DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. MONDAV, JUNE 29, 1903. III II VII 1 TV1 mi The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most ilniiRcrons becnusc so deeep- I tivc. iHnnysutiticii i deaths are caused ! by it heart djs i ease, pneumonia, : heart failure or aiioplexy arc often the result of kid ney disease. II kid iicv trouble is nlloivcdtondvnncc thekidncv-poison- ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and -waste awny cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by n proper treatment of thekitinevs. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through' the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold bv all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., I'-iughamtou, X. Y. AVheu writing mention reading this generous offer tn this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the natnc.Swamp Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Ilinghamtou, N. Y., on everv bottle. EDUCATORS MEET SOUTHERN COLLEGE PRESI. DENTS IN SESSION. Famous Town of Asheville Is In Gala Attire to Welcorre the Southern Teachers Three Days' Session With Many Notable Educators in Attendance. rem NORRIS & ROI 3. 1116 SHOW Insurance in force $13,456,960.00 M. H. RICE, Freewater Accnt (or Umatilla County J.P. Walker, Cltr Agent (or I'endletoa Asheville. N. C. Juno 29. This motis resort is crowded with teachers j from all parts of the South, come to i attend the annual meeting of the j Southern Educational Association, j The convention will open tomorrow, and continue three days. From pros- j cut Indications it Avlll he the largest I and most representative gathering) of educators ever seen In the South. The territory covered by the assoela-' tlon includes every- Southern state, trom Maryland to Texas, and Missou ri also comss within Its jurisdiction. I Among the men of note who will be present nnd take part In the pro ceedings are: John H. Hive. Grant I University. Chattanooga. Tenn.; Pres ident Henry Louis Smith, Davidson College; Rev. Dr. J D. Hammond Jackson. Tenn.; l'n'f E. H. llabbit. Lnlverslty of the South; President R. B. Fulton. University of Missis sippi, President B. C. Caldwell, Louis iana State Normal School: Superin tendent Junius Jordan. Pine Bluff. Ark.: President E. E. Purington. Uni versity of West Virginia; Prof. A. C. Ellis. University of Texas; Prof. Frederick Eby. Baylor University; President A. A. Murphee, Florida State College; Superintendent W. V. Barnett. Houston. Texas; Prof. Ed ward Buckner. University of Alaba ma; President Edwin A. Alderman, Tulane University; Dr. Thomas Hume, University of North Carolina: Dr. Trederlck AV. Moore. VunderuHt Uni versity; President Thomas D. Boyd, Louisiana State University; Dr. W. LcConte Stevens, Washington and Lee University; President" Charles D. Mclvor, North Carolina State Normal College; Miss Marion Brown, New Orleans, and many other eminent educators. THE SMOOTH SMOKE 'i!" A Dream A Delight A Satisfaction C TTtt-.t-t T-rirVl OTP The Largest Selling Brand of Cigars in the World. The Band Is the Smoker's Protection. THE ONE GREAT TENTED AMUSEMENT mikiBorMT TllT rill rn i n ml" 1 LW j I airmen i irmi rumLU fcVhRY Will Exhibit In Pendleton jTuesday, July 7 Performance at 2 and 8 p. m. M I 1 1 I HU H 1 I I I I I I I I l"l"M' Everybody : Uses Groceries Many people, however, do Jnol know that most of their food is adulterated by schem ing manufacturers. Such concerns do not get our trade. Our goods are fresh and first-class and our prices are as low as good groceries are sold for F.S.Y0UN6ER . & SON . . Wenro llcailnimrturs for nil klndK of rrvtili fruits lu M.-imun H IH I I 1 1 I I I lllHHUt' Startling Evidence. Fresh testimony in great quantity is constantly coming In, declaring Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds, to be uuequaled. A recent expression from T. J. McFarland, Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He writes: "I had bronchitis for three years and doc tored all the time without being benefited. Then I began taking Dr. King's New Discover", and a few bot tles wholly cured me." Equally ef fective In curing all lung and throat troubles, consumption, pneumonia and grip. Guaranteed by Tallman & Co., druggists. Trial bottles free, regular size, SOc and $1. "He said that someone told him yesterday that he was the handsom est man In his family." "That's a bad habit he's got." "What?" "Talking to himself." Philadelphia Press. "WHAT IS THE UNDERWOOD TABULATOR It is a device forming a part of the Underwood Typewriter, that marvelously simplifies the work of making out bills, filling In of blank forms, getting up of stntisflcs. lists of nnmes, in fact, any form of writing that Is arranged In columns. As the written page on the Underwoou is always lu full sight of the user, no letter or word hoing covered up at any time, the value of the tabulator, when applied to the Underwood Typewriter, is ap parent. This feature alone gives double value to the Underwood. No extra charge is made for the tabulator; it Is not an. attachment, but an Integral part of the machine. The entire operation of the tabular mechanism is controlled by one key. Eyesight does the rest. The most complicated form can be easily, quickly and accur ately followed, because you always see what you arc doing. The Underwood Tabulator is solidly framed In the machine, and does not "rack" the Instrument. It is provided with an automatic brake, which governs the movement of the carriage perfectly. t f NEW GREAT SPECTACULAR STREET PARADE AT lOJil i The Underwood "brakes" the Tabulator. : Other Tabulators JOHN S. KEES, Agent "break" the machines Pendleton, Oregon 500 - PERFORMING ANIMALS - Consisting of Trained Elephants, Cames Llimas, Lions, Pumas, Seals, Sea Lions, Zebras, Monkeys, Ponies, Etc. TELEPHONES IN MINES. MALTHOID The new high grade roof ing for low cojt work. On ihedi, factoriet, warehoutei, bams, depoti, wharvet. All buildings of large roof lur face that require protection from the element!. A better roofing at the tame price hai never been produced. Ma lor kkUt. 4 Paraffin Paint Co. San Pranclico, Seattle, Portland, Lot Angtlcs and Dcnvar, Colorado. T. C. TAYLOR, Agent Remember That we give special attention to orders for fancy ICE CREAM and CANDIES. C. R. DUTTON'S If You Haven't Spunk and energy enough to sit rinhtdown this minute and write for our catalogue we're afraid you're not suited for a business life. This may be the best chance you have ever had. Don't waste it. We educate you practically for business and get you a position when competent. A postal card will bring full particulars. Isn't it worth your while to write now be fore you forget it. Bebnke-Walker Business College I'iprtliuiil, Urecmi Beliovlng the Smith-Premier the most popular typewriter on earth, we have purchased L'5 ma chines for our new school Use in Underground Work is Steadily. Increasing. Gradually the mines of this and other countries are being equipped with telephones above and below ground. It is a curious fact that to date but very little attention has been paid by telephone manufacturers to make telephones suitable for use un derground, probably due t- the fact that lint until very nvently was any attempt ninde to nlnce telephones in the underground v jrl.iugs of mines. However, there arc a number of mines ' already equipped, but t!n.so are with 1 i telephones made after their own sug gestions. The one great feature being a dry box. But two telephone com-, pauies In the United States are known j to make a strictly mint telephone nnd It Is probable that these com-' , panles will, by their progressive ideas ! I secure a permanent hold upon this . I coming extensive nnd profitable addl-1 tlonal demand for 'phones. The Mlu- Ing World , Anv Tube s a Good Tskse i Now is the accepted time to have your house painted or pa pered. A little painting here and there will help its looks wonder fully. Some nice, bright, new wall paper will lend a freshness to any room. Our stock of wall paper was never more complete patterns In endless variety and every one new and up-to-date in color design. Better come In and let us show them to you and tell you what it will cost for your whole house or one room. E. J. Murphy, 111 Court Street. Olympian Hippodrome Costly Zoology Annex Sensational Cvcle Whirl Bicycle Experts Royal Mamiihld of Japanese Performers. Marvelous Acrobats, Amalists. Tcsi and Contautionists. 20 Kcllicking, Romping, Mirth Prcrt Clowns, See the Baby Camel The only cne ever born ta A JOO - NEW SENSATIONAL FEATURES Prices: Adults 50c. Children 25. AOKER'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Did Pigeon Cross Pacific? Has a enrrler pigeon the endurance to fly from Asintlc wntors to Salt Lake City? says the Herald. This is the problem that was presented to ( local experts a few days ago. .Mrs. : Kate Wiley was aroused by hearing i a tanning on her back door. The cure" rivsnensia and all rllnm-rlm-u nria. ' noise ceased for a moment and then ins from Indigestion. Endorsed by , it was renewed. When .Mrs Wiley physicians everywhere. Sold by nil investigation she found a carrier pig- druggists. No cure, no pay. 25 cents eon lying on the threshold tapping at Trial package free by writing to W. the door with his bill. The bird had ,H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo N. T. F , been seen a few minutes before fall- 'W. Schmidt & Co , nig uxnuiiHieu in me air. .Mrs. Wiley examined the carrier and found a gold ring on one of Its legs. On the ring was Inscribed "J. H. K.. Jr.. H. M. S. I Alliance." No, 8 Is also engraved on I the ring. Under the carrier's wings j salt was caked. Its feathers were al ' so dotted with hardened brino or spray. STRONG TESTIMONY. , This is Pendleton Testimony and Will Stand Investigation, ' If you should doubt the following 1 and wish to investigate, you haven't The English warship Alliance j H l nio other stato In the Union I Is now In Asiatic waters. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Our companies, stand first in the world. Hartford Fire Insurance Ca12)!K9,076 Alliance Assurance Co. .... . 2fl,03D,BW London A Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. 8,644,683 North British 4 Mercantile CO ID Bflfi OTJ Royal Insurance Co 22,807,153 FRANK 6. CLOPTON AHT 500 MAIN STREET Oy taking advantage of the rates East offered by "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE." Chicago and return SG6.50 St, Paul & .Minneapolis and return 55.00 Tickets good 90 days. Stop-overs allowed. Dates of sale: June 4, G, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28. 29. 30; July IE, 1C and Aug-ist 25, 2C. Full information by Addressing H. L. SISLEK, General Agent. 132 Third street, Portland, Ore. Mokl Tea positively cures sick Headache, Indigestion and Constipa tion. A delightful herb drink. Re moves all eruptions of the skin, pro ducing a perfect complexion or money refunded. 25c and COc. Write to us for free sample. W. H. Hooker ft Co., Buffalo, N. Y. F. W, Schmidt ft Co., druggists. to prove It. It's not a lone storv nub llshed in Pendleton newspapers about a reBiiituii in iaiamazoo, Mich, or Tampa. Fla. Its about a resident of cheap I'endleton and given In his own words. 1 iso stronger proof can be had. H. A. Thompson, retired,' who lives on iaioncwall Jackson street, says: "My kidneys troubled me by spells lor lu years, and at such times with n steady dull achlug across my back. I used large quantities of various kinds of medicines sold to be good for it, but they never bcnoOted mo enough so that I could notice It. Final ly I got a box of Doan's Kldnoy Pills at the Brock & McComas Co. drug store and I found them to be just what I needed. They went right to tile spot and not only rel loved my backache, but cured It permanently. 1 will be only, too pleased to tell others about the merits of this reme dy." For sala by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. FosterTMllbnru Co., Buffalo. N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. The Grand Trunk Gold Mi Sumpter, Oregon, Gold Mining District. Is located upon the GREAT MOTHER LODE system of veins and has for neigh bors on lhnt vein such well known mines as the NORTH POLE valued at , $10,000,000. The COLUMBIA vaiireu $5,ooo,ooo. GOLCONDA valued at $3, 000,000. THE MONMOTH G. M. CO 5 BELLE BAKER mine valued at W 000. THE BALD MOUNTAIN valued $5oo,ooo. THE IBEX valued at $4 ooo, and many others. The Qranri Trunk Rnlri MiniP anil Ml Owns Its Property Consisting of 160 Acres of Rich Ookl Bcir "1 it has no indebtedness oi any cnardtic eicet i It has a conservative mininc and business mw b I It is offerinc w.ooo shares of stock at 15 P" It will become a dividend payer in a sn." ""' d M sf It will pay you to write us for full particulars careful investigation of its merits. iM It has the indorsement of mining men, eusin bankers of Eastern Oregon. Write us today and let us post you. H. S. McCallum & Cof ffy' Miners, Brokersand Financial AS OREGON. - r... 4ont.Pnd!etoB,Or' Our Weekly Mining Letters on SumP1,. ,;on. Uistnct free on ny? LEGAL BLANKS gt Jiyil-.v-,