East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 29, 1903, Image 3

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f3fe Fourth of Julv Out.!
ingor Vacation Suitt
A iv
' Hi
Fine Outinp Suit here at
$8.50 Suit
Negligee and Golf Shirts, Correct
and Stylish Design f
50c ap t
String, Club, Four in-hand and t
Straw Hats, Anv Stvle.
,- ,
Ascot Ties
25c ap
Any Style,
Cecvrlibt 3903 Br
. Xuh. tiUua ruelur Cn
50c up
Oxford Shoes, New Drop Toe,
Monkey Shin Vamp
The Alexander!
Dept. Store
aa. m IN. ft
n ! H
S'OW is the time wl.cn every housewife is thinking
bbout piitt'na up iruit ana preserves. me iresn-
iie's. flavor and keeping qualities an uepemi upon
fhecate used in canning. You can't do it with worn
lout tin pans or rusty kuiiics ucutt picpdrc uy gei-
iing the proper kind of kettles.
'None hotter than Lava Enameled its always white
dean and sweet. Lasts a long time and in the end
tests less than tin or iron. No danger of spoding
hour frii't with Lava Enamuli-.d Wakk,
Seventy Million Pounds Per Minute I
Moving 12 Miles Per Hour One I
nwir ana Twenty Minutes From j I
Heppner to Lexington.
621 Main St, Headquarters for fishing supplies
lewriters for Everybody, $35, $50 and S95
Id Visible Typewriter is
end the racket. Cannot
alinement, Impossible
:he type. Writing in
he speediest machine on
bme and see our testi-
Thp C.hiracrn
IH41U ' llll VHIVUV
Tyuewiler received the
Gold Medal at the Paris Ex
position over all others
Will do the work ot any
Typewriter Supplies and
Kubbej Stamp goods.
Electrical Supply House
227 Court gt.
'leases the Taste"
K for IfSmO n Brand of
Once Used
NU RICO COFFEE In one pound Packages
1 Teas, Extracts and Bakine: Powder
'"sliest fruit of all kinds, call or phone your order to
I OOlv rxl..nl TT-.-li TT
"OlCest CI.....I , ..... .I.h.rrlM
F ucrnes "ora miuon. bargi.-, m". v..........
"' New crnn nf nranfrpc einons and UanailrtS.
-w. w. --n 1
C07 Main St.
u,tl every description at retail and wholesale
Beit In the world, made from type et
late lo-pound barf, price $1.00 per bar, attna
The brief scientific discussion of '
the Heppner cloudburst bv John T. I
Whistler, published In the East Ore
Konlan last week has been the sub
ject of much comment from the press
of the Northwest and from private
citizens of Heppner and other places.
Almost ever)- paper of note In East
ern Oregon has reprinted the Inter
view as It appeared In these columns
and has commented upon It
ine i.n Grande Chronicle and Ob-1
server, the Bnkor City Democrat, the!
Evening Capital News, the Grunt,
County News, Walla Walla States- !
man. The Danes Times-Mountaineer I
and other leading papers have given 1
ir space and noted its extremely con
servative estimates of the nmount of
water which rushed down the Willow
creel; valley.
It seems Impossible for the resi
dents of Heppner. who witnessed the
disaster to believe that a wall or
water only five feet deen outside of
the creek bed. did the awful damage
that the city suffered.
Yet Mr. Whistler's measurements,
surveys and cross sections of the
creek and the track of the flood, are
based on undlsputable. scientific pro
cesses. The area of the storm and
the concentration of water in the
Balm creek canyon can be proven by
the traces it Iert behind.
The amount of water that passed
through the town vas equal to a vol
ume one toot deep, over lllMl acres.
This amounts to 5S.S72.OOD cubic feot
or 3.532.320.0(10 pounrs or water The
fall of the creek where the rain
concentrated in Balm creek, to the
lower end of Heppner l 75 feet to the
Some idea of the awful pressure
exerted against thu town by this vol
ume of water moving 12 miles per
hour may be gained from a contempla
tion of these figures.
It was not the depth of the water
that wrought the havoc. It seems,
but the awful weight of ine volume,
and the velocity It had gained by the
time It had reached Heppner.
The speed of the flood was Impeded
by the wreckage gathered upon it
at Heppner. and It Is estimated that It
lequired at least one hour and 20
minutes for It to travel from Heppner
to Lexington, oniu; to tbo loss of
lorce by the widening of the valley
and the constant damming process of
the drlff carried cn the front t the
At Leximtun 1 ho nmount of water
in the volume had been reduced to
800 acre feet, from Jioci feet at Hepp
ner. The fall from Heppner to Lexington
Is 55 feet to 'he 1111U1 and tbo creels
bottom Is much wiJer "'inn nbov
Those who witnessed the flood say
the entire volume passed a given
point In Heppner In 50 minutes, which
would mean that over 70,000.000
pounds of water per minute passed
through the town traveling at 12
miles per hour, at that point.
Driven to Desperation.
Living at an out of the way place,
remote Irom civilization, a family Is
otten driven to desperation In cute
of accident, resulting In burns, cuts,
wounds, ulcers, etc. Lay In a supply
of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. It's the
best on earth. 25c, at Tallman & Co.
drug store.
Answering Fake "Ads."
A certain fellow who v:.KWred 0
vcitlsements In a cheap story papr
has had some interesting experiments.
He learned that by sending $1 to u
Yankee ho could got a euro for drunk
enness. And ho did. It wrs It) "lake
the pledge and Ho-p If Then be
sent 50 2-cent stamps to find out how
to raise turnips successfully. Hi
found out. "Just take hold of tho
tops and pull." j
Being young, ho wished to marry,
and sent 34 two-cent stamps to a Chi-1
cago firm for Information how to ,
make an Impression. When tho an
swer came It read: "Sit down on a!
pan of dough." It was a little rough,'
but he was a patient man, and thougut
he would yet succeed. '
Next advertisement be answreu
read "How to double your money in
six months." He was told to convert
his money Into bills, fold them and he
would see his money doubled.
Next he sent for 12 ubeful house
hold articles and he received a pack
age of needles.
He was slow to learn, so he sent
to find out "how to get rich." Work
like the devil and never spend a cent,
and that stopped him.
But his brother wrote to find out
how to wrilo without pen and Ink. He
was told to use a lead pencil.
He paid $1 to learn to live without
work and ho was told on a postal
card: "Fish for suckers, as we do."
Acker's Blood Elixir positively cures
chronic Blood I'olsonln? and all Scrof
ulas affections. At all times a match
less system tonic and purifier. Money
lefunded if you aro dissatisfied. Fif
ty cents and $1.00. F. W. Schmidt &
Co., druggists.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnbart, Association
Closing Out Summer Goods
We are making great preparations for a big Fall business ana
have ordered a big stock of new goods which will begin to arrive in
a short lime and we want to close out all Summer Qoods as nearly
as possible, to make room for the new goods to arrive shortly.
ftloto tho Tempting Prices Quoted Below
Shitt Waists
Big reduction of 20 per cent on
colored and white waists
White waists worth J 2.75; special for this
sale.. $2.20
White waists woith $2,00 1 special for this
sale $1,C0
Colored waists worth St 75; special at. .$1.40
Colored waists worth $t 35; , ,, ..$1.08
Silk Waists worth $5.50; special price $-1,00
Silk Waists, worth 53. 50 and $3,75; special
price... $2.75
Good grade Batiste summer dress goods,
variety of patterns, good value at 10c a yd,
our closing out price, per yard iG''c
Zepher Ginghams, 12c grade, per yd . 10c
Ladies wrappers, t kind; special 75o
Ladies wrappers, J 35 kind: special,. $1,00
Ladies house dresses: corset lined, $1.35 and
St. 25 kind. Special for this sate, cach....$l
All higher grade wrappers same reduction.
ta ,Vc,
..8 'So
Hettet grade Ilatisfe, usually sold for
sue price, per yard
All Kuncy Waisting", Batistes Lawns
25c values, sale price, per yard
Sumiver Suitings such as hop sacking, cov
ert cloth nnd Allen suitings; rsgular price
tac and 15c per yard; sale price, per yd. 10o
Dress Duck, toe and 13c grades, Salo price
per yarn
Summer wash silk,
cuts, sale price. . . .
11 waist patterns,
8' 0
. yard
. $1,60
Tha above prices arc good tmtll Saturday night, June 27, and
every article listed is a genuine bargain
Agonts for MoCntl's Pattotns
Five Porcelain Tubs
Are now to be found at
Pnvttl's Hither Shop and
Bath Rooms. We also hive
five hydraulic chairs. Every
thing is neat and clean. We
employ none but first-class
workmen. Our qiiipiiient is
not excelled in Eastern Ore.
t :
Stpei4off STEEL Ranges
:- 1 Z
Conrad Platzoeder 1
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest
Send Your
Subscription Honey
J03 Third Street
Portland, Ore.
Agent for
All Publications
To test this "ad"
I will give a
Ten Per Cent Heduc
tion on all
Subscription sent me
during the month of
Rigby-Clove Mfg.j
Manufacturers of the
Higby-CIoye Combine
Repairs for all kinds of:
Farm Machinery
Foundry Work a Specialty
Cash paid for old castings
Farmers Custom Mill
Fred Walter, Proprietor
Capacity 1C0 barrels a day
Flour exchanged for wheat
Flour, Mill Feed, Chopped Feed, ele
tlwaya oa band.
Ric Best bead rice, 12V&C per lb.;
next grade, 10c per lb.
Now Is tho tlnio you will look
for a Rungo or Cook Stovo Tor
Harvest use. Wo have Steol
Ranges from
$25 to $70
Cust Cook Stoves from
$JO to $40
All giuirautocd to givo satisfac
tion. Call anil oxuinlno my line
bolero buying.
T. C. TAYLOR, the Hardware Man
741 Main Street
A car load of Ranier
beer, the best that ever
struck Pendleton, is
now in the new Cold
Storage, Can be had
at Grate's or Ross the
manager of the Cold
Storage, either in kegs
or bottles.
I Watch Joe Basle 's
Ad Next Week and
He Will Gire for a Mogit
407-412 Mali Street
The Furniture Man