DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. FRIDAY, Good Shoes " Cheap That is our motto, and we have the SHOES to show you. Our business is grow ing every day, because we treat our customers right and give them values for their money. Special Sale on Tan Oxfords. BIG VAL UES, Regular price $2 to $4, Sale Price $1 Good SHOES CHEAP Dmdiiige, Wil son & Company Phone Main J tSJ C. E. I'rossor, of Wnlln Walla, I in the city. Jlrs. J. W. Luhrs, of Pilot llocli, I in tlio city, tlio guest of frlcmls. Miss Llllle Heady, of Pilot Ilock was the guest of friends In the city yesterday. Sol Simon, of tlio Hotel Dacres, nt Walln Walla, Is In the city today on a brief visit. Sirs. U. N. Stanfield, of Echo, was the guest of friends In Pendleton for a time yesterday nftornoon. Joseph McCabo, vice-president and general manager of the W. & C. II.. 1 expected homo from an eastern vial about July 1. Alias Emma Golden left this morn ing for her homo at Detroit, Mich where sho will spend her vacation Miss Golden Is one of the teachers at the Umatilla Indian school. THE DAYTON TOURNAMENT. : Mil fflTIH William Scott, of Helix, spent the day In the city. j. vv. annul, oi ahigiiu, is in uiu city for a short visit. Montie Corbett, of Knmeln, was In the city yesterdny evening. P. Grant, division roadtnaster on the O. R. & N., Is In the city today. Mr. and Mrs. P. Pago, of Athena, are In the city the guests of friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Daley, of Haker City, are registered at the Golden Utile for a short visit In this city. Engineer Curtis, of I,a Grande, ar rived this morning to take charge of the helper engine now running out of hero. James McKay, who has been con fined to ills room and bed by an at tack of pneumonia for the last two weeks, Is out again on the street. James McCall and wife, of La Grande, passed through yesterday evening en route homo from the fun eral of a nephew, Charles McCall, at Dayton. George Mlnger and family leave to morrow for Cambrldgo, Idaho, where they will spend the summer. Mr. Mlnger's summer range for his sheep Is In the vicinity of Cambrldgo. Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Curl loft this morning for a visit at the homo of the doctor's parents near Tho Dalles, after which they will journey to Se attle and from thence to Valdez. Italph L. Howland returned last night from Heppner, where ho has been for about two weeks helping In tho work of getting the postofllco to running once more after tho Hood. W. P. Jlnnette, tho pastor of the Methodist Episcopal churches at Ad ams and at Echo, was In the city last night on his way to Adams, where ho win conduct services next Sabbath. John Allen, a well-known O. II. & N. engineer, ami Miss Dollle Hensen, oi la. uranue, were married yester day and passed through this mornlm on a short wedding trip to the coast. Tho Misses Constance Despaln and Margaret Dickson, of Portland, are tho guests of Mrs. Derkeloy for a time. Miss Despaln Is the sister of .urs. jieruieioy and Miss Dickson Is a juecc. George Helnecko left Vlialnrilnv ovenlng for Carllnvillo, 111., where ho will visit his parents for a short time. Ho has worked on David (Jordan's ranch near this city for tho past two Pendleton Men Carried Off Some of the Money Yesterday. Tho 19th annual tournament of the Northwest Sportsmen's Association now being hold In Dayton, is very largely attended from ever) state In the entire Northwest. One of tho best scores yeslordny was In tno event for the Multnomnh medal: lllgelow. of Ogden, and Wood of Tacoma, tleing onco on 25, and a second time on 24. Iifgclow finally won tho medal In the third shoot off, getting 21 birds, whllo Wood .only succeeded in hitting 21. Tho possl hie was 25. The best purse of the day was won by George 11. Ilakor, of Dayton amounting to $39.fi0. This event wns for 20 targets at unknown angles, Uaker was the only man In any event to stand alone In drat place. Stlllmau and Spenco got second money In tho first ovent, and Spenco got second and Stlllman third money in the second event. F. W. Wnlte took third monoy In the fifth ovent Spence third monoy in tho seventh event, and Walto took second monoy In the ninth ovent. Stlllman took third money in the 11th ovent and Stlllman and Spenco second money In the 12th event. Tho averages are all very high, each money being divided among five to 10 men In each ovent. The weather Is delightful and the sportsmen are enjoying tho tourna ment greatly. TEACHERS IN SESSION. Death to Mealy bug, red spider, aphis, currant worm, caterpillar and other Insects that Infest plants. Also fleas and insects on ani mals Is our Fir Tree Oil Soap A two-pound can makes 32 gal lons of spray, for which we recommend our patent distrib utor and sprayer. Price 2-lb can $ .75 Patent Sprayer ,75 TALLMAN & CO, I.eiHlliif,' ri-iif,'f-;iH(s Western Division of State Teachers Association In Portland. Portland, Juno 20. Soven hundred Oregon school teachers are registered at the third annual meeting of tho Western Division of tho Stale Teach ers' Association, which is being held in tins city this week. At the meeting yesterday after noon, J. F. Nowlln, superintendent of schools from Umatilla county, ad dressed tno association on the "Edu cational Exhibit" for the Lewis and Clark Fair. Among other Interesting numbers in yesterday's program was an ad dress on "The Use and Abuse of Method." by It. C. French, president of the Weston Normal, and also a good talk on ".Mathematics Without Text-books." by Professor H. J. Hock enberry, of La Grande. Yesterday ovenlng the entire asso ciation visited the public library and art exhibit and this afternoon will visit the city hall, the city park and the Oregon Historical exhibit. Professor J. U. Horner, of the Ag ricultural College at Corvallis, art dresed tho association last night on tho subject of "Oregon Literature." Owing to tlio long program, tho trolley ride lo Vancouver has been abandoned. OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT. Twin Falls, Idaho, to See a Small Rush on July 1. At Twin Falls, Idaho, CO.000 acres of land under the Twin Falls canal, will bo thrown open for settlement on July 1. At present thero aro 300 men working on tho main canal, 10 miles of which Is completed. A town slto has been laid out at MUner, which already has 150 population. The state will open a land offlco at Shoshone, whore all entries on tho tract will be made. There aro now enough appli cations fllpil tn rnvnr thn nntlr lirwK- ' to bo thrown open. WORK IS FINISHED BAPTIST ASSOCIATION CLOSES ITS SESSION. Rev. George T. Ellis, of Baker City, Preaches Closing Sermon Com mittees Report and Printing of the Minutes Awarded to R. W. King, John Day Country Looking Fine. M. F, Kelly, the proprietor of tho Golden Ilulo hotel, accompanied by his family, has returned from a visit in the John Day country, where ho spent several weeks. Mr. Kelly say that everything there is as green as grass and foliage can raako It, and that thero aro moro kinds of wild flowers In bloom at onco In that coun try than In any other part of the country. Trout for Wallowa Lake. President A. V. Andrews, of the La Grande Sportsmen's Association, ha3 received 5,000 Lake Superior trout for Wallowa Lake. Tho lake Superior trout Is thought to bo tho best fish for the high mountain lakes of tho coast. This is tho first shipment of trout to the Wallowa lake this sea son. Another Steel Bridge. Tho O. It. & N. ia making prepara tions to put in another steol bridge this season, near Meacham. Tho wooden brldgo to bo replaced is the highest remaining brldgo on tho mountain and crosses Meacham creek about a milo wast of tho tunnel. This evening's session will close tho Eastern Oregon JInptlst Associa tion of 11)03. Hov. George T. Ellis, of Haker City, will preach this evening. The delegates are enthusiastic ii praise of the hospitality ot Pendle ton and her people and carry home with them ninny pleasant memories ot this meeting. Exorcises were conducted this morning by ltov. George T. Ellis, of Haker City, followed by an exposi tion on Phil. 3:S-1C. At 10 o'clock the association went Into business session. The printing of the minutes was nwarded to II. V. King, of Pendle ton. The renort of the committee on auditing reported tho flnnnces In good slinpe. Tho committees jn publication so ciety and home missions reported, also tho rommtttee on temperance. all of which was thoroughly discuss ed. One of the most enthusiastic and spiritual sessions of nio entire asso ciation wns In the discussion of the ibovo committee reports. Hov. Thomas Snlght. Jr., of On tario, then gavo an exposition on Phil-. 2:5. Itev. C. U. I.omas spoke ( Stumbling lllocks of Efficiency," and ltov. Ellis spoke 011 "Some Defi nite Plan lor Ileaching the Masses. The association opened In the aftornoon with devotional exercises, conducted by J. A. Howard, of Helix, also an exposition on Phil. 2:12-13, and many earnest testimonials were given. After the testimony meeting, "Effic iency of Woman's Work and Young People s work was taken up. Wo man's Hour" being the first topic. The reports of the women's societies of tho different churches were read, followed by a general discussion. After an Intermission Mr. Itaymond linker gave an address on "Unseized Opportunities of Our Young People." which was well received. "Splrltlal Use of the Social Talent" was the subject of a most excellent pnpor by Mrs. Charles notts, of Ho- " Tho association opened tho ovonlng session with dovotlonal exorcises and song and pralso meeting lead by Hov. King of Pendleton. "Elllrlency In State Missions" was the sublrct of Hov. L. W. Hlloy'j. ex ccllpnt sermon which closed Thurs day's session of tho association. DARVEAU RECOVERING. Crippled a Leg the Night of the Re cent Fire. George Parvenu, tho genial propri etor of the Hotel" St. George, has been 11 cripple for tho last week or so and has been under a doctor's caro, but is now convalescing and able to be nroiuid. On the night of tho fire, Mr. Darveati fell In running to the sceim of the trouble and received a severe bruise on his Ml leg, Ho paid no attention to tho Injury and it soon grew to he serious and threatened to run Into eryslpolas, hilt the tlluoly Intervention of tho doctor prevented that misfortune, and uftor a course of rigorous treatment Mr. Darveau Is able to onco moro uso both of his logs with perfect free dom. His many friends In this city nnd the state will cungrnttilnte him. Toilet Sets Ran Into Telephone Pole. Yesterday afternoon while riding up the street on bis wheel, Enrl Markhani. a small lad who Is stopping at tho home of 11. F. Waffle, ran Into a telephone polo nnd wns painfully though not seriously injured. Some 1 boys on East Webb street wore throwing rocks as the lad passed, , and be looked back at them, causing his wheel lo swerve into the pole. His luiee was badly brnlned and he was unable to bear his weight on It. A. J. llean, the expressman, who was passing at the time, stopped and took the little fellow In the wagon and hauled him home, where tho Injuries were dressd. The boy will lie lnmo for a time, but nothing serious will lesult from the Injury. Wo liavo Just r-ooived a nice line of Toi ot Sots, both plainand decorated mi OWL TEA Cheapest place in t'rt HOUSE Five Thousand Range Horses. W. F. Yahnka, of this city, is spend ing a low weeks at Hillings, Mont. He was sent lor to sell at auction In "arliic". lots. ',' (. rangi n.rsts at that plare. First Visit to Huntington. F. P. Hounds, O. H. & N. foreman here, began his Kith year of service with the company yesterday and cel ebrated the event by visiting Hunt ington, to which place ho had nover been before. m Wfflf ail .1.4....l4.4.44-4.4,.4.rf.4.4,w,AJiftJuJ.AA.i.i.i To Attend Oar GREAT SPECIAL SALE Satm'day and Mooday June 27 Jane 29 Some GREAT BARGAINS will fee" offered nrntTTCnrrjCTa ir.. n... i .1 i ... . xviiYXXLiYXiJCirv. nil mu iwn nays saiG we Will gitj our custonioi-3 20 lbs. of Granulated Sugar for 1 1 1 IrTii The best materials the best that money can buy. mg- 'ffs' VjRJijf' H A brewery as clean as your kitchen; the utensils as clean. $ Lt'l H The cooling done in filtered air, in a plate glass room. H j oF"fio-.-o?s' fx iiw ui.v, uu iui iuuuma, uumi iiiuiuuiuy leriucuieo, SO MB it will not cause biliousness. W ine oeer nuereu, men sterilized in the bottle. 1 HV Vntl 'f 1 1 . IT , ' I- ,TTAl(nVtA 1,A I- - n- t . 1 VB ...j, wv.. iU u u.ctvciy .ui u,u owners are HI -trkUrk m proud of it. Phone SI Main, r---; And the size of it proves that c-P'"',, m 1 n-nnie. kn ,J f $07 St., Pendleton "V , f I gf W "r Bottling. The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous W . , I : 1 1 " 1 1 ' 1 .tssra.'.A i , r v -j.;:.:.i.i.:..-.-in ! 1 T .1..A..1 l-J--i-J I L.-1. J I i-U 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I L WWWWWWWUWUUUUuuUUUU Slaying Time Hovthes. hav carriers and m HVN. li (I HliLLlHl W1IH.L UU IMl lit von out in anything in lino from a South African ute uav. iu a Lima uuuiui "c an. tbo best that is made lneieri thine: that is included in rook prices. M W - w - a - - - - - " m t - - The Big LETTER SALE LIKE A PLANET ABOVE ALL felted fvn---'i'-'A--0 Egg and Phosphate, The up-to-date healhful baking powder It is absolutely tree from any injurious ingredients and has as It coin- more leavening power than any other powder known. pues wnn wie pure ioo laws ot all states, A coupon with a premium list in every can entitling you to many handsome presents Trust Baking Powder sells for 50 cents a pound and are a menace to the public health Pound 25c 50 Pieces, SO yards to the piece, 2,500 Yards Japanese, Fine WASI RED 3Ar Sale Lette v3cC Price Black, White and all Colors BIG BOSTON STORE