East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 27, 1903, Image 8

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New York, Juno 27. There 1b noth
ing so pretty ns the Hummer gown
unless It Is the winter one, nnd this
is doubtful. Certainly tho exquisite
now voiles enn not ho surpassed for
elegance anil chic, for they are as
sheer as mull, yet elegant enough to
grace the figure of a queen.
A very dainty model worn by u
member of Gotham's smart set, who
has Just returned from her annual
European vacation, Is In this materi
al with a plaited skirt and a deep
belt of twtne-colored Russian lace,
with a filet ground threaded with
twisted mauve satin baby ribbons.
Tho lace Is continued down tho front
of tho skirt in tho form of a panel,
and near tho hem tho mauve satin
ribbons nro finished with many little
bows nnd loops which contrast beau
tifully with tho creamy white of tho
dress material.
That the transparent Is as much In
voguo In Paris as In Now York Is
shown In this dress. Tno hodlco Is
cut in n slightly low square and the
yoke Is of the cream lace, but of
softer, finer quality than that used on
the skirt. The sleeves are particular
ly attractive, the upper part consist
ing of Russian laco fitting closely
around the arm nnd left transparent.
Ilelow the lace there conies a drapery
of voile, drawn Into a band of lace
Just below tho elbow.
Youthfulness in Modes.
If summer modes have one char
acteristic that stands out more prom
inently than another it is their
youthfulness. Without being giddy,
the Eonernl fashionable outline is de
lightfully girlish and graceful, lend
ing Itself to the various touches that
lend dignity and charm.
This Idea Is exemplified In a pret
ty rose-colored linen trock that shows
an effective color scheme, for tho gir
dle Is a crushed affair in soft red sat-1
in trimmed with lace. The train at j
the back of the skirt which Is made
over rose silk Is gained by an inset
of lace, a portion of which is also
used for the bodice. Rows of shir-,
ring head the flounce effect of the
skirt. and, outline the lower edge of
folds of chiffon over which tho Itennl
ssanco cover Is slipped nnd secured
with fancy buttons or bows of whlto
sntln ribbon.
Mother-of-pearl handles aro used
for those parasols and an ingenious
Idcn is shown in an arrangement
which provides In their depths a place
Tor both the tiny pocketuook nnd pow
der puff.
Fortunntoly this novol handle ar
rangement Is not confined to the ex
pensive "dress" parnsols, for tho plain
taffeta design with hemstitched bor
der boasts of tho snmo convenience.
Kngottlug Is developing Into a for
midable rival for hemstitching as n
trimming for summer parnsols and
the dainty petit pois, or French knot,
ns wo know It. seems to have trans
ferred Its sphere of usefulness from
the summer frock to this provlnco as
A handsome parasol of black point
d'esprlt over white has deep falls of
black chiffon over white lnce around
tno edges, while the rosewood handle
I ornamented solely with an Immense
choux of resada satin,
A Dream of a Gown.
The gown is a dream of the empire
this Is not politics, hut simply n
hint to show that the design is an
English Importation. The foot of tho
skirt has a facing of mack silk head
ed by a silk and Jet passementerie.
Tho deep yoko and sleeve caps are of
tucked mallue. surmounted by an up
per yoke tucked horizontally, which is
one with the stock. The sleeves of
the net have a cuff reaching to the
elbow, which Is draped with tho long
full puff. Tho girdle Is of black satin
and a hat of black Frencn straw
trimmed with ostrich plumes and ro
settes of white lnce completes the
Aurore, the now shado of pink and
thistle blue are both coal looking and
charming. A pretty summer frock In
the former shnde Is carried out in
chiffon over pink silk of a slightly
darker shade. Doth bodice and skirt
are tucked and lace-trimmed. The
former has a white lace yoko coming
over the shoulders and around the
front, where It points upward, met by
tho tiny tucks which come down to
a tiny lace girdle. The collar, which
is of lace, Is also toucned with pale
pink. The sleeves are tucked above
with tho laco Insertion, becoming
r- 4? . n
" ' m - w
with tucklngs from tho yoko to tho
wnlst, hlouslng in front with a high
girdle of loulsine nround tho waist.
Above the elbow tho sleeves nro tuck
ed with tho laco below, coming qulto
full Into n cuff of laco nt tho wrist.
Over tho hips aro tiny tucks to
niako tho skirt fit perfectly; these
extend downward for several Inches,
with a wide bond of lnce directly down
tho front benenth and then nround tho
toji of the full-tucked flounce, which
finishes It around the bottom, falling
full and long over the feet with n
long Bwocplng train nt tho back.
Linen and Crash Tailor-Made Suits.
The tailor-made suits of llnon and
crash ore exceedingly Jaunty nnd
serviceable. They are made with
Jackets and blouses, but tho latter
are preferable. Heavy strappings of J
tho samo material aro stitched over
tne skirt to form hip yoke and extend 1
ilf.it... tt lint- uliln i( tlio frmif in with. .
lileya tocome here, as nowhere else do
U IMUJI lllft uiimaui tit u r ui ti uumij
shirt wnlstB, nml with a smnrt
to-wear hnt and whlto gloves,
1 1 II.. .1 . rtt I ln
The thistle blue, nhovo spoken of,
One will find it a pleasure to make a trip throucrh
t furniture store, the stocK or wnicn is like none other.
j- J VM NUIV UI " 7 -IilgC JJlgfJg
the yoke, where they continue in tho j very full from elbow to wrist, where
they are caught Into cuffs.
The skirt Is plain over' tne hips, be
ing elaborately trimmed with tucks
and Insertion above tho full flounce,
which finishes It round the bottom
and also having tucks and Insertion
nt the extreme bottom of the llounce.
which sweeps tho lloor in tho back
and falls down very long over the
The dyed laces are quite the smart
est trimming one could select and
they nre most effctlve In gray. A del
icate voile suitable for afternoon wear
Is trimmed with It. The bodice has
n deep pointed yoke of gray lnce
coming down low over the shoulders,
same line around the sleeve caps,
thus enhancing the low shoulder ef
fect. Below the shoulder caps nro !
full falls of the rose-colored linen. I
A fine burnt straw completes the
costume and affords an Ideal finish ,
with Its soft red trimmings. I
Although there havo been few op-1
portunltles to display tho glories of 1
the summer parasol, It Is sliown in '
many delightful designs. The woman i
who loves and has time for fancy j
work, would do well to make her own
cover in Renaissance braid, for this
Is quite tho most elegant thing In l
sunshades. The whlto taffeta founda-;
tlon Is shirred nil over in billowy
goes well with those suits, A shirt
of unusual smartness Iuih tapestry
embroidery on the canvas yoke nnd '
stole front. The blouse beautiful is
a fashionable subject, and one that
Is never more interesting than now. 1
The shirt waist suit holds Its own ;
nnd Is branching out to a greater va-,
rioty of materials. Foulards and taf
fetas no lunger constitute the exclu
sive models of this particular fashion.
.Madras, dimity, China and Japanese j
silks, chamhray, rayee nnd nil the
smart wash materials are used to
make very pretty shirt waist dresses. I
The simple designs nro In best taste,
though sometimes there Is noticed a 1
tendency toward elaboration.
A useful novelty for tno woman who 1
Hits from place to plnco during the
summer season will he found in the
wardrobe trunk. It Is not too largo,
or too small and so conveniently ar
ranged that gowns of nil descriptions
may he packed In It and remain for
weeks without getting wrinkled. Just
now It Is expensive because new, but
It- Is something that will last almost
a lifetime nnd yet he nlwnys useful.
readl hplipvp will he seen such excellent variety, heaiitv nf
Biruui i; and sucn quality ar tne price, inueeu your turniturebi
ing will be done most pleasingly ana economically at
BAM & WLMM store. No turniutre too elaborate for
and then we have so many nice, pretty pieces of furnit
tnat will nt m nere ana mere ana aaa much to the
pearance and comfort of the room, not expensive eit!
you would be surprised.
Our carpets are our pride and we do not brag when
env U ic -fhp hpcf o.ccnr"fp1 and mnct nnfnHau i x...
" f -" mm.iv 111 I tin
t-'i n rr J n rr frnm ? nr 2 nlv Jnnrrnin in fhf hoaw USi,..,. J.
I (I 111 NIL 11 Will irf VI 1 I f U I T Ulll fc. VI lllb I U V V IT II 111 H
LtnHir Rr-iiccole Mam; rlpcinrnc ni ari en n a hoc cimi. .ii
HJ J U 1 11 MUUVIUI T M ftf . W VI u M M VOI J UjkOl 111 H 1 1
anH linn iQiitn-. r-n 1 1 teach an1 n oiir o f 1 1 n m niniinA (
Ml. I..Vwmba arwa mmm w i t . IIIIIUIVIIWU , 1 1 . 1 . I
matchless goods.
Baker & Folsom
Open Golf Championship.
Now York. June 20. Tho annual
open golf championship tournament
under the auspices of the United
Stntes (lolf Association began today
on the links of the Dnltusrol Golf
Club, near Short Hill, X. J. Judging
from the auspicious manner in whtcti
the play began, the large number and
representative character of thoentrles
and the promptitude of ofllcials and
players, this year's chnmplonship
contest will go on record as one of '
tli.i timat uiinnnoaful tiffnti-u nf it a i
kiiiii lu.il iiilm iivi'i liii.i.n HiMrn 1,1 inn
history of the game In this country.
t. aaa aM aaa aaa aaa
o-a i in h i u i im uu i u i ( i ( t( (i ( ( ( (( ( (i ( r f (tr ur nrfrr f ff tffr r f ;r7M in n n; ri ill in in iniiiiiiiiiiuiuiuiniiiinnn
Men Take Note and Govern
Yourselves Accordingly
THERE has come to this city a shipment of Cigars known as MI
PREFERIDA. You have all smoked a good Havana, perhaps the
best, but you have never smoked a better cigar than PREFERIDA,
for better Havana never grew. Strictly hand made by the best of cigar
makers from richest Havana leaf selected and cured with the utmost care
well filled and full factory size. They are best money can buy.
To get you better acquainted with MI PREFERIDA and its unexcelled
uniformity of quality and richness of flavor we will sell the regular 3 for
a half size at 2 for a quarter. If you like a really mild, a medium or a
good strong cigar you will find just your color in MI PREFERIDA.
Remember, the 3 for a half size at 2 for a quarter.
PW, Red 1 181 HARRY REES, on Cot Steeet.