East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 26, 1903, Image 2

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I Men's and Boys' Wear
Golf Shirtfo 50c, 65c, 75c, to $1.50
Neglegoe Shirts 50c, 75c to $2 50
Summer undenvoar, fine quality, per suit .. .
50c, $1 and $150
Belts 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00
Straw Hats 10c to $2.50
Canvas SIioof, per pair 60c, 75c to $1.50
Boys' Washable Suits Sc to $1.50
Wo havo juat recolved a new ship
mout of Neckwear and Suspendors
One Price Clothiers, Furnishers and Ha ters
J. J. Fruy, former general managor
of the Santa Fo, Is dying nt Sedalla,
Tlioro aro t" condemned murderers
now nwnltlng execution In Now York
Definite stops aro being taken to
ward the organization of a $3,000,000
art museum In Chicago.
During the year just ended 394 pas
sengers wero killed on tho railways
of the United States and C.6S3 injur
ed. The degree of master of science
has been conferred by Yale Universi
ty upon John A. Vangross, of Eugene,
Twenty automobiles carrying 75
people, have left Chicago In n bunch
on n tour to the Kentucky Mammoth
Silk worm culture has been made a
success in Now Mexico. Tho experi
ments aro under the general direction
of Nathan Salmon, a Syrian.
II. E. Huntington has licked Sena
tor Clark to a finish In the light for
the electric traction railway business
of I.os Angeles and all Southern Cali
fornia. At OIlvo Hill, Ky., Marshal G. H.
Hill undertook to arrest Everett llcat
ty, charged with stealing tools. Beat
ty resisted and each man shot the
other to death.
A. It. Talbot, of Lincoln, Neb., a
former law partner of William J.
Hryan, was elected head consul of the
Modern Woodmen of American nt the
recent Indianapolis convention.
Ammonia gas In a brewery In
Washington, D. C, exploded and did
$150,000 damage. Tho accident occur
red by the engineer carelessly turn
ing steam In tho ammonia tankA
The strike of street car employes
at Illchmond, Va., has assumed unu
sual proportions, tho strikers and
their sympathizers having almost
complete control of overy phaso of
the situation.
The drivers of oxpress wagons un
der an ngreomont for a year, havo
been granted an Increase of 10 per
cent In their pay, with extra pay for
Sundays except one Sunday in each
month, In Chicago.
Fire did $10,000 worth of damage
in Fremont, a Seattle suburb, on
Earl Vermehran, a 2-year-old child,
was drowned in a cesspool Thursday
at Portland.
A Southern Pacific train was wreck
ed in Cow creek canyon, Thursday
afternoon, sovon freight cars being
The Cape Disappointment llt'e-sav.
ing crow saved n boatload of strand
ed fishermen in a squall Thursday
A lively rush is now being ninde
Into the Kootcuay mining district nt
Northern Idaho, whero a rich strlko
lias been made.
A. H. Huntington, ox-sheriff of Ba
ker county, Is now on trial at Baker
City, Tho full list of Jurors was ex
amined before a Jury was secured.
Mattl Jarvl, an Italian, was sen
tenced to snven and a hulf years In
the ponltontlary, Thursdny, nt As
toria, for killing his father In March,
Governor Chamberlain has rcfu&ni
to pardon Emmott Klmborllug, sen
tenced to tho penitentiary for one
yenr for horso stealing in Clackamas
Edward Hogan a basuball player of
Walla Walla, stole his wlfo from tho
pest house where she was confined
with smallpox, Wednesday night, and
took her to Portland.
Miss Mario Ware and H. G. Mo
Kinley, tho land agents undor arrest
at Eugono for fraud, will bo given a
preliminary hearing In tho fedoral
court at Portland Saturday, June 27,
W. P. Peacock, of Marlon county,
will be the first man to hang ut Sa
lorn undor tho now state oxecutlon
law, Peacock Is sentenced to hang
,for ,th3)murder,of Alexander Kernon
Hotel Pendleton.
Phil .Joseph. San Francisco.
W. H. Onvett, Portland.
C. K. Landlg. Chicago.
Robert A. White, Philadelphia.
A. W. "Whltmer, Portland.
E. II. Ilurke. Portland.
Max Baor, city.
I. Friend, San Francisco.
Dr. A. M. Curl, Wolsor.
.Mrs. A. M. Curl, Welser.
Maud Baker, Wolsor.
C. E. liny, Chicago.
J. .1. Cloland, Now York".
.1. C. Friendly, Portland.
h. M. Sehott, Louisville.
Edward Burke, Hartford.
Elmer Sllvons, Los Angeles.
W. Harvey Wells. Portland.
A. Harris, Now York.
II. 11. Falkner, Seattle.
A. W. Luckuer, Spoknue.
A. Nylauder, Portland.
Noah 11. Clem, Spokane.
W. 1). Chamberlain, city.
John S. Ouornell, Portland.
M. Hoborts, Sumpter.
Golden Rule Hotel.
F. James, Seattle.
J. W. Daly and wife. Baker City.
L. Hummel, Slssetou.
O. F. Boavor, Slssetou.
J. McClregor, Slssetou.
.1. W. Smith. Athena.
F. Pago and wife, Athena,
W. II. Mcltohorts, Spokane.
C. L. Downer, Spokane.
W. D. Marks, Spokane.
William Nichols. Spokane.
M. Hardest-, Missoutl.
E. C. Allen, city.
For Which the O. R. . N. Co. Offers
Very Cheap Rates.
To tho Seaside Clatsop Beach or
Long Beach and return. $10 tickets
on sale July 1 to August 25th, Inclu
sive. Bingham Warm Snrinus mid return
$1.75, limit 00 days, not to exceed
s not to exceed I
o' Bingham Warm 1
$ 75 good for '
o l.a'tli' limit fnl.l
September 30th. To
bprlngs and return
three meals and one bath, limit, fol
lowing day from date of sale.
To Meacham and return, $1, tickets
on sale Sundays only.
Hot Lako and return, $9, Including
$fi worth of board.
For further particulars, call on or
Agent O. n. & N. Co.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of catarrh that cau not ba
cured liy Hall's Oatnrrli Cure.
I J. CIIIINJIY & CO.. Toledo. O,
We, the undersigned, have known r. J
Cheney for the last 1.1 years, and believe
hlni perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obllcatlons raaile by their firm.
Vi:ST A TilUAX, Wholesale Drusslsts,
Toledo, O.
WAI.Dl.VU. KI.V.VA.V & 1IA11VI.V, Whole
sale Druggists, Toledo, it.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood nud mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. I'rlce "fie per bottle. Sold bv nil
Hall's Family l'llls are the liest,
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will bo recolved
at the office of T, F. Howard, archi
tect, until threo o'clock p. m June
27th, 1803, for tho building of a third
story to tho Hotel St. George, accord
ing to plans for tho same by T, F,
Howard, architect,
"Tho right Is resorved to reject any
and all bids for the work.
Juno 10th, 1003.
We sell the greatest of blood puri
fiers, Acker's Blood Elixir, under a
positive guarantee. It will cure all
chronic nud other blood poisons. If
you havo oruptlons or sores on your
body, or are pale, weak or run down.
It Is Just what you need. Wo refund
money It you are not satisfied. 50
cents and $100 F. W. Schmidt &. Co.,
Hot Lake Bath Houses Finished.
I Guests will pleaso secure rooms In
advance. Hates: Board and room,
$10 to $15 per woelt. Baths, $1.50 per
week. The now bath hoiiso is now1
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhart, Association
O. R. &
New Schedule Discussed Union or
All the Forces on the Harrlman
System Very Probable Enrjinemen
Now In Portland.
The Heppnor disaster lias delayed
for a week the conference of O. II. &
N. onglnomen with President Mohlor.
F. E. Holm, for the engineers, and
O K. Lemons for tho firemen, both
of La Grande, went to Portland on
Sunday, June 11, tho very day on
which tho Heppnor cloudburst occur,
red. to meet tho officials of tho O. II.
& N. for tho discussion of n now
schedule and for tho adjustment of lo
cal grievances.
The entire energy of the omclnis
has been bent on relieving the sltua
tlon at Heppnor and Httlo progress
has been made In reaching n conclu
sion with the employes.
The employes demand a higher
rate of pay than thoy now receive,
as a result of largor engines now In
use on the mountain division out of
La Orando.
Mr. Mohlor has Informed the men
that a general raise of wages could
not be granted, as tho pay now aver
ages fairly well with that of other
roads. Some of the local grievances
will be settled. Ouo change that In
terests the onglno men on yard eiv
glues Is tho reduction of hours In
yard engine service from 12 to 10,
for a day, with no reduction of wages.
The Pleasant Valley helpers, two In
number, will be "double crowed," as
the Kamela helpers now are.
A movement Is now on foot to unite 1
In oiiii nnnnr.il piininilttnn. rnnrnsnn- 1
tatlves from the O. B. & N the Or-1 Mrs. John Fryn, a pioneer of Ah
eson Short I.Iuo and .the Union Paci-j torla, died suddenly Thursday.
fie englncmen. Tho O. It. & N. and I
the Short Line men havo agreed toinfi-- T.p lj,lnpc flrp
this union and the Union Pacific em- UMtll I llo MllllOJo HID
out schedule with tho company ex- Weakened by dyer-Work.
pires In July. These three roads '
the Harrlman system audi
yitiu kuiii;iui UUIIIlll I 111 IT Will IIU H1IJSI II
to meet the head ofllclals of the sy.
tern. In the effort to secure a uniform
rate or pay. oyer the entire system
This general committee of adjust-,
mout will havo complete nuthorlty to
fix rates of pay anil arrange details
of schedules, and will take much la-1
bor and expense away from local
lodges. A standing salaried commit
leu of adjustment will bo chosen, it
the union of the men on tho threa ,
roans is consummated. This com
mlttee will be chosen by ballot from i
among tho employes and will resign
men iHiiiiiiiiiM ii oecomn pormnnent
member! of thltt employes' board.
Tarweed In Wheat
arweea in wneat.
Tnrweed which is reported very
troublesome by Eureka Flat ranchers
this year nover troubled that section
before. Spring wheat Is the cron nf-1
fueled tills season and ono theorv nil-1
vnnced for tho unexpected uiipcnranco I
of tho pest Is that the seed lias been I
tying in tlie ground several years and
that tills spring when the surfneo of
tho ground was colder than the strata I
"""cam, mo seeds germinated. Thoy;
1110 s" t'llcl nm"y '"-'"Is of spring
w,1('at 118 lo ruin the prospect. Walla
Wn"n Union.
boneath, tho seeds germinated. Thoy
Stock Cattle for Sale.
tl..n rrn i. i ..c '
en vp hv r.Mo.in0 o l.t .T'ff I
calves by sldoj 10 2-ycar old heifers,
and lo yearling heifers.
The Latest
"Destroy tho caus-f, you
remove tho efVect "
Jlcrpicldo kills the
germ that caiisn dan
drull'by digging up tin
ecalp as tlioy burrow
their jHrstifurous way to
the hair root.wlioro thoy
iiimuy ticsiroy inu nair.
Without dandruff your
huir will grow luxuri
antly. Newbro's
slops dandruff und fall
In? hair, mid starts liair
growing within 10 days,
Ono bottlo will convince
you of this.
I'or Sale at all Flnt-Clui
Drug Store, 17
I Conrad Platzoeder
All kinds of Fresh
Meats always on
hand. Fine Bacon,
Hams and Sausage.
I Prices 88 low as the lowest
Trained Animal Shows to Appear
Here July 7.
One of tho best amusement enter
prises In America today Is tho Norrls
& Howe's big shows, whlcn aro to give
two performances bore Tuesday, July
''Everything good mid ontortulnlng
In the traliu'd nnlmal business will be
seen with this clever exhibition, which
Is the largest Institution of Its kind
in the country. Prominent among tho
many now and special features are
the performing baby elphnnts In now
acts nover before seen In this coun
try Other novelties nro the perform
ing Slberinn camels, the trained lla
mas anil wonderful ncrobats and tum
blers. The performing buffaloes and
Pror. Lumley's educated seals are also
new features. Itoman races and
Olympian games and pastimes aro
now additions to tho Interesting on
tortnlnment. Human and animal
clowns keep up a continual round of
merriment, so that tnnon all In all,
tho visit of Norrls & Howe's shows to
this city will bo one long to be re
membered. A grand free street car
nival and parnde will be given nt 11
a. m. on the morning of the exhibition.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leavo you, If you
used Dr. King's Now LIfo Pills.
Thousands of sufferers havo proved
their mntchlcss merit for sick and
nervous headaches. They make r.uro
blood and build up your health. Only
25 contB, money back If not cured.
Sold by Tallmnn &. Co., druggests.
Stock Farm for Sale.
The Ogle stock farm, consisting of
3000 acres, about 250 bend of cnttlo,
plenty of vatcr, grass and timber,
llango has never been shooped off.
All under fence. Will grow all hay re
quired. Call on or write to Bontley
& Hnrtmnn, Pendleton, Oregon.
,, ,thv Km11cvs M.lkt. mimire Mood.
. , . , ., . ,
It used to lie considered that only
). i,t,i. i ,1
nmry and bladder troubles l ucre ; to be
taggt! 7" no, Si
I WQAM science proves that
yWWOAlUi nearly nil disease
frtrfM A fuSl i,.,vu their beeiuniiiu
in the disorder
these mout important
The kidneys Tiller
and purify the blood
that is their work.
Therefore, when yourkidueysare weak
nr out of order, vim can understand how
quickly your entire body is affected and
now every organ hetnis. i mil i"
, duty.
If you are sick or " feel b.ully," begin
.taking the great kidney remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swnmp-Rool, because as moii
,.,.- i.i.im.uu ihuv will licln
ai the other organs to health. A trial
.iii ,.n...i.,..,. ,mv.nn.
if von nr,. sirt" von enn make no mis-
i,,l... Uv r,rt iWlnrim' vmir kidnevs.
The mild mid the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great
kidney remedy, is soon realied. it
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases, mid is sold
'on its merits by all
on its merits
druggists in fift
and one-dollai
bottles. You
. Ell ilid....!
on niav iiy
1 have a sample bottle ltoraootSwamD-Root.
i by mail free, also a pamphlet telling vou
. n...i ..... :f i i.:.i
HOW lu llllll Ulll 11 vim lUiVV MUllV 1,1
bladder trouble. Mention this paper
writillirto Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Hinir-
, hainlou, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
' but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Uoot, and the nd
! dress, l)inghamtou,N. Y., on every bottle.
Buggy and Hack Wheels at Cost.
See us for Wheat racks before
ordering elsewhere
WANTED First-class Horseslioer j
$3.00 per day steady.
Missouri Blacksmith
Shop. West Webb St.
THERE is a big
Canned fruits and vegetables
that taste like mothor's
has all the fresh ripe flavor of
the frnit or vegotable noth
ing but the most select Rtock
goes into a MONOPOLE can,
TiEvery bit is paoked fresh,
sweet and delioions, with
painstaking oare and you can
not find an equal anywhere to
Standard Grocery
MoiiopotoHroeorH Court Street
May bring yon bad luck and a smash
ed buggy, in which enso the best way
to retrieve your fortune will bo to
send your carriage to Neaglo Bros,
for repairs, whero yoit can havo It
made over and fixed up so that your
friends will think you havo purchased
a new ono. Howovor, don't pnBs us
by without n look nt our Winona
wagons. They run ensy, carry one
third moro than any other make and
as durable. Wo havo buggies from
$10 up. Got your tiros sot on our
hydraulic innchlnc. No burning or
defacing your wheels. This machiuo
was installed in our plant nt a great
cost anil Istho only ono on tho Pacific
coast. It does tho best work and 1ms
been adopted by the U. S. govern
mout. Give us a cnll.
Neagie Brothers
Sover's Gnsollno Engines.
A Nice, Juicy
Steak is just the thing
this weather. It is too
hot to roast or boil meat
TfOatl or phone
:il(i V.. Court Phone lied 211
Telephone Main 4
PCdCh Seasonable
Glace ,0U8ly
Root Beer
The Thirst Quenoher
Just Right at
F. W. Schmidt's
The Reliable Druggist
Postoftice nlock,
Phone Main 851
surnassert nJ,u
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But we do keep i
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Celling, Rustic xi
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Hilt- etnt. l n.
dows, Moulding,
Boxes Is complete,
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not be wrong In
ineir oraer with
bray's Harbor
Odd. Wi & C. I.
-4. -n
Prom 11.30 a.m,
Short orders a
Open all Day
o..!M.nff Ml
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Afra St., 0PP-
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7.. winn.