, . .... Vs. ' DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON,, OREGON. SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1903. 1 1 gasiaess Cards and Societies PROFESSIONS AND TRADES, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED. PHYSICIANS. r""cOLL Ol'FICn IN JUDD K G, "''"; . in in 12 a. m.. ! taw 371. M i P' " , . -TTtwi M P.. UIJSrAIN 11LUUK, f-"d corrects eye troubles, catar r JS?on, and Impaired hearing. IrfeAly fltted for refractive er jTihone ma'" 1131' ,f savaga i Hank. Telephone h il'SlephoSi wm 301. rwcuv 1 -rrriVm M D.i HOMEOPATHIC. tOABFItM'. " oft,ce ,n Judd TIC,,T."pl'n. fflce' b,ack 73 ! Te art. " I INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS I "ARTMAK AUSTKACT COMPANY JUKES ' S'a k?wA5,.rrc,'.. w "KID, Bee. I A. HAKTMAN Jr., Vice Ties. r u'Al'LI.. KOOM 17 ASOCIA- p-.Lv'C Telephone main 031; real- KcklCl. : . ArK lo B.rti. nanS'tnlW. 'ffl offioM-hone" K.lS Mil. re,. Main K. S. IlKYSON, ATTORNEY AT 1 AW J M. I1E.STLEY REPRESENTS THE OLDEST and mostrollablo r,rc and accident ins ranee companies Office ffltl. Hartmat Ab,tr Hi Co. ......... .t r ulTVKIfMAN AND I hi' office n lieSPTn block. Tele fgmc 131 "evidence 'phone black - .... . ftiuT ie rnnnwip ..wnoui disease. nd . of fettJ"rrc,e"e main 781 reV- b, ito - - ' . . t,.' nrtnvp nTrniATn LlKf 813 Thompson 'street. Honse Ue '. - fel r.VKIRBY. riIY8!';lS AND 8"R- t . In Association biock, oruce EkS : illl. Residence I'hone Main 1421. fcjlrton mem"- OPTICIANS. nr. v. GAiutivr. son, craduatc opti cian. The only com plete optical parlor In the city. Six doors smith of P. O., Main iHtTTendleton. Ore. .No tee charged : (jimination uu iuBiiu."i DENTISTS. h vArr.HAX." nr.XTisT, orricG in IjiM buHdlus. 'Phone, red il. r" ....... vi'iu-l ril.-IMf-n IV AR. iIjiIod block, over Schmidt's new drug hrt rnone. reu -u BANKS AND BROKERS. EZ. . iTinv ir nwif HP ATFIIJNA. V.ll ,n,!i,i,t cr.iinliii! KiirnhtR nnd ottt SO iioo. Interest on time deposits. bib la foreign ami domestic exciiuiiBe. tle'lloni promptly nucnuuu tu. nunij Adams president; T .1 Kirk, vlce-prcs-at F S LeOtow, cnslilcf ! 1. M. Kemp, Est casmer in fai:mi:i:s' iiaxic or wkston, ; biislnefi Uxcliange houcht and sold. fcftionj( pronipny airouufu w. n. jour F, I'resiuent ncorKe . uutusm, prtsllleul J It, Kllgoie. cashier; dl ten. U A Ilartman. M, M. Johns. T. i'rir-0 i. Ii. timu'. .1. Ivllirore. Hol It jams , (j W Proebitel. (IE I'CNIit.l TON SAVINGS HANK. Mltton. Oregon Organized March 1, Upltal. $11111,0110 ; surplus, IflOII,- I latemt anoiveu on all time deposits, kebaage bought and sold on all principal lints Mwlal attention given to eol ations. J l urnlsh. nresldent : J. kal ilef president , T .1. Morris, cashier; in Jiaiuiiy. assistant cnsnier. psT sationaij hank or pnNDi.n- Itos aultul. $;o.;)i)ii; surplus. Sli.'.uou; 1D1CH a cenernl bankini: business. Ijx- lian slid telegraphic transfers sold on fKKv. an rrancisco. ,ow orK aim acmjf points In the Northwest. Drafts I awn oo China, Japan nnd Unrupe. Makes iKtlons on reiisouahle terms. Levi An it president V P Mntlock. vlce-ures- l't C II. Wade, cashier; II. P. Johnson, o7 ..asnier ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. I k uliun ( U.M lirtl l llll AKU llUlli dtf All tn,U nf ,n,L fl,.ro,1 nn .tnh ark Siitisfactnrv work miai-anteed. f tone tn r.", F HOWAltii Aiifiirrrp'r Avn stl. I ptilntendeqt , makes cumplete nnd rell- 9U Wans far lillllilliifH in tlm rltv nr rnnn. II Itoom 17 Jndd building. IHEEK i COM:, CONTUACTCJU8 AND .iiu-ri Mtmiates furnished on short FUlt Job wnrlf n Btiolnltv Prnmnt I"1" Shop on Dliirf street near Main. A MAY tn'Ti!AP'i'ni( ivn imii.i). L Enllmatcs furnished on all kinds rT" r cement nlks, stone wnlls, etc. r"f or''ers at Last Oregonlnn offlco. .TOflV tTATT.TV 7n tt c ... nn?lfs.lnc.r"rS,)eclalt' made' of' land filings" n?? iUr0T.f ,1,,,s'r,?nce Bnd collections. Of tlco lu Judd buldlng, room 10. Jon h. PAitKns. orncn no co"unT street. Land office business, soch as (11 spcclaltvf an1 lnltlatlns contests a BOARD AND LODGING. M8' "'."ftniNaTOK HAS PURCHASED tho Lodging House at 6S Garden Street, whera he will be glad to ee hr friends and patrons. IIOTIjL ALTA, COIlNKIt ALTA AND Mill streets. Hoard by the day or week, oood table act Ratca i.;5 and t.5 per week. Pendleton Feed Yard In connection. V. W. Edmlsten, Irop. WHEN YOU GO TOPILOT HOCK STOP at the City Hotel. Good meals and nrst-class rooms. Special attention given to commercial travelers. Mrs. C. U. Ilie tel, Pilot Itock, Ore. ATHENA HOTEL. LEaDINO HOTEL IX THE city It.oo to Jt.to per day H. 1' Mlllcn, proprietor, WHEN YOUR BUSINESS TAKES YOC TO Helix, atop at the Hotel Helix. Good meals and good scrvlc-. U. II. Richards, proprietor TONSORIAL PARLORS. HILLY KItASSIG. KAItlinit SHOP AND Hath rooms. Main Btreet, three doors north of Hotel St. George. Plrst-class service. NEW TONSOUIAL PAHLOItS, COCItT ST. Three doors west of Golden Rule Hotel. J. H. Pace, prop. Plrst-class workmen; everything clean ; all modern Improve ments. PATTO.VS SANITARY HAItltnit SHOP, Iiespalu block, Court street; best work manship : all the modern Improvements ; nil tools sterilized ; bath rooms In connection. CABS AND CARRIAGES. CITY C'AH LINK, KRWIN HAKUR, PROP. Telephone main 71)1. Office and waiting room. Alto Btreet, next to Savings Hank building. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. THE DEPOT STAPLES, COTTONWOOD street, between Altn and Webb streets, II. Stewart, 1'rop. Host care taken of horses. Good stables and plenty of feed. COMMERCIAL STAPLES, G. M. PUOOME Prop. Livery, feed and boarding. All klnda of turnouts. Competent drivers. Opposite lintel Pendleton 'Phone, main 101. MISCELLANEOUS. SEW1NO AND DRESSMAKING, MISS JESSIE Joins. 1015 Kiauklln St., Cur, E, Railroad. FOR SALE-IIOILER AND 4-HOKSE POWER vertical high tpeed engine Also a 40-llght Generator Including all switch board lnstru ments For particulars, call on or address I'Rnn Kink, Box .TO, I'oudloton, Ore. ivy, F. YOHNKA WILL PAY PROMPT AT tcntlontoap sales ai d poKtlng bills Cor. respondents solicited. Commission reasonable P. u. Box 2:il, Pendleton DIVORCE LAWS-PETER WE'Ti ADVICE free; fees, tonus to suit; 25 years' experience. Office 608 Garden Ht., Pendleton, Oregon, '. F Tnr, i ,. . i ... I -"- .ui it n i,i i aau I SM iQtpmlunr !Fr,n T ....... fl,.ufr, 1'endleton, Oregon, ' I ttMITln ' ' l.UllU Atli 1 1.- furnished free. Work guaranteed. In,. iV . " " "auiev & .enuers cigar F" Mam street P o. box 104. ! BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRING. ' L nmvnii ' : I h,'i "rtl'" I OLD HELIAHLU , ht 5??.il ,r 1 list-class repairing with . PerUiis Hnop in rent- of Dlndlnger Ia-WwM 8"OK RHOI'-REASONAIILE wSbJ v"x u'"''I1 Our specialty Is 1 Sal U. 'fe new shoes alsj. Give us t r.iigiH.. mil uartlenst. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. iTDn... . " kiV;'"'',t;. DEALER IN SECo..D- itl i.'.T"' there Is anything you ftott ,;,, an1 second hand furniture, ft ill pa(.lLe ?.re ?,n;', crockery, call and flu Court street. W WCONDHAND GOODS aaccj en , u ill pawn brokers; money 'Wi SPJ 1 kln4l9 0( uftlcles. Waters li "rl'9. 732 Cottonwood -iret. tr -wmi i ninu. awtkiiS.D SON GENERAL BLACK- I"' mi 'a T Jl """nptly attended to; call PRATERIMAI n Dncn o KiZ ? Work : . OUTJICIT wan. P,,r. ar Pendleton. Ore. It. W. . i n. J KATAll. I- IV tall li u need he n or aeek emnlov. 'Phone Main 1011. LOSSES ALWAYS MET PROMPTLY By the Fire Insurance Com panies we represent. Out companies stand first in the world. Asseti- Hartford Kire luaiirauce Co.f ll',25l,07b Alliance Assurance Co 20,039,908 Loudon & Lancashire Klre Insurance Co 2,644,68S Xorth British & Mercantile (jo 10,695,974 Knva'f iuHiirnrice Co 22,81)7,153 FRANK B, CLOPTON AGENT 600 lYLATN STREET TrifaNotice Trib Tlie people of Pendleton are re spectfully asked to fully Investigate Trib the world's greatest cure for the liquor and tobacco habits, and to any ono In need of a cure we say truth, fully, Trib is an honest, positive cure. You do not use Trib in your coffee; you can't give it that way; but be sensible and take It for either of these habits the same as you would a remedy for any other disease. Here is a reference from a man well known in Pendleton. Read it. Wo have many more. J W. Daugherty writes on May 14, li)U3: To whom It may concern: I wish to say I completed a cure with Trib in February, and have had no desire to drink since. It will also cure tho tobacco habit. I had a harder time to learn to smoke after taking Trib than when I drat learned to smoke, I am quite well known In Baker City, La drande, Sumpter and Pendleton and anyono wishing to stop using either liquor or tobacco I would recommend them to take Trib. Price $12.60. For sale by all drue gists. E LAND TANGLE GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN WRESTLING WITH PROPOSITION Where Double Sates Have Been Made, One Purchaser Must Lose Fraudulent Entries Can Claim No Protection From State. Salem, Juno 27. A large stack of disapprovals of lieu land selections which lay on the desk of the state land agent today shows tho wholesale manner in which the general land of fice and the department of the in terior are turning down Oregon lieu lands, Thousands of acres which have been selected by tho state and sold after approval by local land of fices have been rejected recently by the general land office, and the end Is not yet. Appeals are being taken to the sec retary of the Interior, but it that of ficial adheres to his present policy there Is small chance of a chango In the decisions. Beyond question the "Just try a Parrot Cigar So" A good many 5c cigars are made of leaves, all right, but the Parrot Cigar is made of selected leaf tobacco. AT YOUR DEALER'S bargains in Real Estate I have a larger and bettei list of Farms, Stock Ranches and City Property to sell than ever before. Also a big lot of land in the coining wheat section of Eastern Washington. N. Berkeley WASHINGTON & COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD Take this route for Chicago, St Paul, St. Louis, Kan sas Cits', St. loseph, Omaha and 1 ' . . All Points East and boatb Portland and points on tho Sound TIMIC CAKIJ Arrive at Pendleton Monday, Wednes day and Friday, 11:45 a. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, 1:45 p. m. Leave Pendleton, 7 p. m, Luare Walla Walla dally.eaat bound, 11 o p in ArrHe Walla Walla dlly,-est bound, 10:1 a. 10 for Information regarding tates and aciom inodatlons, call on oraddreta W, ADAMS, Agent Pendleton, Oregon S. B. IALI1KRIIKAU, O, P A., Walla Walla, Washington. MEN AND WOMEN. Dm Ills a for unnalaisl dlMUr(.inlIiumaUu, irritations or alcefatloin of mucous nuiaursaai i. 1 ni.ii nd nut astra Lr,.riuiTLa.sssssss1 or Mai in puis vrwfjl r caprMS, prwiJ tut fl.OO. or UitlUr, ails. . CuvuUf mac u naosat. ' HuiUIHl I frarcfiU UUf Ua. Lciciiun,o. P.B.4. . Scott's Saotal-Pipsii Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Oatarrb ct the Bladder and Dlscusd KldMa. No cure no psjr. Curat qnlckly and Pcrmt neaUy Uus worst oases of 4.unrruo4-a rand rUirsit, no anaitrof bow loaf ataad lag. Absolutely oannlrts. Bold br druggists. Pries ai.Oo, or by mall, postpaid. .TUT allrlll TTlTim IS "am 1 Av-rrr smi vi IlLSrONTAINg, OHIO. Sold by F. W. Schmidt & Co. state land department Is involved In tho worst tangle over known In Us history, and It will bo a long timo be fore tho kinks are straightened ouL The lieu land selections which arc now being disapproved are thoso made upon mineral base In Kastern Oregon. Hy proving to the satisfac tion of local land office authorities that certain school sections In that part of the state wero mineral lands tho state was enabled to relinquish them to tho general government, nnd to take other nnd more valuable lands In Hen thereof. Many of these sections which were thus relinquished to the government had nltvady been sold by tho stalo to private parties, Tho lieu land was also sold before tho validity of tho base had been finally determined, and now that tho selections nro being disapproved on the ground that the mineral character of ne land was not properly shown, all the purchasers of such school lands or lion lands arc In doubt as to the condition of their titles. Must Give Back Eventually. Where there has been doublo selling the state must eventually return to one purchaser or the other tho money he has paid, together with Interest at 5 per cent. Ono class of purchas ers must lose title to tho land where there has been doublo selling, nnd, whichever loses, the stnte will b cen sured for permitting Its land affairs to get Into such a muddlo. The problem before Governor Cham herlaln, who lias chargo of tho stnte lieu land business, Is not what should have been done by tho previous ad ministration but what can lie done now to get the state out of a bad pre dicament. Tho governor has decided to gtvo his sanction to the appeals nnd lias expressed his desire that tho state's selection of lieu lands bo ap proved. The approval of the lieu land selec tions will undoubtedly be most profit able to the stnto, for the lieu land was sold for doublo tho prlco paid for tho school sections In place. In the contest between two classes of pur chasers It Is very likely, Indeed, n most certain, that tho Identity of tho purchasers of tho school land in place will Ik) disclosed. It has been contended by flenornl V H. Odell. who has chargo of the auj'idlcatlim of mineral baso for the state, that the school sections involv ed In this contest wero purchased by laud grabbers who employed stool pigeons In order to get conveyances from the stale. Ho takes th position that since the purchasers are mere speculators who secured the land In violation or law and In anticipation of the creation of a forest reserve, triey are not entitled to any protec tion from the state, Worst of All Experience, Can anything bo worso than to feci that overy mlnuto will be your last? Such was tho cxperlenco of Mrs, S, tl. Ncwson. Decatur. Ala. "For three years," sho writes, "I ondiired insuf ferable pain from Indigestion, stom ach and bowel troublo. Death Boom ed Inevitnblo when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was In duced to try Klectrlc Hitters and tho result was miraculous. I Improved at once and now I'm complotoly re covered." For liver, kidney, Btom ach and bowel troubles Klectrlc Hit lers Is tho only medicine. Only five. It's guaranteed by Talluian & Co. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY Hy taking atlvantnge of tho cheap rates Kast offered by "THE NORTHWESTERN LINE." Chicago aud return $00.60 it. Paul & .Minneapolis and return 65.00 rickets good !0 days. Stopovers allowed. Dates of salo: June 4, C, 24, 26, 20, )7. 28. 2'J, 30; July ID, 10 nnd Aug 1st 25, 20, f'ui! Information by addressing II. I SISl.lCIt, flciierul Agent, 132 Third street, Portland, Ore. Homo from vacation, feeling good, strong and healthy, would bo tho caso after an outing at the most beautiful of Hluo mountain icsorts Kclimnn Springs. There Isn't a place In all the West where you can find a more convenient and delightful spot to spend a few days or a lung time away from the heat, nolso and worry of city life. Tho 15 natural hot springs aro wonderful for their mo dlclnal properties. Hotel accommo dations nro first-class, 'phono connec tions, free camping ground, 25 pri vate cottuges, largo swimming pool, baths, golf, tennis, hunting and fish ing. For further particulars, address C. It. Dutton, Ix'liman Springs, Or. Opened June First, The Newton, Newton Station, Jng Heach, Wash., waB opened Juno 1, under new management. Tho New ton has been much Improved. Kates $2 per day. Reasonable family rates, Ladles' and gents' bathing suits for rent. J. O. Wlckliam, proprietor, Mrs. W. II. Kcnslt, hostess, 1ing Heach, Wash, niraat Tlmo SoIiimIiiIo aaairs roi Vrom t-ondlototi raon rortlsnd Portland Special No, 1 The. East 8:10 am StOOa.ui, CMeago Chicago Special No 1 Portland oaovu attopra IMrtland Mall and Kipress No.5 Ttaa Eas UDan liUass I ThcF-ast) Hall and PTpreaaNo. ' PortUna litf a m j lilSiin PnJlston Passenger Bpokaai No,7 6:4.1 pes Hpokana Spoiaoo Passenger &:lSam No. 8 Pendleton Branch MliedTrslnNo.il Walla Walla Branch oxupm Nixr.I Train No, f Ocean and River Schedule. FROM PORTLAND. All sailing dates sub- P.'nfr-nc'iJco "P-' Sail erery & days, Cheap Fares to Ocean Beaches, The Washington & Columbia Itlver Railway Company will sell tlcketH to Westport. Wash., also to Long Keacn, and Clatsop Hearli points from June 27th to August 25th Inclusive, at $10 for tho round trip, Tickets limited re turning, to September 30th, W. ADAMS, Agent The mayor of Philadelphia has ap liniritnri n film III I H nr. Of retirttHOIlta tlve citizens to arrange for the city's commercial and Industrial interests at the World's Fair. St 1-ouis, TRANSPORTATION, LINES. OREGON S OUTLINE and Union Pacific Two Trains to the East Dally Throurh Pullman standard anATourlst aleoiv ins ran dally to Omaha, Chicago) tonrtst sleeping far eallr to Kansas City) through Pullman tourist fleering cart tpoiaonally con. ducted) weekly to Chicago, Ksnaas Oltr, 8. louts and Memphis: redlining chair cars (srsti fn-e, to the Kasi dally. HOTELS. HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel In Pencfletofl and as Rood tu any. -"tiiliF I icept Sunday I 8:00 p m, Saturday 10 W) p in. Columbia litter To Astoria and Way Landings. 4:00 p. m, Sandt Wlllninottoltlvr. Hosts lesTe Portland dally, earept Bunds atsge ol water permitting) lor W lllametta snt Yamhill Hirer points. Leave ' 1 " Leaf Klparla Snakti Riser . Lcwlatoc s,io, Rlparta to U'wlilon I 7:00a. m Dally I Dally Kicpt Mom IJCiejitMoa P. P. WAMHLKV. Agent, l'endlstou THE BEST OF EVERYTHING ONLY 70 houhs PORTLAND TO CHICAGO via the 0. It. U. & N. Co., Oregon Short Lino, Union I'ticific and Jr Two trains a day, with through Pullman drawing-room ulceping cam, freu reclining chair cam and dining cars (a ia carte). - and "-SPECIAL connects at Granger with tho famous Overland Limited, the most luxurious train in tho world, to Chicago from tho Coast. lie iuic your tickets read over Ilia Chicago U Noith-Wcstcrn, A. Q. DAHKEn, OlH'k AOT O. & N-W. RC, iss t r.io st poaTiAho, oaf, $ WHAT ISTHE USE of Buffering from Indigestion If you eat wnut you want, or ut aiurvins yourself to avoid such distress? A L,mrm nuin.rili Tarilnlti tflkln nffnr eating will digest your food perfectly ana irea you iroiu mi tuu uiaatuncuuiu symptoms of Indigestion and Dyspep otn ulmf vnn llkn at anv tlmo. and tako an Acker Tablet afterward. Positively guaranteed, a'our money will always be refunded If you aro not satisfied. Write to us for a free sample, W, If. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The Hotel Pendleton has just been refitted anil refurnished throughout. Phone and fire alarm connections with all rooms. Uatlis in suites and single rocnis. Headquarters for Traveling Mi Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 & $2.50 Hpvclnl rate by week or ill ontli Kxccllrtlt Clllalue. Prompt DlnliiRroom acrvlc. Bar nnd billiard room In oonnootioi Only Three blocks from Depot GOLDEN RULE HOTEL Corner Court and Johnson H;tects, Pendleton, Oregon, M. F. Kolly, Proprlotor. I HEATED BY STEAM LIGHTED BY ELECTRICITY Amt'rleiiti l'lnn, ristiua 91-UA toM.tHI iinriliav. Kiiropeati l'lnn. AOo, lliv, sI.IK). Hpoelnl I'liten hy wixik or iiiuutla. Free 'bus meets all trains' Commercial trade solicited Pine sample rooms Special Attention Given Country Trsd HOTEL ST. GEORGE CORNER MAIN AND WEBB STS. GEO. DAnVEAU, Prop. Elegantly Furnished Steam HeatM European Plan. Block and a hall from depot, Sample room In connection. ROOM RATE 50c, 76o, 91.M THE PORTLAND PORTLAND, OREGON American Plan, i per day and gpwart. Iltadouaitcia fortuurWs and comaMtcul trsv. Urs. Mpsdal rates tuadi lo lanilllca andafasata gtBltcmen, The managctueal will U BlsssiW at all llmta to show rooms and girt price. A modern Turkish UllicsUblUbiatnlln thabatM. II, C. UOWKKS, Manages, i'l I T.Vi t-T"! rm?i k .TWh A M Jl rl m Immnn Blahona' ( aUU.lnuMOTrTMi.tirlUlsJmultr ato.J 80LD BY TALLMAN A CO., DRUQQI8T8, PENDLETON, 0RE80N.