East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 26, 1903, Image 1

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    . I. .MM Jl
Eastern Oregon Weather
! Tonight and Saturday. bIiow.
era; cooler tonight.
NO. 4775).
and Government
rship right tacn
to a Standstill
Lent of the st.
Ls the Scheme to Indorse
Isseiallsm Candidate for
r is a Bryan Democrat "Ac-
to the Gold Democrats"
, for a Tariff for Revenue
L. in .Itino 2C. -'1 Uf ilom
lie' convention, by a vote
ll) to JOl l Ji luiliouu
a minority repm i,
fmir members 01
litce on resolutions, milling
Borm reported by the seven
oastltutlng the majority 01
lllee. n pianu reaiiiiiiiniK
batic national platrorm or
y a vote of G2S& to 109,
lother minority roport ad-
plank ilemandlng govern-
loi of railway charges, a
hat In caso such control
prove effective, the notion
lent should require owner
! roads,
ominatlons wore made by
, the friends of Judge A.
taen, of Sioux City, hav-
14 cot to present lils name,
r, after It became appar-
fce convention would not
hrnmcnt ownership plank,
ks favored, J H. Sullivan,
for governor lias been
Ith the Bryan wing of the
the was acceptable to the
ine nanorm. I
the iiresent tariff sys-
creator of countless un-
Ines and trusts which are
lompctltlon and dostroy
li effort amlnre acquir-
w which enaljles them to
I prices of labor and raw
I cost of finished pro-
imsonance with this dec-
Inlatrnrm .rtlla .. .1...
.... Hum nil 11 iiiii'
ami demands Hint Alt
llla lin rwll.. ..I..., ...lit. .
v Hujuaiuu Willi U.
J for revenue ouly.
. sovernment ,y Injune
Works Rcdfleld, and Assistant Com
missioner Kemper.
It Is the announced determination
or these lenders to build up a perma
nent democratic party In rtronklvn
which shall represent cvervtli.'ic
democratic which the McLaughlin
Hill democracy does not represent
The new organization will, of course"
becomo nllles of the fusionlsts in the"
approaching city campaign.
Chicago Man Accused of Enticing a
Cincinnati Girl.
Chicago, June 2(1. The case
against Harold D. need, who enticed
Laura Stickler, or Cincinnati, Into a
hotel here after which tho girl es
caped by leaping from a third-story
window, was today dismissed, owing
to the girl's condition preventing
her romlng hero from Cincinnati to
appear ngalnat him. She will ho
crippled for life.
Friendly Dut Indifferent Reception
for Jewish Petition and Protest.
Washington, June 20 The state'
department olllclals believe that ow
ing to messages which have passed '
between Casslni and the Itussian i
government that the Jowisn petition I
will not be refused, but will receive'
a respectful answer. They have not!
much confidence, however, tnnt It will I
accompiisu any good.
Judge Thomas Marcum of the
Indian Territory Was Badly
Had to Flee for His Life, With Torn
Clothes, Penniless and Without
Railway Ticket or Baggage Had
No Doubt He Would Have Been
Assassinated Had He Not Left.
Great Damage Done to Extensive
Docks in Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, June 2C Fire In the
Cincinnati Abattoir Company's plant
this morning did damage amounting
to $300,000. The Josselyn Fertilizing
plant was ulso burned; damage. $20.-000.
German Farmers Returning Home.
Now York, June 2C. Having com
pleted their seven weeks' tour through
the Unlted.-Statcs, the delogntlon of
47 Germans sent to this country by
tho kalsor to study ngr. cultural meth
ods, are preparing to :eavc for home.
The lender of the party says that
what they admire most in the United
btates Is tho people. The agricultur
al experiment stations also wero a
The Company Must Expend $10,000,
000 Raised From Other Sources Be
fore Any Government Funds Can
Be Handled.
St. Louis, June 2G.-The World's
he iin.spiii i. . t'Uir company nns expemieu in actum
("'in,? "1 I III
St. Louis. June 2fi. With clothes
torn, penniless, without railway tick
et or baggage, Judge Thomas Mar
cum, of Muscogee, I. T., spent last
night In the waiting room of tho
unlou depot here. He had to lleo
from Jackson to save his life. Mar
cum says he had reasons to believe
an attempt would bo made to nssas
siuato him and fled from the Phoenix
hotoi at Lexington to avoid tho
friends of Jott and White, who wero
charged with murdering his brother.
He didn't dare return to the hotel to
got his baggage. He had not time to
purchase a ticket, but ran for tho do
pot In Jackson to catch a train. He
spent the morning searching for Sen
ator Stone, who ls a friend of his.
It Is presumed he desires Stone to
assist hi m In ensiling a check. Mar
cum Is fairly wealthy.
Can Now Handle the Work of
Cleaning Up the Remaining
Wreckage Alone.
Committee In Charge Has Every
thing Systematized Pilot Rock La.
borers Honorably Mentioned Out
side Assistance Should Only Be
Sent on Special Request,
Excessive Rains Again Causing Over
flow and Destruction.
Sterling, Kan., Juno 20. The Ar
kansas river hero Is bank full and ris
ing. Two and nlne-Blxteenths Inches
of rail fell yesterday.
And Also at Topeka.
Topeka, Kan., June 20. A rain so
tremendous In volume that it was
practically a cloudburst, fell over To
peka about midnight last night. A
number of residents in South Topeka
were compelled to leave their homes
ami lleo to higher ground, whllo a
few of the smaller houses wero
smashed from their foundations. Sol
dier creek, which wns sucu a factor In
destroying North Topeka recentlj,
camo up with a rush, and Is today
flowing over Kansas-avenue bridge.
The Kaw Is also rising.
' financial
uncertain mlvnti. KOnnri.
It denounces tho
V which government
loaued to capitalists
is aim securities of cor-
" ltusis which aro In
6R u-nl......i . . ...
- -oicumi anu which
"tenancc of illecnl ,.
heavy enoncli i.,m-
Pvent Wall street cor-
tm?h lllvtJstlgatIon
ent ' " "f th0 1)0St'
legislation as will
fM by rallrnn.i .
anil Wl n.n,l,. .
'Jr8 of Slinnl,. ..,
"mi lfrom th0
lament A ?
i B.:. " luuu BUC"
10 the owners nf
"""'"cy Will b
cb.i ,
"l the Field.
Wd im. "u nrsl t,ly
mocracy, whcl
n.,on J,,l- 4.
it ': ,
: . n ll vvu
I IB t) ' .
a hi1 !".
for q
,ndc-nt demo-
m . .-"-M UN J.
cash $fi,ri00,000 up to the first of the
! present month, as shown by the rc
Holier of ! nort or tho nudltinc committee of tho
t miming up- nuiionui coniniission ui wunt uuir.
'y an unstable currency, Tho commission has been informally
notified by the exposition conni"''i
1 ll.i . ...in l. . , .,..!. ........ i t.i I
i iiiuL u. ri'uiiL'at win m :ii(if ui'iiu mi.
secretary of the Unltj'l Stntes treas
ury to bo allowed to driw on tun lunu
of $5,000,0011 appropriated by congress
tor tho fair between now and fae-nem
her, probably in August.
Contracts have I II he lei iiy tri- ex
position conipniiv that will approxi
mately complete the expenditure of
tho $10,000,000 re i i n.' i by the net
of congress before nny of the Miven.-
meat lunds are available.
Tho renort of the auditing commit-
too will he forwarded to Washington,
and when the government fund Is
available the money will be paid out
undor the rules and regulations pre
scribed by the secretary of the treasury.
Quotations Furnished by Coe Commls-1
slon Company R. L. Boulter, Local I
Manager, 120 Court Street. I
Mlnneanolls. June 2li. Wheat Re-,
ports of rain at several North Dakota
points broke tho market 2 '
a very few minutes, but on tho de
cline there was good buying by hIioiIh
as well as lor the long account wh c h
raised tho market to SGI, at which
point It holds firm and steady. 1 he
futuro courso of the market all de
pends on the weather, but on thedn
quick shake-outs we believe wheat
should be bought.
Chicago, Juno 2U.
Opening- Close.
SOli, SO
July .
Sept .
July 52 W
July -IS'-fc
Minneapolis, Juno 20.
July 87 M
Sept 78?
78 W
Sewers for Sumpter.
Sampler. June 20. At tho meeting
of the city council Thursday night
plans, speculations aim estimates
prepared by City Engineer Fenner for
a sewer system wero adopted, and
the city attorney Instructed to lire
pare an ordinance for tho next meel
ii,.. rn- oniilmr mi nWtlnn to authorize
iho issuance or bonds covering Its
cost. The estimated cost, according
to tho engineer's report Is $15,000. It
is tho intention to push tho matter
through as rapidly as possible.
Bound Over for Forgery.
La Grande, Juno 20. John Wll
Hnms, who was arrested Tuesday for
attempting to pass a forged check,
was taken before Justlco Grant yes
terday and bound over by him to ap
pear before the grand Jury. Wil
liams being unable to give bonds In
the sum of $200, will spend the time
until October in the county Jail.
Race Riots Feared.
Wilmington, Del., Juno 2C The
city ls quiet this morning, but every
one fears future race riots, The gov
ernor has leturned home, hut left
orders permitting the militia to be
called out when necessary. Many ar
rests have been mado.
Under Military Protection.
Richmond, Va., June 26. There are
no disturbances today, although all
street cars aro running. Mllltla are
guarding all cars, tho power house
and tho principal connections
throughout the city.
Earthquakes In Europe.
Hud I'esth, June 2C Four violent
earthquake shocks wore felt today,
and many houses collapsed,
Lewis and Clark Fair Board Organ
ized and Ready for Work.
Tho Oregon stale commission for
the Lewis and Clark Fair has now for
mally organized and announces that
tne work of collecting and classifying
exhibits will begin very soon.
lleppuer. June 20. The Inst three
or four bodies recovered have been so
badly decomposed that identification
Is almost impossible except by trin
kets, Jewelry clinging to the rem
ffans of mints of clothing left upon
mints of clothing left upon them, or
some distinct mark upon the person.
The hot weather is drying up the
mud and slime until It is enked on
everything. The drift Is stuck to
gether by it, like It w.tj tcmont.
There is system and regularity
everywhere now, aim with the money
at their disposal the people of llepp
uer can soon stand alono once more.
The executive committee has every
thing working harmoniously and with
the depnrtuio of the outside help, can
finish the task or clearing up the ru
ins with labor of Heppner and local-
ity. v
Unless a special request Is made
for assistance, ii Is not necessary for
any laborers to come here. Tho
great question now before the citi
zens Is where and how to stnrt In to
rebuild the city. It has taken a qunr
ter of a century to build it up to the
stage It had reached, and while some
are able to begin at once, others can
not make tho start.
Odd Fellows Finish Work.
The Odd Fellows' relief committee,
consisting of II. Alexander, of this
city; O. I). Doan, of Tho Dalles; W.
T. Williamson and James Welch, of
AMoria, an.. B, E. Sharon, of Port
land, completed their work of dis
tributing the funds of the order nl
Heppner yesterday evening, nnd left
there for Portland this morning.
They will not be discharged yet, how
ever, hut will remain organized until
the general relief work at Heppner
is at an end.
Knighto of Pythias Lose Seven.
J H (iwinn Ill's returned from
Heppner. whore he went us one of
the state committee appointed by the
Knights o Pythias to look after tho
Interests of the lodge momuers at
that place. The ordor lost soven
members who lost their homes and
nil of their ptoperty. These were all
taken enre of and put In a position
where they could once more get on
their feet.
Mr Gwlnn gives as an Illustration
of the dliciilty attendant on the worK
Ing of the drifts an incident which
came under his observation tho day
before he left the place. An arm was
found piotrudlng from tho debris, and
a force of men was put to work to
take the body out of the wreck. With
20 men and four horses it took two
hours and a half to get tho rubbish
torn away so that the body could be
In the opinion of Mr. Gwlnn there
aio many more bodies yet in tno drifts
below the town, and it will take all
the efforts of tho men to find them In
time for them to be Identified. At
the prebent time there aro about 40
yet unaccounted for.
Had Charge of Pendleton Crew.
N. Herkeley returned last night from
Heppner, where be has had charge of
tho Umatilla delegation of tho volun
teers who went over there to help In
answer to tho call s;nt jut over a
week ago, Under him tho work was
reduced to a system, and tho thor
oughness of the service Increased,
During tho first few dayB tho people
In search of bodies would find a drift
where there was u body and in their
efforts to extricate it from tho mass
the timbers would be piled uround in
all directions, often on the top of an
other drift In tho close vicinity.
Under the direction of Mr. Berke
ley the men started at the town and
worked down the stream In a syste
matic manner, and as fast as one
place was worked it would bo marked
with a large placard. In this way all
of tho ground was gone over thor
oughly and time was saved,
Mr. Berkeley says that great cred
it should bo given to tho gang from
''Hot Rock, who are working with the
Pendleton boys under the direction of
i Hen Carter. They have boon stonily
nnu conscientious workers, nun nave
dono what wns asked of thorn in all
cases, i.-.ii. hno iiotio ll will.
An Imprisoned Cat.
There Is a story brought back by
the men who have been at Heppner
that Is not a flsh story, but one con
cerning the fate of n cat. It Is told
by N. llerkoley, ia lays the blame
on Kd Haker, who Is tno original ro
later of the tale.
The other day, while Mr. llakur hail
his crow ut work on tho drifts below
the town, he stepped onto a lnrgu
drift of sand In ordor to where to
next place his men. Ho noticed that
the sail,, sounded hollow, and calling
n man with a pick, set him to woriv
to solve the mystery. In a few min
utes a hole was picked In tho top of
the drift, nnd It was found that two
largo trees hud lodged In such a way
as to rorm an arch over which the
sand had drifted, forming a hollow
dome. The workman stuck bis head
In the opening he had inndo to see
what was In the cavity, and as ho
withdrew It a largo cut Jumped out
of the hole and i-iatlo off down the
creek. The cat had evidently been
In the drift ever since the nlgnl of the
Hood, and wns none the worse for her
long Imprisonment without food, or
water. The hist seen of her she wns
trolling off down the valley looking
for a friend among the crowd of
strangers that tilled the place.
Informal Call by the Great Yachts
man on the President.
Washington. June 20. Sir Thomas
Llpton is a guest of honor at the
White House today, tho visit being
strictly informal. Llpton and wllo
came unostentatiously. Secretary
Moody. Senator Ilatium. ox-AmbiiHsn-
I dor White. Corbln and Perkins, of
j New York, are also piesent. The
i president ami Sir Llpton aro old ne-
qoniutancos, Llpton Invited Mr.
I Hoofovelt to witness tho races from
iho deck of his private yacht, Krln,
, which the president conditionally ac
Amnesty for Murder,
Belgrade, Juno 20. Tho newspa
pers today announce that Poter has
granted an amnesty to all political
offcmlcrs. which would include the
The Kaiser Personally Steers His Own
Boat, Which Is American Made
Fraternity of Americans and Germans.
Idol. June 20.---Today's yacht rnres
for the Plerpont Morgan cup Is be
tween the kaiser's) Amerlcaii-liulll
Moleor, und the EmpioHs Idiina, own
ed by Ilallln and sailed by Prince
Henry. The kaiser, clad In oil skins,
took the wheel on the Meteor. Tho
kaiser Is an expert yachtsman.
Previous to the race the kaiser vis
ited Mrs. Goelel's yueht nun finding
her nbseul. left cards Cornelius
Vauderbllt'H yacht arrived today, and
ili, iiwiiiu- nnil his wire lionidcd It Im
mediately afterwnrds. I'rlnco Henry,
who lay alongside, Invlled them to
paruclputo In all the festivities, it
Is the most iiiiiisunl honor ever given
Then) will ho another yncht raco
today between the Comet and Nnvn
hoe. The Comet wiib originally tho
cup challenger Thistle, while tho Na
vahoe is the first big yacht designed
by Nat llerroshoff,
The empress Is sailing Wi,.i Prince
Henry on tho Indium. Admlrul Cot
ton Is the kaiser's guest on tho Mete
or Ambassador Tower was ulso In
vited aboard tho Meteor, but (Inclined,
being subject to seasickness Admi
ral Cotton gives a dinner to the kai
ser tonight. Prince Henry. Tower.
Vundorhllt, (loelot and several other
notables will bo present.
Kaiser's Yacht Won Out.
The Meteor won lint Morgan cup.
The Indoiiu wuh hopelessly lieuten.
The victory Is essentially due to tho
fine sailing of the kaiser.
Comet won from Navnlioe. After
the races tho einpiesH entertained tho
officers of the American squadron at
a tea party In the imperlul palaco
grounds overlooking tho bay. Tho
knlser, Prlnco Henry and Princess
Henry wero also present. The affair
was entirely Informal.
Libel Suits to Go to Trial,
Haker City, Juno 20. The libel
suits against C W. Hill, manager,
and L. Hush Llvermoro, editor of tho
Heiald, aro set for trlul Monday.
Theso cases are attracting widespread
attention. Hon. II R, McGinn, of
Portland, is counsel for the newspa
per men,
Confession of a Los Angeles
Bell Boy Divulges the Particulars.
Scnorita Lopez, a Wealthy Filipino
Lady, Is Robbed While In a Pull
man Car of $3,000 In Money and
Jewels The Porter Is Arretted,
Dut Released After Being Examin
ed. Chicago, June 20. William lhior, a
third member of tho gang which lob
bed Mr. Webster of $15,000 worth
of diamonds at the Hotel Melmse, In
Loi Angeles, wns utrested hero this
motnlng None of the JowuU woro
i Hoovered. The police bellovo tho
Jcwcii- wero broken from t voir sot
llngr, and illspoued of here.
Sensational Confession,
llaer made a Honsntlonnt confes
sion to the police today, showing
that there Is an organized gang of
thieves which planned continuous
robbeiles extending from the Atlantic
to the Pacific The last robbery, at
the Melrose hotel. Los Angeles, wns
only one of many.
Six arrests have been mado
tiiroiighoul tho country, llaer making
the third in Chicago. Other rnuhorlos
by the saino gang, and for which tho
police now have evidence, have been
perpetrated In New York, St Louis,
Philadelphia, Washington and San
A wholesale haul was planned for
i liltugu hotels, liner Bays he nnd
Engvalo wero employed at the Mel
rose as bell boys and Itclntclii wns
They got the places In contempla
tion of further operations. Itelnlalu'n
part wns to keep watch for wealthy
Mrs, Webster was tho llrst victim.
Through lleliileln she was Induced to
place Iter Jewels In Iho safe. Itnln
lelu stole them and delivered them to
lluer. llcliilolu sold one stud for
Jt'OOu in San Francisco and three at
New Orleans and realized $6,000 on
tho haul.
The police nre keeping pnrt of tho
confession secret until nrrosls nro
made In severnl other cities whero
other members of tho gang are em
ployed In hotels.
liner says Kinost Mnlcn, a bell boy
In Denver, was olio of tho gang who
was sore it ! whu sent tho messago
to tho police huro giving tho Mulroso
robbery away.
Charged With Robbing a Wealthy
Japanese Woman,
Cleveland, Juno 26. Colored Por
ter Hloom, or tho Lake Shore rond,
was nriested when ho arrived luiro
this morning, charged with having
rohlmil a wealthy Japanese woman
pusst'inccr of fll.ooo nnd Jewels. Ho
denies the accusation.
Filipino, Not Japanese,
Huffalo. Juno 26. - It has developed
horu this morning that the woman
from whom a porter stole diamonds,
Is not u JapeiKiue. us llrst given out
by the olllclals, but Henuritii Clmnlza
Lopez, sister of tint Filipino leader
mid secretary of Iho legation which
called on President McKlnley to ask
for Philippine Independence. She
enme hen. to vlsli u Wellsloy class
main, tho ilHiighler or Mayor Knight,
'i no police made endeavors to keep
the nffnlr secret ut the mayor's ro
quest. Discharge of the Porter,
Cleveland. Juno 26.- A message re
ceived here ut noon from Huffalo,
states Die release (if Porter Hloom,
Twcnty.flve Killed and Many Injured
at Las Perancos,
Fort Worth, Texas, June 20. A tel
egram received hero today says an
explosion occurred at tno mines of
the Mexican Coal and Coko Company
at I At Perancos, Mexico, and 25 wore
killed and many Injured.
Archbishop Vaughan Burled.
London, Juno 20. Tho lute (;utho.
lie primate of England, Vniiglian, wus
Interim! tlilf momlng ut Mill Hill.
There was a largo aUeutlunce.