East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 25, 1903, Image 5

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It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
m- the following prices
$3 50 Waists, at $2.50
3.00 2.25
2.75 2.J5
2 50 - J.90
2.25 J.75
2.00 J.48
1.75 , J.35
1.50 J.J5
1.25 95
1.00 , .75
.75 - . 50
50 25
Comer of Main and Alta
City Brevities
hofce meats at Houscr's.
mokers' supplies at Neuman's.
e Sharp's artistic wall paper.
SB and ui). Hader's.
et your spring suits at Joerger's.
tore for rent, Inquire ot Chris
est building lots In Pendleton.
are your shoes repaired at
m' cigar store, headquarters for
okers' supplies.
. 1 II...- nt Tnn
eet nats, at. uuiupuun b.
...... i TT.w1n...nnil
li t I., tl.lt. lac.c
Oil) UIIICICUL D-J.ca va.-u.
les from $5 to ?30. Itader'a.
EI SUelo," the best cigar made, at
es' cigar store. Court street.
Vnr non f Slit ta nr fnnTTlR. niRBlV
mi s rien. nnn uck ann u iiuii yvcdl
Main street. Inquire 2U8 Alta.
..i n i . r..i,ni
fa ctrppt nnnnallo Hnvlnea Hank.
"put ' and "call" trading sent free
application. References, Brad- j
rppr unnfTrt i :r mnm nor fir i
amnpr nr rnmmnrifl V7 rnrn n v. i
anp-n iiitinontiniie t
Frum the glaring hot sun and j
minding alkali dust.
JWll never have but one pair
of eyes that's sure' so you had
better be careful with them.
We have all kinds of goggles
that keep out dust, and rest the
eyes for from ioc to 75c.
fSmoked glasses -several shades
-just the thing to shield your
eyes, from 25c to $1.00.
Castle's for fresh flsli.
?50 given away. See page 4.
Try The Delta's iced drinks.
See Sharp for paper hanging.
Delicious ice cream, The Delta,
Ironers wanted at the Domestic
For Itent Three-room house on
Main street.
. No extra charge for tabulator on
the Underwood.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
For Sale Cattle, horses and sheep.
Wade, Bryson & Wade.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
U C Itader about that $50 worth of
furniture he Is giving away.
Received daily, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Best stock ranches In Camas Pra
irie, 1G0 to 1,000 acres. Wade.
Wanted Middle-aged woman for
housework. Apply at this office.
See page 4 about the ?50 worth of
furniture Rader Is giving away.
One business opening sold yester
day; two left on Main street. Wade.
Wc are showing nn Immensa line
now books and fancy stationery.
Chase & Sanborn's delicious cof
fees, always fresh at C. Rohrman's,
Court street.
Woman wanted to do general house
work: pay good wages it competent.
Call E. O. office.
For Rent Two cottages, good lo
cation, suitable for small family. In
quire at 100 Bluff street.
De Lano Beach affords tho only
comfortable sea bathing on Puget
Sound. Write Hotel De I.ano, Lake
Bay, Wash.
The Pendleton, Ukiah and Lehman
Springs telephone line, paying $1,000
per annum net, for sale. A bargain If
taken at once. J. B. Despain.
Next Saturday night Gratz gives
another grand opening. Full orches
tra, elegant free lunch and Rainier
beer. Twenty per cent of tho receipts
for benefit of the labor unions.
Land Donated for Cannery.
The town of Echo has donated to
the cannery and cold storage com
pany one block of land in the business
portion of the place, for a cannery
site. The cannery and cold storage
people have agreed 10 pui up
Ing to cost three times the value of
the block o Hand and as the proposl
tlou was virtually accepted by the
donors of the site, work will begin on
the building right away. W. D.
I Fletcher returned from Echo yester.
' day evening and says the land will
, be surveyed and the deeds made over
at once.
"Don't you think he would accept a
; bribe T" "Certainly not-lf any one
I was looking." Chicago Evening Post.
JUver's Skin Soap ot
ent. for VhUclty k,UC
Box Paper i ' ' ptr
(o, r 24 envelopes r)f-
8ea Salt we " In bulk or r-
package, per pouud... .DC
loap Bark ,or "moving dirt
iuta iv,.i. or liom del- r
"""oriel, per package J)C
Sewing Machine Oil $M jqc 5
Root Beer SKffita'SrfJ. cc .
t n , with Nut Dreulug.
Ice Cream 5;', ice cream u
upertor article lor
Brown's Tree Soap gUSfSrtjVp
t 05 mop from Main Street toward the Court Hoiine
je . . ...
Is Now in Operation In Byers' Nulls
Device of a Colfax Man These
Mills Average as Great an Output
Per Year as the Alblna Mills, Be
ing Run Night and Uay the Year
W. S. Byers has Installed In his
warehouse a new machine, very few
of which are to be found on tho coast.
It is a newly patented wheat elevator
and was invented by a man at Colfax,
being manufactured by tho firm of
Brown Brothers, of that place. The
machine Is a contrivance for tho pil
ing of sacked wheat In the ware
house, and is run by an electric mo
tor. By Its use tho heavy sacks can
ho piled to the top of tho large ware
house as fast as they can be wheeled
to the foot ot the machine.
The machine Itself weighs about
1,000 pounds, and can bo moved from
one wareroom to tho other without
tho loss of time, In this way saving
many days and dollars In tho course
ot a year. Mr. Byers Is having all ot
his warehouses wired so that ho can
move the machine from one to tho
other as the occasion demands, using
It to pile wheat or flour as ho desires.
The machine was Installed at a cost
of over $500.
Output Equals Alblna.
Few people stop to realize tho mag
nttude of the businescs carried on at
the Byers mills. While It is not as
large as that of the big mills at Al
blna, it turns out on the avcrago as
much Hour in the course of tho year
as the latter Institution, The Alblna
mill can grind when running at full
capacity In tho neighborhood of 2,000
barrels a day, while tho capacity of
the local mill Is but S00 barrels;
but the mills In tho valley do not
run all of the time, often laying off for
more than a month each year, and
they never work a night shift. The
mills at this plnce, on the contrary.
are never Idle, and they run night and
day tho year round. They have to do
this In order to keep abreast of their
orders, and even then are not able to
do so. Flour Is being ground for tho
local mill at this time in Vallejo,
Cal., in Spokane nnd Seattle. Tho
mill has now on hand nn order for
the Oriental market aggregating 25,
000 barrels, and In order to get tho
order oft their hands the management
of the mill had to call on tho outside
mills to help.
In 1S74 the present mill was started
with a capacity of 50 barrels a day.
Then the mill was burned down, but
was soon rebuilt and Iibb grown to
Its present size In spite of tho hard
times and other unfavorable condi
tions. When the mill was built here
there was hardly any wheat raised In
this vicinity, and the railroad ban
not then been run through this part
of the country.
One Million Bushels Per Year.
lst week Mr. Byers bought 50.000
bushels of wheat from the surroflnd
Ing country, and for this ho had to
nay 05 cents per bushel at tho place
of purchase, making the cost at the
mill In the neighborhood of OS rents.
There arc now about 100,000 bushels
In tho warehouses, ami this will all
he used nn by tho time that this
year's crop begins to be hauled. The
mill uses about 1.000,1100 misiiejs in
the year.
The sudden jump In tho price of
wheat was due to tho reported short
age In tho Northwest crop. The
wheat of this section will not grade
to the average yield. While in tho
vicinity of Helix and Milton and
some of the other towns In that part
of the valley the wheat will bo all
right, In the other part ot tho valley
thw vleld will fall nway down. Not
only Is tho straw short, but tho heads
are light in many localities aim iuu
grain Is burned. In this vicinity the
wheat will be short In growth, but
the beads will bo heavy, and the crop
may bo passably good, but It will not
be as heavy as it should. Tho report
that it will average 30 bushels is, In
the opinion of the owner of the mill,
erroneous and not to be relied on,
High Wheat Looked For.
Owing to this state of tuo supply
the price will naturally rise, and
lilch wheat Quotations may he looked
for, though It Is yet too early to tell
limv lilch thcv will run. This sec
tion hears but a small Influence In the
market of the world, and the entire
Oreeon croD might fall wltllOUt caus
Inir much rise In the stock quotations
unless tho failure was used as a lever
by the stock Jobbers for the purpose
or forcing the price up for their own
ends. While the crop Is not a failure,
It will be light, and tho local prices
mav run well un In the scale, though
as a "general factor It will cut but a
small figure In Uie central quota
Gone to' the Valley;
Dr and Mrs. B. A. Mann left this
mornlne for the valley and points 011
the coast. While gone they will visit
the old home of the doctor at zena
and will also stop with friends and
relatives In Salem and Portianu
spending several weeks before re
turning to meir nome in mis iuy.
Sale of Lots.
W. J. Furnish and Jeejf.e Furnish,
.m hsvfl anlil In f! C Hen
'dricks for $3,000, lots 10 .and 11 lu
Bargains and Big Ones
will be the power that will clear our overcrowded shelves
of new, seasonable up-to-date merchandise.
To be In position to show only the very newest styles of goods each
season, prices will be cut so severely that our present stock will not re
main long in our store. The early buyer will fare best as there will be
no replenishing of lines as they are sold out.
Read oaref ully each item here
Wash Goods
Imported French Dimities, white
grounds, printed Hornl and figured de
signs. Also a largo assortment of black
and white combinations,
t Regular price 30c, reduced 17,
500 Yards
Scotch Madras in black and white,
blue and white, pink and white, in
fancy stripes.
TIRegular price 50c, reduced 28C
800 Yards
Mercerized Oxfords, 28 inches wide,
suitable for shirt waist suits. In pink
blue, white and black and Nile green.
IfRegular price 50c, reduced
White Goods
300 yards Mercerized Marsailles, in
large and small stripes.
Regular price 10c, reduced
French Grenadines
Black and yollow, whito and blue,
lavender and whito, in silk stripes.
HRegular price 75c, reduced JKe
1900 Yards
Lawns and Dimities in all now colors,
stripes, figures and llowered patterns.
URogular price 20o, reduced
300 Yards
Linen Etamines in light blue, dark
bluo, pink, cream, tan and black, suit
able for shirt waist suits.
II Regular price 75o, veducod
Summer Shoes
Ladies Tan Oxfords that woro $2.50
reducod to $1,48
Misses Tan shoes, lace and button that
woro $2.00, reduced to $1.19
Children's Tnn shoos, woar bettor than
black and aro cooler. Shoos that
wore $ 1 .50, reduced to 95c it 98c
Returned From Albany.
nlphnnl Mnvherrv. the stenographer
at tho Savings Bank, returned from
his vacation this morning. Mr. May
i,na hpon for tlm last week or
two 111 various valley cities, but spent
most ot his tlmo In tlio limo city 01
Albany, where ho Iibb frlouds who
mado the tlmo pnss pleasantly ior
TTittiltnml Mn .nn ndhln to his wife)
If you car't think of some more anec
dotes of our children's smartness lot's
go home right away, ror iney ro gei-
Mnir rendv tn tell 118 tilings about
their own. Baltimore American,
Best frhoo work at Teutsch's.
3 1 a 3
J o CO
d 5
Letter Writing
Will be found a pleasure it you
use our stationary; it is the most
up-to date line in the city. In all
the popular shades and shapes,
from 15o to 75c,
You get a nice large bunch of
paper with envelopes tc match,
and our price is from 5c to 15c
less that others will charge for the
same quality.
You can save all your
Postage Money fay
buying stationary of us
Hottest place ia town for fireworks
Boston Store
Custom Maris ho
I $2.50 to $4.00. , f
Best Dollar
in town
Judd Illock, Court di;mIb (.
ron sAT.rc at tick hast qkegonan
ofllr,, liw buodlia ,of nerpr, CM)
UlBlncWj. 100, WW Hrf
i.lrol trim O Alnll ktt 1141
Any Time
Is a Good Time
Now It the accepted time to
have your house painted or pa
pered. A little painting hers and
there will help Iti looks wonder
fully. Some nice, bright, new
wall paper will lend a freshness
to any room. Our stock of wall
piper was never more complete
patterns in endless variety and
every one new and up-to-date In
color design. Better come In and
let us show them to you and ttll
you what It will cost for your
whole house or one room.
E. J. Murphy.
Ill Court Streot.
Insurance in force $13,466,940.61
M. H, RI0E, Preewater
Antfor UuutltU County. J
J.f, Walker, L'ltr Ainut lor rendition
That we give special attention 101
orders for fancy. ICE CREAMJ
and CANDIES. . , r4
BU.(U IVI mf VIHif m vummivi
1 fi
10 reuuwwu,