East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 29, 1903, Image 2

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3 Men's and Boys' Wear g
3 Golf Shirts. 50c, 65c, 75c, to Si. 50 J
5 Neglegee Shirts 50c, 75c to $2 50 t
2 Summer underwear, fine quality, per suit f
J 50c, $1 and $1.50 t
Belts 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
3 Straw Hats 10c to $2.50
3 Canvas Shoes, per pair 60c, 75c to $1.50
3 Boys' WVhable Suits 5c to $1.50 t
4 We have just received a new ship-
Z meat of Neckwear and Suspenders
3 One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters t
51111 ilust caused a big tiro a few
days ago In a Milwaukee brewing
company's grain warehouses.
The Manila Hallway & Lighting Co.,
with a capital of $fi,IW0,000, has been
Incorporated tinder the laws of Con
necticut. I
King Edward has suggested that
Sir Thomas Lipton servo as guide to
the Prince and Princess of Wales
when they attend the World's Fair In
John Engvahl has confessed to a
robbery of $15,000 worth of jewels
from a I.os Angeles hotel, hut claims
to havo been robbed 01 the proceeds
by his pals.
The annual row in Kansas Is on
between the governor and the prohi
bitionist. who want nssistant attor
ney general:- r;i.olnted to help -v
force the prolnblturj law.
Tennessee has a local option law
under the operation of winch all but
eight towns in the state having fewer
than 5.000 Inhabitants have gone dry.
The supreme court lately held the j
law to bo constitutional.
By a recent raid on the headquar
ters of a Paris thief $200,000 worth
of art treasures were recovered. The
offender, Parmaggiani. was a fence
for thieves who operated in all the
large cities of the world.
A famous middle-states horseman.
James McCann, a Kontncklan of
wealth, was murdered lately at St.
Louis. Hobbery, revenge and a few
bidden motives were behind the ileeci.
which was in every sense mysterious.
A recently-enacted Mexican law
enormously Increases the tariff on
American corn after July 1. Its oper
ation lun been suspended fcr a month
however, as a relief measure tr Mex
ican flood sufferers on the Lower Rio
Ilwaco Is to have a now salmon
cannery In operation by July 10.
The latest news from the Yukon is
to the effect that the river is lower
now than at any time in several
Saturday lust, near Canyonvllle, a
falling tree knocked off the entire
-top of George Higglns' head, Instantly
killing him.
The run of salmon at the mouth
of the Columbia and at linker's bay
has gieatly Increased In the past two
or three days.
A skeleton was found Friday last
at Oregon City under nine feet of
solid rock, while sewer excavations
wore being made.
June -7 the 11-year-old son of Al
bert Shlnn, of Hot Creek, shot him
self accidentally through the body
with a 22-calibre rifle and died In a
few minutes.
Thomas H. Pittam, of Spokane,
who was convicted last spring of
swindling the McCormlck Harvestor
Co.. lost his appeal to the supremo,
court Friday last.
George T. Howard, an Oregon City
merchant disappeared Juno 20. It
has since been ascertained that ,he
left liabilities between $8000 and $10,
000. and assets amounting to $4,000.
Dr. A. P. Stowell, of the Washing
ton state board of health, reported
Saturday last that there are but four
cases or smallpox in Clarke county,
instead of 100 as reported. Vancou
ver Is In Clarke county.
Marian Armstrong's suit to recover ,
from the town of Cosmopolls, jn (
Gray's Harbor, for the death of her
husband, who fell off a bridge wniie
intoxicated a year ago and was drown
ed, bus failed In tho supreme court.
J. n. Watkins,
a night watchman
In Portland confessed Saturday last
to several burglaries. Ho has lately
been telling fairy tales of oncountors
with burglars who have heretofore
gotten credit for tho tobberies com-
mltted by Watkins.
h st Tnl.n ni nf Whatcom. Wash.,
was in of Hntnriiair reienand nn mono
bail nendlne an appeut of his case to
Iho amirnmn rnlirt. Ho WAS sentenced
a year ago to 10 years In the penlten -
tlnrv Imvlnc- linen convicted of' wreck.
lng tho Scandinavian-American hank.
r.r-TOI.ntr.r.m Mb. '
of "Whatcom,
Hotel Pendleton.
J. A. Golsendorffor, The Dalles.
Alex Livingstone, city.
B. W. Hrlgham, city.
F. H. Stalker, city.
J. C. Lindsey, Portland,
iiruce T. Swlnney. Seattle.
A. Nylandor, Portland.
C. E. Roosevelt, city.
F. I,. Robarge, St. Paul.
Charles H. Greon. city.
J. S. Heckwlth and family, city.
A. S. Cotterell, city.
I) McConnell and wife, Dayton.
Charles H. Miller, Echo.
J. A. l.uckel, Portland.
H. S. Hogan. San Francisco.
F. J. Cosurle and wife, Chlco.
H W. Cameron, Chlco.
I, . W. Held and family, city.
W. H. Miller. La Mo.
R. H Caston, Spokane.
V. It. Glendenning, Portland.
A. S. Cotterell, Boise.
Ed Blackburn. Boise.
E. E. White, Lions.
P. H. McPherson, Lions.
G. R. Cockley, Chlco.
Golden Rule Hotel.
0. M. Richmond and wife, Weston.
W L. Davis, Portland.
R. Reed, City.
F. Jones, City.
F. H. Sendort. St. Joe, Mo.
.Mrs. S. R. Jones, Athena.
A C. Jones. Atlie'M.
C. M. Jones, Athena.
H S. Young, Tacnnin.
(.' W. Schuch. Portland.
C. J. Smith. Portland.
R. P. Moody, Portland.
1. aura Phllllppl, Portland.
N. Houston. Valley.
F. J. Gardner, Portland.
A. A. Simon, Sacramento, Cal.
S. S. Gill. Spokane.
W. H. Miller. Hannibal, Mo.
J. G. Helfrlch, Spokane.
H. Council, Umatilla.
J. F. Kllgore, Weston.
.1. A. Nell, I-ane. Idaho.
M. W. Rake, City.
A. G. Newton, Umatilla.
W. Wallace and wife, Boise.
C. F. Martin, Portland.
J. A. Baker. Denver.
J. W. Long, Dayton.
J M. Hartnett, Ukiah.
J. T. Lalng, Ukiah.
E. W. Helm, Portland.
R. P. Moody. McKay.
J. Clarke, Forest Grove.
E. U Meeks. Riparla.
Geo. I.arke, San Francisco.
G. D. Galley. Portland.
F. M. Bell, Spokane.
A. J. Hall, Spokane.
G. Joyce, Spokane.
G. Joyce, Spokane.
G. W. Williams, Spokane.
F. Jones, City,
C. Wood, Weston.
R. W. Montgomery and wife, Kent.
H. Young, City.
M. W. Rahe. City.
A. Donaldson, San Francisco.
E. Snipes, Tho Dalles,
M. Doering, City.
L. Cunningham, Portland.
How's This?
v. nrrpr nnv Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that can not be
cnreu uy linn i.aiarrn uure.
I". J. CHUNKY J- CO., Toledo, O.
U'c. Hip nnile rslmied. have known I". J
Cheney for the Inst IB years, nnil believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
trauxactionn nml financially able to carry
out any obligations maue Dy wieir nrro.
Vi:ST & TIHJAX, Wholesale Druggists
TnlHlo. o.
sale iiruggiHis, uoieuo, .
Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfucex of the system. Testimonials sent
free, l'rlce 73c ier bottle. Hold by all
Hull's runilly fins arc tnc uest.
Choate's "New" Story.
Joseph II. Choate told a story at a
banquet, Chauncey M. Depow arrived
late and in his turn told tho samo
story. Ho didn't understand tho prom
nture laughter and the lack of tumult
when he concluded, and asked his
, neighbor what was the matter. "You
told Joo Choato's story five minutes
after he had finished It," was the re
1 nly. Mr. Depew laughed. "Choato'
story?" he said. "Why, Adam told
! that to the snake at tholr first rrtoot
ins. I know Choato would tell it, hut
I thought lie followed mO. liX'
' change,
The Pacific Coast Co.'s linemen at
Wflllfl Walla did not Strike.
Salaries From $500 to $1400 Per Year
Promotions Come Very Quickly
and the Qualifications Not Very
Numerouo Appointments Will Be
Made Last of July.
During the present summer Presl
nt Roosevelt will bo called upon
to appoint oignt or in ciuiihb
revenue cutter service places that
pay a salary of ?aoy a year, ami iuw
i. vonrs nf cood service lend to
appointments as lieutenants nt $1-4 00
per annum, to prunuu mi
list from which these appointments
will be made the civil service com
mission will hold examinations hi
. ...... on nn nnil
over the country on juiy -f,
31, nml the candidates making tho
highest averages will be recognized
by the piesldent wlien no comes in im
ncnncles soon to oe cruuieu.
Appointments Sought.
Aimnlntments to the revenue cutter
service are much sought after, for
the rank and pay compares favorabl
with that of the army and navy, and
cadets nre commissioned nftor two
years' service, whereas adets from
the naval academy must serve six
years before they become lieutenants.
Applicants for the revenue cutter
cadetshtp, who tnke the coming exam
inntlons, must be botween the ages
f IS and 25, of vigorous constitution,
physically sound nnd well formed,
not less thnn feet 3 Indies in
height, of good niornl charncter ami
It Is not necessary to show past
service on seagoing vessels, although
such service Is advantageous to ap
The prescribed examination m
ludes spelling, arithmetic, algebra.
general geography, geometry, general
history, physics, general Information
on current topics, trigonometry, gram
mar, rhetoric and composition, hug
Hsu literature and one modern lan
guage, French German or Spanish.
Information for Applicants.
Under the recent act of congress,
nptains of the revenue cutter serv
ice rnnk with majors in tho army,
first lieutenants with captains, sec
ond lieutenants with first lieutenants
and third lieutenants with second lieu
Congress has also provided for the
retirement of officers of the revenue
cutter sorvlce at the age of 04. wltR
5 per cent of the pay and allowances
of the rank upon which they wore
There nre 3f captains in the sorvlce
at present, drawing $2,500 por annum
mil about the same unmoor or iiuu-
tonnnts of each grade, drawing $1,-
S00. $1,500 nnd $l,4oo, according to
Notification of the proposed exam
inations have been sent to all mem-
ers of congress, and notice Is there
In given that persons who desire to
enter this examination should at once
apply to the United Stnt.es civil serv
ce commission. Washington, I), t...
or to the secretary of the local board
of examiners.
Examinations of candidates for ap
pointment as cadets in the revenue
cutter service are held each year, to
fill vacancies caused by the promo
tion of officers a f ready In the serv
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Ogle stock farm, consisting of
3000 acres, about 230 head of cattle.
plenty ot vater, grass and timber.
Range has never been sheoped off.
All under fence. Will grow all hay re
quired. Call on or write to Bentley
& Hartman, Pendleton, Oregon.
Hot Lake Bath Houses Finished.
Guests will please secure rooms in
advance. Hates: Board and room.
$10 to $15 por week. Baths, $1.50 per
week. The new bath house is now
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Have for sale 50 head of cows. 25
calves by side; 10 2-year-old heifers,
and 15 yearling heifers.
without a thick,
luxuruuit bead ot
toft, siay hair,
which b In truth
" woman's crown
ing alory." Tho
faithful use nf
never faiU to rro
du hair of IhU
chancier, for, by
destroying the
deadly fcemii that
feed upon theollof
tlio tulr .root. It
makes dandruff,
falling hair and oil
kcalp dUvanei tm
possible. It then
promotes a new
nnd thick growth
to replace the old
thin, brlt'le hair.
.One botlUtwaivw.
Uj Uwm tutmot4.
Claaa Drag Staraa.
W1 1 V I
imperial Council of theliiuMLs''c
Shrine, Saratoga, N. Y., July 7-10,
For the above occasion "ipO. K &
offers a reduced rate of $84.60 ft
be round trip, limit of tickets 00
. from date of -nlc;tlr
tune 24tll to .sum, iin,i""'
further particulars, call on or address
F. F. wamsiey, uscm 4,
Celebrate the Fourth of July.
For th-so desiring to celebrate dn
the Fourth of July the O. R. & ' of
fers a rate of one and one-third faro
for tho round trip to any station with
in two hundred miles of Pendleton,
tickets on sale July 3d nnd -Ith, 1003.
Return limit, July Cth. For further
particulars, call on or address r. 1'.
Wnmsley, agent O. It. & Co
Ladies' half soles 40c, Teiltscb.
BrigSits Disease
And Diabetes
Announcement of the Discovery
of the Cure.
Tho stockholders of the Jno. J. Fulton Co.
of Sun Kruuclsco, announce to tlio world the
curability of Chronic llrlghfs Dlamiso unil
lltabotes buvd on hundrcui of cures und tvro
years ot ilctuomtratloo disclosing about
of recoveries. In attestation of these momen
tous facts we present tho names of somo ot the
stockholders, business and professional men of
this city, eraryono of whom had to hare pre
vious opinions reverted and bo salUlled of tho
genuineness of thedlscovery betcre Invostlng lu
this corporation, vli: Hon. llarclay Heulcy,
Attorney and ei mcmbcr of Congress; Thos.
KIrUpatrlcl:, capitalist; Hon, t). M. Hums,
President Candolarla Mining Co.; A K. Shat
tuck, President l'aclllc States Type foundry;
I'dward Mills, President Ilullock & Jones Co.;
Cpt Roberts, Presldont Sacramcnlo Trans
portation Co.; D. E. Ilender, capitalist, Wm.
Sharp, capitalist; W. II. Ilradfotd, Alaska
Packers Assn.; C W Clark, capitalist; (Sacru
mento); W.C. Price, capitalist (Pasadena); O.
E. Ilatoi, Attorney ; E. O. Miller, Attorney;
Cbas. McLuno, Agency uirector N. V. Lito
Ins Co.; It 1). Sessions, Attorney Su.Puc.IC
It Co.: Judge Illgelow.ci.Supreme Judge Stato
of Nevada; Col. U. 11. Fairbanks, Cashier Pota
luina Savings Dank; uud many others.
Tho list of the cured runs Into hundreds and
Includes drut'glsis and pliyslclaus. Tho 13;
of failures was largely among cases that wcro
at death's door nnd many such recovered.
The Specifics that have ut last conquered
these dread diseases nro known as the I"ulton
Compounds. Tho ltenal Compound for Ilrlglifs
anl ICIdney Disease Is Jl; the Dlalxit Com
pound is J1.S0. We have establish. , , ,u ney
In your city and juu will llud juitaluti uud
ComiHJJ.iU at
F. W. Schmidt's Pharmacy.
Atolurtftriry, FinesiTlavor,
Gnarejr5rren$th, faasoMibk Prices.
A Nice, Juicy
Steak is just the thing
this weather. It is too
hot to roast or boil meat
TfCall or phone
S16. E. Court Plione lied 211
We can supply you with
Building Material of all
descriptions and save
you money
Building paper lime
cement, brick and sand.
Wood gutters lor barns
and dwellings a specialty.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., Opp. Court House
What shall
we have
to eat?
If you would
get the best
look at this
space once
a week
Jlay bring you bnd luck and a smash
ed buggy, In which enso tho best way
to retrieve your fortune will be to
send your carriage to Neaglo Bros,
for repairs, where you can have it
made over and fixed up so that your
friends will think you have purchased
a new one. However, don't pass us
by without a look at our Winona
wagons. They run easy, carry one
third more than any other mako and
as durable. Wo have buggies from
I ?40 up. uot your lircs sei. uu uur
hydraulic machine. No burning or
1 dofnclng your wheels. This machine
1 was InBtnllod In our plant at a great
! nnui nml luilip nnlv nun on the Pacific
coast. It does tho best work and has
been ndopted by the U. S. govern
ment. Give us a call.
Nsagle Brothers
Sover's Gasoline Engines.
Gray's Harbor
Commercial Co.
We Don't Keep Everything
I But we do keep a good big
stock of nice dry Flooring,
Celling, Rustic and Finish,
in all grades. Also all kinds
of Dimension Lumber, In
cluding Lath and Shingles.
Our stock of Doors, Win
dows, Moulding, Building
and Tar Paper and Apple
Boxes Is complete, and any
one In need of Lumber will
be wrong in placing
their order with the
Gray's Harbor Com. Co.
Opp. Wi & C. R. Depot
PCclCll Seasonable
Root Beer
The Thirst Quencher
Just Right at
F. W. Sc-mtft's
The Reliable Druggist
rosloffice Block. Phone Main 851
The Oregon Dailr Journal can be
found on sale at Frailer's hook store
i'.W "U - Til V 7 -k.
SltW I It v -
It Will Make V,
when you get into
conars laundered,!
t.-ihi;ckn..i :i .
---..utm u ynj
iiaviup vntlr hit..
3 J - IIUtB
an inferior method
v-unars araQ cull
horn n 4 1. ...
c acna mem
yond compeutica.
. - iw w i
r j i
uullzv ana meg u
l See us for Wheat r
want -Mrs rjis
iBa.uu uci udvi
1 AH" 111
i Hiik'LTiiiiri n a
anup. wtst
place your order sill
r I -r
II. I rill nil
Why buy poor
'can get the besl
' price?
I ' '
rtwniN? NEW
n eased io - -.
u. ... i in
fieniy m
i hnrsesao11
grain for sale.
In n
Canned frnito
that taateltt
ifca frdt'
nH u
: vt m
dht i
is '- ,