East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 24, 1903, Image 5

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It pays to trade at The Peoples Warehouse
Writ Wafistfe
Sole the following prices
$3 50 Waists, at $2.50
3-00 , :2.25
2-76 , 2.J5
2 50 1.90
2.25 j.75
2 00 1.48
1-75 J.35
1-50 i,t5
1-25 95
1.00 , 75
75 50
.50 25
Comer of Main and Alta
City Brevities
you can see It.
Always In Bight.
CtoiM meats at Houser's.
Smokers' supplies at Ncumnu's.
See Sharp's artistic wall paper.
Dining tables $5 anil up. Rader's.
Get your spring suits at Joerger's.
Store for rent, inquire o Chris
Best building lots In ronmelon.
Have your shoes repaired at
Teutscb s.
Hass cigar store, headquarters for
motes' supplies.
inst received a' new lino o Jap
ttrcet hats, at Campbell's.
fnrtv illfferent styles of extension
tables "from $5 to $30. leader's.
pi Sldelo." the best dear made, at
Rees cigar store. Court street.
in i-imlc n! Im uni t nil nml domestic
lunches and clam chowder at Gratz's.
Rin't lnl flfMll-a L'Pt thfi llORt Of
jou-get the best of cigars. Han-Ion's.
Vnr TTont Quito nf vnnrns. tllpelv
furnished, one block and a half west
of Main street. Inquire 208 Alta.
Houser always furnlBhes good
meat. Send In your order. Market
Alta street, opposite Savings Bank.
Trading In "puts" and "calls" un
der our system Is very profltr tie. We
tandle grain and stock accounts on
a margin of as low as ?20 dur book
en "put" and "call" trading sent free
on application. References, Brad
street. Dooge & Co., members of
Chamber of Commerce, 37 Corn Ex
:bange Minneapolis.
Save your Eyes
From the glaring hot sun and I
blinding alkali dust. I
You' II never have but one pair'
oi eyes that's sure so you had
better he careful with them.
' We have all kinds of goggles
that k'ep out dust, and rest the
eyes for from roc to 75c.
' Smoked glasses several shades j
just the thing to shield your)
eyes, from 25c to Si. 00.
Never out of sight.
It's before your eyes.
Castle's for fresh fish.
$50 given away. See page i.
Try The Delta's Iced drinks.
See Sharp for paper hanging.
Delicious Ice cream. The Delta,
lroners wanted at the Domestic
For Heut Three-room house on
Main street.
Nice furnished rooms to rent at
309 Court street.
For Sale Cattle, horses and sheep.
Wnde, Bryson & Wade.
Try the Palm, 221 Court street,
for nuts, candles and fruits.
U C Itadcr about that $50 worth of
furniture he Is giving away.
Received dally, fresh tamales,
crabs and crawfish at Gratz's.
Best stock ranches In Camas Pra
irie, 1C0 to 1,000 acres. Wade.
Wanted .Middle-aged woman for
housework. Apply at this office.
See page 4 about the $50 worth of
furniture Rader Is giving away.
One business opening Mild yester
dny; two loft on Main street. Wade.
Blacksmith shop In Pendleton for
sale. See Earnhurt, Association
New assortment sea shells, hand
and stand mirrors, tine stationery.
Chase & Sanborn's delicious cof
fees, always fresh at C. Rohrman's,
Couit street.
Woman wanted to do general house
work; pay good wages If competent.
Call E. O. office.
Work on the Underwood typewriter
stands up before you all the time.
John S. Kw, agent.
For Rent Two cottages, good lo
cation, suitable for small family. in
quire nt 100 Bluff street.
De I.ano Beach affords the only
comfortable sea bathing on Puget
Sound. Write Hotel I)e l.ano, Lake
Bay. Wasn.
The Pendleton, Uklah and Ionian
Springs telophono line, paying $1,000
per annum net, for sale. A bargain II
taken at once. J. B. Despain.
Next Saturday night Graf, gives
another grand opening. Full orches
tra, elegant free lunch and Rainier
beer. Twenty per cent of tho receipts
lor benefit of the labor unions.
Lot In Reservation Addition Sold.
Ida M. Kudlcotl and John W. Endl
colt, wife and husband, have sold to
Gtistare l.a Fontaine for $2,150, lots
G and 7 in block 20. In the reservation
addition to Pendleton.
Marriage License Issued.
A marriage license won Issued yes
terday utternoon to James 1.. I'arker
and .Mary S. White, both residents ot
1 Umatilla county.
Annual Sermon by Rev. Splght, of On
tario Committees Appointed
Many Delegates and Visitors- Take'
Part In the Program.
The Baptist Association opened
Tuesday evening, Juno 23, by song
service and devotional exercises, lead
by Rev. K. W. King, of Pendleton,
after which Rev. Splght, ot Ontario,
preached the annual sermon, which
was an excellent exposition ot the
love and duty of the Christians.
This morning at !) o'clock tho asso
ciation was opened with devotional
exercises and exposition and prayer
on Phil. 1:1-6, led by Row C. R. l.a
mar, of Weston.
Then followed the business of tho
morning session. After reading the
letter from each church addition, In
formation was given by some of the
delegates. Following these remarks,
prayer was offered for the continu
ance of God's blessing upon tho work
of the church.
Rev. G. W. Black's tnlk on the sub
ject, "An Efficient Association," was
a fine oratorical effort and gave mucn
encouragement for tho winning of
souls. He said, "It we nro to achieve
anything we must have enthusiasm.
If we are to bo efficient, wo must
have courage. We need a higher typo
of Christianity."
The following committees were ap
pointed: On enrollment, G. W. Black,
M. O. Perry, C. R. I.amar; auditing,
R. P. Burke. W. Plnkerton. J. W.
Daly; foreign mission, A. W. Rider,
Mrs. M. O. Perry, Mrs. Barrett; state
convention, U W. Riley, G. W. Black,
Mrs. Mary Krebhs; education, W. H.
f.atoiirette, Mayme Morgan, Mrs. J.
R. Carllle; Sunday school, M. O. Per
ry, .Mrs. S. C. Gelss, Hattle Oliver:
temperance, J. A. Howard. Nettie
Canady. Mrs. Thomas Chandler;
home mission. T. G. Ellis, Mr. Carlton,
Mrs. Charles Betts; place and preach
er, C. R. Lamar, Thomas Splght, Jos
eph Scott; obituary. J. W. Oliver, S.
J. Driskell, Mrs. John Chandler.
Athena W. Plnkerton, Mrs. M. J.
Bagley, Mrs. Jennie Barrett.
Adams Mrs. L. C. Gelss, Mrs. J.
K. Johnson, Mary Darr, Art Watrus,
J. Logan Porringer.
Bums Rev. G. W. Black, Ella R.
Baker City Rev. George T. Ellis,
J. W. Daly, M. O. Perry, Mrs. M. O.
Perry, Mrs. J. W. Daly. Mayme Mor
gan, Hannah Shaw, Raymond Buker,
Nettle Cauaday, Mrs. Anna Hayes,
Luther Mahan and wife, Joseph Hung
ford. Helix Mrs. Chanes Betts, Rev.
Pendleton Rev. R. W. King, Mrs.
R. W. King. U E. Penlnnd. Mrs. Thns.
Chandler, J. Chandler, Mrs. Kreblis,
Ethel Fraker.
La Grande Rev. J, W. Oliver, Rev.
U. G. Sllke, Miss Hattle Oliver, Mrs.
Ontario Rev. Thomas Splght, T. J.
Johnson, Mrs. J. S, Jones.
Weston Rev. C. R. Lamar, Mrs.
S. J. Driskell. .Mrs. Crague, .Mrs. J. R.
Visitors to the Association.
Rev. W. H. Latourette, or McMlnn
ville Baptist College; Rev. E. I).
Sims and wife, district missionary;
Rev. Leonard W. Riley, secretary of
Baptist state convention; Rev. A. W.
Rider, secretary of Baptist foreign
Bargains and Big Ones
wilt be the power that will clear oar overcrowded shelves
of new, seasonable up-to-date merchandise.
To be in position to show only the very newest styles of goods each
season, prices will be cut so severely that our present stock will not re
main long in our store. The early buyer will fare best as there will be
no replenishing of lines as they are sold out.
Read carefully eaoh item here
Wash Goods
Imported French Dimities, white
grounds, printed lloral and figured de
signs. Also a large assortment ofhlaek
and white combinations.
IfRegular price 30o, reduced
500 Yards
Scotch Madras in hlack and white,
blue and white, pink and white, in
fancy stripes.
If Regular price 50c, reduced
800 Yards
Mercerized Oxfords. 28 inches wi 'e,
suitable for shirt waist suits. In pink
blue, white and black and Nile green.
IfRegular price 60c, reduced 32C
White Goods
300 yards Mercerized Marsailles, in
large and small stripes.
II R gular price 10c, reduced gl
French Grenadines
Black and yellow, white and blue,
lavender and wlnto, in silk stripes.
II Regular price 75o, reduced
1900 Yards
Lawns and Dimities in all now colors,
stripes, figures and (lowered patterns.
M Regular prico 20o, reduced 9V
300 Yards
Linen Etaminos ia light blue, dark
blue, pink, cream, tan and black, suit
able for shirt waist suits.
II Regular prico 75u, reduced
Summer Shoes
Ladies Tan Oxfords that wcro $2.50
reduced to $1.48
Mieses Tan shoos, lace and button that
wore 2.00, reduced to $1.19
Children's Tan shoot', wear hotter than
black and are cooler. Shoos that
woro $1.50, reduced to 95c iv: 98c
. . m A m m m m a m m a M a m . i a a
New Map of the World.
The pas-engcr department of the
Chicago & Northwestern Railway has
Issued 11 new map of the world on
what is known as the equivalent pro
jectionpractically n globe In mop
form. On tho equivalent projections j
all areas appear in men- true piopur
tlon avoiding tho appearance of ex
treme condensation In high altitudes,
which obtains in other maps, 'I ho
nlan has been Indorsed by the lead
ing maji makers of Europe, and used
by the United Stntes government In
lecent publications. Thh new map of
the world is of the kind that usually
sells nt retail for $2.50. II will brt
. -.1.1 ... ..... mlilrnou
heill pUHlUge JUUmill 11' 1IIM auuinoo
on letelpt of 25 emits. It Is seldom
the opportunity 1 sarTorded by which
a miip or this .-har-df-r hid be pur
haf.nl at anything llko the prico
named. Address with postage en
closed, to W. B. Knlskern. passenger
traffic manager, Chicago. Illinois.
Use the Combined Harvester.
1 will sell one good as new and
guaranteed to do the work, for less
than one-half the original cost; also
choice of two good hent.oiH, ready for
the field, with four new header beds.
Will take cutting In payment. Also
an A-No. 1 steam threshing outfit
complete, consisting of a new 20
horse-power Russell englno and 33
Inch separator with blower. Every
thing ready for the season In good
shape, at a very low HgVo. For par
ticulars, enquire of C. A. Hungnto.
202 Second street, Walla Walla.
Poison Fly Paper
A fresh shipment of that powerful "Sire Death" fly
Paper. This is the paper that was so satisfactory to
fveryone last season.
Just a reminder to get some now, as you probahly
bought some last year and if you did we know you
will want some this year.
5c package
of ten sheets
5 Htejm from Main Street towimt the Court IIouho
To Teachers' Meeting.
Miss Nellie Stevens, of t.ie Weston
Normal, accompanied by Miss Mae
Stevens, her slBter, of I .a Grande,
passed through this morning for the
teachers' meeting, now being held at
Returned From 8chool.
Miss Ada Brown, who has been at
tending school at Eugene, has re
turned home to spend tho vacation.
Dalles Indians Visiting.
A party of Dalles Indians arrived
last night on the eastbound train and
will visit their friends nmong the
(Tmatlllas for a couple of weeks.
"Mamma." said Bennle, as thero
camo a brief pause in the conversa
tion on the part of the callers, "Isn't
It time for you to ask me what 1
learned at the kindergarten today?
If you don't do It pretty soon I'll for
get what you told me to say." Chi
cago Tribune.
g o
Boston Store
Letter Writing
Will be found a pleasure if you
use our stationary; it is the most
up-to date line in the city, fn all
the popular shades and shapes,
from 15o to 75c.
Yon get a nice large bunch of
paper with envelopes tc match,
and our price is from 5c to 15c
less that others will charge for the
same quality.
You can save all your
Postage Money by
buying stationary of us
Hottest place in town for fireworks
Custom Made Shoos
$2.50 to $4.00
Best Dollar
in town
Judil lllocV, Cuurl D'l.Alila HI.
1 oit h.u.i: at Tin; uaht oiiixionian
office, UritD bundlea of nawipsptra. con-
iniuiHK lifrr jw wig vblvi imu vv ww
isiliru Ivr mO iiuib a vuuuiv,
Any Time
Is a Good Time
Now Is the accepted time to
have your house painted or pa.
pered. A little painting, here and
. 1. . P. ...Ill t MAL. Ul.Hll.fc
tuny, some nice, bright, mm
wall paper will lend a freshness
to any room. Our stock of wall
paper was never more complete
patterns In endless variety ansl
every one new and up-to-date In
color design. Better come In ane)
let us show them to you and tall
you what It will cost for your
whole house or one room.
E. J. Murphy.
Ill Court Street.
bargains in
Real Estate
1 1 tit
lit-! irntmu trv ir KnitnhOA
an1 futxt ProriAriv tn tiall
limn flvf r nmnrH ihii h iiiv
II1L III 11LI1U 111 LI1U UU1U11I
N. Berkeley
I..., ma ciiifh ctw.nai niipnnnn I
and CANUIl'.b,