East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 27, 1903, Image 2

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Men's and Boys' Wear
i Golf Shirt
t Neglogoe Shirts
t Summer underwear,
t Belts'.'."'"""
t Straw Hats
Boys' Washable Suits
t We have just recolvod a new ship-
ment of Neckwear and Suspenders
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
I 2
Son Francisco .lows have subscrib
ed joO.000 to the Klshlneff relief fund.
A tidewater ship canal will proba
bly bo built between the Frith ot
Forth to the Clyde, by a London syn
dicate. Captain fieorge E. Townsend, ot St,
Ixnils, aged 73 years, crazed by pain
from a cancer In his face, hanged
The popo has ratified the appoint
ment of nov. Thomas A. Hendricks,
of Rochester, N. Y., to bo bishop of
Cobu. P. I.
In the 1903 graduating class at Yale
was one man who spent $l(iO during
tho last school year, and another who
spent $11,000.
The Illinois' Steel Company yester
day turned out 1,894 tons of steel
rails, breaking tho world's record
for any one plant.
Crowell, Allen & Wndley, ot St.
Louis, have paid $500,000 for 24,000
acres of redwood lands In Sonoma
and Mendocino counties, California.
New York City real estate assesses
this year $4,730,000,000. The person
al assessment Is $678,000,01,0. The
tax rate will bo $1.40, as against $2.27
last year,
W. It. Hearst, ot tho San Francisco
Examiner, Chicago American -and
Now York Journal, has mado tho
Georgia Technological School a gift
of $5,000.
Dr. J. W. Jowett, for 10 years ex
aminer of drugs and similar articles
In the New York customs house, has
been removed. No cause has been
made public.
Mrs. ISartles, tho wlfo of a Culcago
nowspaiKir man, has been awarded
60,000 francs damages by tho French
court of appeals for Injuries sustain
ed by being run over by a cab.
There Is a great rovival of cotton
raising In Porto ltlco. Fivo gins were
lately sent to tho island from tho
United States, the first in 40 years.
The area planted in cotton Is con
stantly Increasing.
The mid-summer carnival at Salem
will open next Monday morning.
Tho littlo son of Albert Erlckson, of
Astoria, has not yot been found.
Mrs. Manly Martin, of Independ
ence, Or., a pioneer of 1850, died Fri
day aged 88.
Tho nov! nientiiic of tlio Stato Fed
eration of Women's Clubs will bo held
In Hnkor City. . 1
Tho output ot Washington salmon
hatcheries will bo Increnseu from 20,
000.000 to 50,000,000 in 1904.
The customs receipts for tho port
of Portland for tho year ending Juno
30, 1903, will amount to $800,000.
The heavy rains ot tho past week
have dono serious injury to tho
strawberry crop on Puget Sound.
Captain William J. Bryant, for 18
years government inspector of hulls
and boilers nt Seattle, died Friday,
aged vt.
John Wychoff, a demented boy of
Albany, has disappeared from home,
and It is feared has perished in tho
Tho E. & E. mine at Sumpter has
resumed work after a brief period of
Idleness, during which extenslvo re
pairs wore 'made,
Tl.n tm Inrunst (lour mills in Taco-
ma have boon forced to close down
temporarily on account of a shortage
of orders in tho export trade.
The "Greyhound," a famous Indian
canoe, 45 feot In longth, has been
given to tho Ferry Museum at Taco
ma. ' It Is over 100 years old.
Seattle citizens offor a $1,000 ro
ward for the person who robbed and
murdered John Montgomery, whose
body was found lloatlng In tho bay
last week.
Miss Mario Ware and Horaco Mc
Klnley are now on trial in tho Port
land fedoral court for dofraudliig tlio
government In the Eugene laud com
missioner's ofllce.
Tho Chinese cook on the "Bailey
Oatzert," a Columbia river steamer,
slipped from tho gang plank at tho
Portland wharf, on Fnuay morning:,
and was drowned in sight ot 60 peo-
uId it ,
50c, 65c, 75c, to Si. 50
5c, 75c to S2 50
fine quality, per Hint
50c, $1 and $1.50
25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
10c to $2.50
ir 60C. 75C tO ftl.SO
5c to $1.50
Hotel Pendleton.
Francis Jenkins, Moscow.
W Q rolu.rninn. Snnmtm-
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Collins, Omaha
William manor, umuun.
C. M Sniltli Omnlin.
James C. Murray, San Francisco.
Sam Hoxter, Now Yon:.
J. H. O'Connor, St. Louis.
C. A. llucker, St. Louis.
Charles L. Preston, Tacoma.
F. S. McMuhon, PortJand.
Charles E. Ely, St, Louis.
Will C. Gibson, Portland.
H. E. Lewis, San Francisco.
W. H. Mcintosh, Portland.
K liunknw Bun Francisco.
H. L. Voose and wlfo, Golenn.
H. S. unrmon, uiiiutii.
S. L. Darmon, St. Louis.
r. R nlflfov. Portland.
J. F. It. Wlbher, San Francisco.
A. W. Whitmer, Portland.
r n Qlmtmnn Portland
George H. Sutherland, Walla Walla.
E. S. Young, Seattle.
C. D. rtlnkcr, Spokane.
George Stevens, Spokane.
Maxwell, Portland.
F. S. Bradley, San Francisco
J, It. Wood, Denver.
John Beaton, Kansas City.
V I.' Iliiru-oll rV'Inn
W. G. Whitney and family, Payette
D. M. Walter, sumptnr.
Alla TCuiiIro .Turk Ilourno.
J. E. Kees and wife, Walla Walla.
Charles McGuire, spouano.
A. J. Wllharr, Spokane.
Golden Rule Hotel.
Curran, Forest Grove.
W. Packard, Utah.
Packard, Utah.
Markliam, Umatilla.
Cunningham, Portland.
T. Monro. Snokane.
Mrs. J. A. McLaughlin, Gurdnnc.
Miss Waters, Heppner.
Sam Lee, Spokane.
O. W. Wllllnms, Portland.
Mrs. Stone, Montana.
L. 11. Smith, city.
W. Babe. city.
H. Gaveston, Boise.
Boner. Hnlnes.
N. Ankeny. Walla Walla.
J. W. Boyd, Portland.
A. N. Dennis, Tacoma.
W. Lockwood, Ashley.
I. Waer. Eugene.
Alice Gacnon. CuhTesoc.
G. M. Gagnow, Culdesac.
E. Gagnon, Culdesae.
G. Rowe, Dundee.
How's This?
f,,.. unit t.nan nt n tn prh thllt CHTl tVAt
t. - H-.l-nal-iiuil hum Irnntvti IT, -T.
fin ln-f 1. vaunt, rtnii hHflvn
him Derfectly honorable In air bsliws
trunsactlonB -nml ilnnnclnlly able- to carry
.nt ii nitilA-ntliiiu nimlA txv thfiW firm.
WHKT & T1IIJAX. Wliolcunle llrugglats,
Toledo, O.
VAI.1)IN(I. KIN NAN & Jt.MWTN, Wl.ole
sale DriiKi-'Ists. Toleilo. u.
acting directly upon tlic blood and mncoos
surface ot tl.p system. Testimonials it
free. Price T3c per bottle. Sold hjr all
irall's Family 1111s are the best
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of T. l Howard, urchl
tect, until three o'clock p. m., June
27th, 1903. for the building ot a third
story to the Hotel St. Georee. accord-
lne to plans for tho samo by T. V.
Tfwnnl npolillonl
Tho right Is reserved to roject any
and ull Dins for tno won;.
Juno 10th, 1003.
A -ell ihr nreatest of blood nurl
tiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
nosltlve guarantee. It will cure all
chronic and other blood poisons. If
you have eruptions or sores on your
body, or are pale, weak or run down,
It Is Just what you need. Wo refund
mnnov If vnn am not satisfied. 50
cents and J1.00 F. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Hot Lake Bath Houses Finished.
fiimsls will nlease secure rooms In
advance, nates: Board and room,
?. P iI?a:r.Z
Thn Wnshlneton stato fish commls
.Inn mill unanil 7 11110 In tll nrOna
gatlon of Columbia river salmon rioxt
m. Methodist Church and Other
Buildings Under Way Professor
VI. , ,M '
i a-id win ni pr nc ma ui
Dnhiir. srhools Corn Crop Grow
Ing Nicely
Atiu.nn .luno 27. Mayor Daviu
Taylor Is moving thingB around in
.l..t,.n,,aK- n( llltC IIlllll'T Ills dlrCC
rtlon new wntor pipes have been laid
In various parts ot mo cuy; u
fire and hose house has been erected
nnar tlm ilonnr" several now Blue
.uniiu nninrnii mnilc u number of or
,1 imiinivl nnnaiu that Will MO IOI uiu
... . ... .
irnneral cood of tho people. More
mm.. I,n 1,n hml n rmiernl "clcaii'lip
nbou't every portion of the city, Inking
precaution to move nil waste iimm-i.
r ,,,am- ntul ntlinr deleterious
Dllliuvi; t, ...v.,
.iiuinnnM. His sanitarv roculations
nro so complete there Is not the least
likelihood of any tovers, comas; mm,
or other malignant diseases breaking
out, and the health of the cntiro city
will bo to uso a peculiar medical
iihrnnn. "d strosslllgly good."
Ainnv liiillillnirs are heme erected
nml n iM-nnrnl nrosnerous con
dition Is evident. N. A. Miller's large
brick furniture store Is rnpldly muni
lng and will soon bo ready for occu-
i.nnnv Tim Mnthnillflt nllUrcll. which
will cost more than $10,000, is in rap
Id progress of erection aim timer im
nrovements nro in line.
wiillnni McOu och. ono of our con
genlnl young men, who clerks in E.
H. Cox's largo hardware store, loft
inat nvimlii"- for Corvallls. where ho
will bo married to ono of that city's
accomplished young women. Athena
iiiq n Knurr tv nr mnrriuueai) c yuiiiiK
..iiiiiiii If sppma ns most of the
young men leave town to get married.
The corn crop in tins vicinity iiiub
fnip in ii mw vlold. Robert Coiipock,
ims rmirn tlniii 20(1 ncres In and Hon.
T. J. Kirk has n like amount, quite
n number of others have sninliei
Sllss Edyth SleBrido Is spending
linr vacation in Washington.
Professor M. L. Wntts has been
,,i.w,,i nrliipliinl nf Athena's imbUc
scliools for tho next yenr's work. Ho
Is one of tho county's most worthy
young men. Is nbout 30 years of age,
Is a graduate of tne eastern uregoii
Mnrmnl Rnhnnl nt WoStOll. nild (if tilt'
State University nt Eugene. At both
itlnnna lip wnn liniuir nnd oisiinciurn
In his studies. As yet the board has
nnl nnilllnvpil Dip HHSisl.-lllt teacllOIS.
Dr. SI. V. Turloy. Weston's loading
physician, was on the street Tuesday
slinking hands with his many friends.
Tin wnn nrpiimnanloil'bv a lirother'ln-
law from Iowa who is looking over
tho roimtry for a location.
The family nl A. si. uiius is upeiui
Inn a fow weeks on Weston moiin
Deleaates From Thirteen Countries;
Are to Meet in Brussels.
Ilniasels. .In no 27. Tho Interna
tional Hallway ConKiess mot today
and was formally organized. The del-
egales were formally received uy ....
l.iebuert. minister of railways, posts
and telegraphs. Tho business ses
slons will commoneo jionday aim coif
thine through the wool;. Tho dls-us-
almii'. tulll ftwov ? wldi. rn.it'' nf sub
jects relating to Improvements nnd'
developments in railway tralllc anu
Thirteen itovornments aro repre
sented nt tho present congress and
In addition thero are reptesentntives
present from lending railway com
panies throughout tho world. Tho
ralUvnvs of tho United States are-
oillclally ropresenteii by William K.
Allen, or now Jersey, ina inviiutiou
In bold (he next meetlfis of the con
gress In Washington has been ac
cepted nnd Air. Allen will use- ws
best endeavors among tlio delegates
here to secure a largo attendance.
Will Be Celebrated at a Methodist
College in Connecticut'.
Mlililhiliiwn flnnn. .limn y7. WVr.
tuvnti ITiilvnllt V l.lin nunl .lll'l pl ntnli.
orato preparations for tho celebration
ot tno wesieynn ui-ccuienuini utiring
tho coming weok, nnd from all Indl.
nntlnna tlm iiponHlfin will' ttinrlr nn
epoch In tho history of tlio- institution.
I'resuient uaymonii win uonvor inn
baccalattreato sermon tomorrow
morning. In the evening tho Iluv.
rii. Wl llnni 1. ATnTnwMlt Kl.prntnrv
of tho Mothodlst bonrtl of education,
will dollver an address. Tho Ilev. Ilr.
rlonrvn Tnittsnn nf li.il tnlilii-frli Qrnt.
land, will speak Monday evening, and
Tiiesuay evening woourow w.ihuii,
president of Princeton Univorslty,
will discuss the theme of "Wesloy's
i-iaco in tusiory,
Epworth League Conference
TnMfnnn fin Turin 97 .fllorlfMll
and lay delegates uro arriving In con-
suieraoio numucrs tor mo norm
fleorcln Conforenco of Gnworth
Leagues, which will bo In session
. . .
nev. It. P. Eakes presiding. A highly
nltmntlvo tirnirrnm .lmn 1i(nn nrrnnned
among tho scheduled speakers being
uisnops uunuior, uauowny ana ur
nnnna. V, Innal nhonln. ft fin
organization has made arrangements
on an extensive bcuio ior mo filter-
Governor Chnmuenam
Stirring Letter to easier...;. .
nr i. i-nanfltlRO 10 U
cmmunlcatlon from tho Ohio Jnlkj
the business situation nnd outlook
thls Ite. the governor yc. . onlay
answered tno nueiiu..n
dor of tlu-lr asking, ns follows
"Oregon IB prosperous nnd promot
ing Ho" e ops of all kinds have been
alunulam du lug the last two yoarj.
Her m n ng ntercsis ..." " ' ,
I u , Inc. Manufacturing enterprises
are sprInKl"B. '.P. 'n " '
there Is n steauy '" "' , " 0
tlnn, which promises well lor tno
ru.,r,c. n t.. bnllovo that
our state will bo benelltod by tho de
velopment of the coming year. I ros
pects at present nro most I nerlng I
ovory l e i or iihuihuj, "" ----
nothing now that will tond to ro tanl
the growth of our stale and tho pies
lieflty of our people.
"The coming presidential campaign
no matter what Its results may bo,
...in ... i... nim iiiinrpplablo offect
Will IHIL ..''- ---- .
upon the business conditions of this
state. I am of the number of thoso
who believe tho Inevitable laws of
i.. ,i.i..imul rpEiilato tho
H.I)1..V .Hill , ,
growth and dovolopmeiit of a utato or
county ratlier tnan mu j "
the individual who happens to bo a
...n,ini fni- iirpnlilmit or tho nttes-
tlons that ontor into the campalRii."
Stood on Banks of Rogue River, Near
,.nlte Rocks."
It is n matter of regret that the
land marks of early Oregon history
have not been bettor preserved. Feat
Interest would Increase
with the years have been surforod to
be destroyed through Ignorance or In
difference. In 1853 there was sumo
trouble with the Rogue uiver nim-
ans. though tho war did not occur
until two yenrs later. In 1853, Gen
eral "Joe Lane, wnoso nnmu . in
separably connected with the history
of Oregon, made a treaty with the
Rogue River Indians on a spot which
Is now Included Wltiun mo present
city limits of Grant's Pass. Ho mot
tin. Indians under a black oak treo
on Rogue river just above tho "Whlto
Rocks." Old timers are sun nine m
point out the stump of this treo, hut
iii., tr.i itupir Iiiih Iippii cut down and
sawed Into stove wood in these latter
years, probably, by some man wlio
never heard of Joe J.nne. .Meuioru
That Throbbing Headache.
Would rptlclOy leavo you, if you
iibo.I Ilr Kind's Now I.lfo Pills'.
Thousands of sufferers have proved
tlioir mntcnioss morn ior sick aim
nervous headaches. They maho f.uro
blood nnd build up your health. Only
25 cents, money back If not cured.
Sold by Tallman & Co., .druggests.
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Oglo stock farm, consisting of
3000 ncres, about 250 head of cattle,
plenty of vntcr, grass and tlnibor.
T?nnr.n hfio linvnp linon Rlmmied Off.
All under fence. Will grow all hay re
quired, uail on or wruu to iibiiiiu
& Unrtman, rendloton, Oregon.
Stock Cattle for Sale.
Ilnvo for sale 50 hend of cows, 25
calves by Bldo; 10 2-year-old holfors,
and 15 yearling heifers.
KI.MKU Sl'IKK. Echo, Ore.
can be provided with an annual
income for life, in event of your
death, at less cost than you can
make the same provision for your
The low rate makes very attrac
tive this form of contract, devised
and introduced bv i lie Mutual
Luc Insurance Company of New
tM . w.Uih,li.l.UI nf .'. Vi.l t.Uilp
ut Policy No 1 WM.14J In fvr of Mi wife nli Ihrto
prrtnlumt of biM 40 md In Sf ptftnUr, 1W2 ! died The
rnmninv at mud i.akl liii -uln-i 1 ftf) it.l -ill fnntlniii Irt
pty her lht amuunl tiiDully at long tti lives.
In writiiiK for terms, state the
amount of annual income vou would
like to provide for your wife, the
amount of cash you would like
returned and give the ages of both.
Thk Mutual Like Insurance
Company or New Youk,
Richard A, McCokuy, r.eiMcut.
liUIVll'ttNY Of NfcW YUKK,
nichard A. McCurdy, president.
Alma D, Katz, manager, Boise, Idaho.
Frank h, Hammond, District Manager,
Pendleton, Oregon,
Suffered Eight Months
I can heartily recommend Acker's
Tablets for dyspepsia and stomach
iroiiDies. i uuvo ueeu sunenng ior
eight months and tried many reme
dies without rollef, until I got Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only
a short tlmo and am now perfectly
well. Thanking you for the speedy
recovery, I am gratefully yours, Fran
els I. Connor, Vancouver, Wash. Send
to W. II. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N.
Y for a free trial package. (Nothing
like them.) P. W. Schmidt & Co.,
Miss Acnes Miller, of Chicago,
anpnUs in voune women about
dangers of the Menstrual Period
how tncy can avoiu pain,
suffering and remove the cause.
"I suffered for six years with dys
menorrhea (painful porlodh), so much so
that I dreaded every month, as I knew
It meant three or four days of intense
pain The doctor said this was due
to an Inflamed condition of the uterine
appendices caused by repeated and
noclccted colds and feet wctt ng.
"If young girl only realized how
ilangorous It is to take cold at this
critical tlmo, much suffering would be
spared them. Thank God for Villa
13. IMiilcliiiin'H Vefrotnlilc Com
pound, that was tho only medicine
which helped mo any. With n three
weeks after I started to take it, I
E-i.iipriit'hcaltli, and at tho time of my
next monthly period the pain hud
11. ..i..!. ...... ...,niilii-!ililv. I keitt tin
.. n.ox mu inmrovi'iLiiMiL in my
(lll...nir.ii v......... - - . .
the treatment and was cured a month
later I am like another person since
Inn. In perfect health."-Miss Ao.si:s
..- it.. 4. Av.v (Milcucn. III.
-fSUOO forfeit If original of cilwce teller pmll
finuinenei m"' i
ti... ..m.illilv slfkiwss rcflcrtH
.ill.;,. ti r ui.iiinn'H Ik'uIOi
-met- Mimisiiiid l(!tt'i from
' .....ii. flmt Lvdln 1.
tilOllKtl'tllltlOtl, II UU
mukvH tlis periods jmhiloss.
f Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
Prices as low as the lowest
t i ,i I .li l .1 "M I r I T 1 -H-I -HH-H-t1 A
Send Yoar t
Subscription Honey T
J03 Third Street
Portland, Ore.
Agent for
AU Publications
To test this "ad"
1 will give a
Ten Per Cent Reduc
tion on all
Subscription sent me
during the month of
The Colombia
Lodging House
Newly Furnished.
Bar in connecti
Bet. Alta & Webb Sts
In Center of Block.
F. X. Schempp
Pr opri e t o t
Rigbv-Clove Mfg.
Manufacturers of the
Mglby-Ctove Combinea
Repairs for all kinds of
Farm Machinery
Foundry Work a Specialty
Gash paid for old castings
Pendleton, - Oregon
It WIllMakeYo
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toliKrk.l :i
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