East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 27, 1903, Image 5

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It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
, s not take long ior tne public to hud out the
f field for bargains. They have been cominji our
" infolvand wb expect, 10 uraw me procession here-
' ia if urices win iv, aiio luiiuwiiis; are eooa
,1 J
iwwass SHOES in nctn ana dark erev. nice v
U'W li4'w . . J
j ...hetamiai -"-" ' auue in
, i i : j t 1 1 . .
raretully i""tui '" " camci suue, special
$1.35 and $1.50
.4 unvs' SHOES in colt skin, box calf, vici kid. laPCf
LI ' V II Mil UU w " . ""
. . i -i-ia Ynnn i rn ir i n rr corifmoth in ii.-l
infi RlVIcS. x H w sKi.u.uauic niUU WlcU YOU
HC3 - f I 1 - Z
uauy yy ' j Y ' v
P METTELTON'S Patent Leather Blucher, something swell,
thing later or more stylish, regular $6? special value .... $5
.-.Mirmnn Patent Colt Skin one of the late ctvlich 1poV.
niM" - i i . .
, regular 55, &i.iw t
M !.!
ce meats at Houser's.
1 n Vaifmnn'n.
Sharp's artistic wall paper.
. ..1.1.. tr, nmi nn. Rader's.
your spring suits at Joerger's.
ior icin,
your shoes repaired at
. .1-.- ttanMniinrtnrR for
lal sale on all summer mlllln-
Irn PnniniiOil'R.
IIS. VM'"""-"
Sale-Cattle, horses and sheep.
Bryson & Wade.
t fail to read the Underwood
I. I I., tl.fr. !Unllf,
cialn" tli a host nlcnr made at
.t -i rn.i ntcnnf
r t tii nnrt 1 nml rlnmAstlf
3 and .clam chowder at uratz s.
I IHL riLJUN Lit! I LUG lDOL vyi
Rent Suite of rooms, nicely
PU nnp muni? nun 11 nun wkbl
n utrent. Tnniilro ZflR Alta.
1117 in 11111K null ituiih mi
r system Is very profltp lie. We
grain anu siock accounts uii
JC- fin.. members of
, Minneapolis.
vu w mm mm to m w w - rm
a the glaring hot sun and
Jin ? 3 finer
u 11 iirvnr nnv mir r n q r,nf
1,.. 1, ttlWIIl.
nave all kinds of RORgles
fep out dust, and rest the
for frnm t - a fr
fcw j.
nVPfl nNitrn - 1 t 1
(j.-joo- 'suvciai auaucs
k lllf 1 II I f 1 rr tn rl.nl.l
- iu auictu yuui
"om 25c to fx. 00.
urn nn
w uiiu ur 1 IWAn
Castle's for fresh flsli.
50 given away. See page A.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
See Sharp for paper hanging.
Best t'hoe work at Teutsch's.
Delicious Ice cream, The Delta.
Ladles' halt soles 40c. Teutsch.
Ironers wanted at tho Domestic
For Rent Three-room house on
Main street.
No extra charge for tahulator on
the Underwood.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
1200paper hound books 10c to 25c.
Nolf's book store.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and irulis.
Lost A bunch of keys; finder
please return to this office.
TJ C Rader about that $50 worth of
furniture he Is giving away.
Received daily, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Wanted Middle-aged woman for
housework. Apply at this oillce.
See page 4 about the ?50 worth of
furniture Rader Is giving away.
One business opening sold yester
day; two left on Main street, wacie.
. Wanted Immediately, cheap second-hand
oillce desk. Address Box
R, city.
For Rent Room for gentleman;
bath, 'phone and electric lights; 312
South Main.
Chase & Sanborn's delicious cof
fees, always fresh at C. Rohrman's,
Court street.
For Rent Two cottages, good lo
cation, suitable for small family. In
quire at 100 Illuff street.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
De Lano Beacli affords the only
comfortable sea bathing on Puget
Sound. Write Hotel De Lano, Lake
Bay, Wash.
Next Saturday night Gratz gives
another grand opening. Full orches
tra, elegant free lunch and Rainier
beer. Twonty per cent of the receipts
for benefit of the labor unions.
For Rent Two single rooms, un
furnished, In Kast Oregonlan build
lug. Hot and cold water with hath
on same floor. One $4 per month the
other $5 per month. Enquire Bast
Oregonlan oillce.
Returned to Pendleton.
F F Perham, formerly in business
here but who has resided In Toppen
Ish, Wasn., for the past year, has re-
! turned to this city anu win ohbubo
I business again.
Husband (sadly) Now that we
have lost all our property, what have
we to look forward to In the way of
i pleasure? Wife (cheerlly)-Wel I it
might be worse; I can Btlll go shop-
I ping. Chicago Dally News.
--rumor lUii city
1 fyler 1' ,heel ol PPr
23enyelopes nm
Slt?MllltlnbBlkor r
Pck.ge, p pound;... .J)C
rBark lor removing dirt
Mfc, M;' " irom del- p
Sewing Machine Oil S'oii
Root Beer RSufil f.u.Wi- cc
ck'Ucloui, per gli J
Ice Cream ;Kti inc
mperlor article for ,. -IUC
Brown's Tree Soap
xtcps from Main street towunl the Court Jloui
Work of Clearing Was Systematized
Town Will Be Rebuilt, But Large
ly of Brick Believed That the Fin.
at Count Will Show Two Hundred
W. F. Matlock returned last night
from Heppner, where ho has been
since the first news reached hero
that there had been a Hood at that
place. When he was asked for some
thing that would bo of Interest to tho
people concerning his experience
there, he said that the people know
more about the conditions there than
he did himself, for ho had been so
busy that he had not had time to look
around him, and consequently saw
only that which came under his eye
as he went about his tasks.
From the time that Mr. Matlock
left hero, nearly two weeks ago, until
he returned last evening, he had
neither bathed, shaved nor changed
his clothes. He had not had tlmo,
and so great was tho pressure of the
business there that ho had not
thought about it until he was ready
to come home. Tho men there at the
scene of tho flood know less of the
general condition of things than did
the public, for ench is Intent on the
task that is beforo him, anrt did not
hRve time to ask what the next man
was doing. The reporters there would
gather the knowledge of all of tho
workers and thus the outside know
more of the affair thnn the majority
of the men on the work.
When Mr. Matlock first went to the
place he had charge of tho work of
handling and tagging all of the bag
gage that was found, and the gener
al oversight of all of the property
tbnt was brought In as It was found
by the searchers. Trunks ami boxes
of goods and all things of that char
acter were brought In and the con
tents examined. From something in
them the owners could generally bo
determined, and they were then tag
ged and put aside to nwalt tho call
of tho persons to whom they belong
ed, or the call or tho persons who
were the nearest of kin. By. this sys
tematic handling1 of the "property
along the course of the flood much
of value was saved that otherwise
would have been lost.
Workmen In Three Gangs.
Tho workmen there were divided
Into three big gangs or divisions
one from Portland under tho general
suiervision of N. A. Davis; one com
prising the Pendleton contingent, un
der Mr. Berkeley, and the other from
Heppner and the vicinity, under Mr.
Matlock. After tho first few days ho
took charge of tho men and has been
thus engaged until his return, 11
was thought best by those In charge
to now leave the work In the hands
of the Heppner people and allow them
to reap the benefit of the labor, and
for this reason the men from tho out
side were recalled, and at present all
or the men are from that place and
the surrounding country.
The town is In good condition and
the work there has been thorough
nnrl BVRtBinntlc. Most of the work
now to do Is below the town, In the
drirts that extend below. There are
miles or these and some of mem win
nniw ho irnnp nvpp TIirv are wedired
into all kinds of shapes, and the worn
is slow and hard.
The people or the town are not dis.
couraged by the calamity, and will re-
l,n tl.n limn nx fast or la Dossible.
.Most of tho bulldingB that are put up
In the future win ne ot oncK, bo uiui
when the town is again rebuilt it will
be modern and substantial.
Tin, mini mimliHr of those missing
or (lead will bo In tho closo neigh
borhood of 200, In the estimation 01
M.. Mntl, whn thlnkx that the
number will not bo rive over or live
under that amount. The bodies that
are being recovered now are In a bad
state of decomposition, and It will
not be long beforo they will not be
Mr. Matlock did not think that the
.iiui.lt, uilnii nf thn rnonev that, was
left from the fund would be entrust
ed to a special man, but that It would
be done by the executive cuiiihiuieu
lluiinnpr npnnlfl who Were 111
charge of the work at the present
time. This committee is compoeu 01
Mr. Gilliam, the mayor, Mr. Shutt, the
sheriff, and Georgo Conner, well
known as a banker. These men will
have charge of the work from now on
and will handle all of tho funds.
From now on it Is but a question of
time and energy until the city of
Heppner will be tne same 111
i iinniniun no it was before the
storm, though it will never recover
from the shock of tho calamity.
Rev. King Will Print the Minutes.
Rev. R. W. King, of the Baptist
church, was awarded the contract by
.1... TIantlat A Kfifiplll t lOIl fOr thO nrlut
Ing of the minutes of the meetings
just closed in tins cay, i ne reveicnu
gentleman Is a practical printer and
has a small press and plant at his
homo In this city, and will do the
work here. He printed tho meetings
of the session last year and put out
n very creditable little book.
New Sawmill.
J. D. Casey, of Hllgard, Is making
preparation to begin tne erection 01
a new sawmill of 30,000 feet capacity,
xtonnhnm. He has a largo body
of timber land In that locality and
will ship tho lumuer direct to oau
Bargains and Big Ones
will be the power that will clear our overcrowded shelves
of new, seasonable up-to-date merchandise.
To be in position to show only the very newest styles of goods each
season, prices will be cut so severely that our present stock will not re
main long in our store. The early buyer will fare best as there will be
no replenishing of lines as they are sold out.
Read carefully eaoh item here
Wash Goods
Imported Frenoh Dimities, white
grounds, printed Horal and figured de
signs. Also a large assortment of black
and white combinations.
t Regular price 30c, reduced
500 Yards
Scotch Madras in black and white,
blue and white, pink and white, in
fancy stripes.
1 Regular price 50c, reduced 28C
800 Yards
Mercerized Oxfords, 2S inches wide,
suitable for shirt waist suits. In pink
blue, white and black and Nile green,
t Regular price 60c, reduced 32C
White Goods
300 yards Mercerized Marsailles, in
large and small stripes.
lIRt gular price 10c, reduced
to U1C
French Grenadines
Black ami yollow, whito and blue,
lavendor and whito, in silk stripes.
Regular price 75c, reduced
1900 Yards
Lawns and Dimities in all now colors,
stripes, figures and (lowered pattorns.
URogular prico 20c, reduced IV
300 Yards
Linon Etamines in light bluo, dark
blue, pink, oroam, tan and black, suit
able, for shirt waist suits.
II Regular prico 75o, reduced
Summer Shoes
Ladies Tan Oxfords that wore $2.50
reduced to $1.48
Misses Tan shoes, lace and button that
woro $2.00, reduced to $1.19
Children's Tan shoeB, woar hotter than
black and are cooler. Shoos that
were $1.50, reduced to 95c it 98c
Former Will Wear League Uniforms,
and Indians Will Send Their
Strongest Men Line-up Is Given In
1-1.., wn,i,, nii tin, Indians from
the iesorvatlon will meet oil tho dla-
...,..,.1 ln,ii,rnui fur till! (lfBt KttlllO
that tho former nlno has played this
year. The people of tun cny win iu
member the good ball that thu boyH
..,, in ui vi. nr nml from that can
judge of tho sport that they will see
at the Alta street grounds tomorrow.
ti,.i in,!a win woar 1 he uniforms of
the leaguo team and will endeavor tq
..ui m, u minlltv r ball that tne own
ers of the suits will not be aBhamed
of. Tho team haB been Btrengineneu
and will go Into tho game with tho
determination to win.
The Indians aro also sending the
strongest team they havo and will
play their usual game. Slnco tho In-
.ll In an m.lfll fit llfllllf! HS
uimi ib i,.i .it'.-
when playing ball, a very interesting
time is assured, w, 11. noiiy win
umpire the game, to which an admis
sion of 35 cents will bo charged, with
the privilege of the grand stand free.
McKay, Montanlc and August Alex
ander will strengthen tho Indian
team, which will be captained by An
drew Baruhart. The line-up of tho
Wonders Is given hero In their bat
tlnz order; Drake, 1. f.; Kruger, 3b;
Alexander, 2b; L. Cronln, c; Hart
man, ss; Froome, lb; It, Cronln, p;
O'Hara, cf; Downey, or Mayc. rf.
The game will bo called at 3 o'clock
In the afternoon.
For Which the O. R. & N. Co. Offers
Very Cheap Rates.
To the Seaside Clatsop Beach or
Long Bench and return, $10 tlckclH
on salo July 1 to August 20th, Inclu
sive. Bluglium Warm Springs and return
$1.75, limit fiO days, not to oxecod
September 30th. To Bingham Warm
Springs and return, $2.7f, good for
three meals and one bath, limit, fol
lowing duy from dnto of salo.
To Meacham and return, $1, tickets
on salo HumlayH only.
Hot Luke ami return, $'J.30, Includ
ing ?0 worth of board,
For further particulars, call on or
Agent O. R. & N. Co.
Returned From Heppner,
t a r Innnlton and Peto Marsh, of
Weston, passed through the city this
morning, from ueppner, wuure iucj
have been working during tho past
Best stock ranches In Camas Pra
Irle, ICO to 1.000 acres. Wade,
Pairs of New
you want to see them?
Glad to show them
Boston Store
Fireworks and Flags
ia Roman Candles 5c. Loudest
Firecrackers on cartli for 5 cents
per package. Skyrockets 10 cents
a dozen. Flower Pots and Col
ored Mines 50, toe and 15c each
Blantr Books
Another new line has just reached
us. A full set of extra debit
ledgers, Counter hooks, from
5c up.
Another Shipment. Carpet anoT
warehouse brooms. 20c to oc. A
very complete lino to select from.
Whisk Hrnoms toe to 34c,
Full Line of
Cutttom Mafe
$2.50 to $4.00
Best Dollar
in town
Judil Uluck, Court sadptfslaM.
office, itrgt bundle of uswspap!, cs.
(sluing ever 100 llf (tsMrs can b t
tilntd for 23 Clots a bund!. .