccs
connected with the cuso malto it one
of more than ordinary interest.
un tlio face 01 It tuo case is a
damage suit for 50,000, filed by T.
Holmes, a former engineer on the
Santa Ke, for personul Injuries sus
tained In a wreck al Franconta Sta
t'on, Ariz., nearly two yean hfo.
Tho company, it is asserted, will set
up as a defense the "fellow-servant"
doctrine, which makes an employe,
Instead of tho employs-, responsible
for Injuries received by u fellow
worker, where the caux-j can bo lalJ
to carelessness or ncgllgcnco of one
engaged In contributory labor.
The last legislature amended the
law on this point, which was hold to
be favorable to tho employer. Holmes'
suit was brought under the provis
ions of the old law, and both sides
are prepared to fight tho case, the
plaintiffs attorneys desiring to es
tablish a precedent for similar rases
now pending.
Two Victims Will Probably Die,
While Nine Are in Hospital.
Pittsburg. June 30, Physicians
this morning say two victims of yes
terday's elevator accident at the
Helnze plant will probably die with
in a few hours. Nine victims are
still In the hospital.
Mob Gets Their Man, However, and
Takes Him Away His Fate Is Un
known, But Certain.
Chattnnooga, Tenn., Juno 30. A
mnb this morning wunt from Larklns
vllle, Ala., to Scottsboro, -10 miles
nway, and demanded that (ho negro,
Dlggs, charged with nttetuplng to as
sault and murder 11 white girl at Lap
klnsvillo, Sunday nlglit, bo turned
over to them.
Sheriff Austin refused to comply
and was shot down when ho nttompt
ed to repel the mob, Tim assaulting
party then took tho keys, entered the;
Jul! ami let Diggs away, Thoro was
no attempt to Interfere either to re
take the negro or to follow tho mob,
which dlxapprareil In the direction ot
Larklnsvlllu. The presumption Ih
that tho negro has been either hung
or burned.
Sheriff Austin Is In a critical con
dition. Ho expresses great regret
that ho was disabled before ho had
an opportunity to defend his author
ity. Ho wns measurably unprepared
for un nssault, not expecting It.
Spokane, Juno 30 - The tolmlmne
operators of tho Pacific Slnto Tele
phones, struck this morning an 11 re
sult of nlloged discrimination and un
falr trentniont ngnlimt members ot
tho union by tho now service mana
ger, Mlsw Wrede, recently Imported
ft om Seattle, who It Is claimed, also
caused the llutto dlaturbiiuco. Thcra
nro HiO girls In the union, all hut 3
of tiium being cotnpnny operators.
Among the other grievances Is tlin
rule forbidding operators to wear
low nock drosses In hot weather.
Tho oporntors domaiul recognition of
tho union, and slight clianguH Iu the
scale of wages. They also demand .
revocation of tho order regarding de
portment mid apparel, a rescinding of
thu order prohibiting girls from wear
ing flowers, compelling wearing ot
tho hull' ilonri up on top of tuo head.
Insisting 011 high collars utid prohibit
ing low neck dresses and turn-dowe
Fifty-eight girls 011 tho day slilit
walked out this morning, unit nine
011 tho other shift followed, The
company la advertising for men to
learn operating. Tlio linemen an
electrical workers are hIho out.
Public sentiment Is with tne glrlf.
and tlio effort to replnco thorn with
men will bo the signal for a general
boycott. It Ih thought.
Drowned at Dayton,
Walla Walla, Juno 30, Word
reurbod here Into last night of the
drowning of John Kdward Frnry, S
year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hid
Frnry, prominent Dayton people. The
little fellow was playing with com
panions along side tho mill raco,
which skirts the street tho Krarys
live on, when ho accidentally slipped
and fell in, The water is quite swift
and deep, and before aid could bo
sumoned he was drowned. Tho body
was recovered.
Very Large Turnout of People at the
Home at the Agency,
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Wllklns,
the wife of Charles Wllklns, tho
agent at the reservation, was held at
tne agency this afternoon, and tho In
terment was iiiudo In (ho Olney cem
etery. The services wero conducted
by Itobcrt J. Dlvcn. of tho Presbyter
ian church of this city It was ono
of the largest funerals that has taken
place In this city for a long tlmo, tho
friends of thu deceased from all tho
surrounding country being In attend
Tiie procession was very long,
many of tho Indians of tuo reserva
tion showing their esteem for the de
ceased by following her remains ' to
the grave.
Game of Ball to Be Played Saturday
Between Local Teams.
There will be a baseball gnmo Is
thu city 011 the afternoon of the
Fourth and from what can be learn
ed of tho players It will bo n goo
0110. The game hns been arranged
betwoen tho clerks and the Wonders.
and tho members of both nines are
working hard to gut Into conditio
ror tho day.
There nro soiuo men anionic the
ranks of tho dorks of tho city that
nave playoil good ball In tho days
before tlioy went Into business, ana
ns thoy are all of them young mom,
they will bo ublo to put up a strnnc
The manager of the team thinks
with 'thu men he has signed for the
gaiiio thut ho could piny with some
or tho good teams of tho vicinity and
give a good account of ills players.
Tlio llno-up of tho teams will be
announced later when the men have
worked Into thu positions thoy will
occupy. Tlio game will bo called at
3 o'clock ut the Alia street grounds
ami the manngoniont guarantee a
good exhibition of hall,
A Little Army of Brown Q round
Worms Gives Nervous Corres
pondent Hysterics,
Walla Wnlla, June 30, What has
proved to bo a serious menace to
hollyhocks, pig weed, tar weed, this
tles, cockle burs and million leave,
has put in an appournnco 011 one or
two farms In this vicinity, In tho torn,
of a large, rough-skinned, horny
headed, fiuzy-bncked, striped bellied
brown worm about an Inch In length
and of tho diameter of a load poncIL,
Thcso worms visit tho river bot
tom sections every year in greater
or less degree, unit do absolutely ne
harm except to strip tuo weeds of at
their leaves and tho willows of thoar
Two or three hysterical corres
pondents have rushed out reports ot
impending destruction to crops ant
orchards, but thoro Is no probability
that a slnglo crop or orchard will foe)
tho effect of these visitors,
They come every year during; the
month of July and are seen in the
summer fallow fields and weedy creek
banks, and have never been knows,
to Injure crops, gardens or orchards.