East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 29, 1903, Image 5

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It does not take long for the public to find out the
field for bargains. They have been comin,- ,r
AN lately and we expect to draw the procession here-
wards if P"063 Wl11 do lt- Tlie following are good
for a few days only:
MEN'S CANVASS SHOES in light and dark grey, nicely lined,
Icood substantial coumer anu uqk toe wmcn holds the shoe in
shape, carefully finished, ideal hot weather shoe, special
values $1.35 and $1.50
BOYS' SHOES in colt skin, box calf, vici k-lrt
shapes and styles. The good looking serviceable kind that you
usually pay 3 and 3-5o tor, special value $2.50
i E. KETTELTON'S Patent Leather Blucher, something swell,
nothing later or more stylish, regular $6, special value ....$5
IsrjABANTEED Patent Colt Skin one of the late stylish leath
ers, regular $5. special value $4
City Brevities
kolce meats at Houser's.
biers' supplies at Neuman's.
it Sharp's artistic wall paper.
loins tables $5 and up. Rader s.
L; jour spring suits at Joerger s.
I: the best bread, get Rohrnian's.
Lire for rent, inquire of Chris
building lots in Pendleton.
Lie jour shoes repaired at
Iji' cigar store, lieadquarters for
lers supplies.
clal sale on all summer mlllln-
Mrs. Campbell's.
r Sale Cattle, horses and sheep.
, Bryson &. wade.
In't fall to read the Underwood
writer ad In this issue.
Irtjr different styles of extension
i from $5 to 30. leader's.
! Sldelo," the best cigar made, at
I cigar store Court street.
I kinds of imported and domestic
pes and clam chowder at Gratz's.
n't let cigars get the best of
ket the bebt of cigars. Han-
Rent Suite of rooms, nicely
shed, one block and a half west
lain street. Inquire 208 Alto.
lir Insoles are now a necessity
I a delight to all who wish com
ble feet aud robust health. No
lug shoes should be worn unless
contain a pair of "Solace" hair
M- For sale bv Ilrock & McCo-
Co. Price 10c ner nair. three for
ive your Eyes
Castle's for fresh fish.
Best fcboo work at Teutsch's.
S50 given away. See page 4.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
See Sharp for paper banging.
Ironers wanted at the Domestic
For Rent Three-room hbuse on
Main street.
No extra charge for tabulator on
the Underwood.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
U C Rader about that $50 worth of
furniture he is giving away.
Received daily, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Wanted Middle-aged woman for
housework. Apply at this office.
Rest stock ranches In Camas Pra
irie, 1C0 to 1,000 acres. Wade.
See page 4 about the J50 worth of
furniture Rader Is giving away.
"The Lion of the Lord," by Wilson,
author of "The Spenders." Nolf's.
One business opening sold yester
day; two left on Main street. Wade.
Wanted Immediately, cheap second-hand
office desk. Address Box
R. city.
Chase &, Sanborn's delicious cot
fees, always fresh at C. Rohrman's,
Couit street.
For Sale High grade bicycle 111
perfect condition at a bargain. En
quire at this office.
Highest market price paid for all
kinds of scrap Iron, RIgby-Clove
.Manufacturing Company. j
For Rent Two cottages, good lo
cation, suitable for small family. In
quire at 100 Bluff street.
Wanted A furnished house In cen
tral location, for the month of July.
J. L. Cox, C20 Thompson street.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send in your order. Market
m the clarine hot sun anil I Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
inning alkali dust.
0U II never have hut nnn tulr
I eyes that's sure' so you had
l be careful with them.
behave all kinds
Kkeep out dust, and rest the
Is ior trom 10c to 75c.
noked glasses several shades
tx .1 . ....
r "c ""g to shield your
p, irom 2ic to i 00.
De Lano Beach affords the only
comfortable sea bathing on Puget
Sound. Write Hotel De Lano, Lake
Bay, Wash.
Solid comfort and better health for
wearers of Solace Anti-Wrinkling
Hair Insoles. For sale by Brock &
McComas Co. Price 10c per pair,
three for 25c.
For RentTwo single rooms, un
furnished, In East Oregonlan build
ing. Hot and cold water with bath
on same floor. One $4 per month, the
other $5 per month. Enquire East
Oregonlan office.
Trading In "puts" and "calls" un
der our system is very profit de. We
handle grain aud stock accounts on
a margin of as low as 20 Our book
on "put" and "call" trading sent free
on application. References, Brad
street. Booge & Co., members of
Chamber of Commerce, 37 Corn Ex
change, Minneapolis,
Some Good Plays Made t0 sandwish
In Among the Errort Indians
Would Have Given the Wonders
Close Chase With Two or Three
Weak Points Strengthened.
Tho Wonders and the Indians had
a game of hall at tho grounds at the
end of Alta street Sunday afternoon
and it was an exhibition of all colors
and various qualities commingled. It
was a panoramic view of the white
man in the garb of the civilized, of
he black man of tho kinky wool and
the many erros and of tho Indian, ho
of the conner skin imi ti ,,-,,
locks and tho ability to teach n few of
. mie oretnren how the national
Ba"!0 ls Played on the native heath.
When the game was called by Urn
pire Holley at 3 o'clock tho Wonders
took the field and the Indians attempt
ed to send a man to tho first station
out they wero unable to overcome tho
benders of the tall man In tho box and
after nine sweeps of the hnt timv
went out into tho garden where thev
-mmaiei errors for a little tlmo.
Demln and Jackson furnished tho
battery for tho Indiana In thr. flr i.,.
nlng or two and tho samnlo of their
work was well worth tho gate re
Demln was the catcher, thnt la ho
stood behind the hatter and nil of tho
uuns mat no couldn't dodge ho either
stopped or else interrupted in their
lilght. But In tho second inning ho
us ii-uruu ami jackson was put on
the third bag where ho did good work
during tho rest of the game. McKay
took the center position for file In
dians and the way lie put tho sphere
over the plate was a matter of sur
prise to the hoys from the town. Ho
Is a good ijitcher and did rood wnrk-
Charles Williams did the catching for
mm ami neiween tnem they mado
very good battery.
It is Impossible to give a detailed
inscription of tho game for the men
went to the bat when they pleased
mm me unng was mixed 111 many
"), aiso tne Indian boys all looked
alike to the spectators. There were
pome good plays made and some good
piHjers on mo Indian sldo and the
. . .
n uiiur r nave already made a name
ior wiemselves In their games or the
last season.
Jackson on third for tho Indians
did good work as did McKay and
others or the visitors. Tho Cronln
hoys did good work for the Wonders
as their battery and when R. Cronin
tired and went Into tho field Drake
filled the box In a credltablo man
ner. One of the features of the game
was the base running of the Indians
aim tnelr quickness on their feet.
Johnson Chapman's one-handed catch
of a long fly to left field was sensa
tlonal and as good a play as Is usu
ally seen on the field.
Altogether It was an interesting
game aim naci 1110 Indians had one
or two men to fill out the weak
places In their team they would have
maae It interesting for the Wonders
The game resulted in a viiory for the
wonders by the score of 9 to 4,
Feathered Sentinels.
The enormous Increase of tree and
plant maladies and the prevalence of
the weed problem are both explained
by the extinction of the birds whose
providentially-assigned vocation Is to
protect plant life from Insect pests
and to destroy the seeds of useless
weeds In the farmers' fields. Half of
the Southern states have adopted
laws to protect the native birds. The
other half should do so and thus In
vite again tho prevalence of these fa
vored sentinels over our fields and or
chards. Atlanta Constitution.
It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
In Profusion
At prices that will cause them to disappear like mist before the sua
To be In position to show only the very newest styles of goods each
season, prices will be cut so severely that our present stock will not re
main long in our store. The early buyer will fare best as there will be
no replenishing of lines as they are sold out.
Read carefully oach item here
Too Many Holidays.
When the board of conciliation
meets to hear the mlneworkerH' griev
ances the operators expect to pre
sent some of their own and ask for
their adjustment. The chief of these
Is that tlie mlneworkerH frequently
remain away from work without no
tiff, and that many times a year re
ligious and other holidays comx! the
shutting down of tho mines. The op
crators also complain of petty strikes
by driver and breaker boys, which
throw the mines Idle. Officials of tbj
mlneworkers do not treat these com
plaints herlously. New Yuik World.
Ns Skin Soap
'eau tor this city
11 Paper
i ' ppr
lSalt?.e"u balk or
'-St. per pound...
N Bajfk 'or removing dirt
Sewing Machine Oil m
Root Beer J'iluVVWir
dellcloui, per glam
Tno flnoam wl'" .Nut UreiluK.
jce iream 0ur jcecrem iu
superior article lor
Brown's Tree Soap
ll kinds from jourroiebuih.. . ..
1 cskeeuougli for an orchard
ot Wei from Main street towunl the Court Hnu
Needs of the Boy.
Modern languages havo an Import
ant place in education. But It Is a
mistake to make any languago but
the English compulsory in the lower
giades of American public schools.
The boy or girl leaving school to go
to work at 14 needs, first of all, a
healthy body, to be acquired and pro
moted as far as possible by school
hygiene and gymnastic drill; after
that a thorough grounding In tho
language of the American people and
In the necessary three "It's." Louis
ville Herald.
Sir Edwin Arnold has recently cele.
brated his 71st birthday. Just half
a century ago ho won the Newdlgatfc
prize at Oxford In an Initial effort
which has been followed by "Tho
Light of Asia," and "The Light of the
World." The first of these two great
poems was dictated In Instalments at
tho end of days of hard Journalistic
Wireless telegraphy and color pho
tography will be most featured In the
exhibit of the government patent of
fice at the World's Fair.
Wash Goods
Imported French Dimities, white
grounds, printed ilornl and figured de
signs. Also a large assortment of black
aud white combinations.
Regular price 30c, reduced
500 Yards
Scotch Madras in black and while,
blue and whito, pink and white, in
fancy stripes.
TTRegular price 50c, reduced 28C
800 Yards
Mercerized Oxfords, 28 inches wide,
suitable for shirt waist suits. In pink
blue, whito and black and Nile green.
Regular price 50c, reduced r'Jc
French Grenadines
Black and yollow, whito and bluo,
lavender and whito, in silk stripos.
URogular prico 75c, reduced Cr
J 900 Yards
White Goods
300 yards Mercerized Marsaillos,
large and small stripes.
1(R(gular price 10c, reduced
to ulw
Lawns and Dimities in all new colors,
stripes, ligures and llowerod pattorns.
IfRogular prico 20c, reduced l"!
to -2v
300 Yards
Linen Etamiuoa in light bluo, dark
bluo, pink, oroam, tan and black, suit
able for shirt waist suits.
IfRogular price 75c, reduced 3$C
Summer Shoes
Ladies Tan Oxfords that were 2.50
reduced to $1.48
Misses Tun shoes, lace and button that
woro $2.00, reduced to $ 1.19
Children's Tan shoos, wour bottor than
black and are cooler. Shoes that
wero $1.50, reduced to 95c & 98c
.....- 4
One Clergyman and Two Lay Mem
bers Would Adhere to the Old
Name of the Church No Recom
mendation Made Further Than In
General Terms.
Rev. W. E. 1'otwlno returned Sun
day uvenlug from Portland, whoro hu
has been uttendlug the l&th annual
state diocesan convention of the
Episcopal church. At that meeting of
the representatives of l no cmircn mo
question of tho proposed rhangn In
the name of tho church throughout
the United States eamo up and a rec
ommendation was made to the na
tional contention which meots In
Boston next year, that the namo be
On the voto on tho question tnero
were but threo dissenting votes, one
from the clergy and ,two from tho lay
lelegates there In attendance, inis
voto shows tho sentiment of tne
church to bo practically unanimous
in this state In favor of tho change.
The resolution as adopted by tho
convention Is given below, and from
It will bo seen the trend of tho opin
ion of the delegatus.
"Resolved. That we do not regard
the present tltlo as adequate br sit
'Resolved. That, wlillo we do not
regard a change us oxpedlent at this
tlmo, yet wo do approve of tho ef
fort to find u better name.
"Resolved, That we favor as a sub
stitute, should lt ho found to ho gen
erally acceptable, tfomu name Incor
porating the term Catholic, becaune
In our opinion it best expresses the
character aud scone of tho teaching
of Jesus and tho faith of our church.
S, E. JOSEPH'. M. D,,
Delicious Ice cream, The Delta,
For Which the O. R. 4 N. Co. Offers
Very Cheap Rates.
To the Seaside Clatsop Beach or
Long Beach and return, $10 tickets
on sale July 1 to August 20th, Inclu
sive. Bingham Warm Springs and return
$ 1 .75, limit DO dnys, not to oxceod
September 30th. To Bingham Warm
Springs and return, $2.75, good fur
three meals und one Imtli, limit, fol
lowing day from dnto of sale.
To Meaclmm and roturn, $1, tickets
on sale Sundays only.
Hot loike ami return, J'J.30, Includ
ing $0 worth of board,
Kor further particulars, cull on or
Agent O, It. & N. Co.
Fireworks and Flags
ia Roman Candles jc. Loudest
Firecrackers on earth for 5 cents
per package. Skyrockets 10 cents
a dozen. Flower Pots and Col
ored Mines 5c, tocand 15c eacli
BfaiuV Books
Another new line lias just reached
us. A full set of extra debit
ledgers, Counter hooks, from
5c up.
Pairs of New
Do you want to see them?
Glad to show them
Boston Store
Another Shipment. Car tic t and
warehouse brooms, 2)C to 50c. A
very complete line to select from.
Whisk Brooms 10c to 34c,
Full Line of
Custom Made SIims
$2.50 to $4.00
Best Dollar
in town
JuJJ liloeli, Court ini;Mlu It.
offlc, larii tiuudlm of qwplr, m
(sluing orer 100 trig papers rsn tJ ob
tained fur 29 Clots s bundU,