East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 26, 1903, Image 5

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It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
lv I fcr -n r-ib 1
Note the following prices
$3.50 Waists, at o en
.3.00 ; ?.50
2.75 2.25
2 50 , f X5
uw i 11 t 4-R
1 7c .o
i t 35
::::: :?!
l'zo 11 95
:::::::::: :?!
o0 .. , 25
Corner of Main and Alta
City Brevities
Choice meats at HouBer's.
Smokers' supplies at Ncuman's.
Ste Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Uinlng tables $5 and up. Hader's.
Get jour spring suits at Joerger's.
Store for rent, Inquire o Chris
Best building lots In Pendleton.
Have your shoes repaired at
Hays' cigar store, headquarters for
smokeis' supplies.
For Sale Cattlo, horses and sheep.
"Wade, Hrysou & Wade.
Just recelvod a new lino ol Jap
street hats, at Campbell's.
Don't fnll to read the Underwood
typewriter ad In this Issue.
Forty different styles of extension
tables from $5 to ?30. Nader's.
"El Sidelo," the best cigar made, at
Iiees' cigar store. Court street.
All kinds of Imported and domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
Don't lot cigars get tho host of
ioif get the best of cigars.
For Ilent Suite of rooms, nicely
furnished, one block and a half west
of Main Btreot. Inquire 208 Alta.
Castle's for fresh fish.
$50 given away. See page 4.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
See Sharp for paper hanging.
Best thoe work at Teutsch's.
Delicious ice cream, The Delta,
lroners wanted at the Domestic
For Rent Three-room house on
Main street.
No extra charge for tabulator or.
the Underwood.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candies and fruits.
U C Hader about that $50 worth of
furniture he is giving away.
Received daily, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
llest stock ranches In Camas Pra
irie, 100 to 1,000 acres. Wade,
Wanted Middle-aged woman for
homework. Apply at this office.
See page 4 about the $50 worth of
furniture Hader Is giving away,
One business opening sold yester
day; two left on Main street. Wade,
Tin.,. named iiiiiiieiuuiuiy, rueuii for-
! ond-hand otllce desk. Address Box
It, city
For Kent Koom for gentleman;
bath, 'phone and electric lights; 312
South .Main.
Chaso & Sanborn's delicious cot
Trading in "puts" and "cans" mi
ller niip stvatnm lo
handle grain and stock accounts on ?es- nljvays fresh at C. Hohrman's,
Woman wanted to do general house-
work; pay good wages If competent.
a margin of as low as $20 Our book
on "put" and "call" trading sent free
on application. References, Brad-
Street. Booge & Co., members of Call E. O. ollice.
Chamber of Commerce, 37 Corn Ex-
mange .Minneapolis.
Save your Eyes
From the glaring hot sun and '
bunding alkali dust. j
' You'll never have but one pair!
of eyes that's sure' so you had ,
"v-nti iic careiui witn trtem.
Pin wheels, colored mines, skyrocl
ets, Roman candles, torpedoes and
firecrackers. Nolf's.
For Rent Two cottages!, good lo
cation, suitable for small family. In
quire nt 100 Bluff street.
Houser always furnishes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Rank.
Do l.ano Beach affords the only
comfortable sea bathing on Puget
Sound. Write Hotel De l.ano, Lake
Hay, Wash.
The Pendleton. Uklah and I,ehman
i Springs telephone line, paying $1,000
'-We have a k nds of "0"ir!es ,pr anm,m not' for Bale' A ,uarBaIn ,r
that kP,m i . i ..I t!p "t l,llre- J- B- Despain.
mat hPup out dust, and rest the
eyes for from ioc to 7sc Nwtt Sotunlay night Gratz gives
' .another grand opening. Full orclies-
'Smoked glasses -several shades I tra' elKnnt freo lunch and Rainier
lust thp fi,:. . i'ii i beer. Twenty per cent of tho receipts
eves fm. , g. , y0" ! f tllB labor ",ll(ms-
eyes, lrom 25c to Ji.oo. , ,
For Rent Two singlo rooms, tin
luinlslied, in East Oregonian build-
- Ing. Hot and cold water with both
011 same lloor. One $4 per month, the
other $5 per month. Enquire East
Oregonian ollice.
Frank Charles, of North Yakima,
has been convicted of robbing a
Northern Pacific merchandise car
last February.
Sanitary Condition Now Are Great
ly Improved and There Is No Dan.
ger of Contagion They Need
Money, But It Should Be ExHended
Among Their Own People.
Judge 0. A. Hartman returned last
night from Heppner, where he has
been on the executive committee of
the city. When seen today the Judge
stated that thp time had about como
when In his opinion the people of the
city should be given the management
or their own affairs and left to take
chargo of the further work of relief
and reconstruction. As long ns the
people from the outside worn nt tlio
head of the affairs there the populace
woum natura v 00 k tn tliom t, rr
ahead and take charge of all matters
pertaining to the relief. Tho Judgr
thought that the sooner the burden
was shifted onto their own shoulders
tho sooner the people there would
forget their sorrow and undertake to
rebuild the city.
There are at 'tho present tlmi. In.
borers enough in the place and more
than enough. For this reason Davis,
wno lias had charge of tho men from
Portland took his men home Wed
nesday, and the working force In tho
city was reduced to about at or 25
men. The cltv Is in n better ronril.
tlon now from a sanitary stamlnolnt
than It was before the flood. All of
the cesspools that have been opened
by the water have been closed and
filled with a lot of alkali, which is a
good disinfectant, and there Is no
odor in the city and tho streets are
clean and wholesome. Of course the
place Is full of piles or lumber and
other debris, but the stuff has all
been overhauled and there is no odor
and no chance for tho spread of dis
Tho real of tho Pendleton men will
lie home in n few days, and the lead
ers of the local gangs thero will re
turn in a short time. Judgo Ellis will
be home this evening or in the morn
ing and Matlock will come In a day or
so. Most of the men who went over
o work when the call came for vol
unteers, have already returned, and
tho ones that are left will lie heie by
Ihe first of the week.
One reason that nil of the outMdo
men are leaving the place Is that In
the opinion of those at the head of
the work there It Is best to turn all
of the money posslblo to the advan
tage of the people of the town, and
for this reason the men from the out
side were recalled and the force re
duced In order that the payroll would
be more local In nature and thus do
more good to the people of Heppner.
Another thing the judge thinks should
be done, and that Is to put all of t lie
money left over after tho main work
ol' tlie clearing up has been done. In
the hands of home callable and honest
man for the help of the needy and
the destitute. Such n man Is to he
found In tho person of .1. N. Davis,
the man who has had charge of the
men from Portland, and who has so
ably demonstrated his capability.
Not only is ho capable, hut ho has
the confidence of the people or Port
land and the people or Heppner. In
view or tho fact that Portland has
put up most or tho money, It would
he but right for them to be allowed to
name the man who should handle tn
There will bo lots of calls for help.
for the people or the town have lost
all or their possessions, and If there
is a man at the bead or tho relier wlio
Is acquainted with the conditions
Bargains and Big Ones
will be the power that will clear our overcrowded shelr
of new, seasonable up-to-date merchandise.
To be in position to show only the very newest styles of roods eacl
J 111 I 1 . A. I A. . - . . .
scasuu, prices win oa tui su severely uiui our present SlOCK Will not
main long in our store. The early buyer will fare best as there will
no replenishing: of tines as they are sold out.
Read carefully each item here
Wash Goods
Imported French Dimities, white
grounds, printed floral and figured de
signs. Also a largo assortment of black
and white combinations.
IfRogular price UOe, reduced
500 Yards
Scotch Madras in black and white,
blue and white, pink and white, in
fancy stripes.
If Regular price 50c, reduced Oftr
800 Yards
Mercerized Oxfords, '28 inches wide,
suitable for shirt waist suits. In pink
blue, white and black and Nile green.
1i Regular price 50c, reduced
White Goods
French Grenadines
Black anil yollow, whito and bluol
lavender and white, in BilkBtnpos.
IHogular price 75c, reduced
1900 Yards
300 yards Mercerized Marsailles, in
largo and small stripes.
"Regular price 10c, reduced gl
to t ( ftM'MMMt
Lawns and Dimities in all now colors,
stripes, figures and llowerod patterns.!
" Regular pneo 20c, reduced
300 Yards
Linen Etaminos in light blue, dark
blue, pink, cream, tan and black, suit-!
anlo tor Blurt waist suits.
ItRogular price 7oo, reduced
Summer Shoes
Ladies Tan Oxfords that woro 2.50
reduced to $1.48
Missos Tan shoos, lace and button that
wore $2.00, reduced to ...$1.19
Children's Tan shoos, wear bottor than
black and are cooler. Shoos that
were $1.50, reduced to 95c A 98c
Dowers' Big Grey Hone Runs Away
For Spite and Exercise,
horso that knows a thing or two. Mr
bowers Is In tlio habit of driving tho
horse, a big groy, when ho goes homo
lo his lunch, ami leaving tlio rig stand
In front of the limine while ho eats,
Yesterilnv hn drove tint ntitmnl homo
holding there, and who also knows! as usual and went Inside to his meal
f I ttiti.,ii-u ill., i.rfiul'lninr f illl
V ""'inn, ',"" 1 v. " .,..b, 1 iuii.i ii:ib l.llt'Kt H
I'elephoiio stableH, In the owner of a ,n 0ll Bunlomhor 1 1, IK01, hIio loan-
Suit on an Aliened Loan
.Martha J Uemlrlrks yuuterday tiled
mm aKnitiHt c. C HemlrlrkH, throtiKl
her attornevH. Ilallurny & MiC'onrl
for tlm recovery of $liiil alleged dim
on u nolo. Mrs. Ilumlrleks alleges
ed the defendant $IC(i which mini hu
has never jialil. Hho therefore asks
for the amount of tlio illiiflinl, with
imereKi to ualo at r. nor rent, to
gether with tlio cohIh and disburse
ments of tho action,
"liver's Skin Soap?"
6"e cuti (or t'h'l.c'lty "
Paper heel of pfr
tor a envelopes nr
lTd'llIient'pVtYe'rni Z)C
SW Salt "o ? U In balk or
PicUge, per pound,..
Soap Bark removing dirt
Sewing Machine 011 foll
Root Beer J0untuiuniiinpir
dollcloui, per gli
Tnn Praam with Nut Hreulng.
joe weam 0llI icecrem ia-
tuperlur urticle lor -IUC
Brown's Tree Soap glSffSrtJL
nil klndi trom your rote buh........gt
1 cke enough for an orcbtril
"6 mop,, from Main Stroot toward the Court JIoumi
the men. It will add much to tho jus
tice and tlm celerity of tho relief.
Tills is tne aim of the men at the
head of tho management at tho pres
ent, and It should be continued.
Summing up, It Is the opinion of the
Judge that all of the men from the
outsldo who ate not absolutely need
ed at the place should got out nnil
lenve the conduct in tho hands of
the people of Hoppner There Is no
danger from disease, and tho work In
tho town Is all done as far as tho
clearing is concerned, and tlio drifts
below will boon be worked. And per
Imps tho most Important tiling of all,
the handling of tho money, should he
centralized In the management of a
man of honor and dlscietlon and Justice.
Those returning fiom the town last
night In company with the Judgo wero
H. Hlbbard, H. C. Hasklns, J. T. Mc
Lain, Jamison, M. J. McDumald, Kd
Maker, John lieathman, Italpli How
land, N IJerkoley, Frank Harwood.
Held for Trial.
In tho ease of the state of Oregon
vs. George Morris, accused of the
larceny of JG0 from the person of
Arthur Williams ou the train from l.n
Grande on last Monday night, tho
court held the defendant for the rir
cuit court in the sum of $000, wMch
he was unable to pay and iccoidlng.
Iv was taken to the count) Jail to
await the convening of tlm court in
The horse stood outsldo for a while' Baptists at New Home,
and then concluding that It was tlmej Itevs, W. Itlloy and W. II. I.at.
to go back to tho Btables, Accord-1 ourelte, of .Me.Miuuvllle, and .1. W.
Ingly he struck out, ami soon from a Oliver, of I .a Grande, left (IiIk morn
fast trot wns In a dead run. Hvery-! '"g for New Homo, where Ihey will
one thought, of course, that ho was
running away, but tlio horso himself
knew better unci tore up tho street
towards tho barn. Arriving at the
door ho made a Hying turn and run
Into the stable, halting In tho mid
dle of thu lloor as calm anil cool as
If lie had done nothing out of tho
way. In going around the corners
his speed had been so gleat that ho
had bout the axles of the front
wheels, but aside fiom that no harm
had been done to tho rig.
An Old Man Named Henry li Charged
With the Offense.
William Henry, an aged man who Is
a stranger In thu city, was taken In
custody by the authorities of the gov
ernment yesterday for the ofTenso of
selling whiskey to the reu men. Ho
was given his hearing Ixjioie U. H.
Commissioner John llulley this mom
Ing, and was bound over to apoar be
fore the federal grand Jury when II
meets In November, In the sum of
$2C0. Ho was unable to furnish tho
amount of tho hail and was taken to
tho county Jail, where ho will await
tho convention of tho Jury.
Tho Indlun appearing against him
claim that he has been selling them
whiskey for almost two weeks, Henry
denies this, though he admits having
como to the city about that length of
tlmo ago.
Delightful Climate.
John A. Scott, of Helix, recently
returned from Jacksonville and Ash
land, In Southern Oregon. Ho will
spend tho winter there. He reports
the people there as lacking tho drive Fitting Up New Hotel
and hustle of the people on this aids I Klftv new rooms at .no Hot Ijikh
of the range. Tho climate, however, I hotel and sanitarium will bo furnish-
Is delightful. ed by Ut Grande parties this week.
attend tho sessions of thu Grnmlo
Hondo llnptlsl Association, which
convenes thero loduy.
& 2 o
On , g &
s i o
Fireworks and Flags
1 1 uoinan Candles cc. l.nuM
Firecrackers on earth for eel
per package. Skyrockets io eel
a dozen. Mower Pots and C
ored Mines jc, rocaild 15c eaclj
Blanlr Books
Another now line lias just reach!
us. a inn set ol extra del
ledgers, Counter hooks, frd
5c up.
Another Shipment. Caroet atl
1 1 , a
. warenouse lirooms, 29c to Joe. 1
' very complete line lo select frotj
Whisk brooms ioc to 34c,
Full Line of
Custom Maris :
j $2.50 to $4.00
j Best Dollar
! In town
Boston Store
I JudilJIIoek, Court BjllIoit.
rsi rjiuiv a inn fiAni iihuiiimia
yiuw, tmtum vunuic 01 newipaptfv,
ta iling ovtr 100 big paptn cm fct
taiuw i or emu PUoait.