oil 7 GONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY) JUNE 27, 1903. DAILY EAST ORE Published every nftcmoon (cicent Sunday) ut Pendleton, Oregon, by the EAST OREGONIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY. I'bonc, Slain 11. SUHSCIilPTlOX HATES. Dally, one year by mall $5.00 Dally, six months by mall 2.l0 Dally, three months by mall 1.25 Diilly, one month by mall .no Dully, per month by carrier li.'i WeeJily, one year by mall 1.B0 Weekly, six months by mall 75 Weekly, four months by mall 50 Keml-Weeklv. one vear bv mall .... 2.00 fieml-Weekly, six months by mall .. 1.00 on THE WHEAT 8UPREMACY. Semi-Weekly, three months by mall The East Orpironlnn Is nn snip nt It. It Itlcli'8 News Htamls at Hotel Portland and wotel rerklns, l'ortland, Oregon. Member Scrlpps-Mcltae tlon. Xcwb Assocla Sn Francisco llureau, 408 Fourth St. Chicago Bureau, 000 Security llulldlng. Washington, 1). C. llureau, 501 11th St, N. W. Rntered at l'endleton postofflce as second class matter. Forgive and forgot wliy tho world would ho lonely, The garden a wilderness left to deform, If the llowe-rs but remembered' tho chilling winds only, And the fields gave no verdure for fear of the storm. Charles Swain. Tho Umatilla county Fair Assocla tlon should bo organized now, in or der to hold a county fair this fall. . The loafer wearing a collar a foot lilgh, with star-spangled shirt and ox blood shoes. Is no better than the loafer wltli dirty overalls and no socles. One Is disguised, tho other iav. Both are dangerous. It is refreshing to read the reports on civic and moral Improvement mailo by the many local women's clubs of the state, to the federation nutting. Many of the prettiest homo towns In Oregon owo their loveliness nnil health to tho rjulot. persistent, unwavering campaign of a fow ener setic women. The stockmen of the interior who persist in shooting tho property of Oioir neighbors, as a remedy for the range situation, iorget tnal tins Is a boomerang which Hies back upon tho bead of tho one who throws it. There Is a, way to settle questions of this liind, in tho broad, open oaylight of common Justice and decency. Tho United States can hope to hold tho wheat exporting supremacy of the world but little longer. Tnlto away tho crops of tnreo states the Dakotas and Minnesota, 'now and wo would not bo able to export shipload. Tho remainder of tho wheat belt of the notion Is absolutely neces sary to supply tho needs of tho people at home. While the wheat crop of this coun try is Increasing year by year, tho population is also growing at nn as tonlshtng rate. Tho non-wheat pro ducing sections aro filling up rapidly the cities and tho mining districts are multiplying in population faster than any other sections. In tho entire region east of tho Mississippi tho only stntes that pro duce any considerable surplus o wheat nliove tlieir own needs are Ohio nnd Michigan, and their bal ance goes only a very little way to ward supplying tho requirements of their neighbors. The whole state of Massachusetts, in the last census year had only 95 ncres of wheat, and tho six Now Eng land stntes combined did not grow enough to feed tho town of Pawtuckot Tho nine states of New England, New York-, Now Jersey and Pennsyl vania, forming n connected region four-fifths the size of tho German em plro, and wltli over 21,000,000 inhabl tants, have to buy over 80.000,000 bushels of wheat a year outside of their own borders. In other words, they Import more wheat In proportion to the population than Oreat Britain does, the only did eronce being that they Import it from other states, while Great Britain buys her supplies abroad. Our home consumption of wheat is Increasing now at tho rate of about 0,000,000 bushels u year. If wo should havo such a crop as tho one In 18!)3 we should have to import1 wheat to avert a famine, and oven the cron of 1S9U would barely meet our needs. The best thing William Allen White has over said, is his little talk to "gadding girls." He counsels them to remember home; to love work; to be something more than a butter IJy lor the wings of the butterfly are bo easily singed. It is Just a short editorial in tho Emporia (iazette, but it Is worth tho while of every- mother nnd uvery girl to hunt it up nnd reaa It. The postofllce scandals wore un earthed by a newspaper man Joseph I. Bristow u man with a been scout and plenty of nerve. The training wlilcli a man receives In the modern journalistic "sweat shop" fits him for any arduous task in a civilized gov ernment The president recognizes the peculiar fitness in malting tho old reporter the leader in tho lnvestiga tlons. Oregon exchanges are Justly scor ing tho Associated Press for monop olizing all means of communication with Heppuer on tho day following the disaster. Tho friends who wero cruelly turned away-from telegraph and telephone offices with the Inform ation that tho octopus was in control, will not soon forgot that treatment. It is not a trust It is Just a "littlo clnl) of men associated together to collect news for their own private use" that's all. One of tho greatest Incentives for now hopo and faitli in tho future of tho town that has been felt by the peoplo or Hoppncr In tholr calamity, Is the hopeful, aggressive tone of the Heppner newspapers, There has been no liewnlllng, no complaining word from either of them. They have preached progress In tho very ruins or their town. They have advised rebuilding better than over, ovon be fore the sound of the destroying Hood had died away, This very doc trine of good cheer has done n won derful work in placing Heppner on lior feet so soon. It has given hopo and courage to many a citizen there who would have otherwise boenw!l 11ns to surrender to dlscourogemont., A stiff upper Hp Is half ;tho oattlo. 1 i.Jntt -' Tho sensational reports In Port- anil papers to the effect that Pen dleton people becamo hysterical over nn alleged prophecy of a squaw, to the effect that a waterspout would Islt tho city one day this week, are unfounded. The residents of Pendle ton ure many, many grades above that mental plane which accepts tho nianutactured" prophecy or some sensation hunter, as gospel truth. mv eve could reach, the Union troops wore In rotrent. Those at ii distance were still resisting, but giving ground and it wns only neces sary for me to press forward In order to Insure tho same results, wiucn in variably follow such flank movements In less than one-halt hour my troops would havo swept up over those inns the possession of which was of such momentous consequonco. It Is not Biirnrlslmr. with a full realization of the consonuences of a halt, that should havo refused at first to obey tho order. Not until tho third or fourth order of the most peremptory character reached me, did I obey, "I think I should havo rl3ked the conseouences of disobedience even then, hut for the fact that the order to halt was accompanied with the exnlanatlou that General Iee, who wns several miles away, did not wish to glvo battle at Gettysburg. It is stated on good authority that General I.eo said, some time before his death, that If Jackson had been tnere, ho would have won in this battle a great and nosslbly decisive victory. I can not vouch for tho truth of this state ment as I did not hear it. but no sol dler In a great crisis ever wished more ardently for a deliverer's hand than I wished for ono hour of Jack son, when I was oruereu to nait. From "Gettysburg," by Gen. John II. Gordon, In the July scrtuner s. TOWN TALK. Ono of the most elegant social af fairs of the present lively season in East Peru was the gathering at the home of Mrs, Dentist Ralph Bowden last Thursday evening. The guests enjoyed checkers and parcheesl till a lato hour and plentiful quantities of fudge and oyster stew wero daintily served by Mesdames Husklns nnd Nut ter. Social circles are very gay In East Peru this winter and spring. On the tapid now is the social dance to be given at Horton's hall by the ladles of the Shakespeare club. Oyster stew served at Intermission. Gents BO' cents. Ladles free. A GREAT STATESMAN. It must have been some 400 miles by the old road and canals from Slp parn to Susa; but It was easier trav eling In that region -1000 years ago than It Is now, for Hammurabi was a strenuous ruler. It had taen him 30 years to throw off the yoke of the Elamltes, with their capital at Susa, and the remaining dozen years of his: reign he devoted to consolidating his empire, which now for the first tlino in history united under one ruin' tho whole of Babylon and added to It the snzoranlty of Elam, or southern Persia, with Assyria to the north and even Syria and Palestine as far as; the Mediterranean Sea. Being a grent statesman as well as conquerer, he built roads, dug canals, and was the flrst to collect and formulate Into, rodo tho decisions which the civil courts had rendered nnd which had grown out of Judges' law. This full code, the most elaborate monument of early civilization yet discovered, ho engraved' on grunt stono stelae, and set up in the prin cipal cities in his realm, where they could bo read by ull his subjects. There wero about 280 soparato decis ions, or edlctu, r-ovorlng the lights-of property. Inheritance, marriage, di vorce, Injuries to life or person, tents, wages, slavery, etc. On the stelae, following the text of tho luws, Hammurabi told" his people why ho had set up and published, this node. It was that Justice might be e.tnbllsh ed, and that any one who n.ut a com plaint ugainst his neighbor might come and read tho law and learn what wero his rights. Dr. William Hayes Ward In July Century. GORDON ON GETTYSBURG. as i "No battle of any war more forci bly Illustrates tho truth that officers at a dlstanco from the field cannot, with any wisdom, nttempt to cmtrol tho movements of troops actively en gaged. On the flrst day neither Gen eral Early nor General Ewcll could possibly havo been fully cognizant of tho situation at tho time I was or dered to halt. Tho whole of that por tion of the Union army In my front was in inoxtrlcable confusion and in flight. They wero necessarily In light, for my troops wero upon tho flank and rapidly sweeping down tho lines. Tho firing upon my men had al most ceased. Large bodies of tho Union troops wero throwing down tholr arms and surrendering, because In disorganized confusion and con fused masses thoy wore woolly pow erless either to check tho movoment or return the Are, "As far down -the , lines Aunt Phebe Penrce Is reported as quite slim. Mrs. Webb Purdy Is also only up to have her bed made. Dr. Hawkins is tending out on both cases. Tho doe f,ays that It Is very sickly generally. Eggs lower. Hens are getting onto their Job and going way back and sit ting down. Foul Play Wo aro Informed by our ofllclont and active deputy sheriff, 'enn Webster, that there Is no doubt that old Mr. Ayer who was found dead In his house last week near the Newry town line was killed by robbers. We ntended to look tho matter up this week for the Pod-Auger but the rush f job work and tho advertising has prevented. Everything comes all nt onco In a newspaper office. Deputy Webster Informs us that the robbers must huvo burnt the old mnn's feet pretty near off before ho told thorn whore his money was hfd. It was cer tainly a most disgraceful proceeding and we 'trust that our offlcors will speedily find some clews to follow. More particulars ne.vt week. East Peru Pod-Arrger. A NEIGHBOR'S PRAYER. Dear God! I come not ns a clilfd to For thlseor tlmt small gift of Thee, Nor as a creature burdened down With niniiv wrongs or woes or sins. 1 nm as Thou hns fashioned mo; Mv lot Is as Thou ordorcst it. I have no ' weak advice to g vo To Thee the Huler of all things; No speciul pleas for friends or foes. I ask not to bo grent or rich, Nor claim a dolly gift of bread. I only ask of Thee the chaneo To stronger grow and worthlor llvo, For closer comradeship wiiu nuui, , A dally courage for tho tasks I Which Thou hast placed beneath my hands; I An understanding heart to read The lives of others and to know And meet with dauntless faith nnd love ' .My duty toward my follow-mon. For hourly nearness to the Source Of Light and Sweetness, Truth and Hlghl. SUMMER COLDS Produce Chronic Catarrh. Madame Isabella Ellen Bbtcbs. I Mndumo Isabella Ellon Havens, Life i Governor Grand Lodgo of Jfreo Masons ripnr kvoh to sec In earth and sky, In s mm anil maw. m mini mm , . , . , ,.,,. ui.i o. The beauty which was sealed as good " " " " " And perfect by tno Master mum. An oar to catch, In wind and storm, In cataract and ocean's roar, In childhood's, laughter, Joy's full noto In pity's accent, ralth's deop song, In nraver's whisper, woe's low sob, The keynote of tho Universe- -Klslng and falling, true as truth- One brotherhood, one l-uitu, ono God," The perfect harmony of Love. Mrs. C. C. van Orsilall, in I'acino Echo for June. REWARD. Up Ui her chamber window A slight wire trellis goes, And up this Romeo's laddor Clambers a hold white rose. I lounge In tho Ilex shadows, I see tho lady lean, Unclasping her silken girdle, The curtain's fold between. She smiles on her whlte-roso lover, She reaches out her hand And helps him In nt tho window I se It where I standi To her scarlet lip she holds him, And lefsses him many a time Ah, me! It was ho that won hor Heeause ho dared to climb! Thomas II. Aldrlch. toga. Chicago, 111., says "This summer while traveling I contracted a most persistent and an noylng cold. My head ached, my eyes ' and nose seemed constantly running, my lungs were sore and I lost my ap petite, health and good spirits. Doe- tors prescribed tor me all manner oi pills and powdersr but all to no purpose. ' I advised with a druggist and he spoke so highly of a medicine called Pcruna, that he Induced me to try my first bottle of patent medicine. How ever, It proved such a help to me that I soon purchased another bottle and I kept on until I was entirely well."-.. Madame isaoeiia tiiien tsaveas. Summer colds require prompt treat ment. Thoy are always grave, and sometimes dangerous. The prompt ness and surety with which Peruna acts In these cases has saved many lives, A largo ctono of Peruna should bo taken nt tho first nppenranco of a cold In summer, followed by small and oft ropuuted doses. Thero is no other rem edy that medical sulcnco can furnish, so rollnblound quick in its action us Pcruna. Address The Peruna Medlclno Com pany, Columbus, Ohio, for a free book entitled "Hummer Catarrh," which treuts of tho uuturrliul diseases peculiar to aunimor. "What's up, ohl man I never saw you look so haggard." "The 'Steenth bank Is up; that's what's up. And' my deposit's gone up with ir," "Oh, r wouldn't let a thing like that upset me." "I'm not upset; merely lost my bal ance." Philadelphia Press. The- Exposition imiuugoment has officially passed on the Iilcyclo prob lem. Wheels may be led Into the World's Fair grounds, St. I.onls, but no riding will be permitted. Be 5 Hour Day P1 Which; the workim? man bos fought forr and succeeded in obtaining is something me wue iias nu suarc in. iter uay ue gins before Ids and ends long after itt as. i. -rale, and many a night her rest is, uroKeu uy me baW'li fretfulness. The healthiest woman must wear out tinder such a strain. What can be expected then of those women who ure weaken ed by woman ly diseases? Women s--f-.-Z 1 wbo are weak, worn-out and run-down will find new life and new strength in the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Sick people are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and Address Dr. R. V. sacredly confidential, fierce, uunaio, w. v. I tuflered wllh female weakness about eight yean tried several doctors but derived tto bene fit until I began using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription," writes Mrs, John Green, of Danville, Boyle Co., Ky. "This medicine was recom mended to me by other patients. I have taken six bottles and I feel like another person." The dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription," is only seeking to make the little more profit paid on the sale of less meritorious medicines. HU profit is your loss. Refuse all sub stitutes. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be uaed with "Favorite Prescription " when ever a laxative is required. Ever? Never! Did You No You What, Never? No, Never! have Pendleton people had u chance to get FURNITURE SO CHEAP In order to got some linos at the prices we bought, we were conipellod to etock heavier than our room will justify, and we now find ourselves overstocked. Therefore, in order to reduce stock, and get the cash we need eo badly, we have decidod that for one week, S?m?TSTURDAY' JUNE 27th, we will ff" ITURE at PRICES NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF IN PENDLETON Seeing is believing. Stop in and see, and in cidentally see about that $50.00 worth of furniture we are giving away. New car of furniture just received. Come early and get choice bargains. M. A. RADER Main and Webb Streets Have Yoor Water Pipes Examined and Repaired at Once T-l - Ml I . ueiay win ieaa to serious breaks. Fust-class work guaranteed by BECK, the Reliable Pltimfeet. Court street, opposite the Golden Rule, Hotel LEGAL BLANKS TfL alogiie of them. A foil supply always kept in stock. FORI We have theW. in Real Ti8,at(, some nice homes '3 sold. Choice Builij Lots. Alfalfa Land fj acre to 160. Whei,ji tracts from 160 tel 12,000. lorn & h "om io over TajWJ . Hardware Stn ' 1 Water We make a Specialty of Bail or Squire WATER I We make them right all always give satisfaction. I worn is never slighted orb Pendleton Planing I and Lumber Yai Rohert FonsniJ LOOK AT II Pendleton Real Estate fir C-room dwelling, stable, ctldi ral and 2 lota 11,000. C-room dwelling and two lotil fnllly shaded lawn, nneij t ?2,500. H-room boarding house tsii centrally located J2.SO0, 5-room dwelling with two 1 Bide ?1.2G0. A number of lots somewbit $12S to ?1C0 each. 1 lot on flat, five block! f street, $500. Other lots Mil cacu. Mucli other very desMJt ty for Bale. All sold on eig Onme and bus'. To And Just what you tj rlybt price, see G.D.BOYD. Ill CosAl A Cool Pli .l.o nlnre I .. tIcnrp timC. Fl inos bowline all'P did pool and bilW i,1pS! uDto-datesb frps ltnenis u Free Musical EnterW Every Evening International Stoi PoflltryF0 C. F. Coleswo .r. H.aSl ""-I a pnt for Lee's :.ir ante hereof. tb5 Vr, JM MTem? .ill He M ai at public ""'tonur jM pound. J.lVt Cltfja Webb treH. I ,o H" The 0regw5 fnnil on sai